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| License Status: Final Restoration | | License Status: Final Restoration | ||
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− | | License Date: | + | | License Date: 2006-11-27 |
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| Spud Date: 2007-02-10 | | Spud Date: 2007-02-10 |
Well ID: 34-055-21922 | Loading map...
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Country: United States | |
State: Ohio | |
County: Geauga | |
Municipality: Hambden Township | |
Operator Name: HALL & HORNING SERV INC | |
Well Pad ID: | |
License Status: Final Restoration | |
License Date: 2006-11-27 | |
Spud Date: 2007-02-10 | |
Spud Drilling Contractor: POULSON DRILLING | |
Final Drill Date: 2007-02-11 | |
Well Total Depth: 313 ft | |
Configuration: Vertical | |
Latitude: 41.624220955 | |
Longitude: -81.18468622 |
For data sources see[1]
Well Status | Well Status Date | Comment |
APP | 2006-11-27 | Proposed Formations:CLINTON, Issued Date:11/27/2006, Expired Date:11/27/2007 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:20.26, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL |
For data sources see[2]
Period | Operator Name | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
2015 | ALLIED OIL FIELD SERVICES LTD | 201 | 0 | 365 |
Period | Operator Name | Waste Type | Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
2015 | ALLIED OIL FIELD SERVICES LTD | Brine | 0 | 365 |
Inspection ID | Inspection Date | Inspection Type | Inspection Result | Inspection Comments |
0080005053 | 2007-04-30 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | No change on site. Rig is in place, bore hole is gassing, safety fence has been knocked down. Channel that was dug from the bore hole to the woods is still open. Drainage is allowed to leave the site uncontrolled. Pits are open, pit liners have slipped from the edges of the pit. There is about 6 of free board around the pit. Dog house is on site, dog house was burnt in the fire. Called Columbus, operator was placed on the permit hold list. Further enforcement action may be taken. Pictures were taken this day of the site. |
0412611748 | 2007-06-14 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | Well is not gassing, cement appears to be holding. Operator has dug a ditch from the pits to the woods, rust colored water was in the ditch. Called Randy Hall informed him, no more ditches to allow drainage to exit site. Ditch to a sump on site my be allowed, in the future to control site drainage. It appears that this ditch was constructed to allow drainage from the pits to leave the site. |
0606062701 | 2007-05-21 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | Operator has skidded rig 20 to the east of the original hole. CND was set 05/21/2007 at 1:30am. Operator set 146 of 11 3/4 pipe. HL #1 150 15. 9 BBLS return to surface. Original hole is gassing. There is a depression in the cement. Gas is coming to surface and bringing drill mud with it. Hole will need to be drilled out and cemented again. |
0791857086 | 2007-02-11 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | Called by Hambden Fire Department, rig on fire. Called Jay Cheslock regarding fire, left message. Called Rick Simmers, notified him of fire. Called Randy Hall notified him of fire and that he will need to get hotel rooms for any neighbors that need to be evacuated. Once on site the rig was fully involved, identified myself to Hambden fire department. Operator removed dog house, pipe trailer, generator and pump away from the fire. Fire department actively water down the rig to prevent it from falling over. It was decided to let the fire remain burning to prevent the build up of gas. The decision was made by Rick Simmers and the hambden fire department. Ignition source of the fire is not known at this time. |
0834592273 | 2007-10-18 | Preliminary Restoration | No Violations | Site has been backfilled, graded and seeded. Vegetation is beginning to germinate. |
0836288920 | 2007-02-11 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | rig fire befire casing could be cemented |
0885728086 | 2007-02-21 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | On site to check Mr. Strauser and McFauls water wells for gas. I was unable to open Mr. McFauls water well at the time. Waited on site till 7:00 pm for Mr. McFaul to get home from work. He stated he would be home by 6:30 pm. Tested Mr. Strausers water well for gas. Mrs. Strauser was using the water well for laundry at the time of inspection. Held gas meter of the well for 1 minute. Gas reading was 02, 20.2 and LEL 0. |
1171380965 | 2007-02-11 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | Operator called for surface cement approximately at 9:00 am, has cement ordered for 12:30. Received 2nd call, hit gas pocket and circulating fluid. On site for status check. Hole was loaded with drill mud. Gas was blowing mud up about 2 to 3 feet out of hole. Drill pipe was in the hole approximately 250 feet. Operator was circulating drill mud at the time. Surface cannot be cement until the hole is static. Operator will need to continue to circulate fluid until the gas is stopped. Spoke to the driller about the possibilities of ignition sources and the safety of the rig. The driller was confident that there was no issue with venting gas igniting. Roy Poulson owner of rig was going to continue to circulate fluid and wait for gas to stop venting. Permit conditions not followed; Type of Tools: Air Rotary, operator was drilling on fluid. Conductor minimum of 60 no conductor was set. Site had 130 of Glacial drift. Surface casing 8 5/8 50 Below Berea approximately 225 with cement circulated to surface. Drill depth was 313 no casing set. Called Hambden Fire Department let them know about the leak. |
