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Difference between revisions of "34-005-24061"

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{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
| Well ID: 34-005-24061
| Well ID: 34-005-24061
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="15" | {{#display_map: 40.947789205, -82.2663924188 | width=100% | height=100% }}
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="15" | {{#display_map: 40.94773417, -82.26640695 | width=100% | height=100% }}  
| County:
| County: [[Ashland County, Ohio|Ashland]]
| Municipality:
| Municipality:  
| Operator Name:
| Operator Name: [[MESCKO PRODUCING & OPERAT]]
| Well Pad ID:
| Well Pad ID:  
| Farm/Lease Name:
| Farm/Lease Name:  
| First Permit Date:
| First Permit Date:  
| Last Permit Date:
| Last Permit Date:  
| Spud Date: 2005-08-16
| Spud Date: 2005-08-16
| Unconventional:
| Unconventional: No
| Horizontal:
| Configuration: Vertical
| Producing:
| Well Status:  
| Violations: 9
| Violations: 0
| Latitude: 40.947789205
| Latitude: 40.94773417
| Longitude: -82.2663924188
| Longitude: -82.26640695
== Production Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" | PERIOD
!scope="col" | GAS QUANTITY
!scope="col" | GAS PRODUCTION DAYS
!scope="col" | OIL QUANTITY
!scope="col" | OIL PRODUCTION DAYS
== Waste Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" | PERIOD
!scope="col" | TYPE
!scope="col" | QUANTITY
!scope="col" | UNITS
!scope="col" | DISPOSAL METHOD
!scope="col" | WASTE FACILITY NAME
!scope="col" | FACILITY CITY
!scope="col" | FACILITY STATE
== Inspection Data ==
== Inspection Data ==
Line 64: Line 42:
!scope="col" | VIOLATION ID
!scope="col" | VIOLATION ID
!scope="col" | VIOLATION CODE
!scope="col" | VIOLATION CODE
!scope="col" | VIOLATION_COMMENT
!scope="col" | VIOLATION COMMENT
| -1220760833
| 1098526637
| 2014-02-18
| 2012-04-23
| The operator has taken no action to date to complete the well or place it into production. No equipment has been brought to the site to work on the well as the operator stated would be the case this month.
| Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046.
| Compliance Notice
| -1443522524
| 1098526637
| 2008-02-27
| 2012-04-23
| Requested by Lee Arnold to inspect well for production. Well was drilled to Trempeleau formation and plugged back to Clinton. Well remains idle. Swedged in on 4.5'' casing. 2-300 barrel tanks and bulldozer remains on site. 6'' snow, 20 degrees.
| Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046.
| Field Visit or Inspection
| -1475471226
| 1098526637
| 2012-09-18
| 2012-04-23
| Contacted by Mescko Producing to report that he wants to complete the well and put it into production. He stated that Big Sky would be hired to service the well and setup for production. This would happen in 3 to 4 weeks from this date. Also reported, that he has had legal issues with a group called Preferred Financial.
| Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046.
| Compliance Notice
| -1671533240
| 1098526637
| 2013-03-13
| 2012-04-23
| Follow up to NOV issued by Tom Benko. No work and no change on site since last inspection.
| Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046.
| -1823245530
| 1098526637
| 2010-05-04
| 2012-04-23
| Well remains idle. Shut in on 4.5'' casing. Called Richard samic to advise well has been idle for 2 years. He advises no money to complete well. I advised to send an explanation letter to the division stating reason for delay on putting well in production. Sun, 65 degrees.
| Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046.
| -1960508734
| 1098526637
| 2008-11-19
| 2012-04-23
| Called Richard Samic to advise well needs plugged or produced. He advised Doug Hottel is bringing service rig within one week. Cloudy, 30 degrees.
| Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046.
| -2066326292
| 2005-09-09
| Drilling pit has been partially closed. Company is waiting on drilling rig to drill remainder of the well. 8'' casing is swedged in but leaking gas around threads. No leakage between conductor and surface casings. 70 degrees, dry.
| -541045308
| 2014-02-06
| The operator has failed to take any action to complete the well and place it in production.  The company representative stated following the inspection on 1/6/14 that they would be bringing a rig in within the month.  No rig on site, no pits have been constructed, no equipment has moved in.
| -926715403
| 2011-12-21
| Inspect well site. Pits closed, rough graded. Overgrown with weeds. Well is not in production. Topsoil stockpiled adjacent to drill site. Bond and insurance ok and in order. Un-resolved violations exist for restoration and site conditions. Operator on per
| -954145899
| 2008-05-02
| Spud date 4-23-07. Well remains idle. Called Richard Samac and he advised completion is scheduled for June 2008. Drilling pits are closed and 3-300 barrel tanks are on location. Rain 60 degrees.
