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Difference between revisions of "34-101-20215"

(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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== Well Details ==
== Well Details ==
{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
| Well ID: 34-101-20215
| Well ID: 34-101-20215
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="15" | {{#display_map: 40.67426388, -83.39258754 | width=100% | height=100% }}  
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="17" | {{#display_map: 40.67, -83.39 | width=100% | height=100% }}
| County: [[Marion County, Ohio|Marion]]
| Country: United States
| Municipality:  
| State: Ohio
| County: [[Marion_County,_Ohio|Marion]]
| Municipality: [[Grand_Township,_Marion_County,_Ohio|Grand Township]]
| Operator Name: [[MAR OIL COMPANY]]
| Operator Name: [[MAR OIL COMPANY]]
Line 13: Line 17:
| Well Pad ID:  
| Well Pad ID:  
| Farm/Lease Name:  
| Farm/Lease Name: MAR OIL
| First Permit Date:  
| License Status: Producing
| Last Permit Date:  
| License Date: 2005-10-20
| Spud Date: 2005-12-07
| Spud Date: 2005-12-07
| Unconventional: No
| Spud Drilling Contractor: [[BOB HUWER DRLG]]
| Configuration: Vertical
| Well Status: Producing
| Final Drill Date: 2005-12-22
| Violations: 0
| Well Total Depth: 1419.00 ft
| Latitude: 40.67426388
| Configuration: Vertical
| Longitude: -83.39258754
| Latitude: 40.670000
| Longitude: -83.390000
== Production Data ==
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Well, tblLocational, tblPlugWell, tblInspection, tblCivilTownships and tblPad Tables
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
== Well History ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" | PERIOD
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Well Status
!scope="col" | GAS QUANTITY
!scope="col" style="width: 15%;text-align: center"| Well Status Date
!scope="col" | GAS PRODUCTION DAYS
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Comment
!scope="col" | OIL QUANTITY
| 2005-10-20
!scope="col" | OIL PRODUCTION DAYS
| Proposed Formations:TRENTON-BLACK RIVER-TREMPEALEAU, Issued Date:10/20/2005, Expired Date:10/20/2006 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:20.305, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:EDPW
| Original Spud
| 2005-12-07
| 2006-0
| Completed
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2005-12-22
| Reached Total Depth
| 2005-12-22
| Completion Report Received
| 2006-01-23
| style="text-align:right;" | 602.0
| Construction Permit Expires
| 2006-10-20
| Correction to Well
| 2007-08-10
| 2007-0
| Record Last Modified
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2017-02-15
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Well and WellHistry Tables
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date = 2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
<!--== Perforation Treatments ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Perforation Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Interval Top (ft)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Interval Base (ft)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Number of Shots
<!--== Fracking Activities ==
==== Fracking Jobs ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Number
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Start Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job End Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| True Vertical Depth (ft)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Total Water Volume (gal)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Total Non-Water Volume (gal)
<!--==== Fluid Composition Data ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 100%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Number
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Trade Name
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Supplier
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Purpose
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Ingredient Name
!scope="col" style="white-space: nowrap;text-align: center"| CAS Number
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Additive Percentage by Mass
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Percentage by Mass
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Mass Used (lb)
== Stimulations Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Stimulation Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Chemical Agent
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Chemical Agent Concentration (%)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Fracking Fluid Volume
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Mass of Proppant Used (lb)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Fracking Company
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Comments
| style="text-align: right;" | 15
| style="text-align: right;" | 2500 Gal
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align:right;" | 407.0
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - tblStimulation Table
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
== Production Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Period
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Operator Name
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Gas Quantity (mcf)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Oil Quantity (bbl)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Production Days
| 2006
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 602.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 305
| 2007
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 407.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 280
| 2009
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| 2010
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 70.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 120
| 2011
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 166.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 190
| 2012
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 316.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 210
| 2013
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 317.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 185
| 2014
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| 2015
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| 2016
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 3.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 1
| 2017
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 8.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 2
| 2018
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 80.00
| style="text-align: right;" | 84
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Production Table - Oil and Gas Data
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web
| title = Combined Production - Oil and Gas Data
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date = 2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
== Waste Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Period
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Operator Name
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Waste Type
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Quantity (bbl)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Production Days
| 2006
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 305
| 2007
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 416
| style="text-align: right;" | 280
| 2009
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| 2010
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 120
| 2009-0
| 2011
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 25
| style="text-align: right;" | 190
| 2012
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 210
| 2013
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 185
| style="text-align: right;" | 185
| 2014
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| 2015
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| 2016
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 1
| style="text-align: right;" | 1
| 2017
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 2
| 2018
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 4
| style="text-align: right;" | 84
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Production Table - Brine Data
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web
| title = Combined Production - Brine Data
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date = 2020-11-16
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
== Inspection Data ==
==== Inspections Performed ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Type
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Result
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Comments
| -1186714859
| 2018-2-12 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| -1245838817
| 2014-7-28 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| -1288945757
| 2018-10-4 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| -129714601
| 2020-6-18 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| -1321095422
