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| County: [[Belmont_County,_Ohio|Belmont]]
| County: [[Belmont_County,_Ohio|Belmont]]
| Municipality: [[Goshen_Township,_Belmont_County,_Ohio|Goshen Township]]
| Municipality: [[Goshen Township,_Belmont_County,_Ohio|Goshen Township]]
| Operator Name: [[RICE DRILLING D LLC]]
| Operator Name: [[RICE DRILLING D LLC]]

Revision as of 09:59, 15 August 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-013-21189
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Belmont
Municipality: Goshen Township
Well Pad ID: US-OH-001080
Farm/Lease Name: KRAZY TRAIN
License Status: Well Drilled
License Date: 2018-02-21
Spud Date: 2017-11-04
Spud Drilling Contractor: H&P DRILLING
Final Drill Date: 2019-01-03
Well Total Depth: 27140 ft
Configuration: Horizontal
Latitude: 40.000924404
Longitude: -81.04556476

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2017-02-28 Proposed Formations:UTICA/POINT PLEASANT, Issued Date:2/28/2017, Expired Date:2/28/2019 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:0, Proposed Well Type:ST, Proposed Well Class:STRT
APP 2018-02-21 Proposed Formations:UTICA/POINT PLEASANT, Issued Date:2/21/2018, Expired Date:2/21/2020 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:484.7967, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Reached Total Depth 2019-01-03
Record Last Modified 2019-04-08
Correction to Well 2019-04-12 UPDATE TAKE/TARGET/ACREAGE
Construction Permit Expires 2020-02-21

