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Difference between revisions of "34-169-25134"

Line 3: Line 3:
{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
| Well ID: 34-169-25134
| Well ID: 34-169-25134
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="15" | {{#display_map: 40.9523681151, -81.8149412913 | width=100% | height=100% }}
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="15" | {{#display_map: 40.95236812, -81.81494129 | width=100% | height=100% }}  
| County:
| County: [[Wayne County, Ohio|Wayne]]
| Municipality:
| Municipality:  
| Operator Name:
| Operator Name: [[MORTON SALT INC]]
| Well Pad ID:
| Well Pad ID:  
| Farm/Lease Name:
| Farm/Lease Name:  
| First Permit Date:
| First Permit Date:  
| Last Permit Date:
| Last Permit Date:  
| Spud Date: 2009-10-13
| Spud Date: 2009-10-13
| Unconventional:
| Unconventional: No
| Horizontal:
| Configuration: Vertical
| Producing: No
| Well Status: Final Restoration
| Violations: 0
| Violations: 0
| Latitude: 40.9523681151
| Latitude: 40.95236812
| Longitude: -81.8149412913
| Longitude: -81.81494129
== Production Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" | PERIOD
!scope="col" | GAS QUANTITY
!scope="col" | GAS PRODUCTION DAYS
!scope="col" | OIL QUANTITY
!scope="col" | OIL PRODUCTION DAYS
== Waste Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" | PERIOD
!scope="col" | TYPE
!scope="col" | QUANTITY
!scope="col" | UNITS
!scope="col" | DISPOSAL METHOD
!scope="col" | WASTE FACILITY NAME
!scope="col" | FACILITY CITY
!scope="col" | FACILITY STATE
== Inspection Data ==
== Inspection Data ==
Line 64: Line 42:
!scope="col" | VIOLATION ID
!scope="col" | VIOLATION ID
!scope="col" | VIOLATION CODE
!scope="col" | VIOLATION CODE
!scope="col" | VIOLATION_COMMENT
!scope="col" | VIOLATION COMMENT
| -1006248498
| -1006248498
| 2013-03-22
| 2013-03-22
| Appears to be in compliance.
| Appears to be in compliance.
| -1309840519
| 2007-09-05
| Check this well to see if operator is pumping interface for M.I.T and did not find anybody in the well field to find out if the test is going to be soon.
| -1756215711
| 2010-03-09
| Pits are closed and area needs graded and seeded .Final not ready
| -2062499377
| 2007-09-05
| Morton Salt is pumping interface for MIT on Thurs or Fri
| -2069936020
| 2003-12-09
| -260570545
| 2007-09-26
| Arrive today for M.I.T and found that they had forgot to call me to tell me the test will be Wednesday.
| -65313807
| 2007-09-12
| Arrive for MIT and test has failed and is to be retested soon.
| 1193313116
| 1193313116
| 2007-09-10
| 2007-09-10
| Arrive for M.I.T. and found that it has been cancelled until Weds.
| Arrive for M.I.T. and found that it has been cancelled until Weds.
| 1226151984
| 1226151984
| 2007-09-12
| 2007-09-12
| Test M.I.T today and in the 7 hour the test failed and was stopped by operator. Use well # 41 as reference well.
| Test M.I.T today and in the 7 hour the test failed and was stopped by operator. Use well # 41 as reference well.
| -1309840519
| 2007-09-05
| Check this well to see if operator is pumping interface for M.I.T and did not find anybody in the well field to find out if the test is going to be soon.
| 1378343061
| 1378343061
| 2007-09-10
| 2007-09-10
| \Arrive for M.I.T. today and found they had forgot to call and reshcedule for this Weds.
| Arrive for M.I.T. today and found they had forgot to call and reshcedule for this Weds.
| 1401406901
| 1401406901
| 2007-10-11
| 2007-10-11
| Check well today and found no work done to get wells ready to test for M.I.T.
| Check well today and found no work done to get wells ready to test for M.I.T.
| 1451889015
| 1451889015
| 2009-10-14
| 2009-10-14
| Arrive for test after setting cement plug and tests # 1 & 2 failed because swedge was leaking. Make repairs and 3 rd test passed.Tag top of cement at 1812 ft . Halliburton set 2 plug from 1800 to 1500 then continue from 1500 to 1000 - 1000 to 500 and 500 to 0 ft. Need to top off as we ran out just as cement circulated to top and fell back several feet.