| 2018-3-30 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| 2010-0
| -1520694784
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2016-3-7 0:00:0
| PW
| No Violations
| -185076453246824
| 2007-10-2 0:00:
| PL
| No Violations
| -2099153524
| 2015-4-28 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| style="text-align:right;" | 70.0
| -881048865
| 2013-5-20 0:00:
| PL
| No Violations
| -883470579
| 2019-4-18 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| 2011-0
| -970889798
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2019-6-12 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| style="text-align:right;" | 166.0
| 0239293257
| 2018-02-23
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
| 0444312769
| 2018-06-15
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok. The well was pumping at the time of inspection.
| 0490726156
| 2013-11-15
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard productive well status check. Check well, storage and identification, no change in status from previous inspection. Status: ok.
| 2012-0
| 0499854398
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2017-11-21
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| The pumpjack has been repaired and the well has been placed back into production. Status: ok.
| style="text-align:right;" | 316.0
| 0566514951
| 2014-09-08
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Location Information for the Mar Oil #1 (#215). ENTRANCE: Lat. 40.67269  Long. -83.39232 / WELL HEAD:  Lat. 40.67424 Long. -83.39228 / CENTER-OF-STORAGE: Lat. 40.67299  Long. -83.39199.
| 2013-0
| 0680512806
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2018-11-08
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok. The well was pumping at the time of inspection.
| style="text-align:right;" | 317.0
| 0743795174
| 2012-11-02
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard productive well status check. The well is pumping by a black Alten electric powered pump jack and the well pad is free of excess contamination. The storage consists of two black storage tanks (#42244 and #42245) set in a gravel lined dike. The well identification and emergency contact information is located at the well. The location is gated. Status OK.
| 2014-0
| 0881048865
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 2013-05-20
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| Preliminary Restoration
| No Violations
| Well is in production, preliminary restoration complete.
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| 0883470579
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| 2019-04-18
| title = Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS
| Production Wells
| publisher = [http://oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/]
| No Violations
| date = 2015-06-19
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok. The well was pumping at the time of inspection.
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources#Production
| accessdate = 2015-06-20 }}</ref>
== Inspection Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" | INSPECTION ID
!scope="col" | DATE
!scope="col" | DESCRIPTION
!scope="col" | COMMENT
!scope="col" | VIOLATION ID
!scope="col" | VIOLATION CODE
!scope="col" | VIOLATION COMMENT
| 1141833654
| 1141833654
| 2006-03-08
| 2006-03-08
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Drilling pits closed, production equipment set. Identification posted at the well head.
| Drilling pits closed, production equipment set. Identification posted at the well head.
| 1159966699
| 1159966699
| 2006-10-03
| 2006-10-03
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Talk w/Don Faulkner about producing operations in Ohio. Well and storage Ok. Work over rig on the well running tubing back in after acid job.
| Talk w/Don Faulkner about producing operations in Ohio. Well and storage Ok. Work over rig on the well running tubing back in after acid job.
| 1186714859
| 2018-02-12
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: no change-in-status from previous inspection.
| 1214926789
| 1214926789
| 2008-07-01
| 2008-07-01
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Chk well and storage, Ok.
| Chk well and storage, Ok.
| 1234968832
| 1234968832
| 2009-02-18
| 2009-02-18
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Chk well and storage, ok. Pumping unit not running at this time.
| Chk well and storage, ok. Pumping unit not running at this time.
| -1245838817
| 1245838817
| 2014-07-28
| 2014-07-28
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
| Inspected the Mar #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
| 1288945757
| 2018-10-04
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok. The well was pumping at the time of inspection.
| 1321095422
| 2018-03-30
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok. The well was not pumping at the time of inspection.
| 1369065238
| 1369065238
| 2013-05-20
| 2013-05-20
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Check production well, storage and identification. The well is pumping. No Trespassing signs have been added at the entrance. Status: compliant.
| Check production well, storage and identification. The well is pumping. No Trespassing signs have been added at the entrance. Status: compliant.
| 1378829967
| 1378829967
| 2013-09-10
| 2013-09-10
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar #1 (#215) as part of a standard productive well status check. Check well, storage and identification. No change in status from previous inspection, except steel half tank next to the pump jack. Status: ok.
| Inspected the Mar #1 (#215) as part of a standard productive well status check. Check well, storage and identification. No change in status from previous inspection, except steel half tank next to the pump jack. Status: ok.
| 1410196190
| 1410196190
| 2014-09-08
| 2014-09-08
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
| 1410792420
| 1410792420
| 2014-09-15
| 2014-09-15
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
| Inspected the Mar Oil (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
| 1520694784
| 2016-03-07
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspect well and storage. No change-in-status from previous inspection.
| -1.85076E+14
| 1850764532
| 2007-10-02
| 2007-10-02
| Preliminary Restoration
| Fianl restoration done.
| No Violations
| -1.85076E+14
| 2007-10-02
| Preliminary restoration done.
| Preliminary restoration done.
| 2002441199
| 2015-08-14
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: the rods have been removed and he well is currently out-of-service.
| 2027603251
| 2027603251
| 2015-02-19
| 2015-02-19
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| The Mar Oil #1 is shut-in.
| The Mar Oil #1 is shut-in.
| -2099153524
| 2099153524
| 2015-04-28
| 2015-04-28
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
| 239293257
| 2018-2-23 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| 433674346
| 2019-9-6 0:00:0
| PW
| No Violations
| 444312769
| 2018-6-15 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| 490726156
| 490726156
| 2013-11-15
| 2013-11-15 0:00
| PW
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard productive well status check. Check well, storage and identification, no change in status from previous inspection. Status: ok.
| 499854398
| 2017-11-21 0:00
| PW
| No Violations
| 566514951
| 566514951
| 2014-09-08
| 2014-9-8 0:00:0
| PW
| Location Information for the Mar Oil #1 (#215). ENTRANCE: Lat. 40.67269  Long. -83.39232 / WELL HEAD:  Lat. 40.67424 Long. -83.39228 / CENTER-OF-STORAGE: Lat. 40.67299  Long. -83.39199.
| No Violations
| 680512806
| 2018-11-8 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| 743795174
| 743795174
| 2012-11-02
| 2012-11-2 0:00:
| PW
| No Violations
| Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard productive well status check. The well is pumping by a black Alten electric powered pump jack and the well pad is free of excess contamination. The storage consists of two black storage tanks (#42244 and #42245) set in a gravel lined dike. The well identification and emergency contact information is located at the well. The location is gated. Status OK.
| -881048865
| 808908877
| 2013-05-20
| 2019-7-26 0:00:
| PW
| Well is in production, preliminary restoration complete.
| No Violations
<!--==== Violations Commited ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation Code
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation Comments
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
  | title = Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS
  | title = Risk Based Data Management System - tblInspection, tblInspFail and tblinspFlDesc Tables
  | publisher = [http://oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/]
  |publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
  | date = 2015-06-19
  | date = 2020-11-16
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources#Inspection
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
  | accessdate = 2015-06-20 }}</ref>
  | accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
== References ==
[[Category:Ohio Wells]]

