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| County: [[Portage_County,_Ohio|Portage]]
| County: [[Portage_County,_Ohio|Portage]]
| Municipality: [[Suffield Township,_Portage_County,_Ohio|Suffield Township]]
| Municipality: [[Suffield_Township,_Portage_County,_Ohio|Suffield Township]]
| Operator Name: [[SOUND ENERGY CO INC]]
| Operator Name: [[SOUND ENERGY CO INC]]

Revision as of 03:13, 1 September 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-133-24467
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Portage
Municipality: Suffield Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: K & W EVANS
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2014-08-25
Spud Date: 2014-10-31
Spud Drilling Contractor: ADVENT DRLG
Final Drill Date: 2014-11-14
Well Total Depth: 7170 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 41.043731273
Longitude: -81.31429414

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2014-08-25 Proposed Formations:TRENTON-TREMPEALEAU, Issued Date:8/25/2014, Expired Date:8/24/2016 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:42.04, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Reached Total Depth 2014-11-14
Construction Permit Expires 2015-08-25
Change of Owner 2015-11-03 Operator changed from 7626, M & M ROYALTY LTD to 9312, FO ENERGY LLC
Completion Report Received 2016-08-10
Change of Owner 2019-03-07 Operator changed from 9312, FO ENERGY LLC to 4327, SOUND ENERGY CO INC
Record Last Modified 2019-03-07

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2015-03-16 7012 7285 80

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
2014-12-18 H2O 0 73570 Gal 44600 Universal Well Services Inc.
2014-12-18 H2O 0 73570 Gal 44600 Universal Well Services Inc. I was on location to witness stimulation operations for this Rose Run well. Universal Well Services was on location and Chipco had their service rig spotted over the hole to conduct operations. Mike Weinsz (M&M) directed the job for the company. Universal rigged up, tested the lines, and released the pressure. They opened the gate valve and the annulus between the 8.625" surface casing and the 4.5" production casing. They broke the formation at 1812psi, displaced the acid into the formation