1171401856 | 2007-02-12 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | On site with Rick Simmers, rig still on fire. It was decided to let the well burn itself out. Rig will need to be removed and the hole plugged, threw the drill pipe. It was again noted that there was no conductor pipe set, permit conditions required minimum of 60. Operator had drilled past the suggested depth of 225 in an area that has the possibly of shallow shale gas. Operator had also applied for a permit to drill on air. Operator was drilling on fluid. |
1171995662 | 2007-02-15 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | On site for meeting with Hall & Horning and Poulson Drilling, Bob Worstall and Jay Cheslock from ODNR DMRM also on site for the meeting. Rig fire is out. Operator is going to bring a crane onsite and remove rig. Drill pipe will be supported in place. The plan at this time is to bring another rig onsite and finish the hole. Pits will need to be pumped down and repaired. Hole was still gas a small amount. Bubbles were coming up threw the drill mud. |
1173716441 | 2007-03-12 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | Pit are overflowing. Hole was gassing a small amount. Site has an average of 6 of water on it. Heavy rains Friday night and Saturday. Called Randy Hall, pits need pumped down. Water on site needs removed and disposed of correctly. Safety fence is up. Lease road is stable. |
1173813741 | 2007-03-02 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | On site to check McFaul water well for gas. Checked in with Mrs. McFaul informed her that I was going to open her water well and check for gas. I opened the water well and held my gas meter over it for 1 minute. O2 was 20.4 and LEL was 0. I then had Mrs.; McFaul run the water in the house for 15 minutes, I held the gas meter over the well for another minute. O2 reading was 20.2 LEL was -0.2. |
1175105390 | 2007-03-28 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | Violations Noted | Rig on site. Lease road is stable. Pits are incapable of containing fluid, linear have slipped, east side of the pits. Operator has dug drainage ditches on site. Drainage has directed water from the site to the north east into the woods. Sedimentation was evident off site. Operator has also dug a ditch from the drill string to the woods. Operator needs to fill in ditch from bore hole to the woods, immediately, this is a potential rout for offsite contamination. Safety fence is up. Well needs completed or plug immediately. Operator has failed to set surface casing as to exclude all surface and fresh water from the drilling process. Hole was gassing. Ditch from the drill hole and pits to the woods need filled in. The ditch allows an exit point for contaminates from the site and an entrance point for contaminates to enter the ground water. Pits need to be pumped downed and relined or closed. Surface |
1175517889 | 2007-02-12 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | on site followup meeting with Rick Simmer and Tom Hill to review site in daylight. |
1177957514 | 2007-07-13 | Preliminary Restoration | No Violations | Well has been ruff graded over. No sign of gas leaking threw the ground. |
1178030367 | 2007-04-30 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | On site to check the status of well, on site at 1730. Operator has yet to move service rig on site. No work has been completed since last inspection. Called Randy Hall left message to call me. Mr. McFaul and Mr. Strauser on site. Neither landowner is pleased with current reclamation progress. Landowners would not be open to skidding the rig 50 to the north or the east at this time, if the operator wishes to complete the well. Concerns at this time are public safety, there are a number of children in the neighbor hood. The CEI right-of-way is used as an ATV route. Safety fence around the site has been knocked down. The burned out equipment on site is also visually displeasing. Pits are open and have water in them. There is 6 inches of free board around the pits. Bore hole is open and is gassing. Drill string is still in the bore hole. Rig is on site, and has been damaged by the fire, drill rig derrick is still up. There is the damager of the rig falling over. Steel superstructure of the dog house and trailer are on site. Tires have been burnt off of the trailer. |
1178895175 | 2007-05-10 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | Randy Hall on site, working on removing rig. Operator is going to support drill collars, try and break them lose or cut them. Rig will be dropped and Big Skys rig moved over the hole and hole finished. Pits will need to be pumped and relined. |
1179157495 | 2007-05-14 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | Big Sky drilling on site, operator is rigging up. Will attempt to pull drill collars today. Operator is going to mix mud, pump bore with mud to shut off gas. |
1179239057 | 2007-05-15 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | Drill pipe have been pulled from the hole. Tool pusher called at 1:30 am to inform me that they are out. On site at 9:00am. Drill pipe on the ground. Operator is rigging down. Operator used sub-base from the other rig to pull drill pipe. They need to move off and place their own sub-base over the hole. Operator plans to be drilling by this afternoon. Bore hole depth is 313, operator is going to drill to 265 to clean hole out. Permit calls for 225 of surface to be set, operator is planning on setting 227 feet of surface. I informed the tool pusher that once surface is cemented they will need to wait at least 8 hours before breaking off. Operator has repaired west most pit. The pit, closes to the rig is not going to be used, side of pit has slumped off. Operator is going to pump from the pit for water for his soap tank, it will not be used for drilling. |