Latest revision as of 17:08, 12 January 2021

Well Details

Well ID: 34-101-20215
Loading map...
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Marion
Municipality: Grand Township
Operator Name: MAR OIL COMPANY
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: MAR OIL
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2005-10-20
Spud Date: 2005-12-07
Spud Drilling Contractor: BOB HUWER DRLG
Final Drill Date: 2005-12-22
Well Total Depth: 1419.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.670000
Longitude: -83.390000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2005-10-20 Proposed Formations:TRENTON-BLACK RIVER-TREMPEALEAU, Issued Date:10/20/2005, Expired Date:10/20/2006 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:20.305, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:EDPW
Original Spud 2005-12-07
Completed 2005-12-22
Reached Total Depth 2005-12-22
Completion Report Received 2006-01-23
Construction Permit Expires 2006-10-20
Correction to Well 2007-08-10 UNIT SIZE INCREASED TO 60 ACRES.
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15

For data sources see[2]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
ACID 15 2500 Gal 0

For data sources see[3]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2006 MAR OIL COMPANY 0.00 602.00 305
2007 MAR OIL COMPANY 0.00 407.00 280
2009 MAR OIL COMPANY 0.00 0.00 0
2010 MAR OIL COMPANY 0.00 70.00 120
2011 MAR OIL COMPANY 0.00 166.00 190
2012 MAR OIL COMPANY 0.00 316.00 210
2013 MAR OIL COMPANY 0.00 317.00 185
2014 MAR OIL COMPANY 0.00 0.00 0
2015 MAR OIL COMPANY 0.00 0.00 0
2016 MAR OIL COMPANY 0.00 3.00 1
2017 MAR OIL COMPANY 0.00 8.00 2
2018 MAR OIL COMPANY 0.00 80.00 84

