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(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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== Well Details ==
== Well Details ==
{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
| Well ID: 34-031-20770
| Well ID: 34-031-20770
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="15" | {{#display_map: 40.23627143, -82.1274809 | width=100% | height=100% }}  
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="17" | {{#display_map: 40.23, -82.12 | width=100% | height=100% }}
| County: [[Coshocton County, Ohio|Coshocton]]
| Country: United States
| Municipality:  
| State: Ohio
| Operator Name: [[NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP]]
| County: [[Coshocton_County,_Ohio|Coshocton]]
| Municipality: [[Pike_Township,_Coshocton_County,_Ohio|Pike Township]]
| Operator Name: [[RDB DRILLING LLC]]
| Well Pad ID:  
| Well Pad ID:  
| Farm/Lease Name:  
| Farm/Lease Name: MIZER HOWARD
| First Permit Date:  
| License Status: Producing
| Last Permit Date:  
| License Date: 1983-03-30
| Spud Date: 1983-06-02
| Spud Date: 1983-06-02
| Unconventional:  
| Spud Drilling Contractor: [[CO TOOLS]]
| Final Drill Date: 1955-09-17
| Well Total Depth: 3295.00 ft
| Configuration: Vertical
| Latitude: 40.230000
| Longitude: -82.120000
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Well, tblLocational, tblPlugWell, tblInspection, tblCivilTownships and tblPad Tables
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
== Well History ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Well Status
!scope="col" style="width: 15%;text-align: center"| Well Status Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Comment
| Original Spud
| 1955-07-26
| RE-OPEN 5-19-83
| Completed
| 1955-09-17
| RE-OPEN 5-19-83
| Reached Total Depth
| 1955-09-17
| RE-OPEN 5-19-83
| Plugged/Abandoned
| 1964-08-28
| RE-OPEN 5-19-83
| CO
| 1983-03-30
| 227  R & B DRILLING INC  GeoDate  3/30/83
| Oil and Gas
| 1983-03-30
| Issued Date 3/30/83 Expired Date 9/26/83 Acres 0326000 Tool Type CT Proposed Formation CLINTON Proposed Depth 00000 Proposed Drill Depth 00000
| Construction Permit Expires
| 1983-09-26
| RE-OPEN 5-19-83
| CO
| 1991-09-16
| 2802  BUCY ROBERT  GeoDate  3/30/83
| CO
| 1994-01-28
| 2004  GREEN MEADOW OIL CO  GeoDate  3/30/83
| Configuration:
| Change of Owner
| 1999-04-24
| Operator changed from 2004, GREEN MEADOW OIL CO to 511, SMITH H I OIL & GAS
| Well Status: Producing
| Change of Owner
| 2006-03-20
| Operator changed from 511, SMITH H I OIL & GAS to 7027, UNITY PETROLEUM
| Violations: 0
| Change of Owner
| 2006-06-20
| Operator changed from 7027, UNITY PETROLEUM to 1171, EQUITY OIL & GAS FUNDS IN
| Latitude: 40.23627143
| Change of Owner
| 2009-10-29
| Operator changed from 1171, EQUITY OIL & GAS FUNDS IN to 1634, NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP
| Longitude: -82.1274809
| Record Last Modified
| 2014-01-08
| RE-OPEN 5-19-83
== Production Data ==
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Well and WellHistry Tables
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date = 2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
== Perforation Treatments ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" | PERIOD
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Perforation Date
!scope="col" | GAS QUANTITY
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Interval Top (ft)
!scope="col" | GAS PRODUCTION DAYS
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Interval Base (ft)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Number of Shots
!scope="col" | OIL QUANTITY
| 2006-09-11
!scope="col" | OIL PRODUCTION DAYS
| style="text-align: right;" | 3235
| style="text-align: right;" | 3285
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| 1994-0
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| style="text-align: right;" | 3235
| style="text-align: right;" | 3285
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 3235
| style="text-align:right;" | 229.0
| style="text-align: right;" | 3285
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Perfs Table
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
<!--== Fracking Activities ==
==== Fracking Jobs ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Number
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Start Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job End Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| True Vertical Depth (ft)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Total Water Volume (gal)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Total Non-Water Volume (gal)
<!--==== Fluid Composition Data ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 100%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Number
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Trade Name
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Supplier
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Purpose
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Ingredient Name
!scope="col" style="white-space: nowrap;text-align: center"| CAS Number
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Additive Percentage by Mass
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Percentage by Mass
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Mass Used (lb)
<!--== Stimulations Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Stimulation Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Chemical Agent
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Chemical Agent Concentration (%)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Fracking Fluid Volume
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Mass of Proppant Used (lb)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Fracking Company
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Comments
== Production Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Period
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Operator Name
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Gas Quantity (mcf)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Oil Quantity (bbl)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Production Days
| 1994
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 229.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1995
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 162.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1996
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 140.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1997
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 142.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1998
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 61.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1999
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 44.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 105
| 2000
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 128.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2001
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 56.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2002
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 128.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2003