| 1098526637
| 1098526637
| 2012-04-23
| 2012-04-23
| Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046.
| Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046.
| Phone Call
| 1109954446
| 1109954446
| 2005-03-04
| 2005-03-04
| Inspect drilling site. Permit expires on 3-15-2005.Survey stake at site. Old 8'' casing above ground at this location. No well records found. Berera wells drilled in area years ago. No leakage from casing and it is full of dirt. 30 degrees.
| Inspect drilling site. Permit expires on 3-15-2005.Survey stake at site. Old 8'' casing above ground at this location. No well records found. Berera wells drilled in area years ago. No leakage from casing and it is full of dirt. 30 degrees.
| 1124726528
| 1124726528
| 2005-08-22
| 2005-08-22
| Jackson Drilling, a water well company is drilling surface hole for a cable tool rig. 78' of 13'' conductor  pipe has been set. Drilling surface on air at 500'. Reaming hole with 12.25'' bit. No pit liner in pit. Advised after surface, pit must be lined before drilling commences. Sunny, 70 degrees.
| Jackson Drilling, a water well company is drilling surface hole for a cable tool rig. 78' of 13'' conductor  pipe has been set. Drilling surface on air at 500'. Reaming hole with 12.25'' bit. No pit liner in pit. Advised after surface, pit must be lined before drilling commences. Sunny, 70 degrees.
| 1145897398
| 2006-04-24
| Expired drilling permit. Well was spudded on 8-16-2005 and surface casing was set and cemented. Drilling rig pulled off well. Called Richard Simac on 1-27-2006 and he advised G&H Drilling company was coming in February to finish drilling well. No rig has came and well is not completed or drilled to total depth. Restoration is due in May 2006.Stockholders called to ask if well has been drilled. Sun, 60 degrees.
| 9-9-05(A)10
| 1145897398
| 1145897398
| 2006-04-24
| 2006-04-24
| Expired drilling permit. Well was spudded on 8-16-2005 and surface casing was set and cemented. Drilling rig pulled off well. Called Richard Simac on 1-27-2006 and he advised G&H Drilling company was coming in February to finish drilling well. No rig has came and well is not completed or drilled to total depth. Restoration is due in May 2006.Stockholders called to ask if well has been drilled. Sun, 60 degrees.
| Expired drilling permit. Well was spudded on 8-16-2005 and surface casing was set and cemented. Drilling rig pulled off well. Called Richard Simac on 1-27-2006 and he advised G&H Drilling company was coming in February to finish drilling well. No rig has came and well is not completed or drilled to total depth. Restoration is due in May 2006.Stockholders called to ask if well has been drilled. Sun, 60 degrees.
| 1175015569
| 1175015569
| 2007-03-27
| 2007-03-27
| Moving in drilling rig to finish drilling well. Spoke with Richard Simic and George Dixon. Surface casing was set in 2006. Advised George Dixon to call when ready to drill out from surface. BOP needs tested. Cloudy, 70 degrees.
| Moving in drilling rig to finish drilling well. Spoke with Richard Simic and George Dixon. Surface casing was set in 2006. Advised George Dixon to call when ready to drill out from surface. BOP needs tested. Cloudy, 70 degrees.
| 1175561003
| 1175561003
| 2007-04-02
| 2007-04-02
| Blowout Preventor test. Tested BOP at 500 psi several times before establishing constant pressure. Direct Drilling Co. is rig. First well for this rig. George Dixon is tool pusher. Pits are lined properly and they are drilling well on mud. Blow line is 40' from well head. Drilling well to Knox formation. Sun, 60 degrees.
| Blowout Preventor test. Tested BOP at 500 psi several times before establishing constant pressure. Direct Drilling Co. is rig. First well for this rig. George Dixon is tool pusher. Pits are lined properly and they are drilling well on mud. Blow line is 40' from well head. Drilling well to Knox formation. Sun, 60 degrees.
| 1175782673
| 1175782673
| 2007-04-05
| 2007-04-05
| Drilling at 1378' top of Big Lime. Blow line has not been constructed according to permit conditions. Blow line is not chained down or choke manifold installed. Advised drilling superintentant to corect blow line today. Drilling hole on salt water at this time. Snow flurries, 35 degrees.
| Drilling at 1378' top of Big Lime. Blow line has not been constructed according to permit conditions. Blow line is not chained down or choke manifold installed. Advised drilling superintentant to corect blow line today. Drilling hole on salt water at this time. Snow flurries, 35 degrees.
| 1176295465
| 1176295465
| 2007-04-10
| 2007-04-10
| Called out by Sherl Evans of Direct Drilling Co. to inspect their choke manifold on the B.O.P. The choke is of suffient size to maintain pressure in the Knox formation. Advised George Dixion to continue drilling. Drilling  at  3336' on mud at this time. PTD is 4500'.