1179420324 | 2007-05-17 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | Rig is pulling 6 drill pipe from the hole. Operator is going to run 1.5 pipe down hole to at least 260 and cement to surface. Operator was unable to run 1.5 pipe past 135. Operator is going to run drill pipe down and turn with a 7 bit. Left site at 3:00pm. Jay and Jerry on site. On site at 7:00pm operator turning with bit. Hung up at 156. When the operator pulls drill pipe and adds another section of drill pipe, it gets stopped at 156. When operator removes additional drill collar and turns on it with Kelly, they are able to get past the 156 mark. 8:45pm operator is waiting on mud. Operator will mix a heavy mud and try to get past the 156 mark. |
1524182733 | 2009-05-08 | Final Restoration | No Violations | Site has been seeded and graded. No sign of well. Straser-McFaul 1- B is in production. |
1558857877 | 2007-05-22 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | On site for surface casing for new permit 34-055-21951-00-00. Bore hole for 1922 is leaking gas. Plug job was gas cut. There is a 6 depression in the cement, drill mud was bubbling out of hole. Drill mud was coming 3-6 inches out of the hole. During the surface cement for hole 1951, there was communication between both bore holes. Cement came to surface on bore hole 1922. Surface was set at 351 on hole 1951. Operator wants to construct a system to vent bore hole. Operator was informed that he will need to re-drill, hole and plug again. Operator was placed on permit hold list. Operator will be on permit hold list until issues with 1922 are corrected and the old rig is removed from site. |
1725777061 | 2007-04-27 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | No change on site. Pits are open, majority of the pit linear has slipped, exposing the sides of the pit. Rig is still on site. Safety fence is knocked down around the rig. Landowners, Called Roy Poulson, rig boom will need to be laid down with a crane. Drill collars will need to be supported and rig removed from site. Have received complaints from adjacent landowner that the neighbor hood kids are using rig for a playground. |
1766007428 | 2007-05-11 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | Operator on site, one dozer, one excavator and two rigs on site, Poulsons rig and Big Skys rig. Crew cut drill pipe and supported it. Operator is currently attempting to bring down derrick on rig. Suggested to Randy Hall that he should have his work crew wear hard hats and that some of the crew is in tennis shows. Asked one of the hands about having a hard hat on. Said he forgot it. Made the statement to Randy and Hand to be safe. Randy informed me that the Poulson rig will start and run, they started the rig the other day. I suggested to Randy that he empty the fuel tanks before he pulls the rig over. Randy said, that there shouldnt be any fuel in the tanks because of the fire. I mentioned to Randy that he just tolled me that they were able to start the engine on the rig the other day, thus there might be fuel in the tank. Hydraulic fluid was leaking from the front of the rig, operator has released some valves on the rig, in a attempt to lower derrick. |
1772977036 | 2007-05-08 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | Status check. Rig is on site. Trailer with burnt out dog house is on site. Well is still bubbling, small bubbles around the drill collar. Occasionally a bubble of oil the size of a marble will come to surface. Oil is light brown in color, smells like oil and had the feel of oil. Took water sample of bore hole water, NaCl 160 ppm. Drainage ditch from the bore hole to the woods is still open. Bore hole water level is 1.5 feet from the surface. Pit water level is the same as last inspection. Pit liners are in the same condition as last inspection, they have slipped. Safety fence around the rig has been knocked down. Majority of the site is dry. Permit sign is posted at the entrance of the site. Lease road is stable. |
1855257899 | 2007-05-18 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | Called at 7:30am operator has cement ordered for 8:30am-9:00am. Drill depth 290. Will be cementing at 258 once Kelly is out of hole. Operator pumped 320 Sacks of cement. Good return to surface. Operator pulled 3 drill pipe and 4 drill collars out of the hole. Plug depth 217. Cement fell back 7-8. Operator lost count of pipe in hole. They were one short. Permit called for 225 of surface to be set. Heavy mud was sent down hole to condition, (15lb mud) before cementing. Well has not gassed in the past 4 days. Will let the hole settle until Monday, will have tag plug and topped off with cement. |
1907505327 | 2007-02-20 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | On site to check location for gas leakage in well bore. |
2097029751 | 2007-02-20 | Drill / Deepen / Reopen | No Violations | No one on site at the time of inspection. Rig is still on site as well as the dog house. Hole was not static, small amount of gas was bubbling around the drill pipe. Odor of gas was noted at the site. Meeting will be held at the Union Town office (02/21/07) for final decision on how to proceed with well. Operator was planning on completing well, other options are now being considered. Pit linear needs to be repaired. A linear has slipped into the pit. Pit fluid level is good at this time. Pit fluid level will need to be monitored do to the melting snow. |
Inspection ID | Violation ID | Violation Date | Violation Code | Violation Comments |
1175105390 | US-OH-104632 | 2007-03-30 | Dike or pit not able to prevent escape of Brine or other wastes | |
1175105390 | US-OH-104633 | 2007-03-30 | Failure to drill in accordance with plans | |
1175105390 | US-OH-104634 | 2007-03-30 | Failure to properly encase (CHANGE) |
For data sources see[7]