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0194793527 2018-02-08 Completion Testing No Violations
1353878138 2018-12-04 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Accompanied ODNR inspector Bill Stolarik, reference his report for further details.
1542822987 2018-11-21 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On the day of my inspection I witnessed that H&P Drilling Rig 471 was currently drilling the 8.5-inch diameter lateral section of the well bore at 11,700 feet. After speaking with Company Man Pat Smith, he informed me that they intend to drill to 31,500 feet. H&P was currently drilling with 12.8 pound per gallon oil base mud at approximately 100 feet an hour. Pat Smith informed me that they had been having problems with their downhole motor and would most likely have to trip out of the hole to change out the bottom hole assembly. I performed a walk around inspection and checked the completed wells on the pad, annular pressure monitoring was in place on the wells and there were no violations at the time of my inspection.
1543940288 2018-12-04 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations
1544036636 2018-12-05 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection on the issue with drill string failure found H&P Drilling rig 471 on location. The current drilling depth is 18,490 in the 8.5 production borehole. The drill string is 3 off bottom and the Blow Out Preventer is closed. The top drive on the drilling rig has been removed from the drill string and a coil tubing unit is rigged up in the rig derrick and attached to the 5.5 drill string. The 2 diameter coil tubing string was ran inside the 5.5 drill string with a isolation packer on the bottom of the 2 coil tubing string. The coil tubing was ran into the drill string and the packer was activated at 3,200. The packer annular was tested to confirm the hole in the drill string was isolated above the packer. The coil tubing company identified as Gladiator Energy then began pumping 13.5 pound per gallon synthetic drilling mud down the coil tubing at 3:30 am on this day. The company is circulating fluid down the drill string and out the Blow Out Preventer choke line. They are pumping at 1.5 barrels per minute with a applied pressure of 6,015 pounds pressure. The choke pressure is 1,900 pounds pressure. At 14:00 hours they had pumped 850 barrels fluid volume with a total circulating volume (bottoms up) of 1,100 barrels to circulate the entire well bore. Upon achieving (bottoms up) they will calculate a kill fluid weight and attempt to pump a kill fluid pill to allow them to pull the damaged drill string out of the well.
1545404916 2018-12-20 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On the day of my inspection I witnessed that H&P 471 was currently drilling ahead in the 8.5-inch diameter lateral section of the well bore. After speaking with EQT company man Pat Smith he informed me they currently had 13.7 pound per gallon oil-based mud and intended to dilute down to a 13.5 pound per gallon oil-based mud to finish out the lateral. There was a small flare approximately 2- 3 feet high at the time of my inspection, and Totco gas detector was showing 750 units of gas. Annular pressure monitoring was in place on the existing wells on the pad and they are still shut in under simultaneous operations. I performed a walk around inspection and there were no violations at the time of my inspection.
1554742503 2019-04-08 Completion Testing No Violations Status check inspection found 3 wells were recently drilled and completed on this pad identified as the # 1 -#3 @ #5 wells. The pressure pumping crews have moved off location and crews are on site preparing the # 1 well head and area for completion drill out operations. The well head is equipped with 2 primary master valves and is currently being fitted with a Wildcat Oil Tools completion stack that will be supported by a Wildcat Oil Tools Accumilator and completion drill out pumps. Deep Well Services tubing snubbing unit # 15 is mobilizing to the pad and will rig up on the said well. I did discuss with the company men on site the annular pressure monitoring requirements and they will install gauges on the A&B sections prior to the completion drill out process. No production tubing will be set in the well and the well will be produced off the casign flow cross section. Select Energys presure control choke manifold will be used for the drill out only. A total of (9) 500 barrel horizontal tanks will be used to support the completion drill out process, 4 will be for return fluid and 5 for clean fluid going down hole. There is a large above groiund storage (AST) tank on the left rear corner of the well pad. Once the # 1 well drill out is complete the rig will move to the #3 then the # 5 well.
1567676292 2018-12-11 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On the day of my inspection I witnessed that H&P 471 had removed the 99 joints of 5.5-inch diameter drill pipe, and 6 joints of 5-inch diameter drill pipe and left 5-inch diameter drill pipe in the well bore at a depth of 3310 feet. H&P 471 then ran 3310 of 5-inch diameter drill pipe and were successful at re-connecting the two strings. Matt informed me that they were currently pumping 15.2 pound per gallon kill weight mud at a rate of 13 barrels per minute, H&P 471 will continue to circulate on the well bore slowly increasing rate until they reach 14.2 barrels per minute and maintain that rate for at least 12 hours. After they have successfully circulated for 12 hours with no increase in pressure they will attempt to trip out of the hole and work pipe in 10-foot increments until they are confident that the well bore is clean, and they can remove the entire drill string. When the drill string is removed EQT intends to change out tools on Bottom Hole Assembly and trip back in hole to approximately 8500 feet which is just below the casing shoe depth of the 9.625-inch diameter deep intermediate casing. H&P 471 will then perform a Blow Out Preventer function test. I informed company man Matt Kiter to keep me informed with any changes or problems that they encounter, and to monitor annular pressures on all existing wells on the pad. At the time of my inspection the 9.625-inch diameter casing was currently at 5 pounds per square inch.
1899763558 2019-02-22 Completion Testing No Violations .Follow up inspection to an incident that occurred on 02/21/2019 at approximately 19:00 hours when a Tractor Trailer was delivering product (sand) to the EQT Krazy Train well pad in Goshen Township Belmont County. The truck was traveling South on Secrest Road and attempted to turn (Right) West onto the lease road of the Krazy Train well pad. The truck struck several concrete barriers with the right side of the vehicle rupturing the trucks fuel tank. The GPS location of the incident was EPE 10 39.99847 X 81.04403. During the incident several concrete barriers were displaced and damaged. The driver continued traveling down the lease road and onto the Krazy Train well pad while dispersing fuel from the tank onto the lease road through the damaged area. Upon arriving on well site a vacuum truck was used to recover and remove the leaking fuel. A third-party contractor identified as SPSI was mobilized through the night with and excavator and skid steer loader to remover the contaminated soil from the lease road. A representative of SPSI indicated a PID meter was used to identify the scope of contamination while recovering the product and a total of (5) 25 cubic yard containers of earthen material have been recovered. Lance Witters with EQT is on site coordinating efforts. ODNR Emergency Responder Jason Blocker has been updated and has arrived on site to coordinate the clean up efforts. Addressing the status of the said well. The well drilling process is complete and a pressure pumping service identified as Halliburton is on location stimulating the well. The well has had 63 out of 89 stages stimulated. Schlumberger wireline is on location perforating stage 64, the stage has been perforated between the depths of 14,553 and 14,366 in 10 clusters utilizing 4 shots per foot. The 5.5 x 9.625 diameter casing string pressure on the B section of the well head is -26 pounds. The completion well control stack is owned by Silver Creek Energy.
2051819241 2017-11-08 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On the day of my inspection I arrived onsite to verify that the 30 inch diameter conductor was cemented to surface over the weekend. The cellar has not been set on this well. A large steel plate is covering the well and I am unable to verify that it was cemented to surface, but was told by George Durington with Rice that it was. Conductor was spudded on 11/2/17 and cemented 11/4/17 by Express.

For data sources see[3]