| Called out by Sherl Evans of Direct Drilling Co. to inspect their choke manifold on the B.O.P. The choke is of suffient size to maintain pressure in the Knox formation. Advised George Dixion to continue drilling. Drilling  at  3336' on mud at this time. PTD is 4500'.
| 1176476150
| 1176476150
| 2007-04-13
| 2007-04-13
| Check status of drilling rig. Drilling depth is 3754'. Top of Trenton Lime is 3900' . Tripped out of hole to replace drill bit. TD is 4500'. Pits are contained.
| Check status of drilling rig. Drilling depth is 3754'. Top of Trenton Lime is 3900' . Tripped out of hole to replace drill bit. TD is 4500'. Pits are contained.
| 1177346688
| 1177346688
| 2007-04-23
| 2007-04-23
| Moving drilling rig and equipment to Geauga county. Pits are contained. Plugged well back to Clinton formation. Knox formation is dry. Sun, 70 degrees.
| Moving drilling rig and equipment to Geauga county. Pits are contained. Plugged well back to Clinton formation. Knox formation is dry. Sun, 70 degrees.
| 1217721032
| 1217721032
| 2007-10-23
| 2007-10-23
| Well remains idle. Drilled in April of 2007. Drilling pits are closed. 100 barrel tank and dozer on location.
| Well remains idle. Drilled in April of 2007. Drilling pits are closed. 100 barrel tank and dozer on location.
| 1219156982
| 1219156982
| 2008-08-19
| 2008-08-19
| Well remains idle and restoration overdue. 5-2-2008 called Richard Samic and he advised me well would be in production by June 2008. Dozer and hoe on location with 2-300 barrel tanks.
| Well remains idle and restoration overdue. 5-2-2008 called Richard Samic and he advised me well would be in production by June 2008. Dozer and hoe on location with 2-300 barrel tanks.
| -1220760833
| 2014-02-18
| The operator has taken no action to date to complete the well or place it into production.  No equipment has been brought to the site to work on the well as the operator stated would be the case this month.
| 1225295394
| 1225295394
| 2008-10-29
| 2008-10-29
| No response to NOV. Received a phone call from Richard Samic 10-1-2008. He advised he was still in process of getting a rig. Spoke with new landowner Eric Shafer. I advised him of the violations. Called Richard Samic and he advised 2-3 weeks he will be in to work on well. Cloudy, 35 degrees.
| No response to NOV. Received a phone call from Richard Samic 10-1-2008. He advised he was still in process of getting a rig. Spoke with new landowner Eric Shafer. I advised him of the violations. Called Richard Samic and he advised 2-3 weeks he will be in to work on well. Cloudy, 35 degrees.
| 1234454238
| 1234454238
| 2009-02-12
| 2009-02-12
| Well remains idle. Made several phone calls to Richard Samic and have had no response to NOV. Well is shut in on 4.5'' casing and restoration is incomplete. Request company be put on permit hold list until violation is corrected. Windy, 30 degrees.
| Well remains idle. Made several phone calls to Richard Samic and have had no response to NOV. Well is shut in on 4.5'' casing and restoration is incomplete. Request company be put on permit hold list until violation is corrected. Windy, 30 degrees.
| 1243605764
| 1243605764
| 2009-05-29
| 2009-05-29
| No response to NOV or Permit hold list. Well remains idle and restoration incomplete. Equipment has been moved and 1-100 barrel tank on location.
| No response to NOV or Permit hold list. Well remains idle and restoration incomplete. Equipment has been moved and 1-100 barrel tank on location.
| 1254226956
| 1254226956
| 2009-09-29
| 2009-09-29
| Called Richard Samic to advise of NOV in non-compliance. He advised no money has been allocated to put well in production but is working on raising money. He advised the landowner has given permission to lay a gas line across property to meter base. No date was given for service rig.
| Called Richard Samic to advise of NOV in non-compliance. He advised no money has been allocated to put well in production but is working on raising money. He advised the landowner has given permission to lay a gas line across property to meter base. No date was given for service rig.
| 1258471107
| 1258471107
| 2009-11-17
| 2009-11-17
| No activity at well site since being drilled. Pits are closed but topsoil is piled on site and part has been hauled away from site. 4.5'' casing  at ground level with plug in top. Called Richard Samac to advise of NOV in non-compliance. He did not give any date of compliance. Sun, 40 degrees.
| No activity at well site since being drilled. Pits are closed but topsoil is piled on site and part has been hauled away from site. 4.5'' casing  at ground level with plug in top. Called Richard Samac to advise of NOV in non-compliance. He did not give any date of compliance. Sun, 40 degrees.
