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Difference between revisions of "34-169-25571"

Line 21: Line 21:
| License Status: Producing
| License Status: Producing
| License Date: 2007-12-14
| License Date: 2007-06-04
| Spud Date: 2007-06-05
| Spud Date: 2007-06-05

Revision as of 01:52, 30 July 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-169-25571
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Wayne
Municipality: Baughman Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: STOLL FARMS
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2007-06-04
Spud Date: 2007-06-05
Spud Drilling Contractor: MARIC DRILLING CO.
Final Drill Date: 2007-06-09
Well Total Depth: 3895 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.851926532
Longitude: -81.72183843

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2007-06-04 Proposed Formations:CLINTON, Issued Date:6/4/2007, Expired Date:6/3/2008 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:20, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Completed 2007-06-09
Reached Total Depth 2007-06-09
Completion Report Received 2007-12-13
Construction Permit Expires 2008-06-03
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2009-12-30 3688 3726 14

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 0 0

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2007 LAKE REGION OIL INC 0 112 60
2008 LAKE REGION OIL INC 1465 837 365
2009 LAKE REGION OIL INC 2378 884 365
2010 LAKE REGION OIL INC 3700 495 365
2011 LAKE REGION OIL INC 4074 535 0
2012 LAKE REGION OIL INC 3178 352 366
2013 LAKE REGION OIL INC 2994 248 365
2014 LAKE REGION OIL INC 2874 288 365
2015 LAKE REGION OIL INC 4665 274 365
2016 LAKE REGION OIL INC 4629 179 365
2017 LAKE REGION OIL INC 4597 271 365
2018 LAKE REGION OIL INC 3962 130 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2007 LAKE REGION OIL INC Brine 2520 60
2008 LAKE REGION OIL INC Brine 2520 365
2009 LAKE REGION OIL INC Brine 0 365
2010 LAKE REGION OIL INC Brine 0 365
2012 LAKE REGION OIL INC Brine 35 366
2013 LAKE REGION OIL INC Brine 25 365
2014 LAKE REGION OIL INC Brine 25 365
2015 LAKE REGION OIL INC Brine 0 365
2016 LAKE REGION OIL INC Brine 48 365
2017 LAKE REGION OIL INC Brine 0 365
2018 LAKE REGION OIL INC Brine 70 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0064598156 2016-10-03 Production Wells No Violations Inspected production well on 10/03/2016. The tank battery consists of 1-210 bbl steel tank, 1-1,500 gal plastic tank, and 1-horizontal separator, located within an earthen dike; the diked area is located within an unlocked metal fence. Well identification is clearly displayed at the tank battery. The well is a rabbit well, located within an unlocked metal fence. No problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
0082785143 2007-10-17 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Meets requirement for Prelim restoration
0117936866 2007-06-05 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Maric Drilling set 212 ft. of 12 1/4 conductor pipe .Not cemented but not able to pull after setting .Return later to cement surface casing .Maric Drilling set 431 ft. of 8 5/8 casing c/w 125 L 100 R -Halliburton - Scott Krug 11 inch hole to 485 ft.
0134923142 2016-03-07 Production Wells No Violations Inspected production well on 03/07/2016. The tank battery consists of 1-210 bbl steel tank, 1-1,500 gal plastic tank, and 1-horizontal separator located within an earthen dike. The diked area is located within an unlocked metal fence. Well identification is posted at the wellhead, but it is mostly torn off and needs replaced. Additionally, the area around the valve on the steel tank needs cleaned-up. Don Haer, Lake Region Oils pumper, was notified of these issues and will address them promptly. The well is a rabbit well, located within an unlocked metal fence. No other problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
0747783404 2013-07-10 Production Wells No Violations This plunger lift well has no apparent problems at this time.
0905400306 2015-03-16 Production Wells No Violations Plunger lift well with no apparent problems.
1288436704 2007-06-11 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Check rig and found that the drilling is done and the rig has moved .Pit level and liners are good .
1461596003 2016-10-03 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Inspected production well on 10/03/2016. All drilling equipment has been removed, pits closed, and the well placed into production. Preliminary restoration passes.
1474393523 2018-10-25 Production Wells No Violations Inspected production well on 10/25/2018. The tank battery consists of 1-210 bbl steel tank, 1-1,500 gal plastic tank, and 1-horizontal separator with a drip and meter box, located within an earthen dike; the diked area is located within an unlocked metal fence. Well identification is clearly displayed at the tank battery. The well is a rabbit well, located within an unlocked metal fence. No problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
1965794774 2017-05-26 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Inspected production well on 05/26/2017. All drilling equipment and debris have been removed, pits closed, and the well placed into production. Preliminary restoration passes.
2137283949 2017-05-26 Production Wells No Violations Inspected production well on 05/26/2017. The tank battery consists of 1-210 bbl steel tank, 1-1,500 gal plastic tank, and 1-horizontal separator, located within an earthen dike; the diked area is located within an unlocked metal fence. Well identification is clearly displayed at the tank battery. The well is a rabbit well, located within an unlocked metal fence. No problems were noted at the time of the inspection.

For data sources see[9]
