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Difference between revisions of "34-035-90104"

Line 9: Line 9:
| State: Ohio
| State: Ohio
| County:  
| County: [[Cuyahoga_County,_Ohio|Cuyahoga]]
| Municipality:  
| Municipality:  
Line 33: Line 33:
| Configuration:  
| Configuration:  
| Latitude: N/A
| Latitude: <Latitude>
| Longitude: N/A
| Longitude: N/A

Revision as of 13:22, 14 August 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-035-90104
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Cuyahoga
Operator Name:
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
License Status:
License Date:
Spud Date:
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date:
Well Total Depth:
Latitude: <Latitude>
Longitude: N/A

For data sources see[1]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0988355430 2011-09-10 Orphan No Violations on site visit with landowners reviewed area around home found no visible signs of any oil and gas activity or gas leaks from an old wells. Mr. Hoy had a Mini Excavator ready to dig outside home on south basement wall. This is where Domin East Ohio Gas had detected a gas reading of 4-7 LEL. After excavating a trench 3X6 Mr. Hoy went inside he pulled up the carpet in the same corner where we excavated outside. He found a hole that had been plugged with concrete he got me then proceed to open the hole I held gas meter over the hole got 3-5% LEL reading and in the fluid it had an oily drops. checked for natural gas again 0% LEL.I advised Mr. Hoy that its the landowners responsibility to locate or deal with any problems on the property.
1214404275 2008-03-11 Orphan No Violations on site to dig to expose well bore
1779051250 2012-06-22 Orphan No Violations Request made by landowner Mr. Falle he said that there is gas odors coming from the ground around the temporary vent that was installed over well bore. I inspected site met Mr F
2109087254 2008-03-26 Orphan No Violations dug and found 10 casing at apporx 5 below grade. Well vented till I&O Progam Plugs well.

For data sources see[2]