| 1281860128
| 1281860128
| 2010-10-05
| 2010-10-05
| Well remains idle. Put on permit hold list on 2-17-2010. No response to NOV or NOMSV. Rain, 50 degrees.
| Well remains idle. Put on permit hold list on 2-17-2010. No response to NOV or NOMSV. Rain, 50 degrees.
| 1299165114
| 1299165114
| 2011-03-03
| 2011-03-03
| Well remains idle. No attempt to produce well. Well has not been perforated or fraced in Clinton sand. On Feb. 17,2009 put company on permit hold list. No contact with owner in past year. Sun, 30 degrees.
| Well remains idle. No attempt to produce well. Well has not been perforated or fraced in Clinton sand. On Feb. 17,2009 put company on permit hold list. No contact with owner in past year. Sun, 30 degrees.
| 1389023618
| 1389023618
| 2014-01-06
| 2014-01-06
| No changes to the location since last inspection.  Portable tank on site, no work has been done to the well or location.
| No changes to the location since last inspection.  Portable tank on site, no work has been done to the well or location.
| 1398715615
| 1398715615
| 2014-04-28
| 2014-04-28
| The operator has not attempted to complete the well.  The operator continually states when contacted that he is bringing a rig to finish the well and he will start within the month.  The operator contacted the inspector in February and said he was bringing a rig in but has taken no action.  The operator needs to obtain a plug permit for the well.  Plugging needs to be completed by 10/28/14.  Restoration needs to be completed before the end of 2014.
| The operator has not attempted to complete the well.  The operator continually states when contacted that he is bringing a rig to finish the well and he will start within the month.  The operator contacted the inspector in February and said he was bringing a rig in but has taken no action.  The operator needs to obtain a plug permit for the well.  Plugging needs to be completed by 10/28/14.  Restoration needs to be completed before the end of 2014.
| 1409753591
| 1409753591
| 2014-09-03
| 2014-09-03
| The operator has not completed restoration of the location.  The well has not been completed, no ID is posted and the operator has not obtained a permit to plug the well or prepared the location for plugging.  The operator was contacted at 330-465-9033 and stated he should have funds by the end of the month to complete the well and he intends to have it in production by the due date on the plug notice.  Plugging is due by Oct. 28, 2014.
| The operator has not completed restoration of the location.  The well has not been completed, no ID is posted and the operator has not obtained a permit to plug the well or prepared the location for plugging.  The operator was contacted at 330-465-9033 and stated he should have funds by the end of the month to complete the well and he intends to have it in production by the due date on the plug notice.  Plugging is due by Oct. 28, 2014.
| 1414591352
| 2014-10-28
| Inspection at 4:50 PM revealed that the well is not in compliance.  The operator has not completed the well to place it in production nor has he completed plugging the well.  There is a blue portable steel tank on site that has been there since the well was drilled.  There is a topsoil pile at the location.  The location is ponding water in the farm field and it has not been restored to approximate original contour.  There is a pipe plug in the 4.5 inch casing.  There is no production equipment on site and no well service equipment on site.  The well has not been plugged as required by the compliance notice issued on 4/28/14.
| 1420634227
| 2015-01-06
| Mr. Samic contacted the inspector on 12/4/14 and requested an extension of time to bring the well into compliance with the plug notice that was due on October 28, 2014.  Mr. Samic stated that he needed to the end of January.  I informed him the request had to be submitted in writing with a timetable for completing corrective action at the well.  His letter was received on December 30, 2014 and Mr. Samic stated that the well would be in production or plugged by Feb. 2, 2015.  If no work is done by that date, a Chief's Order will be prepared.
| 1422888958
| 2015-02-02
| Mr. Samic of Mescko Producing contacted the inspector concerning the plugging compliance notice for this well.  He previously submitted a request for extension of time to complete or plug the well.  He stated in his written request that the well would be plugged or in production by Feb 2, 2015.  The well has not been plugged or placed in production as of this date.  Mr. Samic stated he would have it done this month.  A draft Chief's Order has been submitted to the legal staff for review.
| -1443522524
| 2008-02-27
| Requested by Lee Arnold to inspect well for production. Well was drilled to Trempeleau formation and plugged back to Clinton. Well remains idle. Swedged in on 4.5'' casing. 2-300 barrel tanks and bulldozer remains on site. 6'' snow, 20 degrees.
| 1452111103
| 1452111103
| 2006-01-27
| 2006-01-27
| Company set surface casing in September 2005 and pulled rig off well. Drilling pits are closed. Richard Simac advised well will be completed before April 2006. Sun, 30 degrees.
| Company set surface casing in September 2005 and pulled rig off well. Drilling pits are closed. Richard Simac advised well will be completed before April 2006. Sun, 30 degrees.
