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== Well Details ==
== Well Details ==
{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
| Well ID: 34-169-25627
| Well ID: 34-169-25627
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="15" | {{#display_map: 40.6737312, -81.85789959 | width=100% | height=100% }}  
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="17" | {{#display_map: 40.673794500, -81.85776864 | width=100% | height=100% }}
| County: [[Wayne County, Ohio|Wayne]]
| Country: United States
| Municipality:  
| State: Ohio
| Operator Name: [[EXTREME ENERGY]]
| County: [[Wayne_County,_Ohio|Wayne]]
| Municipality: [[Salt_Creek_Township,_Wayne_County,_Ohio|Salt creek Township]]
| Well Pad ID:  
| Well Pad ID:  
| Farm/Lease Name:  
| First Permit Date:  
| License Status: Producing
| Last Permit Date:  
| License Date: 2010-07-15
| Spud Date: 2008-11-24
| Spud Date: 2008-11-24
| Unconventional: No
| Spud Drilling Contractor: [[WHIPSTOCK OHIO DRILLING]]
| Final Drill Date: 2008-12-04
| Well Total Depth: 3775 ft
| Configuration: Vertical
| Configuration: Vertical
| Well Status: Producing
| Latitude: 40.673794500
| Violations: 0
| Longitude: -81.85776864
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Well, tblLocational, tblPlugWell, tblInspection, tblCivilTownships and tblPad Tables
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2019-05-07
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
== Well History ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Well Status
!scope="col" style="width: 15%;text-align: center"| Well Status Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Comment
| 2008-11-21
| Proposed Formations:CLINTON, Issued Date:11/21/2008, Expired Date:11/21/2009 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:29.67, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
| Latitude: 40.6737312
| Reached Total Depth
| 2008-12-04
| Longitude: -81.85789959
| Construction Permit Expires
| 2009-11-21
| Completion Report Received
| 2010-05-07
| Change of Owner
| 2016-03-30
| Operator changed from 8428, EXTREME ENERGY to 8104, INDUSTRY STANDARD SUPPLIES INC
| Record Last Modified
| 2017-02-15
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Well and WellHistry Tables
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2019-05-07
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
== Perforation Treatments ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Perforation Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Interval Top (ft)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Interval Base (ft)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Number of Shots
| 2010-07-15
| style="text-align: right;" | 3594
| style="text-align: right;" | 3648
| style="text-align: right;" | 31
== Production Data ==
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Perfs Table
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2019-05-07
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
<!--== Fracking Activities ==
==== Fracking Jobs ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Number
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Start Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job End Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| True Vertical Depth (ft)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Total Water Volume (gal)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Total Non-Water Volume (gal)
<!--==== Fluid Composition Data ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 100%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Number
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Trade Name
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Supplier
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Purpose
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Ingredient Name
!scope="col" style="white-space: nowrap;text-align: center"| CAS Number
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Additive Percentage by Mass
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Percentage by Mass
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Mass Used (lb)
== Stimulations Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" | PERIOD
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Stimulation Date
!scope="col" | GAS QUANTITY
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Chemical Agent
!scope="col" | GAS PRODUCTION DAYS
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Chemical Agent Concentration (%)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Fracking Fluid Volume
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Mass of Proppant Used (lb)
!scope="col" | OIL QUANTITY
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Fracking Company
!scope="col" | OIL PRODUCTION DAYS
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Comments
| 2013-0
| style="text-align:right;" | 529.0
| H2O
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 53500 Gal
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - tblStimulation Table
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2019-05-07
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
== Production Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Period
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Operator Name
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Gas Quantity (mcf)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Oil Quantity (bbl)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Production Days
| 2013
| style="text-align: right;" | 529
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2014
| style="text-align: right;" | 860
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2015
| style="text-align: right;" | 310
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2016
| style="text-align: right;" | 68
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2017
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| 2018
| style="text-align: right;" | 11
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Production Table - Oil and Gas Data
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2019-05-07
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web
| title = Combined Production - Oil and Gas Data
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date = 2019-05-07
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
== Waste Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Period
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Operator Name
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Waste Type
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Quantity (bbl)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Production Days
| 2013
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2014
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2015
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2016
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| 2017
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| 2014-0
| 2018
| style="text-align:right;" | 860.0
| style="text-align:right;" | 365.0
| Brine
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 365
| style="text-align:right;" | 0.0
| style="text-align:right;" | 365.0
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
  | title = Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS
  | title = Risk Based Data Management System - Production Table - Brine Data
  | publisher = [http://oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/]
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
  | date = 2015-06-19
  | date =  2019-05-07
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources#Production
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
  | accessdate = 2015-06-20 }}</ref>
| accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web
| title = Combined Production - Brine Data
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
  | date = 2019-05-07
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
  | accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
== Inspection Data ==
== Inspection Data ==
==== Inspections Performed ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" | INSPECTION ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection ID
!scope="col" | DATE
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Date
!scope="col" | DESCRIPTION
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Type
!scope="col" | COMMENT
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Result
!scope="col" | VIOLATION ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Comments
!scope="col" | VIOLATION CODE
!scope="col" | VIOLATION COMMENT
| 1138123076
| 0000889452
| 2013-01-24
| 2010-04-19
| Preliminary Restoration
| This appears to be a  producing plunger lift well.  No production has ever been reported for this well.  There is no ID on the tank or well.  There were no other problems noted at the time of the inspection.  File a statement of annual production for ALL of your wells.  Affix a valid legible ID to the tank or well with the operator name,  well name and number,  permit number,  county and an emergency phone number.  Failure to comply with this request will result in permit hold and could result in forfeiture of bond.
