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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
| Well ID: 34-013-21285
| Well ID: 34-013-21285
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="17" | {{#display_map: 40.126738219, -80.75347847 | width=100% | height=100% }}
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="17" | {{#display_map: 40.12, -80.75 | width=100% | height=100% }}
| Country: United States
| Country: United States
Line 33: Line 33:
| Configuration: Horizontal
| Configuration: Horizontal
| Latitude: 40.126738219
| Latitude: 40.120000
| Longitude: -80.75347847
| Longitude: -80.750000
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
  | title = Risk Based Data Management System - Well, tblLocational, tblPlugWell, tblInspection, tblCivilTownships and tblPad Tables
  | title = Risk Based Data Management System - Well, tblLocational, tblPlugWell, tblInspection, tblCivilTownships and tblPad Tables
  |publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
  |publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
  | date =  2019-05-07
  | date =  2020-11-16
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
  | accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
  | accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
== Well History ==
== Well History ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
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  | title = Risk Based Data Management System - Well and WellHistry Tables
  | title = Risk Based Data Management System - Well and WellHistry Tables
  |publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
  |publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
  | date = 2019-05-07
  | date = 2020-11-16
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
  | accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
  | accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
<!--== Perforation Treatments ==
<!--== Perforation Treatments ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
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!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Result
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Result
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Comments
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Comments
| -1012908208
| 2019-1-2 0:00:0
| CT
| No Violations
| 0.20
| -121679809
| 2019-3-20 0:00:
| FR
| No Violations
| 0.10
| -186081107
| 2018-1-29 0:00:
| CS
| No Violations
| 1.00
| -1985807523
| 2017-9-15 0:00:
| DD
| No Violations
| 6.70
| -759759284
| 2017-9-14 0:00:
| DD
| No Violations
| 6.00
| 0047764745
| 0047764745
Line 215: Line 245:
| No Violations
| No Violations
|  I was on location and KLX Energy had rig down and was in stand- by mode. Sting Ray Inc. was on site waiting to squeeze Cement. The top drive was broke down and was being worked on by Tesla. Mickey Brewer and Jeff McNeil were on location and decided to wait on performing the job until the top drive was fixed and operational.
|  I was on location and KLX Energy had rig down and was in stand- by mode. Sting Ray Inc. was on site waiting to squeeze Cement. The top drive was broke down and was being worked on by Tesla. Mickey Brewer and Jeff McNeil were on location and decided to wait on performing the job until the top drive was fixed and operational.
| 47764745
| 2017-9-19 0:00:
| PB
| No Violations
| 0.50
| 494383871
| 2017-9-11 0:00:
| DD
| No Violations
| 1.00
| 518753399
| 2017-9-14 0:00:
| PB
| No Violations
| 846277281
| 2017-8-28 0:00:
| DD
| No Violations
| 1.00
Line 229: Line 283:
  | title = Risk Based Data Management System - tblInspection, tblInspFail and tblinspFlDesc Tables
  | title = Risk Based Data Management System - tblInspection, tblInspFail and tblinspFlDesc Tables
  |publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
  |publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
  | date =  2019-05-07
  | date =  2020-11-16
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
  | accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
  | accessdate = 2020-11-16 }}</ref>
[[Category:Ohio Wells]]
[[Category:Ohio Wells]]

Latest revision as of 20:22, 12 January 2021

Well Details

Well ID: 34-013-21285
Loading map...
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Belmont
Municipality: Pease Township
Well Pad ID: US-OH-001499
Farm/Lease Name: LANCE 210967
License Status: Final Restoration
License Date: 2017-09-07
Spud Date: 2017-08-28
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date:
Well Total Depth:
Configuration: Horizontal
Latitude: 40.120000
Longitude: -80.750000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2017-08-25 Proposed Formations:UTICA/POINT PLEASANT, Issued Date:8/25/2017, Expired Date:8/25/2019 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:0, Proposed Well Type:ST, Proposed Well Class:STRT
APP 2017-09-07 Proposed Formations:UTICA/POINT PLEASANT, Issued Date:9/7/2017, Expired Date:9/7/2019 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:360.02, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Plugged/Abandoned 2017-09-15
Correction to Well 2018-08-31 TARGET TAKE AS-DRILLED
Record Last Modified 2019-03-30
Construction Permit Expires 2019-09-07