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 96.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2004
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 76.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2005
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 69.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2006
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 64.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2008
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| 2010
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 64.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2011
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 100.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| 2012
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 50.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 366
| 2013
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 56.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2014
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 98.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2015
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 97.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2016
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 60.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2017
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 102.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2018
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 97.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Production Table - Oil and Gas Data
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web
| title = Combined Production - Oil and Gas Data
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date = 2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
== Waste Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Period
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Operator Name
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Waste Type
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Quantity (bbl)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Production Days
| 1994
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1995
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 50
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1996
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 40
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1997
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1998
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 75
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1999
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2000
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1995-0
| 2001
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| style="text-align:right;" | 162.0
| 2002
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 80
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1996-0
| 2003
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| style="text-align:right;" | 140.0
| 2004
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1997-0
| 2005
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| style="text-align:right;" | 142.0
| 2006
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1998-0
| 2008
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align:right;" | 61.0
| 2010
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 24
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 1999-0
| 2011
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 30
| style="text-align: right;" |  
| style="text-align:right;" | 67.0
| 2012
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 366
| 2000-0
| 2013
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 7
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| style="text-align:right;" | 128.0
| 2014
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 29
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2001-0
| 2015
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| style="text-align:right;" | 56.0
| 2016
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 45
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2002-0
| 2017
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 14
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| style="text-align:right;" | 128.0
| 2018
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 20
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2003-0
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Production Table - Brine Data
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2020-11-16
| style="text-align:right;" | 96.0
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web
| title = Combined Production - Brine Data
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date = 2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
== Inspection Data ==
==== Inspections Performed ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Type
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Result
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Comments
| -1294061012
| 2016-7-5 0:00:0
| PW
| No Violations
| 1.00
| 2004-0
| -391522365
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2016-7-12 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| 0.50
| style="text-align:right;" | 76.0
| -623471369
| 2016-6-20 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| 1.50
| 2005-0
| 0391522365
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2016-07-12
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| On the day of my inspection I found that the stream was running clear and full of tadpoles. I found that the source of the discoloration at one point in the stream was iron deposits seeping from the stream bank. There were still some areas of oil stained soil inside and outside of the dike. There was no standing oil or fluid inside of the dike. The oil soaked peat moss had not been removed from the side of the road. I called and left a message with Mike Corp to remove the peat.
| style="text-align:right;" | 69.0
| 0396760052
| 2016-08-02
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| On the day of my inspection I found that the oil stained soil inside of the dike had been treated with granulated lime. The treated area along the side of CR 383 was still darkly stained and there was still a heavy petroleum odor present. I was contacted by Trish Cartmell of the DOGRM Emergency Response section in regards to the clean-up. We scheduled a meeting at the site on August 4. I called Mike Corp and left a message to invite him to meet with us at the tank battery at 09:00 to go over the clean-up.
| 2006-0
| 0623471369
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2016-06-20
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| On the day of my inspection I found that there was a Corp Oilfield Services crew on site excavating the contaminated soil from the tank battery. The dump truck driver said that they were taking the soil to the Athens-Hocking landfill. The entire stream course had been dug out from the culvert to the neighboring property and beyond the fence to the edge of the forest. There was still a few small residual pockets of oil in the upper portion of the stream near the culvert, and there was still a sheen present down to the fence. I found no oil pockets or sheen through the neighboring property.
