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== Well Details ==
== Well Details ==
{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
{| class="wikitable welldetails" width="95%"
| Well ID: 34-127-64141
| Well ID: 34-127-64141
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="15" | {{#display_map: 39.92028896, -82.42160233 | width=100% | height=100% }}  
| style="height=100%; align=center" rowspan="17" | {{#display_map: 39.919998703, -82.42145210 | width=100% | height=100% }}
| County: [[Perry County, Ohio|Perry]]
| Country: United States
| Municipality:  
| State: Ohio
| County: [[Perry_County,_Ohio|Perry]]
| Municipality: [[Thorn_Township,_Perry_County,_Ohio|Thorn Township]]
| Operator Name: [[HISTORIC OWNER]]
| Operator Name: [[HISTORIC OWNER]]
Line 13: Line 17:
| Well Pad ID:  
| Well Pad ID:  
| Farm/Lease Name:  
| Farm/Lease Name: BOPE JONATHAN
| First Permit Date:  
| License Status: Final Restoration
| Last Permit Date:  
| License Date:  
| Spud Date:  
| Spud Date:  
| Unconventional:  
| Spud Drilling Contractor:  
| Final Drill Date:
| Well Total Depth:
| Configuration: Vertical
| Latitude: 39.919998703
| Longitude: -82.42145210
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Well, tblLocational, tblPlugWell, tblInspection, tblCivilTownships and tblPad Tables
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2019-05-07
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
== Well History ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Well Status
!scope="col" style="width: 15%;text-align: center"| Well Status Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Comment
| Plugged/Abandoned
| 2018-02-20
| Record Last Modified
| 2018-08-31
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - Well and WellHistry Tables
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2019-05-07
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
<!--== Perforation Treatments ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Perforation Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Interval Top (ft)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Interval Base (ft)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Number of Shots
<!--== Fracking Activities ==
==== Fracking Jobs ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Number
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Start Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job End Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| True Vertical Depth (ft)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Total Water Volume (gal)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Total Non-Water Volume (gal)
<!--==== Fluid Composition Data ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 100%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Number
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Trade Name
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Supplier
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Purpose
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Ingredient Name
!scope="col" style="white-space: nowrap;text-align: center"| CAS Number
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Additive Percentage by Mass
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Job Percentage by Mass
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Mass Used (lb)
<!--== Stimulations Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Stimulation Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Chemical Agent
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Chemical Agent Concentration (%)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Fracking Fluid Volume
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Mass of Proppant Used (lb)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Fracking Company
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Comments
<!--== Production Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Period
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Operator Name
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Gas Quantity (mcf)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Oil Quantity (bbl)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Production Days
<!--== Waste Data ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Period
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Operator Name
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Waste Type
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Quantity (bbl)
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Production Days
== Inspection Data ==
==== Inspections Performed ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Type
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Result
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection Comments
| 0031601260
| 2018-03-13
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Contractor on location with partial rig crew at 8:35 am, Inspector on location at 8:40 am. Hydrocarbon Company Man Steve Jones is sick today and crew will not begin drilling. Partial rig crew will be performing maintainence on rig, pumps, etc. No major work items being completed. Inspector off location at 9:30 am.
| 0078910611
| 2018-02-23
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Inspector on location at 8:50 am to check on contractor de-mobilization status at this orphan well plugging project. The pipe tub and power swivel unit have been removed from the location. Heavy rain falling at time of inspection, silt fence working to prevent sediment from leaving the location. Hydrocarbon Well Services has left for the weekend and will resume de-mobilization next week.
| 0219145467
| 2018-02-14
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Contractor on location at 8:00 am, Inspector on location at 8:40 am. Rig crew ran 1.5 diameter tools into wellbore and sat down at 349. Rig crew then picked up bit sub and 7.88 diameter bit and ran into hole and sat down hard at 331. Company Man Steve Jones believes there is 7 casing in the hole at a depth of 331. No impression blocks are on location, Steve Jones left location at 10:30 am to get impression blocks. Rig Crew picked up a 5 diameter bailer at 12:22 pm and began bailing the wellbore down. After multiple bailer trips, the wellbore would not bail down below a depth of 40. Water bailed from the wellbore was tested for chloride content and measured less than 30 ppm chlorides with a Low Range Quantab test strip. Bailing efforts ceased at 3:15 pm and the wellbore began steadily recharging. Jason Blocker of DOGRM Safety Section will be on location tomorrow at 7:30 am to run downhole camera to try and assess obstruction. A 1200 sq ft area of the driveway was measured out for #3 & #4 stone which is needed to reduce sediment tracking to the roadway. Stone will be addressed in Field Order #2 and Change order #1.  Impression blocks will also be run tomorrow. Inspector off location at 3:30 pm, Contractor off location at 3:45 pm.