| -1475471226
| 2012-09-18
| Contacted by Mescko Producing to report that he wants to complete the well and put it into production. He stated that Big Sky would be hired to service the well and setup for production. This would happen in 3 to 4 weeks from this date. Also reported, that he has had legal issues with a group called Preferred Financial.
| -1671533240
| 2013-03-13
| Follow up to NOV issued by Tom Benko.  No work and no change on site since last inspection.
| 1697897771
| 1697897771
| 2011-12-27
| 2011-12-27
| Contacted Rich Samac regarding status of well. Reported that he will be completing and putting well into production. Recently secured investors to complete site activities. Operator indicated that he has other proposed drill locations and needs to resolve
| Contacted Rich Samac regarding status of well. Reported that he will be completing and putting well into production. Recently secured investors to complete site activities. Operator indicated that he has other proposed drill locations and needs to resolve
| -1823245530
| 2010-05-04
| Well remains idle. Shut in on 4.5'' casing. Called Richard samic to advise well has been idle for 2 years. He advises no money to complete well. I advised to send an explanation letter to the division stating reason for delay on putting well in production. Sun, 65 degrees.
| 1914182758
| 1914182758
| 2013-08-29
| 2013-08-29
| The well has neither been completed nor plugged.  There is a portable tank on site.  The well needs to be plugged and the site restored.
| The well has neither been completed nor plugged.  There is a portable tank on site.  The well needs to be plugged and the site restored.
| 1918868518
| 1918868518
| 2013-02-13
| 2013-02-13
| Received a return call from Richard Samac's legal counsel. He reported that Richard was interested in completing the well and putting into production. Did not have a date for completing the well as previously requested by operator. Indicated that the well has sat for 5 years without any activity and there has been ample time the site conditions were favorable for servicing well. Indicated that if well was not put into production in 2013 that the well shall be plugged.
| Received a return call from Richard Samac's legal counsel. He reported that Richard was interested in completing the well and putting into production. Did not have a date for completing the well as previously requested by operator. Indicated that the well has sat for 5 years without any activity and there has been ample time the site conditions were favorable for servicing well. Indicated that if well was not put into production in 2013 that the well shall be plugged.
| -1960508734
| 2008-11-19
| Called Richard Samic to advise well needs plugged or produced. He advised Doug Hottel is bringing service rig within one week. Cloudy, 30 degrees.
| -2066326292
| 2005-09-09
| Drilling pit has been partially closed. Company is waiting on drilling rig to drill remainder of the well. 8'' casing is swedged in but leaking gas around threads. No leakage between conductor and surface casings. 70 degrees, dry.
| 258596496
| 258596496
| 2010-02-11
| 2010-02-11
| No response from Mescko Operating to complete well after several phone calls and NOV. Put company on permit hold list. 12'' snow on ground. 25 degrees.
| No response from Mescko Operating to complete well after several phone calls and NOV. Put company on permit hold list. 12'' snow on ground. 25 degrees.
| 346456938
| 346456938
| 2014-07-15
| 2014-07-15
| The operator has not done any work on the location.  The phone number for the operator has been disconnected.  The blue portable tank is still on location.  Plugging is due by October 28, 2014.
| The operator has not done any work on the location.  The phone number for the operator has been disconnected.  The blue portable tank is still on location.  Plugging is due by October 28, 2014.
| 377210365
| 377210365
| 2014-06-19
| 2014-06-19
| The operator has not started to plug the well nor have they taken any steps to complete the well so it can be placed in production.  The operator's phone number reports that it is disconnected.
| The operator has not started to plug the well nor have they taken any steps to complete the well so it can be placed in production.  The operator's phone number reports that it is disconnected.
| -541045308
| 2014-02-06
| The operator has failed to take any action to complete the well and place it in production.  The company representative stated following the inspection on 1/6/14 that they would be bringing a rig in within the month.  No rig on site, no pits have been constructed, no equipment has moved in.
| 699150815
| 2012-08-30
| FOLLOW UP TO NOV #  896301888 Inspect well and location. Well has been plugged back and has not been perforated or put into production. Well is incapable of production. The preliminary restoration has never been completed. No completion report has been submitted for well. No production has been reported for well. Numerous attempts have been make to have well put into production or plugged. Well shall be plugged.
| 744373563
| 744373563
| 2007-06-14
| 2007-06-14
| Well is shut in on 4.5'' casing. Drilling pits are closed. Spud date 4-23-2007. Sun, 80 degrees.
| Well is shut in on 4.5'' casing. Drilling pits are closed. Spud date 4-23-2007. Sun, 80 degrees.
| 778135463
| 778135463
| 2009-03-31
| 2009-03-31
| Mescko Operating is on permit hold list. Well remains idle with bull plug in top of 4.5'' casing. Location has not been finished graded. 100 barrel tank remains on location. Sun, 35 degrees.