| style="text-align:right;" | 64.0
| 0763905736
| 2016-07-13
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| On the day of my inspection I found that there was oil stained soil along the access road to the well. The well was being produced with a natural gas powered pumping unit. The engine was intact and the lines were connected. The polished rod showed signs of recent use. There were no leaks at the wellhead. This well shares a tank battery with permit 0822 and there was no identification posted at the wellhead or tank battery. I met Trisha Cartmell and Josh Schiering from the Emergency Response section at the site. They did not close the case on the clean-up. The areas of staining inside and outside of the dike still need to be treated in place with lime and fertilizer, and the oil soaked peat still needs to be removed from the side of the road. The stream clean-up was complete and satisfactory. I called Mike Corp, pumper for Northwood Energy to let him know what still needs to be done in order to complete the clean-up.
| 2008-0
| 0961349461
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2016-07-21
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| On the day of my inspection I found that Corp Oilfield Services had stirred up the areas of oil stained soil on the outer wall of the dike and treated them with granulated lime. The oil stained soil along the lease road had also been treated with granulated lime. Correct, legible identification had been posted at the tank battery and wellhead. The oil soaked peat along the side of the road had been mostly scraped up and the entire area was covered in granulated lime.
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 1294061012
| 2016-07-05
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| On the day of my inspection I found that the oil soaked soil had been removed from inside the tank battery dike, and from the area outside of the dike. There were still a few small spots that showed some staining, but they were minimal. There was still oil stained peat moss along the edge of the road. The stream was 90% clear. I found a couple small pockets of sludge that was hung up in vegetation and releasing a small amount of sheen into the water. The stream was teaming with aquatic life. I contacted Mike Corp, pumper for Northwood. I instructed Mike to use absorbent pads to remove the last of the oil in the stream and to remove the oily peat moss from the side of the road.
| 2010-0
| 1466027269
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2016-06-15
| Production Wells
| Violations Noted
| On the day of my inspection I found freshly disturbed soil on the entrance to the tank battery, the parking area and the lower side of the dike. There was a 10 to 12 foot area of dark oil stained soil on the lower outside of the dike wall, and multiple spots of light staining throughout the entrance and parking area below the dike. Most of the soil inside of the dike was heavily oil stained. One end had been excavated down 24 to 30 inches, and there was peat and absorbent material spread throughout the inside of the dike. I also found a 12 wide strip of oil staining and oil soaked peat down the shoulder of CR 383. The oil appears to have gotten into a culvert and traveled under CR 383 and out of another culvert into a small drainage stream at the base of a residential property. The oil was contained approximately 60 to 70 feet downstream with absorbent booms. There was still crude oil pooled behind the booms. A Corp Oilfield Services water truck showed up while I was conducting my inspection. The driver started vacuuming the remaining oil from the stream. I called Northwood pumper Mike Corp. He claimed that the incident occurred two to three weeks ago. He said that he reported it to Northwood. To my knowledge ODNR was never notified. Mike claimed that the heater tube gave out on one of the 100 barrel tanks and they lost an estimated 30 barrels of crude oil. He said that there was no brine in the tank. I called Bill Arnholt with Northwood Energy. He confirmed Mike Corps report and added that the incident took place at 01:00 on 5/26/2016. Bill admitted that he did not notify ODNR, OEPA or the Coshocton Co. LEPC when the incident was reported to him. I explained to Mr. Arnholt that it is Northwoods responsibility to notify the appropriate agencies of such an event. I also discussed the actions needed to complete the clean-up. The visible areas of oil stained soil around the tank battery must be removed and the general area neutralized with lime and fertilizer. The heav
| style="text-align:right;" | 64.0
| 1468934936
| 2016-07-19
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| On the day of my inspection I found that the oil stained spots in and outside of the dike had not been treated. The oily peat had not been removed from the side of the road. The identification had not been posted. I called Mike Corp. He said that he gave his pumper ID signs already and he claimed that they would be out this week to finish the clean-up.
