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Revision as of 07:42, 19 August 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 37-035-00025
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Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Clinton
Municipality: East Keating Township
Operator Name: UNKNOWN OPR
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: WARRANT 3739 1
License Status: DEP Plugged
Spud Date: 1800-01-01
Permit Date:
Unconventional Well: N
Configuration: Vertical Well
Latitude: 41.341451
Longitude: -77.949028

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Category Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
1127080 Primary Facility 2002-05-30 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
2509646 Primary Facility 2016-08-10 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted Remarks: Inspection of the Warrant 3739 (035-00025) well in Clinton Co. conducted August 10, 2016 at approximately 10:30 am. The well has no known operator, and currently holds a “DEP Plugged” status. I measured to casing to be 8 5/8” OD. The casing is pitted, corroded, and has a hole in the side. With no well record on file, I plan to check well records of nearby wells to see where 8 5/8” casing string is set to aid in plugging efforts. The well is artesian, flowing oily water to adjacent Cooks run. I detected no gas with an Altair 5x multigas meter. This all could indicate gas bearing zones are isolated and theres possible cracked/damaged/corroded casing through freshwater bearing zone. The Department is working on getting the well re-plugged possibly in near future.
2516974 Primary Facility 2016-09-02 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted On September 2, 2016 at about 12:00 pm I went out to the Warrant 3739 well to conduct a routine inspection. I removed the rocks in the of the 8 5/8” casing hoping to make room to run my tag in to tag a plug. No success; the casing was filled with oily rocks as far as I could reach. I had an 8” plastic bucket in my truck that I was able to place inside the casing across the hole. It was able to reduce the flow. I cut a hole in the bucket to allow water/oil to flow in the bucket, and still let some water flow by.

I returned to the site on September 6, 2016 at 12:00 pm after the long weekend to see how Friday’s modifications held up. The area seemed to have dried up a bit, still flowing water but less oil maybe. I took a look in the casing at the bucket and it was filled with oil, as planned. The second boom looked like it needed some attention.

2516977 Primary Facility 2016-09-06 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted On September 2, 2016 at about 12:00 pm I went out to the Warrant 3739 well to conduct a routine inspection. I removed the rocks in the of the 8 5/8” casing hoping to make room to run my tag in to tag a plug. No success; the casing was filled with oily rocks as far as I could reach. I had an 8” plastic bucket in my truck that I was able to place inside the casing across the hole. It was able to reduce the flow. I cut a hole in the bucket to allow water/oil to flow in the bucket, and still let some water flow by.

I returned to the site on September 6, 2016 at 12:00 pm after the long weekend to see how Friday’s modifications held up. The area seemed to have dried up a bit, still flowing water but less oil maybe. I took a look in the casing at the bucket and it was filled with oil, as planned. The second boom looked like it needed some attention.