| Arrive for test after setting cement plug and tests # 1 & 2 failed because swedge was leaking. Make repairs and 3 rd test passed.Tag top of cement at 1812 ft . Halliburton set 2 plug from 1800 to 1500 then continue from 1500 to 1000 - 1000 to 500 and 500 to 0 ft. Need to top off as we ran out just as cement circulated to top and fell back several feet.
| 1645316472
| 1645316472
| 2007-10-10
| 2007-10-10
| Check to see if wells are being worked on today and found that nothing has been done.
| Check to see if wells are being worked on today and found that nothing has been done.
| 1669574741
| 1669574741
| 2010-04-06
| 2010-04-06
| Final Restoration has not been done.
| Final Restoration has not been done.
| -1756215711
| 2010-03-09
| Pits are closed and area needs graded and seeded .Final not ready
| 2004812552
| 2004812552
| 2010-06-16
| 2010-06-16
| Check on restoration final and found that it is not ready. The plate for top of the well does not have the correct info and there are production valves which need removed.
| Check on restoration final and found that it is not ready. The plate for top of the well does not have the correct info and there are production valves which need removed.
| -2062499377
| 2007-09-05
| Morton Salt is pumping interface for MIT on Thurs or Fri
| -2069936020
| 2003-12-09
| 2079472919
| 2079472919
| 2007-09-28
| 2007-09-28
| Arrive to test M.I.T. and after 7 hours test was stopped.Had leak between tubing and valve.
| Arrive to test M.I.T. and after 7 hours test was stopped.Had leak between tubing and valve.
| -260570545
| 2007-09-26
| Arrive today for M.I.T and found that they had forgot to call me to tell me the test will be Wednesday.
| 268370907
| 268370907
| 2007-09-28
| 2007-09-28
| Arrive for M.I.T. and after 6 hrs test was cancelled due to mechanical problems with equipment.
| Arrive for M.I.T. and after 6 hrs test was cancelled due to mechanical problems with equipment.
| 29376108
| 29376108
| 2002-05-23
| 2002-05-23
| Test M.I.T. for 5 year review for U.I.C.  Test passed.
| Test M.I.T. for 5 year review for U.I.C.  Test passed.
| 458436064
| 458436064
| 2009-10-13
| 2009-10-13
| Whipstock Service company had Superior Wire line set 9 5/8 bridgeplug at 2332 on 10/12/2009 which was a Holiday for us so I did not witness .The 5 1/2 tubing has been pulled from 2350 ft and the last joint was bent and smashed which could be from cave in at that depth.Next load 9 5/8 casing and try and pressure test bridgeplug.3 tests failed .Then had Halliburton set cement plug on top of bridge and shut in for the night.Set 500 ft plug c/w 165 sks from 2332 to 1832 ft.
| Whipstock Service company had Superior Wire line set 9 5/8 bridgeplug at 2332 on 10/12/2009 which was a Holiday for us so I did not witness .The 5 1/2 tubing has been pulled from 2350 ft and the last joint was bent and smashed which could be from cave in at that depth.Next load 9 5/8 casing and try and pressure test bridgeplug.3 tests failed .Then had Halliburton set cement plug on top of bridge and shut in for the night.Set 500 ft plug c/w 165 sks from 2332 to 1832 ft.
| 565827411
| 565827411
| 2010-12-10
| 2010-12-10
| Check this well for Erica Freeman and found that it was plugged but needs marker plate with the correct info valves removed before final can be approved. Met with operator and advised that the well be capped with proper permit info and valves be removed.
| Check this well for Erica Freeman and found that it was plugged but needs marker plate with the correct info valves removed before final can be approved. Met with operator and advised that the well be capped with proper permit info and valves be removed.
| -65313807
| 2007-09-12
| Arrive for MIT and test has failed and is to be retested soon.
| 784562530
| 784562530
| 2009-10-19
| 2009-10-19
| Check on top of cement and found that it is down 3 ft and there are no leaks at this time.
| Check on top of cement and found that it is down 3 ft and there are no leaks at this time.
| iANGE000153
| iANGE000153
| 1997-08-01
| 1997-08-01
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS
| publisher = [http://oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/]
| date = 2015-06-19
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources#Inspection
| accessdate = 2015-06-20 }}</ref>
== References ==

