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Line 11: Line 11:
| County: [[Stark_County,_Ohio|Stark]]
| County: [[Stark_County,_Ohio|Stark]]
| Municipality: [[Pike Township,_Stark_County,_Ohio|Pike Township]]
| Municipality: [[Pike_Township,_Stark_County,_Ohio|Pike Township]]
| Operator Name: [[DART OIL COMPANY]]
| Operator Name: [[DART OIL COMPANY]]

Revision as of 12:17, 29 August 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-151-24016
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Stark
Municipality: Pike Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: MEININGER # 2
License Status: Producing
License Date: 1984-06-01
Spud Date: 1984-11-08
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1984-11-13
Well Total Depth: 4867 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.655036036
Longitude: -81.37316119

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Oil and Gas 1984-06-01 Issued Date 6/1/84 Expired Date 11/28/84 Acres 0040000 Tool Type RTA Proposed Formation CLINTON Proposed Depth 04867 Proposed Drill Depth 04867
Original Spud 1984-11-08
Completed 1984-11-13
Reached Total Depth 1984-11-13
CO 1984-11-22 470 DART OIL CO GeoDate 6/1/84
Construction Permit Expires 1984-11-28
Completion Report Received 1985-02-25
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15

For data sources see[2]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments

For data sources see[3]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1985 DART OIL COMPANY 16427 1014 0
1986 DART OIL COMPANY 18306 311 185
1987 DART OIL COMPANY 11910 97 215
1988 DART OIL COMPANY 16587 162 206
1989 DART OIL COMPANY 13720 115 152
1990 DART OIL COMPANY 10082 96 86
1991 DART OIL COMPANY 5112 38 248
1992 DART OIL COMPANY 10173 122 168
1993 DART OIL COMPANY 13615 89 260
1994 DART OIL COMPANY 14065 102 180
1995 DART OIL COMPANY 9383 8 319
1996 DART OIL COMPANY 12261 89 230
1997 DART OIL COMPANY 12384 65 197
1998 DART OIL COMPANY 11903 61 109
1999 DART OIL COMPANY 9239 34 157
2000 DART OIL COMPANY 7641 51 55
2001 DART OIL COMPANY 7555 51 91
2002 DART OIL COMPANY 8083 74 51
2003 DART OIL COMPANY 6560 20 42
2004 DART OIL COMPANY 5730 28 31
2005 DART OIL COMPANY 5703 50 50
2006 DART OIL & GAS CORP 57775 9 25
2007 DART OIL COMPANY 3504 56 32
2008 DART OIL & GAS CORP 5254 23 34
2009 DART OIL & GAS CORP 4451 0 130
2011 DART OIL COMPANY 6387 60 167
2012 DART OIL COMPANY 5359 0 182
2013 DART OIL COMPANY 5837 57 365
2014 DART OIL COMPANY 5183 17 365
2015 DART OIL COMPANY 4389 10 183
2016 DART OIL COMPANY 3684 0 183
2017 DART OIL COMPANY 0 0 183

For data sources see[4] [5]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1985 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 550 0
1986 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 86 185
1987 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 83 215
1988 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 64 206
1989 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 54 152
1990 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 55 86
1991 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 20 248
1992 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 51 168
1993 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 28 260
1994 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 79 180
1995 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 46 319
1996 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 41 230
1997 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 33 197
1998 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 30 109
1999 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 13 157
2000 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 34 55
2001 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 32 91
2002 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 36 51
2003 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 33 42
2004 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 23 31
2005 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 24 50
2006 DART OIL & GAS CORP Brine 42 25
2007 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 7 32
2008 DART OIL & GAS CORP Brine 27 34
2009 DART OIL & GAS CORP Brine 60 130
2011 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 20 167
2012 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 93 182
2013 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 30 365
2014 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 37 365
2015 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 25 183
2016 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 33 183
2017 DART OIL COMPANY Brine 0 183

For data sources see[6] [7]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0000PL5345 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Preliminary Restoration done information from Data Point
1008643982 2016-08-15 Production Wells No Violations I conducted a status check inspection of this well. The well is equipped with a pumpjack with an electric motor. The tank battery is shared with well # 34-151-24015-0000. The diked tank battery consists of one 100 barrel tank, an inground concrete brine tank, and 2 horizontal separators. The well is legibly identified at the well and the tank battery. The RBDMS record shows the well has reported production for 2015. The lease road is stable and passable. The are no compliance issues noted at this time.

For data sources see[8]