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2015 M & M ROYALTY LTD 2944 561 184
2016 FO ENERGY LLC 4037 472 366
2017 FO ENERGY LLC 1949 210 365
2018 FO ENERGY LLC 945 239 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2015 M & M ROYALTY LTD Brine 2385 184
2016 FO ENERGY LLC Brine 2209 366
2017 FO ENERGY LLC Brine 1018 365
2018 FO ENERGY LLC Brine 1186 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0029096414 2015-04-15 Preliminary Restoration No Violations I was on location to check the status of preliminary restoration. Drilling was completed on 11/15/14 and stimulation operations took place on 12/18/14. The pits have been solidified and closed and all drilling equipment has been removed from the location. There is a 300 barrel frac tank still on location that was used during flow back operations. The well is currently producing with the aid of a natural gas powered pumping unit and a barrier has been built next to the motor to help diffuse the noise from the motor. The long winter and wet spring have delayed restoration operations. The stockpiled topsoil needs to be spread, graded, and seeded. A bulldozer and trac-hoe are on location for restoration work. I will check back later on progress. No violations.
0277360426 2014-11-02 Casing String Witnessed No Violations I was on location to witness the cementing of the 8.625 intermediate casing. Advent drilled an 11 intermediate hole to a depth of 1,041 and ran 23 joints of 8.625 intermediate casing to a depth of 1,011 plus a 15 landing joint. Universal rigged up, tested the lines, then mixed and pumped 58.8 barrels of Type 1 cement slurry, dropped the plug, and displaced the plug with 64 barrels of water. 8 barrels of cement circulated and held at the surface. No violations. See casing ticket for more details on this job.
0484353494 2014-10-31 Urban Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to inspect the drilling progress of Advent Drilling Rig #1. They spudded the 14.75 conductor hole this morning and are currently drilling at a depth of 200 with freshwater. The pits are in good condition and have plenty of freeboard. No violations.
0498699986 2014-11-10 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. At present Advent Drilling is at a depth of 6541. Permits and conditions are posted. Pits and liners are in good condition. Locations is clean. No noted violations at this time.
0562206688 2014-11-12 Urban Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to check the drilling status of Advent Rig #1. The rig is currently tripping drill pipe out of the hole from a depth of 6977 due to drill bit issues. They have approximately 200 left to drill to reach total depth. The drilling pits are in good condition and have plenty of freeboard. The drilling location is soft and muddy. No violations.
0631875145 2014-11-01 Casing String Witnessed No Violations I was on location at 7:00am to witness the cementing of the 11.75 surface casing. Advent Drilling drilled a 14.75 hole to a depth of 493 and ran 11 joints of 42lb/ft. casing to a depth of 463 with a guide shoe and 3 centralizers. Universal cemented the casing with 56 barrels of Type I cement slurry, dropped the wiper plug, and displaced the plug to 443 with 53 barrels of freshwater. 5 barrels of cement circulated and held at the surface. No violations. See casing ticket for more details on this job.
0798494113 2014-11-14 Urban Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to check the status of Advent Drilling Rig #1. They have reached a total depth of 7170 and are currently circulating to clean up the 7.875 bore hole. I inspected the 4.5 casing on the racks and it is new, 11.6lb/ft., J-55 & WTC80, Range-3 pipe. Cementing operations should take place tomorrow (11/15/14). The pits are in good condition and have plenty of freeboard. No violations.
1007493394 2014-08-18 Administrative Inspection No Violations I was on location to conduct an urban area, pre-site inspection of the location. I was accompanied by Mike Weinsz and Matt Egnotovich. The location is in a farm field and is a large swale. The location will require a big cut and I asked them to stockpile the topsoil to the south to form a noise barrier and place silt fence along the east side of location to protect the drainage area. See pre-site report for more details. No violations.
1007507856 2014-10-27 Urban Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to check the construction status of this drilling site. The site has been cut and the topsoil has been stockpiled to the south and west of the location. The silt fence I requested to be installed during the pre-site inspection has been properly placed to the east to protect the wetlands and drainage area from sedimentation. No violations.
1101700675 2014-11-24 Urban Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on site to check the status of the drilling location. Advent Drilling has moved all the drilling equipment off location. Hugh Palmer Contracting has solidified and closed the drilling pits. The location is graded and ready for completion operations. Erosion controls are still in place and functioning properly. No violations.
1160771999 2014-11-05 Urban Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to check the drilling status of Advent Rig #1. Mike Weinsz (M&M Royalty) was on location and he informed me that they had hit a lot of water in the Lockport Dolomite. They were currently drilling at 4,094 and pumping water from the blow pit into the reserve and working pits. The blow pit was filling up and had several feet of freeboard. The water was being produced from the Newburg Porosity Zone and was creating a sulphurous odor. I monitored the air quality at the discharge line into the blow pit and did not detect any hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or methane (CH4) gases emanating from the discharge. A decision was made at this time to load the hole and switch to fluid drilling operations in order to shut off the flow of water. They will begin hauling water from the blow pit. No violations.
1281187201 2015-06-22 Preliminary Restoration No Violations I was on location to check the status of preliminary restoration for this Rose Run Well. This well was completed/stimulated on 12/18/14. The site has been graded and seeded and vegetation is establishing itself. The wellhead is equipped with a gas powered pumping unit and is surrounded by chain link fencing with barbed wire and the gate is locked. The proper ID is posted at the wellhead and the tubing gauge reads 180psi. The valve on the annuls between the 8.625 surface casing and 4.5 production casing is open. A wall of hay bails has been constructed on the inside of the eastern portion of the fenced area to dampen the sound from the gas powered motor. The tank battery is located 0.4 miles to the northwest on Palm Road and is shared by well #s 24413 and 24427.
1836426708 2014-11-18 Urban Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I met Mike Weinsz (M&M Royalty) to pick up the casing ticket from the 4.5 production job from 11-15-14. Advent is rigging down and preparing to move. Most of the water has been hauled from the drilling pits. No violations.
1966205996 2014-12-18 Completion Testing No Violations I was on location to witness stimulation operations on this Rose Run Sandstone well. Mike Weinsz (M&M), Chipco, and Universal Well Services were on location to conduct fracturing operations. The well was fractured and treated with 1752 barrels of water and 44,600 pounds of 20/40 mesh sand. The annulus between the 8.625 surface casing and the 4.5 production casing was open during the job. No pressure deviations were encountered during treatment and the job went as designed. See stimulation report for more details on this job. No violations.

For data sources see[9]
