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Difference between revisions of "34-059-24492"

Line 11: Line 11:
| County: [[Guernsey_County,_Ohio|Guernsey]]
| County: [[Guernsey_County,_Ohio|Guernsey]]
| Municipality: [[Londonderry Township,_Guernsey_County,_Ohio|Londonderry Township]]
| Municipality: [[Londonderry_Township,_Guernsey_County,_Ohio|Londonderry Township]]
Line 33: Line 33:
| Configuration: Horizontal
| Configuration: Horizontal
| Latitude: <Latitude>
| Latitude: 40.089860561
| Longitude: -81.26068125
| Longitude: -81.26068125
Line 229: Line 229:
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| Sorbitan, mono-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs
| Sorbitan, mono-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate,
poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs
| 9005-65-6
| 9005-65-6
| style="text-align: right;" | 1
| style="text-align: right;" | 1
Line 247: Line 248:
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| Glycine, N,N'-1,2-ethanediylbis[N-(carboxymethyl)-, sodium salt (1:4)
| Glycine, N,N'-1,2-ethanediylbis[N-(carboxymethyl)-,
sodium salt (1:4)
| 64-02-8
| 64-02-8
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.1
| style="text-align: right;" | 0.1
Line 379: Line 381:
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| style="text-align: right;" | 0
| Dazomet (Tetrahydro-3, 5-dimethyl-2H-1, 3, 5-thiadiazine-2-thione.
| Dazomet (Tetrahydro-3, 5-dimethyl-2H-1,
3, 5-thiadiazine-2-thione.
| 533-74-4
| 533-74-4
| style="text-align: right;" | 24
| style="text-align: right;" | 24

Revision as of 00:44, 1 September 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-059-24492
Loading map...
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Guernsey
Municipality: Londonderry Township
Well Pad ID: US-OH-001210
Farm/Lease Name: TROYER W LND GR
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2016-11-15
Spud Date: 2017-12-12
Spud Drilling Contractor: PRECISION DRILLING
Final Drill Date: 2018-03-10
Well Total Depth: 16798 ft
Configuration: Horizontal
Latitude: 40.089860561
Longitude: -81.26068125

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2016-11-15 Proposed Formations:UTICA THRU POINT PLEASANT, Issued Date:11/15/2016, Expired Date:11/15/2018 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:517.086, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Reached Total Depth 2018-03-10
Completion Report Received 2018-09-06
Record Last Modified 2018-09-11
Construction Permit Expires 2018-11-15
Correction to Well 2018-12-21 UPDATE TAKE/TARGT PER AS-DRILLED PLAT

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2018-09-10 8373 8796 0
2018-09-10 16522 16628 0

For data sources see[3]

Fracking Activities

Fracking Jobs

Job Number Job Start Date Job End Date True Vertical Depth (ft) Total Water Volume (gal) Total Non-Water Volume (gal)
1 04/03/2018 04/27/2018 9200 17,958,300.0 198691

Fluid Composition Data

Job Number Trade Name Supplier Purpose Ingredient Name CAS Number Additive Percentage by Mass Job Percentage by Mass Mass Used (lb)
1 FRW-920 FTSI Friction Reducer - Zwitter ionic Listed Below Green Line Listed Below 0 0 0
FE-200A FTSI Iron Control Listed Below Green Line Listed Below 0 0 0
Other Chemical(s) Listed Above See Trade Name(s) List Water 7732-18-5 92.5 0.786358 0
Water 7732-18-5 55 0.0268802 0
Water 7732-18-5 85 0.0132567 0
Water 7732-18-5 80 0.0283362 0
Water 7732-18-5 50 0.0260501 0
Water 7732-18-5 45 0.00225742 0
Isotridecanol, ethoxylated 9043-30-5 2 0.00000061 0
Ammonium Chloride 12125-02-9 1 0.000521002 0
Hydrogen Chloride 7647-01-0 7.5 0.0637587 0
Methanol 67-56-1 90 0.000722739 0
Silica, Quartz 14808-60-7 100 2.53855 0
Sorbitan, mono-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate,

poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs

9005-65-6 1 0.000521002 0
Citric Acid 77-92-9 30 0.00150494 0
Ammonium Persulfate 7727-54-0 100 0.00000544 0
Glycine, N,N'-1,2-ethanediylbis[N-(carboxymethyl)-,

sodium salt (1:4)

64-02-8 0.1 0.00005210 0
Phenol, 4-methoxy 150-76-5 0.1 0.00005210 0
Petroleum Distillate 64742-47-8 55 0.00001664 0
Methyl Alcohol 67-56-1 15 0.00531305 0
Quartz 14808-60-7 4 0.00000121 0
Alcohol Ethoxylate Surfactants 68551-12-2 2.5 0.00130251 0
Thiourea-formaldehyde Copolymer 68527-49-1 10 0.00008030 0
Sodium Hydroxide 1310-73-2 23 0.0112408 0
Copolymer of 2-Propenamide Proprietary 30 0.0156301 0
Guar gum 9000-30-0 55 0.00001664 0
Acetic acid 64-19-7 40 0.00200659 0
Hydrotreated Petroleum Distillate 64742-47-8 25 0.0130251 0
ORGANIC PHOSPHONIC ACIDS SALTS 15827-60-8 20 0.00708406 0
Fatty Acids, Tall Oil 61790-12-3 10 0.00008030 0
Silica, Quartz 14808-60-7 100 9.45646 0
Hydrocarbon Proprietary 3 0.00002409 0
Sodium chloride 7647-14-5 10 0.00521002 0
Hydrogen Chloride 7647-01-0 15 0.00233943 0
N-olefins Proprietary 3 0.00002409 0
Alcohol Ethoxylate Surfactants Proprietary 10 0.00008030 0
Oleic Acid Diethanolamide 93-83-4 2.5 0.00130251 0
Raffinates, Sorption Process 64741-85-1 55 0.00001664 0
Dazomet (Tetrahydro-3, 5-dimethyl-2H-1,

3, 5-thiadiazine-2-thione.