For data sources see[4] [5]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2006 MAR OIL COMPANY Brine 0 305
2007 MAR OIL COMPANY Brine 416 280
2009 MAR OIL COMPANY Brine 0 0
2010 MAR OIL COMPANY Brine 0 120
2011 MAR OIL COMPANY Brine 25 190
2012 MAR OIL COMPANY Brine 0 210
2013 MAR OIL COMPANY Brine 185 185
2014 MAR OIL COMPANY Brine 0 0
2015 MAR OIL COMPANY Brine 0 0
2016 MAR OIL COMPANY Brine 1 1
2017 MAR OIL COMPANY Brine 0 2
2018 MAR OIL COMPANY Brine 4 84

For data sources see[6] [7]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1186714859 2018-2-12 0:00: PW No Violations
-1245838817 2014-7-28 0:00: PW No Violations
-1288945757 2018-10-4 0:00: PW No Violations
-129714601 2020-6-18 0:00: PW No Violations
-1321095422 2018-3-30 0:00: PW No Violations
-1520694784 2016-3-7 0:00:0 PW No Violations
-185076453246824 2007-10-2 0:00: PL No Violations
-2099153524 2015-4-28 0:00: PW No Violations
-881048865 2013-5-20 0:00: PL No Violations
-883470579 2019-4-18 0:00: PW No Violations
-970889798 2019-6-12 0:00: PW No Violations
0239293257 2018-02-23 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
0444312769 2018-06-15 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok. The well was pumping at the time of inspection.
0490726156 2013-11-15 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard productive well status check. Check well, storage and identification, no change in status from previous inspection. Status: ok.
0499854398 2017-11-21 Production Wells No Violations The pumpjack has been repaired and the well has been placed back into production. Status: ok.
0566514951 2014-09-08 Production Wells No Violations Location Information for the Mar Oil #1 (#215). ENTRANCE: Lat. 40.67269 Long. -83.39232 / WELL HEAD: Lat. 40.67424 Long. -83.39228 / CENTER-OF-STORAGE: Lat. 40.67299 Long. -83.39199.
0680512806 2018-11-08 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok. The well was pumping at the time of inspection.
0743795174 2012-11-02 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard productive well status check. The well is pumping by a black Alten electric powered pump jack and the well pad is free of excess contamination. The storage consists of two black storage tanks (#42244 and #42245) set in a gravel lined dike. The well identification and emergency contact information is located at the well. The location is gated. Status OK.
0881048865 2013-05-20 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Well is in production, preliminary restoration complete.
0883470579 2019-04-18 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok. The well was pumping at the time of inspection.
1141833654 2006-03-08 Production Wells No Violations Drilling pits closed, production equipment set. Identification posted at the well head.
1159966699 2006-10-03 Production Wells No Violations Talk w/Don Faulkner about producing operations in Ohio. Well and storage Ok. Work over rig on the well running tubing back in after acid job.
1186714859 2018-02-12 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: no change-in-status from previous inspection.
1214926789 2008-07-01 Production Wells No Violations Chk well and storage, Ok.
1234968832 2009-02-18 Production Wells No Violations Chk well and storage, ok. Pumping unit not running at this time.
1245838817 2014-07-28 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
1288945757 2018-10-04 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok. The well was pumping at the time of inspection.
1321095422 2018-03-30 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok. The well was not pumping at the time of inspection.
1369065238 2013-05-20 Production Wells No Violations Check production well, storage and identification. The well is pumping. No Trespassing signs have been added at the entrance. Status: compliant.
1378829967 2013-09-10 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar #1 (#215) as part of a standard productive well status check. Check well, storage and identification. No change in status from previous inspection, except steel half tank next to the pump jack. Status: ok.
1410196190 2014-09-08 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
1410792420 2014-09-15 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar Oil (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
1520694784 2016-03-07 Production Wells No Violations Inspect well and storage. No change-in-status from previous inspection.
1850764532 2007-10-02 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Preliminary restoration done.
2002441199 2015-08-14 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: the rods have been removed and he well is currently out-of-service.
2027603251 2015-02-19 Production Wells No Violations The Mar Oil #1 is shut-in.
2099153524 2015-04-28 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Mar Oil #1 (#215) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
239293257 2018-2-23 0:00: PW No Violations
433674346 2019-9-6 0:00:0 PW No Violations
444312769 2018-6-15 0:00: PW No Violations
490726156 2013-11-15 0:00 PW No Violations
499854398 2017-11-21 0:00 PW No Violations
566514951 2014-9-8 0:00:0 PW No Violations
680512806 2018-11-8 0:00: PW No Violations
743795174 2012-11-2 0:00: PW No Violations
808908877 2019-7-26 0:00: PW No Violations

For data sources see[8]