| 0240665097
| 2018-04-18
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Inspector on location at 8:50 am to witness trench excavation and vent line installation on east side of residential lawn. Hydrocarbon Well Services (HWS) on location at 8:00 am with trench exvavation underway. Entire trench excavated around rear of house to the foundation by 12:30 pm. HWS plumbed in the rest of the steel vent line up to the perlin of the roofline by 2:05 pm. HWS took measurements for the vent turndown and insect/rodent screen to be installed above the gutter. HWS began backfilling and compacting the trench and rough grading the disturbed areas at 3:10 pm left location at 4:30 pm. Inspector off location at 3:30 pm. Photos taken of work items completed.
| 0434654826
| 2018-04-19
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Inspector on location at 9:00 am to witness replacement of damaged culvert, completion of vent line installation, and installation of monument plate on well casing. Hydrocarbon Well Services (HWS) on location at 8:30 am and installing vent line turndown and insect/rodent screen. HWS installed the remaining vent line pieces by 9:30 am. HWS removed the damaged culvert and replaced it with a new 30 section of 15 diameter double-wall plastic culvert. The culvert was backfilled with a mixture of 304 and crusher run gravel. Upon opening the cault casting, it was found to be full of water from heavy rains over the weekend. HWS sent a rig hand to get a submersible pump to dewater the vault casting. The vault casting was dewaterted by 3:05 pm and HWS topped off the well with an 80 lb sack of concrete mix then installed the steel monument plate on top of the casing. Inspector off location at 3:30 pm. HWS left location at 4:30 pm after rough grading the location. Photos were taken of work items completed.
| 0602124246
| 2018-02-21
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Inspector on location at 9:40 am to check cement top inside of this well after plugging. A weighted line was lowered into the well from a line-counting reel which showed a cement top of 7 down inside the 4.5 diameter casing and 11 down the 4.5-8.63 annulus. The cement level will be topped off by Hydrocarbon Well Services (HWS) when the casings are cut off below grade. No major work items are being performed today. HWS crew is cleaning up equipment and plans on leaving for the weekend. Some equipment will be removed from the location over the next 2 days.
| 0622521271
| 2018-02-27
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Inspector on location at 2:45 pm to check the status of this orphan well plugging project location. Hydrocarbon Well Services (HWS) has completed their de-mobilization and the location has been rough-graded and temporarily mulched with straw. The 8.63 and 4.5 diameter casings have been left standing 3-4 above grade to mark the wells location. I placed pink flags in the ground around the well to roughly mark the proposed location of the concrete vault casting which is to be installed in the coming weeks. Photos were taken of the location.
| Configuration:  
| 0725926430
| 2018-02-15
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Inspector, DOGRM Safety Section Staff Jason Blocker, and Contractor on location at 7:30 am. Jason Blocker began setting up downhole camera and started it into the well casing at 8:05 am. Poor visibility below 145 downhole rendered the camera trip unsuccessful in determining the nature of the obstruction at 331. The camera centralizer sat down at 331. After running the downhole camera, the rig crew began prepping a 6.88 diameter impression block to run into the hole to assess the obstruction. The impression block was run into the hole at 9:30 am and sat down at 331 inside of what appeared to be a 7 casing collar. After running impression block, the decision was made to run a logging suite of the well from 320 to surface to attempt to identify the bottom of the 8.63 casing, the bond behind the casing, the diameter of the wellbore, and any temperature anomalies. Timco Wireline Services arrived on location at 11:50 am and was rigged up to start logging at 12:15 pm. Timco ran CCL/Gamma Ray, VDL/Bond, Caliper, and Temperature logs of the wellbore from 320 to surface. It was determined that there is 288 of 8.63 casing in the wellbore and that the casing is degraded in areas and has very little to no bond behind the casing. No temperature anomalies were noted. The well has remained static since the beginning of the project, not making any oil, gas, or brine. Using the information gained from logging, the decision was made by the Division to have the Contractor run 4.5 diameter casing to 335 (inside the 7 casing at 331) and cement it on its annulus as well as inside the casing to surface to plug the well. The Contractor will order the 4.5 casing and will likely plug the well early next week. Inspector off location at 3:00 pm, Contractor off location at 3:30 pm.