| No Violations
| Primary restoration has been done.
| Compliance Notice
| 0041683013
| 2013-11-20
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| According to RBDMS, there has still been no production reported.  NOV 1138123076 NOT RESOLVED.
| 0372690891
| 2013-07-29
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| The NOV for signage is resolved with the placement of sign on tank.  NOV for lack of production reporting IS NOT RESOLVED as RBDMS stil indicates no production records ever.
| 1138123076
| 0594123360
| 2013-01-24
| 2013-01-24
| Production Wells
| This appears to be a  producing plunger lift well.  No production has ever been reported for this well.  There is no ID on the tank or well.  There were no other problems noted at the time of the inspection.  File a statement of annual production for ALL of your wells.  Affix a valid legible ID to the tank or well with the operator name,  well name and number,  permit number,  county and an emergency phone number.  Failure to comply with this request will result in permit hold and could result in forfeiture of bond.
| No Violations
| FOLLOW UP TO NOV #  1138123076 This appears to be a  producing plunger lift well.  No production has ever been reported for this well.  There is no ID on the tank or well.  There were no other problems noted at the time of the inspection.  File a statement of annual production for ALL of your wells.  Affix a valid legible ID to the tank or well with the operator name,  well name and number,  permit number,  county and an emergency phone number.  Failure to comply with this request will result in permit hold and could result in forfeiture of bond.
| Compliance Notice
| 0618498597
| 2017-12-04
| Preliminary Restoration
| No Violations
| Inspected production well on 12/04/2017.  All drilling equipment and debris have been removed, pits closed, and the well placed into production.  Preliminary restoration passes.
| 1138123076
| 0765350956
| 2013-01-24
| 2013-01-24
| Production Wells
| This appears to be a  producing plunger lift well.  No production has ever been reported for this well.  There is no ID on the tank or well.  There were no other problems noted at the time of the inspection.  File a statement of annual production for ALL of your wells.  Affix a valid legible ID to the tank or well with the operator name,  well name and number,  permit number,  county and an emergency phone number.  Failure to comply with this request will result in permit hold and could result in forfeiture of bond.
| No Violations
| FOLLOW UP TO NOV #  -594123360 FOLLOW UP TO NOV #  1138123076 This appears to be a  producing plunger lift well.  No production has ever been reported for this well.  There is no ID on the tank or well.  There were no other problems noted at the time of
| Compliance Notice
| 0787848375
| 2018-08-14
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected production well on 08/14/2018.  The tank battery consists of 1-100 bbl steel tank, 1-50 bbl steel tank, 1-vertical separator, 1-drip, and 1-meter box, located within an earthen dike.  Well identification is clearly displayed at the tank battery.  The well is a rabbit well, equipped with 2-meters with 1-drip and 2-regulators.  No problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
| 1138123076
| 1138123076
| 2013-01-24
| 2013-01-24
| Production Wells
| Violations Noted
| This appears to be a  producing plunger lift well.  No production has ever been reported for this well.  There is no ID on the tank or well.  There were no other problems noted at the time of the inspection.  File a statement of annual production for ALL of your wells.  Affix a valid legible ID to the tank or well with the operator name,  well name and number,  permit number,  county and an emergency phone number.  Failure to comply with this request will result in permit hold and could result in forfeiture of bond.