| 2011-0
| 1548183094
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2016-08-04
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| On the day of my inspection I met with Emergency Response Coordinator Trish Cartmell at the site to go over the clean up. Mike Corp could not make it to the meeting. We walked the tank battery, the parking area, and the affected area along CR 383. Trish Cartmell suggested that Northwood still needs to take the following actions: All of the oil stained soil that had been treated with granulated lime must be churned to effectively mix the lime in; there shall be no further excavation of soil from the roadside, as to prevent compromising the integrity of the shoulder of the asphalt roadway; the actual road surface shall be washed and brushed in an attempt to reduce the oil staining.
| style="text-align:right;" | 100.0
| 1713206140
| 2016-08-09
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| On the day of my inspection I met at the tank battery with Emergency Response Regional Manager Trisha Cartmell, Coshocton Co. Engineers Fred Wachtel and Tony Jaqua, and Northwood pumper Mike Corp to discuss the staining along the shoulder of CR 383. The soil has been neutralized with granulated lime and peat moss. The engineers agreed that they did not want any further excavation along the shoulder of the road. They were satisfied with the current condition, and were not concerned with residual staining on the pavement. Based on the input of the county engineers Trisha agreed to close the case on the clean-up. Fred Wachtel did request that Mike Corp install a water break at the tank battery entrance in order to prevent any type of runoff from entering the roadway. This violation is resolved.
| 2012-0
| 396760052
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2016-8-2 0:00:0
| PW
| No Violations
| 1.00
| style="text-align:right;" | 50.0
| 763905736
| 2016-7-13 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| 1.00
| 2013-0
| 961349461
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2016-7-21 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| 1.00
| style="text-align:right;" | 56.0
==== Violations Commited ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation Code
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation Comments
| 2014-0
| 1466027269
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| US-OH-113462
| style="text-align:right;" | 365.0
| 2016-08-16
| style="text-align:right;" | 98.0
| Well operation causing pollution and contamination
| style="text-align:right;" | 365.0
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
  | title = Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS
  | title = Risk Based Data Management System - tblInspection, tblInspFail and tblinspFlDesc Tables
  | publisher = [http://oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/]
  |publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
  | date = 2015-06-19
  | date = 2020-11-16
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources#Production
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
  | accessdate = 2015-06-20 }}</ref>
  | accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
== References ==
[[Category:Ohio Wells]]

Latest revision as of 23:16, 11 January 2021

Well Details

Well ID: 34-031-20770
Loading map...
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Coshocton
Municipality: Pike Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: MIZER HOWARD
License Status: Producing
License Date: 1983-03-30
Spud Date: 1983-06-02
Spud Drilling Contractor: CO TOOLS
Final Drill Date: 1955-09-17
Well Total Depth: 3295.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.230000
Longitude: -82.120000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Original Spud 1955-07-26 RE-OPEN 5-19-83
Completed 1955-09-17 RE-OPEN 5-19-83
Reached Total Depth 1955-09-17 RE-OPEN 5-19-83
Plugged/Abandoned 1964-08-28 RE-OPEN 5-19-83
CO 1983-03-30 227 R & B DRILLING INC GeoDate 3/30/83
Oil and Gas 1983-03-30 Issued Date 3/30/83 Expired Date 9/26/83 Acres 0326000 Tool Type CT Proposed Formation CLINTON Proposed Depth 00000 Proposed Drill Depth 00000
Construction Permit Expires 1983-09-26 RE-OPEN 5-19-83
CO 1991-09-16 2802 BUCY ROBERT GeoDate 3/30/83
CO 1994-01-28 2004 GREEN MEADOW OIL CO GeoDate 3/30/83
Change of Owner 1999-04-24 Operator changed from 2004, GREEN MEADOW OIL CO to 511, SMITH H I OIL & GAS
Change of Owner 2006-03-20 Operator changed from 511, SMITH H I OIL & GAS to 7027, UNITY PETROLEUM
Change of Owner 2006-06-20 Operator changed from 7027, UNITY PETROLEUM to 1171, EQUITY OIL & GAS FUNDS IN
Change of Owner 2009-10-29 Operator changed from 1171, EQUITY OIL & GAS FUNDS IN to 1634, NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP
Record Last Modified 2014-01-08 RE-OPEN 5-19-83

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2006-09-11 3235 3285 0
3235 3285 0
3235 3285 0

For data sources see[3]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1994 MOSSHOLDER LINDA DBA 0.00 229.00 365
1995 MOSSHOLDER LINDA DBA 0.00 162.00 365
1996 MOSSHOLDER LINDA DBA 0.00 140.00 365
1997 MOSSHOLDER LINDA DBA 0.00 142.00 365
1998 MOSSHOLDER LINDA DBA 0.00 61.00 365
1999 MOSSHOLDER LINDA DBA 0.00 44.00 105
2000 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC 0.00 128.00 365