| Mescko Operating is on permit hold list. Well remains idle with bull plug in top of 4.5'' casing. Location has not been finished graded. 100 barrel tank remains on location. Sun, 35 degrees.
| 896301888
| 896301888
| 2012-08-30
| 2012-08-30
| Inspect well and location. Well has been plugged back and has not been perforated or put into production. Well is incapable of production. The preliminary restoration has never been completed. No completion report has been submitted for well. No production has been reported for well. Numerous attempts have been make to have well put into production or plugged. Well shall be plugged.
| Inspect well and location. Well has been plugged back and has not been perforated or put into production. Well is incapable of production. The preliminary restoration has never been completed. No completion report has been submitted for well. No production has been reported for well. Numerous attempts have been make to have well put into production or plugged. Well shall be plugged.
| 9-11-05
| 896301888
| -926715403
| 2012-08-30
| 2011-12-21
| Inspect well and location. Well has been plugged back and has not been perforated or put into production. Well is incapable of production. The preliminary restoration has never been completed. No completion report has been submitted for well. No production has been reported for well. Numerous attempts have been make to have well put into production or plugged. Well shall be plugged.
| Inspect well site. Pits closed, rough graded. Overgrown with weeds. Well is not in production. Topsoil stockpiled adjacent to drill site. Bond and insurance ok and in order. Un-resolved violations exist for restoration and site conditions. Operator on per
| 896301888
| -954145899
| 2012-08-30
| 2008-05-02
| Inspect well and location. Well has been plugged back and has not been perforated or put into production. Well is incapable of production. The preliminary restoration has never been completed. No completion report has been submitted for well. No production has been reported for well. Numerous attempts have been make to have well put into production or plugged. Well shall be plugged.
| Spud date 4-23-07. Well remains idle. Called Richard Samac and he advised completion is scheduled for June 2008. Drilling pits are closed and 3-300 barrel tanks are on location. Rain 60 degrees.
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS
| publisher = [http://oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/]
| date = 2015-06-19
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources#Inspection
| accessdate = 2015-06-20 }}</ref>
== References ==

Revision as of 15:12, 14 July 2015

Well Details

Well ID: 34-005-24061
Loading map...
County: Ashland
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date: 2005-08-16
Unconventional: No
Configuration: Vertical
Well Status:
Violations: 0
Latitude: 40.94773417
Longitude: -82.26640695

Inspection Data

1098526637 2012-04-23 Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046. Compliance Notice
1098526637 2012-04-23 Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046. Field Visit or Inspection
1098526637 2012-04-23 Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046. Compliance Notice
1098526637 2012-04-23 Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046.
1098526637 2012-04-23 Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046.
1098526637 2012-04-23 Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046.
1098526637 2012-04-23 Contacted operator by phone. Return call received. Operator indicated that he would be putting well into production by July 2012. Richard Samac 330-624-0046. Phone Call
1109954446 2005-03-04 Inspect drilling site. Permit expires on 3-15-2005.Survey stake at site. Old 8 casing above ground at this location. No well records found. Berera wells drilled in area years ago. No leakage from casing and it is full of dirt. 30 degrees.
1124726528 2005-08-22 Jackson Drilling, a water well company is drilling surface hole for a cable tool rig. 78' of 13 conductor pipe has been set. Drilling surface on air at 500'. Reaming hole with 12.25 bit. No pit liner in pit. Advised after surface, pit must be lined before drilling commences. Sunny, 70 degrees.
1145897398 2006-04-24 Expired drilling permit. Well was spudded on 8-16-2005 and surface casing was set and cemented. Drilling rig pulled off well. Called Richard Simac on 1-27-2006 and he advised G&H Drilling company was coming in February to finish drilling well. No rig has came and well is not completed or drilled to total depth. Restoration is due in May 2006.Stockholders called to ask if well has been drilled. Sun, 60 degrees.
1175015569 2007-03-27 Moving in drilling rig to finish drilling well. Spoke with Richard Simic and George Dixon. Surface casing was set in 2006. Advised George Dixon to call when ready to drill out from surface. BOP needs tested. Cloudy, 70 degrees.
1175561003 2007-04-02 Blowout Preventor test. Tested BOP at 500 psi several times before establishing constant pressure. Direct Drilling Co. is rig. First well for this rig. George Dixon is tool pusher. Pits are lined properly and they are drilling well on mud. Blow line is 40' from well head. Drilling well to Knox formation. Sun, 60 degrees.
1175782673 2007-04-05 Drilling at 1378' top of Big Lime. Blow line has not been constructed according to permit conditions. Blow line is not chained down or choke manifold installed. Advised drilling superintentant to corect blow line today. Drilling hole on salt water at this time. Snow flurries, 35 degrees.
