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Well Details

Well ID: 37-063-36577
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First Permit Date: 2009-06-30
Last Permit Date: 2009-06-30
Spud Date: 2010-04-07
Unconventional: No
Horizontal: No
Violations: 5
Latitude: 40.840736
Longitude: -79.11379

Production Data

2012-0 73679.0 365.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2011-0 75738.0 365.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2010-0 9877.0 110.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Waste Data


Inspection Data

1882149 2010-04-15 No Violations Noted drilling/E&S ok/ID&pit ok
1885927 2010-05-11 Violation(s) Noted Inspection conducted with oil & gas inspector Rick Hoover.

Site ID sign in place. Revised E&S plan on site. Well is not equipped for production (shut in on master gate). Access road stable, with no signs of accelerated erosion. Inspection revealed the following deficiencies:

 1)  Failure to properly line pit. - Portions of the pit liner had collapsed into the pit.  In one corner of the pit the liner was below the fluid level.  In another corner of the pit the liner was tore up, which also extended below the fluid level.
 2)  Failure to maintain 2' of freeboard in an impoundment. - Due to the above pit liner violation 2' of freeboard was not maintained in the impoundment.  With the torn and collapsed liner the impoundment had no freeboard in place. 

3) Discharge of industrial waste to the ground. A substantial amount of what appeared to be gel and drill cuttings were found discharged to the ground. Also had a discharge in the form of drilling fluids from the impoundment due to above conditions. 4) Improper landfarming of waste.

1885927 2010-05-11 Violation(s) Noted Inspection conducted with oil & gas inspector Rick Hoover.

Site ID sign in place. Revised E&S plan on site. Well is not equipped for production (shut in on master gate). Access road stable, with no signs of accelerated erosion. Inspection revealed the following deficiencies:

 1)  Failure to properly line pit. - Portions of the pit liner had collapsed into the pit.  In one corner of the pit the liner was below the fluid level.  In another corner of the pit the liner was tore up, which also extended below the fluid level.
 2)  Failure to maintain 2' of freeboard in an impoundment. - Due to the above pit liner violation 2' of freeboard was not maintained in the impoundment.  With the torn and collapsed liner the impoundment had no freeboard in place. 

3) Discharge of industrial waste to the ground. A substantial amount of what appeared to be gel and drill cuttings were found discharged to the ground. Also had a discharge in the form of drilling fluids from the impoundment due to above conditions. 4) Improper landfarming of waste.

1885927 2010-05-11 Violation(s) Noted Inspection conducted with oil & gas inspector Rick Hoover.

Site ID sign in place. Revised E&S plan on site. Well is not equipped for production (shut in on master gate). Access road stable, with no signs of accelerated erosion. Inspection revealed the following deficiencies:

 1)  Failure to properly line pit. - Portions of the pit liner had collapsed into the pit.  In one corner of the pit the liner was below the fluid level.  In another corner of the pit the liner was tore up, which also extended below the fluid level.
 2)  Failure to maintain 2' of freeboard in an impoundment. - Due to the above pit liner violation 2' of freeboard was not maintained in the impoundment.  With the torn and collapsed liner the impoundment had no freeboard in place. 

3) Discharge of industrial waste to the ground. A substantial amount of what appeared to be gel and drill cuttings were found discharged to the ground. Also had a discharge in the form of drilling fluids from the impoundment due to above conditions. 4) Improper landfarming of waste.

1885927 2010-05-11 Violation(s) Noted Inspection conducted with oil & gas inspector Rick Hoover.

Site ID sign in place. Revised E&S plan on site. Well is not equipped for production (shut in on master gate). Access road stable, with no signs of accelerated erosion. Inspection revealed the following deficiencies:

 1)  Failure to properly line pit. - Portions of the pit liner had collapsed into the pit.  In one corner of the pit the liner was below the fluid level.  In another corner of the pit the liner was tore up, which also extended below the fluid level.
 2)  Failure to maintain 2' of freeboard in an impoundment. - Due to the above pit liner violation 2' of freeboard was not maintained in the impoundment.  With the torn and collapsed liner the impoundment had no freeboard in place. 

3) Discharge of industrial waste to the ground. A substantial amount of what appeared to be gel and drill cuttings were found discharged to the ground. Also had a discharge in the form of drilling fluids from the impoundment due to above conditions. 4) Improper landfarming of waste.

1885927 2010-05-11 Violation(s) Noted Inspection conducted with oil & gas inspector Rick Hoover.

Site ID sign in place. Revised E&S plan on site. Well is not equipped for production (shut in on master gate). Access road stable, with no signs of accelerated erosion. Inspection revealed the following deficiencies:

 1)  Failure to properly line pit. - Portions of the pit liner had collapsed into the pit.  In one corner of the pit the liner was below the fluid level.  In another corner of the pit the liner was tore up, which also extended below the fluid level.
 2)  Failure to maintain 2' of freeboard in an impoundment. - Due to the above pit liner violation 2' of freeboard was not maintained in the impoundment.  With the torn and collapsed liner the impoundment had no freeboard in place. 

3) Discharge of industrial waste to the ground. A substantial amount of what appeared to be gel and drill cuttings were found discharged to the ground. Also had a discharge in the form of drilling fluids from the impoundment due to above conditions. 4) Improper landfarming of waste.

1885927 2010-05-11 Violation(s) Noted Inspection conducted with oil & gas inspector Rick Hoover.