2001 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC 0.00 56.00 365
2002 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC 0.00 128.00 365
2003 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC 0.00 96.00 365
2004 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC 0.00 76.00 365
2005 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC 0.00 69.00 365
2006 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC 0.00 64.00 365
2008 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC 0.00 0.00 0
2010 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 0.00 64.00 365
2011 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 0.00 100.00 0
2012 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 0.00 50.00 366
2013 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 0.00 56.00 365
2014 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 0.00 98.00 365
2015 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 0.00 97.00 365
2016 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 0.00 60.00 365
2017 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 0.00 102.00 365
2018 NORTHWOOD ENERGY CORP 0.00 97.00 365

For data sources see[4] [5]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1995 MOSSHOLDER LINDA DBA Brine 50 365
1996 MOSSHOLDER LINDA DBA Brine 40 365
1998 MOSSHOLDER LINDA DBA Brine 75 365
1999 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC Brine 0 365
2000 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC Brine 0 365
2001 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC Brine 0 365
2002 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC Brine 80 365
2003 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC Brine 0 365
2004 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC Brine 0 365
2005 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC Brine 0 365
2006 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC Brine 0 365
2008 H I SMITH OIL & GAS INC Brine 0 0

For data sources see[6] [7]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1294061012 2016-7-5 0:00:0 PW No Violations 1.00
-391522365 2016-7-12 0:00: PW No Violations 0.50
-623471369 2016-6-20 0:00: PW No Violations 1.50
0391522365 2016-07-12 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that the stream was running clear and full of tadpoles. I found that the source of the discoloration at one point in the stream was iron deposits seeping from the stream bank. There were still some areas of oil stained soil inside and outside of the dike. There was no standing oil or fluid inside of the dike. The oil soaked peat moss had not been removed from the side of the road. I called and left a message with Mike Corp to remove the peat.
0396760052 2016-08-02 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that the oil stained soil inside of the dike had been treated with granulated lime. The treated area along the side of CR 383 was still darkly stained and there was still a heavy petroleum odor present. I was contacted by Trish Cartmell of the DOGRM Emergency Response section in regards to the clean-up. We scheduled a meeting at the site on August 4. I called Mike Corp and left a message to invite him to meet with us at the tank battery at 09:00 to go over the clean-up.
0623471369 2016-06-20 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that there was a Corp Oilfield Services crew on site excavating the contaminated soil from the tank battery. The dump truck driver said that they were taking the soil to the Athens-Hocking landfill. The entire stream course had been dug out from the culvert to the neighboring property and beyond the fence to the edge of the forest. There was still a few small residual pockets of oil in the upper portion of the stream near the culvert, and there was still a sheen present down to the fence. I found no oil pockets or sheen through the neighboring property.
0763905736 2016-07-13 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that there was oil stained soil along the access road to the well. The well was being produced with a natural gas powered pumping unit. The engine was intact and the lines were connected. The polished rod showed signs of recent use. There were no leaks at the wellhead. This well shares a tank battery with permit 0822 and there was no identification posted at the wellhead or tank battery. I met Trisha Cartmell and Josh Schiering from the Emergency Response section at the site. They did not close the case on the clean-up. The areas of staining inside and outside of the dike still need to be treated in place with lime and fertilizer, and the oil soaked peat still needs to be removed from the side of the road. The stream clean-up was complete and satisfactory. I called Mike Corp, pumper for Northwood Energy to let him know what still needs to be done in order to complete the clean-up.
0961349461 2016-07-21 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that Corp Oilfield Services had stirred up the areas of oil stained soil on the outer wall of the dike and treated them with granulated lime. The oil stained soil along the lease road had also been treated with granulated lime. Correct, legible identification had been posted at the tank battery and wellhead. The oil soaked peat along the side of the road had been mostly scraped up and the entire area was covered in granulated lime.