2523505 Primary Facility 2016-09-27 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
2527184 Primary Facility 2016-10-07 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted On October 7th 2016 I went out to the Warrant 3739 well along with DEP geologist Bill Kosmer to do temporary repairs on the damaged top joint of 8 5/8” csg. The casing has a large hole in the side above ground level from where the artesian well is flowing water with some oil. The 8” bucket w/hole I placed inside the well last month appeared to be effectively capturing some of the oil and letting water flow through the hole in the casing. The water level inside the casing (inside the bucket) is now above the hole. At the time of today’s inspection; we took an approximate 13” x 18” piece of rubber and patched it across the hole. We secured the patch with several 10” hose clamps. It was difficult to get a good seal because of the pitting in the casing and not being able to clamp the rubber patch vertically. Still, the patch reduced the flow significantly. Of the three booms placed for oil control; The first boom was damaged, the second boom was gone, and the third was in decent shape. I returned on October 11th
2527187 Primary Facility 2016-10-11 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted On October 7th 2016 I went out to the Warrant 3739 well along with DEP geologist Bill Kosmer to do temporary repairs on the damaged top joint of 8 5/8” csg. The casing has a large hole in the side above ground level from where the artesian well is flowing water with some oil. The 8” bucket w/hole I placed inside the well last month appeared to be effectively capturing some of the oil and letting water flow through the hole in the casing. The water level inside the casing (inside the bucket) is now above the hole. At the time of today’s inspection; we took an approximate 13” x 18” piece of rubber and patched it across the hole. We secured the patch with several 10” hose clamps. It was difficult to get a good seal because of the pitting in the casing and not being able to clamp the rubber patch vertically. Still, the patch reduced the flow significantly. Of the three booms placed for oil control; The first boom was damaged, the second boom was gone, and the third was in decent shape. I returned on October 11th
2537753 Primary Facility 2016-11-14 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
2559461 Primary Facility 2017-01-27 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted On January 27, 2017 at approximately 1:00 pm I conducted a routine inspection of the Warrant 3739 (035-00025) orphan well in East Keating Twp, Clinton County, in Sproul State Forest. No major changes to the well’s status were noted since my last routine inspection report in October. The rubber patch/hose clamp we put on the 8 5/8” casing in October is now beginning to fail due to several large holes, corroded clamps, and parts of the rubber patch that appeared to be melted from the flow from this well. The well is now flowing to the pre-patch state of about 3-5 gal/min. The 8” bucket w/small hole I placed inside the casing in the fall was still doing a good job at separating some of the oil as you could see the oil was collecting in the top of the casing. There still was still some oil surrounding the well. Also note a large pine tree has fallen next to the well in the fall, not noted on previous inspection reports.
2583270 Primary Facility 2017-04-17 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
2614942 Primary Facility 2017-07-12 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Routine Inspection of an Orphan well conducted July 12, 2017 at approximately 10 am. No significant changes in well conditions were noted. Well is on list to plug.
2719307 Primary Facility 2018-04-17 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted Met on location with Don Cornell to try to run the department downhole camera in the well. The well bore is filled with rocks and the camera run was unsuccessful.
2737623 Primary Facility 2018-06-04 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted A routine (pre-plugging) inspection of an orphan well on the DEP plugging list was conducted June 4, 2018. At the time of inspection; water with a sheen is discharging from a hole in 8 5/8" casing. No obvious changes were noted since last inspection. A contract has been developed to plug the well this summer. A bridge on Cooks Run road is out and I accessed the location from Crowley road. Plugging operations are scheduled to take place once the bridge is constructed and the location is accessible from Cooks Run road.
2757002 Primary Facility 2018-07-26 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Routine inspection of an orphan well conducted July 26, 2018. Hydrocarbon Well Services are expected to move in this week to plug the well under state contract OOGM 17-2(R). At the time of inspection; no personnel or equipment was onsite. There were no obvious significant changes observed at the well or site condition from previous inspections.
2759670 Primary Facility 2018-08-02 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted A routine (plugging) inspection of an orphan well being plugged under state contract OOGM 17-1(R) was conducted August 2, 2018. Hydrocarbon Well Services are rigged up on location with a service rig for final plug and abandonment. At the time of inspection, a small cellar has been built around 8 5/8" casing. The casing has been cut near surface below the hole where the well was previously discharging, and at this point a new collar has been installed along with crossover and wellhead. The flow from the casing is controlled at valves which were shut in at the time of inspection. The cellar was full of water; no bubbling or flow was observed in the 8 5/8" casing annulus. I spoke with the rig crew. We discussed the history of the well, possible wellbore dimensions, the tentative procedure, anticipated issues, and contingency plans if encountered. No downhole work on the well has been conducted at this time. No obvious major issues were observed at the time of inspection.