1176295465 2007-04-10 Called out by Sherl Evans of Direct Drilling Co. to inspect their choke manifold on the B.O.P. The choke is of suffient size to maintain pressure in the Knox formation. Advised George Dixion to continue drilling. Drilling at 3336' on mud at this time. PTD is 4500'.
1176476150 2007-04-13 Check status of drilling rig. Drilling depth is 3754'. Top of Trenton Lime is 3900' . Tripped out of hole to replace drill bit. TD is 4500'. Pits are contained.
1177346688 2007-04-23 Moving drilling rig and equipment to Geauga county. Pits are contained. Plugged well back to Clinton formation. Knox formation is dry. Sun, 70 degrees.
1217721032 2007-10-23 Well remains idle. Drilled in April of 2007. Drilling pits are closed. 100 barrel tank and dozer on location.
1219156982 2008-08-19 Well remains idle and restoration overdue. 5-2-2008 called Richard Samic and he advised me well would be in production by June 2008. Dozer and hoe on location with 2-300 barrel tanks.
-1220760833 2014-02-18 The operator has taken no action to date to complete the well or place it into production. No equipment has been brought to the site to work on the well as the operator stated would be the case this month.
1225295394 2008-10-29 No response to NOV. Received a phone call from Richard Samic 10-1-2008. He advised he was still in process of getting a rig. Spoke with new landowner Eric Shafer. I advised him of the violations. Called Richard Samic and he advised 2-3 weeks he will be in to work on well. Cloudy, 35 degrees.
1234454238 2009-02-12 Well remains idle. Made several phone calls to Richard Samic and have had no response to NOV. Well is shut in on 4.5 casing and restoration is incomplete. Request company be put on permit hold list until violation is corrected. Windy, 30 degrees.
1243605764 2009-05-29 No response to NOV or Permit hold list. Well remains idle and restoration incomplete. Equipment has been moved and 1-100 barrel tank on location.
1254226956 2009-09-29 Called Richard Samic to advise of NOV in non-compliance. He advised no money has been allocated to put well in production but is working on raising money. He advised the landowner has given permission to lay a gas line across property to meter base. No date was given for service rig.
1258471107 2009-11-17 No activity at well site since being drilled. Pits are closed but topsoil is piled on site and part has been hauled away from site. 4.5 casing at ground level with plug in top. Called Richard Samac to advise of NOV in non-compliance. He did not give any date of compliance. Sun, 40 degrees.
1281860128 2010-10-05 Well remains idle. Put on permit hold list on 2-17-2010. No response to NOV or NOMSV. Rain, 50 degrees.
1299165114 2011-03-03 Well remains idle. No attempt to produce well. Well has not been perforated or fraced in Clinton sand. On Feb. 17,2009 put company on permit hold list. No contact with owner in past year. Sun, 30 degrees.
1389023618 2014-01-06 No changes to the location since last inspection. Portable tank on site, no work has been done to the well or location.
1398715615 2014-04-28 The operator has not attempted to complete the well. The operator continually states when contacted that he is bringing a rig to finish the well and he will start within the month. The operator contacted the inspector in February and said he was bringing a rig in but has taken no action. The operator needs to obtain a plug permit for the well. Plugging needs to be completed by 10/28/14. Restoration needs to be completed before the end of 2014.
1409753591 2014-09-03 The operator has not completed restoration of the location. The well has not been completed, no ID is posted and the operator has not obtained a permit to plug the well or prepared the location for plugging. The operator was contacted at 330-465-9033 and stated he should have funds by the end of the month to complete the well and he intends to have it in production by the due date on the plug notice. Plugging is due by Oct. 28, 2014.
1414591352 2014-10-28 Inspection at 4:50 PM revealed that the well is not in compliance. The operator has not completed the well to place it in production nor has he completed plugging the well. There is a blue portable steel tank on site that has been there since the well was drilled. There is a topsoil pile at the location. The location is ponding water in the farm field and it has not been restored to approximate original contour. There is a pipe plug in the 4.5 inch casing. There is no production equipment on site and no well service equipment on site. The well has not been plugged as required by the compliance notice issued on 4/28/14.
1420634227 2015-01-06 Mr. Samic contacted the inspector on 12/4/14 and requested an extension of time to bring the well into compliance with the plug notice that was due on October 28, 2014. Mr. Samic stated that he needed to the end of January. I informed him the request had to be submitted in writing with a timetable for completing corrective action at the well. His letter was received on December 30, 2014 and Mr. Samic stated that the well would be in production or plugged by Feb. 2, 2015. If no work is done by that date, a Chief's Order will be prepared.