1294061012 2016-07-05 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that the oil soaked soil had been removed from inside the tank battery dike, and from the area outside of the dike. There were still a few small spots that showed some staining, but they were minimal. There was still oil stained peat moss along the edge of the road. The stream was 90% clear. I found a couple small pockets of sludge that was hung up in vegetation and releasing a small amount of sheen into the water. The stream was teaming with aquatic life. I contacted Mike Corp, pumper for Northwood. I instructed Mike to use absorbent pads to remove the last of the oil in the stream and to remove the oily peat moss from the side of the road.
1466027269 2016-06-15 Production Wells Violations Noted On the day of my inspection I found freshly disturbed soil on the entrance to the tank battery, the parking area and the lower side of the dike. There was a 10 to 12 foot area of dark oil stained soil on the lower outside of the dike wall, and multiple spots of light staining throughout the entrance and parking area below the dike. Most of the soil inside of the dike was heavily oil stained. One end had been excavated down 24 to 30 inches, and there was peat and absorbent material spread throughout the inside of the dike. I also found a 12 wide strip of oil staining and oil soaked peat down the shoulder of CR 383. The oil appears to have gotten into a culvert and traveled under CR 383 and out of another culvert into a small drainage stream at the base of a residential property. The oil was contained approximately 60 to 70 feet downstream with absorbent booms. There was still crude oil pooled behind the booms. A Corp Oilfield Services water truck showed up while I was conducting my inspection. The driver started vacuuming the remaining oil from the stream. I called Northwood pumper Mike Corp. He claimed that the incident occurred two to three weeks ago. He said that he reported it to Northwood. To my knowledge ODNR was never notified. Mike claimed that the heater tube gave out on one of the 100 barrel tanks and they lost an estimated 30 barrels of crude oil. He said that there was no brine in the tank. I called Bill Arnholt with Northwood Energy. He confirmed Mike Corps report and added that the incident took place at 01:00 on 5/26/2016. Bill admitted that he did not notify ODNR, OEPA or the Coshocton Co. LEPC when the incident was reported to him. I explained to Mr. Arnholt that it is Northwoods responsibility to notify the appropriate agencies of such an event. I also discussed the actions needed to complete the clean-up. The visible areas of oil stained soil around the tank battery must be removed and the general area neutralized with lime and fertilizer. The heav
1468934936 2016-07-19 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that the oil stained spots in and outside of the dike had not been treated. The oily peat had not been removed from the side of the road. The identification had not been posted. I called Mike Corp. He said that he gave his pumper ID signs already and he claimed that they would be out this week to finish the clean-up.
1548183094 2016-08-04 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I met with Emergency Response Coordinator Trish Cartmell at the site to go over the clean up. Mike Corp could not make it to the meeting. We walked the tank battery, the parking area, and the affected area along CR 383. Trish Cartmell suggested that Northwood still needs to take the following actions: All of the oil stained soil that had been treated with granulated lime must be churned to effectively mix the lime in; there shall be no further excavation of soil from the roadside, as to prevent compromising the integrity of the shoulder of the asphalt roadway; the actual road surface shall be washed and brushed in an attempt to reduce the oil staining.
1713206140 2016-08-09 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I met at the tank battery with Emergency Response Regional Manager Trisha Cartmell, Coshocton Co. Engineers Fred Wachtel and Tony Jaqua, and Northwood pumper Mike Corp to discuss the staining along the shoulder of CR 383. The soil has been neutralized with granulated lime and peat moss. The engineers agreed that they did not want any further excavation along the shoulder of the road. They were satisfied with the current condition, and were not concerned with residual staining on the pavement. Based on the input of the county engineers Trisha agreed to close the case on the clean-up. Fred Wachtel did request that Mike Corp install a water break at the tank battery entrance in order to prevent any type of runoff from entering the roadway. This violation is resolved.
396760052 2016-8-2 0:00:0 PW No Violations 1.00
763905736 2016-7-13 0:00: PW No Violations 1.00
961349461 2016-7-21 0:00: PW No Violations 1.00

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
1466027269 US-OH-113462 2016-08-16 Well operation causing pollution and contamination

For data sources see[8]
