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Difference between revisions of "34-031-22991"

Line 11: Line 11:
| County: [[Coshocton_County,_Ohio|Coshocton]]
| County: [[Coshocton_County,_Ohio|Coshocton]]
| Municipality: [[Washington Township,_Coshocton_County,_Ohio|Washington Township]]
| Municipality: [[Washington_Township,_Coshocton_County,_Ohio|Washington Township]]
| Operator Name: [[PERDUE DANIEL L]]
| Operator Name: [[PERDUE DANIEL L]]
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| Configuration: Vertical
| Configuration: Vertical
| Latitude: <Latitude>
| Latitude: 40.204030067
| Longitude: -82.05650305
| Longitude: -82.05650305

Revision as of 03:01, 30 August 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-031-22991
Loading map...
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Coshocton
Municipality: Washington Township
Operator Name: PERDUE DANIEL L
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: PERRY TC
License Status: Domestic Well
License Date: 1977-05-11
Spud Date: 1977-05-23
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1977-06-25
Well Total Depth: 3270 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.204030067
Longitude: -82.05650305

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
CO 1977-05-11 716 PERCY T C & KAY GeoDate 5/11/77
Original Spud 1977-05-23
Completed 1977-06-25
Reached Total Depth 1977-06-25
CO 1997-02-06 5761 PERDUE DANIEL L GeoDate 5/11/77
Record Last Modified 2009-12-11

For data sources see[2]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1984 PERCY T C & KAY 3000 0 0
1985 PERCY T C & KAY 943 0 0
1986 PERCY T C & KAY 0 0 365

For data sources see[3] [4]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1984 PERCY T C & KAY Brine 0 0
1985 PERCY T C & KAY Brine 0 0
1986 PERCY T C & KAY Brine 0 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0706989827 2013-01-29 Production Wells No Violations ON the day of my inspection I met Eric Kirkbride of The Energy Cooperative at the site of the alleged gas leak. I witnessed Mr. Kirkbride probe approximately 2 feet into the soil with a penetrating bar at three locations. The three probe locations were 1: approximately 3 feet from the edge of the driveway; 2: at the edge of the driveway; 3: in the center of the driveway. His gas detector registered 25% CH4 at hole 1; 45% CH4 at hole 2; 98% CH4 at hole 3. I probed hole 3 with a PHD6 hand-held gas detector, equipped with sampling probe. I detected a natural gas odor when standing over hole 3. The gas detectors alarm sounded and the monitor showed a CH4 level of 90% and a LEL (lower explosive level) reading of 98%. I contacted Daniel Perdue to inform him of my findings.
1358277967 2013-01-15 Production Wells Violations Noted I received a complaint call from Eric Kirkbride on 1/14/2013 in regards to a gas line leak under his driveway. On the day of my inspection I found that there was a large kill zone on both sides of the gravel driveway. The area was approximately 15 x 20 in diameter where there was no living vegetation. There was established grass growth in all directions beyond the kill zone. I DID detect the odor of natural gas. I did not detect a hissing sound, nor did I detect any bubbling from the ground. I sampled the area with a PHD6 hand-held gas detector, equipped with sampling probe. The PHD6 alarm indicated an LEL reading of 18% above ground. I did not have the proper equipment to probe into the soil. I did collect digital photographs of the kill zone and the PHD6 detection record was downloaded. The gas line must be repaired immediately, as the above described area is used as a school bus pick up/drop off point for local children. Failure to comply could result in bond forfeiture and possible plugging of the well.
1358967214 2013-01-23 Administrative Inspection No Violations I received a phone call from Daniel Perdue to dispute the report of a gas leak. I agreed to grant a 30 day extension to allow for the weather to warm up. The area around the driveway will need to be more thoroughly probed when the ground thaws.
1367593950 2013-05-03 Production Wells No Violations FOLLOW UP TO CA # 1358277967: On the day of my inspection I found that VT Services was on location to repair the line. They found a small hole directly under the driveway that was approximately 0.25 in diameter. VT Services repaired the line with a 12 clamp. They reclaimed the driveway and the affected area bordering the driveway. This violation is resolved.
1887476796 2013-03-12 Production Wells No Violations FOLLOW UP TO CA # 1358277967: On the day of my inspection the gas leak was not yet repaired. I met with Daniel Perdue, who presented official court documents and repair estimates. The court date is set for April 2, 2013 to determine who is responsible for the repairs. I granted an extension to allow for the small claims court hearing.

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
1358277967 US-OH-110390 2013-05-03 Well operation causing pollution and contamination
1358277967 US-OH-110391 2013-05-03 General Safety

For data sources see[7]