1422888958 2015-02-02 Mr. Samic of Mescko Producing contacted the inspector concerning the plugging compliance notice for this well. He previously submitted a request for extension of time to complete or plug the well. He stated in his written request that the well would be plugged or in production by Feb 2, 2015. The well has not been plugged or placed in production as of this date. Mr. Samic stated he would have it done this month. A draft Chief's Order has been submitted to the legal staff for review.
-1443522524 2008-02-27 Requested by Lee Arnold to inspect well for production. Well was drilled to Trempeleau formation and plugged back to Clinton. Well remains idle. Swedged in on 4.5 casing. 2-300 barrel tanks and bulldozer remains on site. 6 snow, 20 degrees.
1452111103 2006-01-27 Company set surface casing in September 2005 and pulled rig off well. Drilling pits are closed. Richard Simac advised well will be completed before April 2006. Sun, 30 degrees.
-1475471226 2012-09-18 Contacted by Mescko Producing to report that he wants to complete the well and put it into production. He stated that Big Sky would be hired to service the well and setup for production. This would happen in 3 to 4 weeks from this date. Also reported, that he has had legal issues with a group called Preferred Financial.
-1671533240 2013-03-13 Follow up to NOV issued by Tom Benko. No work and no change on site since last inspection.
1697897771 2011-12-27 Contacted Rich Samac regarding status of well. Reported that he will be completing and putting well into production. Recently secured investors to complete site activities. Operator indicated that he has other proposed drill locations and needs to resolve
-1823245530 2010-05-04 Well remains idle. Shut in on 4.5 casing. Called Richard samic to advise well has been idle for 2 years. He advises no money to complete well. I advised to send an explanation letter to the division stating reason for delay on putting well in production. Sun, 65 degrees.
1914182758 2013-08-29 The well has neither been completed nor plugged. There is a portable tank on site. The well needs to be plugged and the site restored.
1918868518 2013-02-13 Received a return call from Richard Samac's legal counsel. He reported that Richard was interested in completing the well and putting into production. Did not have a date for completing the well as previously requested by operator. Indicated that the well has sat for 5 years without any activity and there has been ample time the site conditions were favorable for servicing well. Indicated that if well was not put into production in 2013 that the well shall be plugged.
-1960508734 2008-11-19 Called Richard Samic to advise well needs plugged or produced. He advised Doug Hottel is bringing service rig within one week. Cloudy, 30 degrees.
-2066326292 2005-09-09 Drilling pit has been partially closed. Company is waiting on drilling rig to drill remainder of the well. 8 casing is swedged in but leaking gas around threads. No leakage between conductor and surface casings. 70 degrees, dry.
258596496 2010-02-11 No response from Mescko Operating to complete well after several phone calls and NOV. Put company on permit hold list. 12 snow on ground. 25 degrees.
346456938 2014-07-15 The operator has not done any work on the location. The phone number for the operator has been disconnected. The blue portable tank is still on location. Plugging is due by October 28, 2014.
377210365 2014-06-19 The operator has not started to plug the well nor have they taken any steps to complete the well so it can be placed in production. The operator's phone number reports that it is disconnected.
-541045308 2014-02-06 The operator has failed to take any action to complete the well and place it in production. The company representative stated following the inspection on 1/6/14 that they would be bringing a rig in within the month. No rig on site, no pits have been constructed, no equipment has moved in.
699150815 2012-08-30 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 896301888 Inspect well and location. Well has been plugged back and has not been perforated or put into production. Well is incapable of production. The preliminary restoration has never been completed. No completion report has been submitted for well. No production has been reported for well. Numerous attempts have been make to have well put into production or plugged. Well shall be plugged.
744373563 2007-06-14 Well is shut in on 4.5 casing. Drilling pits are closed. Spud date 4-23-2007. Sun, 80 degrees.
778135463 2009-03-31 Mescko Operating is on permit hold list. Well remains idle with bull plug in top of 4.5 casing. Location has not been finished graded. 100 barrel tank remains on location. Sun, 35 degrees.
896301888 2012-08-30 Inspect well and location. Well has been plugged back and has not been perforated or put into production. Well is incapable of production. The preliminary restoration has never been completed. No completion report has been submitted for well. No production has been reported for well. Numerous attempts have been make to have well put into production or plugged. Well shall be plugged.
-926715403 2011-12-21 Inspect well site. Pits closed, rough graded. Overgrown with weeds. Well is not in production. Topsoil stockpiled adjacent to drill site. Bond and insurance ok and in order. Un-resolved violations exist for restoration and site conditions. Operator on per
-954145899 2008-05-02 Spud date 4-23-07. Well remains idle. Called Richard Samac and he advised completion is scheduled for June 2008. Drilling pits are closed and 3-300 barrel tanks are on location. Rain 60 degrees.

For data sources see[1]


  1. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [1]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20.