| This appears to be a  producing plunger lift well.  No production has ever been reported for this well.  There is no ID on the tank or well.  There were no other problems noted at the time of the inspection.  File a statement of annual production for ALL of your wells.  Affix a valid legible ID to the tank or well with the operator name,  well name and number,  permit number,  county and an emergency phone number.  Failure to comply with this request will result in permit hold and could result in forfeiture of bond.
| Compliance Notice
| 1239712708
| 1239712708
| 2009-03-02
| 2009-03-02
| Preliminary Restoration
| No Violations
| This was the site of a Floodplain well .The pits are closed and the area is rough graded not seeded.
| This was the site of a Floodplain well .The pits are closed and the area is rough graded not seeded.
| 1363717145
| 1363717145
| 2013-03-19
| 2013-03-19
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Still no signage or production.  No other violations noted at this time.
| Still no signage or production.  No other violations noted at this time.
| -1468397682
| 1468397682
| 2013-04-12
| 2013-04-12
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| This well still in violation.
| This well still in violation.
| 1859253180
| 2016-07-21
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected production well on 07/21/2016.  The tank battery consists of 1-100 bbl steel tank, 1-50 bbl steel tank, and 1-vertical separator, located within an earthen dike.  Well identification is clearly displayed at the tank battery.  The well is a rabbit well.  No problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
| 1901215191
| 1901215191
| 2013-01-24
| 2013-01-24
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| FOLLOW UP TO NOV #  1138123076 This appears to be a  producing plunger lift well.  No production has ever been reported for this well.  There is no ID on the tank or well.  There were no other problems noted at the time of the inspection.  File a stateme
| FOLLOW UP TO NOV #  1138123076 This appears to be a  producing plunger lift well.  No production has ever been reported for this well.  There is no ID on the tank or well.  There were no other problems noted at the time of the inspection.  File a stateme
| 1987539660
| 2017-12-04
| Production Wells
| No Violations
| Inspected production well on 12/04/2017.  The tank battery consists of 1-100 bbl steel tank, 1-50 bbl steel tank, 1-vertical separator, 1-drip, and 1-meter box, located within an earthen dike.  Well identification is clearly displayed at the tank battery.  The well is a rabbit well, equipped with 2-meters, 1-drip, and 2-regulators.  No problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
| -2082710018
| 2082710018
| 2009-03-26
| 2009-03-26
| Preliminary Restoration
| No Violations
| Pits closed area still needs more grading and seeding . There is no vegetation for cover yet .
| Pits closed area still needs more grading and seeding . There is no vegetation for cover yet .
==== Violations Commited ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation Code
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation Comments
| -372690891
| 1138123076
| 2013-07-29
| US-OH-103498
| 2013-01-29
| The NOV for signage is resolved with the placement of sign on tank.  NOV for lack of production reporting IS NOT RESOLVED as RBDMS stil indicates no production records ever.
| Failure to legibly identify well
| 1138123076
| -41683013
| US-OH-103499
| 2013-11-20
| 2013-01-29
| According to RBDMS, there has still been no production reported.  NOV 1138123076 NOT RESOLVED.
| -594123360
| 2013-01-24
| FOLLOW UP TO NOV #  1138123076 This appears to be a  producing plunger lift well.  No production has ever been reported for this well.  There is no ID on the tank or well.  There were no other problems noted at the time of the inspection.  File a statement of annual production for ALL of your wells.  Affix a valid legible ID to the tank or well with the operator name,  well name and number,  permit number,  county and an emergency phone number.  Failure to comply with this request will result in permit hold and could result in forfeiture of bond.
| 765350956
| 2013-01-24
| FOLLOW UP TO NOV #  -594123360 FOLLOW UP TO NOV #  1138123076 This appears to be a  producing plunger lift well.  No production has ever been reported for this well.  There is no ID on the tank or well.  There were no other problems noted at the time of
| 889452
| 2010-04-19
| Primary restoration has been done.
| Statement of annual production not filed
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
  | title = Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS
  | title = Risk Based Data Management System - tblInspection, tblInspFail and tblinspFlDesc Tables
  | publisher = [http://oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/]
  |publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
  | date = 2015-06-19
  | date = 2019-05-07
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources#Inspection
  | url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
  | accessdate = 2015-06-20 }}</ref>
  | accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
== References ==
[[Category:Ohio Wells]]

Revision as of 17:24, 24 July 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-169-25627
Loading map...