Revision as of 07:39, 15 July 2015

Well Details

Well ID: 34-169-25134
Loading map...
County: Wayne
Operator Name: MORTON SALT INC
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date: 2009-10-13
Unconventional: No
Configuration: Vertical
Well Status: Final Restoration
Violations: 0
Latitude: 40.95236812
Longitude: -81.81494129

Inspection Data

-1006248498 2013-03-22 Appears to be in compliance.
1193313116 2007-09-10 Arrive for M.I.T. and found that it has been cancelled until Weds.
1226151984 2007-09-12 Test M.I.T today and in the 7 hour the test failed and was stopped by operator. Use well # 41 as reference well.
-1309840519 2007-09-05 Check this well to see if operator is pumping interface for M.I.T and did not find anybody in the well field to find out if the test is going to be soon.
1378343061 2007-09-10 Arrive for M.I.T. today and found they had forgot to call and reshcedule for this Weds.
1401406901 2007-10-11 Check well today and found no work done to get wells ready to test for M.I.T.
1451889015 2009-10-14 Arrive for test after setting cement plug and tests # 1 & 2 failed because swedge was leaking. Make repairs and 3 rd test passed.Tag top of cement at 1812 ft . Halliburton set 2 plug from 1800 to 1500 then continue from 1500 to 1000 - 1000 to 500 and 500 to 0 ft. Need to top off as we ran out just as cement circulated to top and fell back several feet.
1645316472 2007-10-10 Check to see if wells are being worked on today and found that nothing has been done.
1669574741 2010-04-06 Final Restoration has not been done.
-1756215711 2010-03-09 Pits are closed and area needs graded and seeded .Final not ready
2004812552 2010-06-16 Check on restoration final and found that it is not ready. The plate for top of the well does not have the correct info and there are production valves which need removed.
-2062499377 2007-09-05 Morton Salt is pumping interface for MIT on Thurs or Fri
-2069936020 2003-12-09 CHECKED ID - OK
2079472919 2007-09-28 Arrive to test M.I.T. and after 7 hours test was stopped.Had leak between tubing and valve.
-260570545 2007-09-26 Arrive today for M.I.T and found that they had forgot to call me to tell me the test will be Wednesday.
268370907 2007-09-28 Arrive for M.I.T. and after 6 hrs test was cancelled due to mechanical problems with equipment.
29376108 2002-05-23 Test M.I.T. for 5 year review for U.I.C. Test passed.
458436064 2009-10-13 Whipstock Service company had Superior Wire line set 9 5/8 bridgeplug at 2332 on 10/12/2009 which was a Holiday for us so I did not witness .The 5 1/2 tubing has been pulled from 2350 ft and the last joint was bent and smashed which could be from cave in at that depth.Next load 9 5/8 casing and try and pressure test bridgeplug.3 tests failed .Then had Halliburton set cement plug on top of bridge and shut in for the night.Set 500 ft plug c/w 165 sks from 2332 to 1832 ft.
565827411 2010-12-10 Check this well for Erica Freeman and found that it was plugged but needs marker plate with the correct info valves removed before final can be approved. Met with operator and advised that the well be capped with proper permit info and valves be removed.
-65313807 2007-09-12 Arrive for MIT and test has failed and is to be retested soon.
784562530 2009-10-19 Check on top of cement and found that it is down 3 ft and there are no leaks at this time.
iANGE000153 1997-08-01

For data sources see[1]


  1. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [1]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20.