Site ID sign in place. Revised E&S plan on site. Well is not equipped for production (shut in on master gate). Access road stable, with no signs of accelerated erosion. Inspection revealed the following deficiencies:

 1)  Failure to properly line pit. - Portions of the pit liner had collapsed into the pit.  In one corner of the pit the liner was below the fluid level.  In another corner of the pit the liner was tore up, which also extended below the fluid level.
 2)  Failure to maintain 2' of freeboard in an impoundment. - Due to the above pit liner violation 2' of freeboard was not maintained in the impoundment.  With the torn and collapsed liner the impoundment had no freeboard in place. 

3) Discharge of industrial waste to the ground. A substantial amount of what appeared to be gel and drill cuttings were found discharged to the ground. Also had a discharge in the form of drilling fluids from the impoundment due to above conditions. 4) Improper landfarming of waste.

1885927 2010-05-11 Violation(s) Noted Inspection conducted with oil & gas inspector Rick Hoover.

Site ID sign in place. Revised E&S plan on site. Well is not equipped for production (shut in on master gate). Access road stable, with no signs of accelerated erosion. Inspection revealed the following deficiencies:

 1)  Failure to properly line pit. - Portions of the pit liner had collapsed into the pit.  In one corner of the pit the liner was below the fluid level.  In another corner of the pit the liner was tore up, which also extended below the fluid level.
 2)  Failure to maintain 2' of freeboard in an impoundment. - Due to the above pit liner violation 2' of freeboard was not maintained in the impoundment.  With the torn and collapsed liner the impoundment had no freeboard in place. 

3) Discharge of industrial waste to the ground. A substantial amount of what appeared to be gel and drill cuttings were found discharged to the ground. Also had a discharge in the form of drilling fluids from the impoundment due to above conditions. 4) Improper landfarming of waste.

1885927 2010-05-11 Violation(s) Noted Inspection conducted with oil & gas inspector Rick Hoover.

Site ID sign in place. Revised E&S plan on site. Well is not equipped for production (shut in on master gate). Access road stable, with no signs of accelerated erosion. Inspection revealed the following deficiencies:

 1)  Failure to properly line pit. - Portions of the pit liner had collapsed into the pit.  In one corner of the pit the liner was below the fluid level.  In another corner of the pit the liner was tore up, which also extended below the fluid level.
 2)  Failure to maintain 2' of freeboard in an impoundment. - Due to the above pit liner violation 2' of freeboard was not maintained in the impoundment.  With the torn and collapsed liner the impoundment had no freeboard in place. 

3) Discharge of industrial waste to the ground. A substantial amount of what appeared to be gel and drill cuttings were found discharged to the ground. Also had a discharge in the form of drilling fluids from the impoundment due to above conditions. 4) Improper landfarming of waste.

1891358 2010-06-03 Violation(s) Noted Site ID sign in place. Revised E&S plan on site. Well is not equipped for production (well head only).

Access road stable, with no signs of accelerated erosion. Pits have been backfilled. Inspection revealed the following deficiencies:

 1)  Improper landfarming of waste. - Drill cuttings and other drilling waste was combined and mixed with topsoil then stock-piled on the 
      surface on the eastern portion of the site and extending into an adjacent field.  Cuttings and other wastes which was light gray in color 
      was visible throughout the stock-piled soil.  Waste was not spread and incorporated into the top layer of the soil to a depth of at least 6 
      inches in accordance with regulations.
1891358 2010-06-03 Violation(s) Noted Site ID sign in place. Revised E&S plan on site. Well is not equipped for production (well head only).

Access road stable, with no signs of accelerated erosion. Pits have been backfilled. Inspection revealed the following deficiencies:

 1)  Improper landfarming of waste. - Drill cuttings and other drilling waste was combined and mixed with topsoil then stock-piled on the 
      surface on the eastern portion of the site and extending into an adjacent field.  Cuttings and other wastes which was light gray in color 
      was visible throughout the stock-piled soil.  Waste was not spread and incorporated into the top layer of the soil to a depth of at least 6 
      inches in accordance with regulations.
1897841 2010-07-07 Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd Inspection conducted with oil & gas inspector Rick Hoover.

Site ID sign in place. Well is not equipped for production. Access road stable. Additional pit constructed on site appeared sound, and had adequate freeboard. The following violation remains outstanding:

 1)  Improper landfarming of waste. - Drill cuttings and other drilling waste was combined and mixed with topsoil then stock-piled on the 
      surface.  Mixture of cuttings/waste and soil remains on the eastern portion of the site and extends into an adjacent field.  Cuttings and 
      other wastes which was light gray in color was visible throughout the stock-piled soil.  Waste was not spread and incorporated into the 
      top layer of the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches in accordance with regulations.  Violations were issued on 5/18/10 and 6/10/10 pertaining to the above.  Response was requested by 6/21/10.  Operator has not responded or returned phone calls in relation to these violations.  Site must be immediately brought into compliance and a response submitted.
1912788 2010-09-02 No Violations Noted Site ID sign in place. Well tag in place. E&S plan on site. Access road was stable. Entrance stabilized with rock.

Violations were issued on 5/18/10 for:1) improperly lined pit, 2) failure to maintain 2' of freeboard, 3) discharge of industrial waste to the ground, 4) improper land application of waste, and also on 6/10/10 for 1) improper land application of waste. Compliance evaluation inspection revealed the following: All pits have been backfilled. Site has been backfilled to original contours. Site and disturbed areas along access road have been seeded/mulched, with emerging vegetation already present. No signs of accelerated erosion on site or access road. Drill cuttings have been land applied, and are no longer stock-piled on the site. Site should be closely monitored to ensure a minimum of 70% vegetative cover and final stabilization is achieved. Pit liners adjacent to the site should be properly disposed of. No additional violations found. Site is in compliance.