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Wayne
Municipality: Salt creek Township
Well Pad ID:
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2010-07-15
Spud Date: 2008-11-24
Spud Drilling Contractor: WHIPSTOCK OHIO DRILLING
Final Drill Date: 2008-12-04
Well Total Depth: 3775 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.673794500
Longitude: -81.85776864

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2008-11-21 Proposed Formations:CLINTON, Issued Date:11/21/2008, Expired Date:11/21/2009 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:29.67, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Reached Total Depth 2008-12-04
Construction Permit Expires 2009-11-21
Completion Report Received 2010-05-07
Change of Owner 2016-03-30 Operator changed from 8428, EXTREME ENERGY to 8104, INDUSTRY STANDARD SUPPLIES INC
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2010-07-15 3594 3648 31

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 53500 Gal 0

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2013 EXTREME ENERGY 529 0 365
2014 EXTREME ENERGY 860 0 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2013 EXTREME ENERGY Brine 0 365
2014 EXTREME ENERGY Brine 0 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0000889452 2010-04-19 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Primary restoration has been done.
0041683013 2013-11-20 Production Wells No Violations According to RBDMS, there has still been no production reported. NOV 1138123076 NOT RESOLVED.
0372690891 2013-07-29 Production Wells No Violations The NOV for signage is resolved with the placement of sign on tank. NOV for lack of production reporting IS NOT RESOLVED as RBDMS stil indicates no production records ever.
0594123360 2013-01-24 Production Wells No Violations FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1138123076 This appears to be a producing plunger lift well. No production has ever been reported for this well. There is no ID on the tank or well. There were no other problems noted at the time of the inspection. File a statement of annual production for ALL of your wells. Affix a valid legible ID to the tank or well with the operator name, well name and number, permit number, county and an emergency phone number. Failure to comply with this request will result in permit hold and could result in forfeiture of bond.
0618498597 2017-12-04 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Inspected production well on 12/04/2017. All drilling equipment and debris have been removed, pits closed, and the well placed into production. Preliminary restoration passes.
0765350956 2013-01-24 Production Wells No Violations FOLLOW UP TO NOV # -594123360 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1138123076 This appears to be a producing plunger lift well. No production has ever been reported for this well. There is no ID on the tank or well. There were no other problems noted at the time of
0787848375 2018-08-14 Production Wells No Violations Inspected production well on 08/14/2018. The tank battery consists of 1-100 bbl steel tank, 1-50 bbl steel tank, 1-vertical separator, 1-drip, and 1-meter box, located within an earthen dike. Well identification is clearly displayed at the tank battery. The well is a rabbit well, equipped with 2-meters with 1-drip and 2-regulators. No problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
1138123076 2013-01-24 Production Wells Violations Noted This appears to be a producing plunger lift well. No production has ever been reported for this well. There is no ID on the tank or well. There were no other problems noted at the time of the inspection. File a statement of annual production for ALL of your wells. Affix a valid legible ID to the tank or well with the operator name, well name and number, permit number, county and an emergency phone number. Failure to comply with this request will result in permit hold and could result in forfeiture of bond.
1239712708 2009-03-02 Preliminary Restoration No Violations This was the site of a Floodplain well .The pits are closed and the area is rough graded not seeded.
1363717145 2013-03-19 Production Wells No Violations Still no signage or production. No other violations noted at this time.
1468397682 2013-04-12 Production Wells No Violations This well still in violation.
1859253180 2016-07-21 Production Wells No Violations Inspected production well on 07/21/2016. The tank battery consists of 1-100 bbl steel tank, 1-50 bbl steel tank, and 1-vertical separator, located within an earthen dike. Well identification is clearly displayed at the tank battery. The well is a rabbit well. No problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
1901215191 2013-01-24 Production Wells No Violations FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1138123076 This appears to be a producing plunger lift well. No production has ever been reported for this well. There is no ID on the tank or well. There were no other problems noted at the time of the inspection. File a stateme
1987539660 2017-12-04 Production Wells No Violations Inspected production well on 12/04/2017. The tank battery consists of 1-100 bbl steel tank, 1-50 bbl steel tank, 1-vertical separator, 1-drip, and 1-meter box, located within an earthen dike. Well identification is clearly displayed at the tank battery. The well is a rabbit well, equipped with 2-meters, 1-drip, and 2-regulators. No problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
2082710018 2009-03-26 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Pits closed area still needs more grading and seeding . There is no vegetation for cover yet .

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
1138123076 US-OH-103498 2013-01-29 Failure to legibly identify well
1138123076 US-OH-103499 2013-01-29 Statement of annual production not filed

For data sources see[9]