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1012908208 2019-1-2 0:00:0 CT No Violations 0.20
-121679809 2019-3-20 0:00: FR No Violations 0.10
-186081107 2018-1-29 0:00: CS No Violations 1.00
-1985807523 2017-9-15 0:00: DD No Violations 6.70
-759759284 2017-9-14 0:00: DD No Violations 6.00
0047764745 2017-09-19 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspection report to record the casing was cut off 30 below grade level and a marker plate installed. The tin horn cellar is still in place and will be addressed at a later point after the drilling and completion of the remainder of the wells on the pad is final. The wells are situated laying East to West and the well lost was the farthest well to the West and a additional well will be added to the East side of the row of wells with seven wells proposed on the pad. I also had the company install a 2 diameter valve on the well head surface cap plate ands there is zero pressure showing on the gauge.
0121679809 2019-03-20 Final Restoration No Violations The final restoration was passed on this day. The well was a lost hole during the drillinmg process and surface location moved to the well beside it and drilled as the 7-A API # 3401321286-0000.
0186081107 2018-01-29 Casing String Witnessed No Violations On the day of my inspection H&P Rig 628 had reached total depth in the 8.5-inch diameter open hole section of the well bore at a depth of 22383 feet. The 5.5-inch diameter casing string was ran into the well bore. Stingray Cementing was on site and preparing to cement the casing in place.
0494383871 2017-09-11 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On the day of my inspection rig HP 628 had drill pipe lost in the hole and they were preparing to fish for it. 1195 of drill pipe including bottom hole assembly was from 650 feet to 1845 feet.
0518753399 2017-09-14 Plug / Plug Back No Violations On site inspection to witness the well plugging process with H&P Drilling rig 608 on the hole and Stingray Cement Service. Historically on 09/3/2017 the company drilled a 24 diameter surface mine void borehole to a measured depth of 418 and ran 18625 casing to 418 with all measurements off a 26.8 drilling rig Kelly Bushing heigth. During the initial cementing process while attempting to establish circulation to surface fluid returns were lost to surface. The company proceeded to attempt to cement the well unsuccessfully and then topped the annular space off from surface with cement. Also noted was a cement basket was placed at 90 from surface on the string. On this day I arrived on location at 3:45 am and witnessed the rig run the 5 drill string to 480 and Stingray Cement Service pumping a 423 barrel class A cement mix with a 400 sack class A lead with 2% calcium and a 1600 sack class A tail mix with .3% calcium. The company then proceeded to pull the drill string and wait for cement to set up. After the cement samples had set the rig ran back in the hole and tagged up on what was believed to be the top of cement at 415 with the rig setting the entire string weight of 6,000 pounds on to the object tagged. The company then proceed to load the inside of the 18.625 casing inside with fresh water and a fluid level marked at 290 and falling. The decision was then made to pump another 85 barrel cement mix consisting of 400 sacks of class A cement with the well now holding a hydrostatic Colum of fluid.
0759759284 2017-09-14 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On the day of my inspection I was on site of Flex Rig 628 and was witnessing the KLX Energy services run a Bond log , gamma-
0846277281 2017-08-28 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that HAD drilling has set 97 feet of 26 inch diameter casing by way of concentric drilling. Mouse hole was also concentrically drilled. Cellars are to be cemented tomorrow morning. Pad address is 57084 Nixon Run Road, Martins Ferry Ohio 43935. Spudded 8/28/17.
1012908208 2019-01-02 Completion Testing No Violations On this day I attend the pre stimulation safety meeting along with all current contractors and company representatives. 7 wells are present on the pad, all well have the drilling process complete and are rigged up to be stimulated. The stimulation company is Stingray Pressure Pumping Service and the wireline is Renegade Wireline along with Select Energy Flowback. The well head A & B Sections are Cactus with the completion stack being from B&B. The well head B section which is the 5.5 x 9.625 annular space does have pressure control attached with electronic transducers in place to monitor pressure. Transducers are also attached to the A section which monitors between the 9.625 and 13.375 well head section. The well pad surface is of stone construction with earthen berms in place.
1504878704 2017-09-06 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On the day of my inspection I was supposed to watch the cementing of the surface casing. Upon arrival the casing crew was unable to get the 13.375 inch diameter casing passed approximately 400 feet. The 18.625 inch diameter mine string casing was set to 392 ground level over the weekend. The permit called for 430. As HP 628 drilled out from the shoe they hit a coal seam. They continued drilling to 2063. After the fact, Steve Opritza approved a casing plan of running the casing, cementing the bottom, and topping out above the mine on top of cement baskets. I waited on site for an hour while they continually tried to get casing down until they decided to come out and run a clean up cycle. This is inspection was completed Wednesday night going into Thursday morning.
1505485438 2017-09-15 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Status check inspection and day 2 on site to witness the well plugging process with H&P Drilling rig # 628 on the hole along with KLX Energy wireline and Stingray Cementing Service, Gulfport Drilling Superintendent Scott Treadway is also on site. The objective for the day is to isolate with cement the open space behind the 18.625 surface casing that has been bond logged and is showing an open void below 90. Also noted on the previous day we pumped a total capacity of 608 barrels of cement down into the open mine void below the 18.625 diameter casing which will now support a hydrostatic column of fluid. After reviewing the log the decision has been made to shoot perforations in the casing. KLX Energy shot 2 hollow steel carrier perforating guns that were loaded with 8 shots per gun with 4 shots per foot and 2 of total perforation coverage. The areas perforated were at 120 to 122 and 298 to 300 measured from a drilling rig Kelly Bushing heigth of 26.8 above ground level. Upon deploying the perforating guns the fluid level inside the well bore was observed and gradually fell down hole and equalized out at a measured depth of 252. The hole was topped of with the drilling rig pump taking a total of 50 barrels of fluid to fill the hole with a calculated annular volume of 40 barrels. At this point the 18.625 casing internal fluid level was static and stood full to the rig floor. The company the proceed to set a American Completion Tool cement retainer inside the 18.625 casing on the 5 drill string at a depth of 250. Once the cement retainer was in place circulation to surface was established by the use of the drilling rig mud pumps. Stingray cement service then hooked up to the 5 drill string and squeezed a total of 252 barrels of cement in behind the 18.625 casing. The total cement requirement for the squeeze job was 93 barrels and the cement mix pumped was 126 barrels of neat cement followed by 126 barrels of 2% calcium cement. 93 barrels of cement was recorded to surf
1985807523 2017-09-15 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location and KLX Energy had rig down and was in stand- by mode. Sting Ray Inc. was on site waiting to squeeze Cement. The top drive was broke down and was being worked on by Tesla. Mickey Brewer and Jeff McNeil were on location and decided to wait on performing the job until the top drive was fixed and operational.
47764745 2017-9-19 0:00: PB No Violations 0.50
494383871 2017-9-11 0:00: DD No Violations 1.00
518753399 2017-9-14 0:00: PB No Violations
846277281 2017-8-28 0:00: DD No Violations 1.00

For data sources see[3]