533-74-4 24 0.0117295 0
Sodium Chloride 7647-14-5 5 0.00177102 0
Suspending Agent 1302-78-9 5 0.00000151 0
Propargyl Alcohol 107-19-7 5 0.00004015 0
Water Supplied by Operator Base Fluid Water 7732-18-5 100 86.997 149,772,000.0
0.1%-7.5% HCL FTSI Acid Listed Below Green Line Listed Below 0 0 0
APB-1 FTSI Gel breaker Listed Below Green Line Listed Below 0 0 0
HVG-1 4.0 FTSI Water gelling agent Listed Below Green Line Listed Below 0 0 0
CI-150 FTSI Acid Corrosion Inhibitor Listed Below Green Line Listed Below 0 0 0
10.1%-15.0% HCL FTSI Acid Listed Below Green Line Listed Below 0 0 0
100 Mesh Sand FTSI Proppant Listed Below Green Line Listed Below 0 0 0
40/70 White FTSI Proppant Listed Below Green Line Listed Below 0 0 0
ICI-3240 FTSI Biocide Listed Below Green Line Listed Below 0 0 0
SI-680 FTSI Scale Inhibitor Listed Below Green Line Listed Below 0 0 0

For data sources see[4]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
2018-04-04 H2O 15 9231 Bbl 375216 Frac Tech Services STAGE 1 OF 55
2018-04-27 H2O 7 7604 Bbl 362637 Frac Tech Services STAGE 55 OF 55 SEE IMAGES FOR STAGES 2-54

For data sources see[5]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2018 ASCENT RESOURCES UTICA LLC 705279 114873 191
2019 ASCENT RESOURCES UTICA LLC 242485 30792 90

For data sources see[6] [7]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days

For data sources see[8] [9]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
1161216709 2018-07-10 Preliminary Restoration No Violations The purpose of my inspection was a status check on a preliminary restoration. During my inspection the well was equipped with a production tree style wellhead with valves in the open position. The production equipment consisted of seven 500 barrel tanks, two vapor recovery towers, six sand traps, six gas production units, three horizontal heater treaters, one compressor, one vent scrubber, and one combustor. The area effected by the pad construction has been restored with vegetation coverage. The lease road and well pad consisted of a gravel surface with no erosion issues. The location has met preliminary restoration requirements written within 1509.072 (A). The identification was posted at the well, tank battery, and entry.
1464357835 2017-12-13 Casing String Witnessed No Violations On the day of my inspection I witnessed that the top of cement was at 22 feet from surface. Express Energy Services was onsite and topped off conductor with 41 sacks of 9 sack grout and cement stayed at the surface.
1519616028 2018-02-25 Casing String Witnessed No Violations On the day of my inspection accompanied by ODNR Inspector Ryan Armstrong, I witnessed Precision Drilling Rig #110 had drilled a 17.5 inch diameter hole to the depth of 1258 feet. Wyoming Casing Crew ran 1252.05 feet of 13.375 inch 61 pound per foot J-55 casing set at 3.0 feet above KB. KB height is 26 feet above ground level. Schlumberger arrived late and loaded their lines with 5 barrels of fresh water, performed a low pressure test at 1000 pounds per square inch and performed a high pressure test at 3500 pounds per square inch. Schlumberger gained circulation with 25 barrels of gel, 10 barrels of fresh water and cemented casing with 1317 sacks of Class H cement 15.6 pounds per gallon, 1.23 cubic foot per sack cement with 3% D044 Salt, 4% S001 CaCl, .12 pound per sack D130 Flake and .020 gallon per sack D047 Antifoam. Cement weight was verified by pressurized mud scales and displaced with 184.1 barrels of fresh water. Cement was circulated to surface with good returns of 54 barrels; plug was landed at 720 pounds per square inch and pressured to 1325 pounds per square inch for 5 minutes and the floats held with 1 barrel back. Mix water was tested revealing chlorides of 45 parts per million, pH 7 and 63 degrees.
1802555499 2017-12-12 Casing String Witnessed No Violations On the day of my inspection I witnessed that Express Energy Services had drilled a 36 inch diameter hole to the depth of 100 feet and ran 100 feet of 30 inch 118.65 pound per foot conductor pipe. Express Energy Services performed a 400 pounds per square inch pressure test, gained circulation, pumped 4 barrels of water and cemented pipe with 275 sacks Class A cement with 2% calcium chloride and .25 pound per sack of poly-flake with a weight of 15.6 pounds per gallon and a yield of 1.18 cubic foot per sack. Cement weight was verified by mud scales. Cement was displaced to 85 feet with 70 barrels of fresh water. Returns of 1 barrels and cement fell 4 feet from surface and will be topped off. Mix water was tested revealing chlorides of 45 parts per million, pH 7 and 60 degrees.
1987761407 2018-02-25 Casing String Witnessed No Violations Accompanied Guernsey County Inspector Doug Bennett, Reference his Report for further details

For data sources see[10]