2760712 Primary Facility 2018-08-06 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted A routine (plugging) inspection of an orphan well being plugged under state contract OOGM 17-1(R) was conducted August 6, 2018. Hydrocarbon Well Services are rigged up on location with a service rig for final plug and abandonment. At the time of inspection, I met with the rig crew and discussed operations on the pad. 8 5/8" casing was cleaned up to 815' where a wooden plug was encountered; likely 8 5/8" casing shoe depth. They switched to 6 1/4" bit for open hole section. Approximately 9' of wooden plug was drilled. The hole was cleaned to 2027' where an obstruction was encountered, thought to be a competent plug where it was expected at this depth. Workstring is in the hole, shut in at line from pump. The wellbore is open where it is lined out to an open-top container for returns. The well is no longer flowing. I placed my hand over the mouth of the hose from the well to the tank. The well is static; no vacuum or pressure felt. No gas was detected from the wellbore, checked in the hose from the well to the
2761877 Primary Facility 2018-08-07 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted A routine (plugging) inspection of an orphan well being plugged under state contract OOGM 17-1(R) was conducted August 7, 2018. Hydrocarbon Well Services are rigged up on location with a service rig for final plug and abandonment. The rig was pulling workstring out of the hole after spotting first cement plug from attainable bottom (first stage of solid column of cement that will be brought to surface). I spoke with the crew to discuss the job. They pumped 4 bbls of gel ahead, followed by 120 sks Class A cement. No returns reportedly til 40 sks or approximately 17 bbls gone. Saw freshwater only; no gel. The well appears to be static. Expected to tag in the morning. Estimated TOC @ approx 1356'.
2763088 Primary Facility 2018-08-10 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted A routine (plugging) inspection of an orphan well being plugged under state contract OOGM 17-1(R) was conducted August 10th, 2018. Hydrocarbon Well Service's service rig is on location. No personnel was on-site. The well appears to be permanently plugged; a 7" marker pipe has been cemented in the 8 5/8" casing as a plugged well monument. There was no discharge observed. No obvious issues were observed at this time.
2764894 Primary Facility 2018-08-17 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted A routine inspection of this plugged legacy well was conducted August 17, 2018. The well has been plugged under state contract OOGM 17-1(R). This inspection will serve as the final inspection of work completed under the contract. At the time of inspection, all equipment has been demobilized from the well location. All necessary work to restore the well location to original or better condition has been completed. The well has been plugged back from attainable bottom (2027') to surface with a solid column of cement. A 7" marker pipe with well marker has been placed and cemented inside of the 8 5/8" casing to serve as a plugged well monument. There were no open holes, discharges, oil sheen, or any obvious issues observed on location at this time. At the time of inspection, it appears the work has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the plans and specifications outlined in contract OOGM 17-1(R).
2767407 Primary Facility 2018-08-24 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted A routine inspection of this plugged legacy well was conducted August 24, 2018. The well has been plugged under state contract OOGM 17-1(R) approximately 2 weeks ago. At the time of inspection, there is a 7" marker pipe installed at the well location with a marker plate to serve as a plugged well monument. There were no open holes or discharge coming from the well. There is now some grass growing at the well location. The stream of oily water that was once flowing from the well into Cooks Run is now completely dry. There was no sheen observed on the pad surface. There were no obvious issues observed during this inspection
2770612 Primary Facility 2018-08-31 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted A routine inspection of this plugged legacy well was conducted August 31, 2018. The well has recently been plugged under state contract OOGM 17-1(R). At the time of inspection, there is a 7" marker pipe installed at the well location with a marker plate to serve as a plugged well monument. There were no open holes or discharge coming from the well. There were no obvious issues observed during this inspection
2777121 Primary Facility 2018-09-18 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted A routine inspection of this plugged legacy well was conducted September 18, 2018. The well has recently been plugged under state contract OOGM 17-1(R). At the time of inspection, there is a 7" marker pipe installed at the well location with a marker plate to serve as a plugged well monument. The location is somewhat flooded due to recent high amounts of rainfall. Still the area around the well itself remains dry with no discharges, oil, or gas observed. No oil sheen was observed on location. There were no open holes or discharges observed on location. No other obvious major issues were observed.
2786366 Primary Facility 2018-10-05 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted A routine inspection of this plugged legacy well was conducted October 5, 2018. At the time of inspection, there is a 7" marker pipe installed at the well location with a marker plate to serve as a plugged well monument. The location is relatively wet. There was a light sheen observe in a few small areas, however the source and cause is unknown and is possibly residual in the soil from before the well was plugged and is now coming to surface. The area around the well itself remains dry with no discharges, oil, or gas observed. There were no open holes or discharges observed on location. No obvious major issues were observed.
368184 Primary Facility 1991-03-27 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted

For data sources see[4]