| Well Status: Plugged and Abandoned
| 0755166395
| 2018-02-16
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Inspector and Contractor on location at 7:30 am. OWP Manager Gene Chini and ODNR Legislative Reps on location at 8:15 am. A tour of the location was given to ODNR Legislative Reps. Inspector off location at 9:00 am. Rig crew will be dressing 20 tons of #3 &#4 stone on the driveway this morning to reduce sediment tracking from vehicles off of the location to the roadway. Contractor off location at 12:30 pm.
| Violations: 0
| 1010223734
| 2018-03-08
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Contractor on location at 9:00 am, Inspector on location at 9:15 am. Rig crew de-iced mats with rock salt. A truck carrying the mud pump arrived at 9:45 am and was unloaded on plastic lined mats by 10:05 am. The freshwater tank arrived at 11:11 am and was unloaded by 11:30 am. The rig crew spent the afternoon warming up the rig and mud pump motors. The air lines on the service rig were found to be frozen and fittings damaged. The rig crew will replace the lines tomorrow morning. Inspector off location at 2:50 pm, Contractor off location at 4:30 pm.
| Latitude: 39.92028896
| 1245227224
| 2018-04-17
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Inspector on location at 10:00 am to witness vent line trenching and installation. Hydrocarbon Well Services (HWS) on location at 11:00 am. Steve Jones of HWS began excavating the trench for the vent line at 11:30 am. HWS hit the water supply line to the landowners house with the excavator bucket at 12:30 pm and the water was shut off at the meter by 12:40 pm. The line was put back together with two Shark-Bite couplers and a new section of 0.75 diameter PEX waterline. The repair was tested and no leaks were detected. HWS hand-excavated around the residential gas line and trenched under it with no issue. A mixture of 304 and crusher run limestone was installed in the trench to serve as a base for the vent line. The front lawn section of the vent line was installed and backfilling began by 4:00 pm. Inspector off location at 4:00 pm. HWS off location at 4:30 pm. Photos were taken of work items completed.
| Longitude: -82.42160233
| 1351434630
| 2017-08-16
| Orphan
| No Violations
| This inspection was conducted in regards to a phone call concerning an abandoned well that was found during construction of a new home. The well was observed within a ditch that was dug for a sewer line for the new home. The well had open casing and contained fluid. Construction workers informed me they had reached 25 feet in depth with a tape measure. The Perry County Inspector Justin Smith was called and advised of this inspection. Mr. Smith said he would conduct an inspection and refer the well to the orphan well program. Time of inspection: 8:00 AM.
| 1374920416
| 2018-02-20
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Inspector on location at 8:10 am, Contractor on location at 8:00 am. The load of 4.5 casing on location was not pressure tested or drifted. The Contractor was instructed to send the casing back to the supplier and get casing which has been properly tested. A load of pressure tested and drifted 4.5 casing was delivered to the location at 11:00 am and offloaded to the pipe tub by 11:30 am. Company Man Steve Jones ordered 140 sacks of type 1 cement which arrived on location at 12:30 pm. DOGRM OWP Engineers Jason Simmerman, Jason Jones, and Paul Logan arrived on location at 12:30 pm. Rig crew ran 9 joints (avg 33.5 per joint) of 4.5 casing into hole, packed off wellhead, hooked up mud pump, and attempted to circulate wellbore. The wellbore circulated easily after 2 minutes of pumping. Rig crew ran 1 more joint of 4.5 casing, making a total of 335, into the wellbore. Rig crew pumped 6 bbls of freshwater mixed with 2 sacks of bentonite gel prior to cementing to condition the wellbore. Rig crew then mixed 83 sacks of type 1 cement mixed at an average density of 14.2 ppg. Good cement returns were observed at the half round tank. The cement level did not drop in the wellbore after shutting down the pump. The well was shut in at the diverter head after cementing. The cement level will be checked tomorrow morning. Inspector off location at 3:45 pm. Contractor off location at 4:30 pm.
| 1502900162
| 2017-08-16
| Orphan
| No Violations
| Inspector Brandon Mitchell was contacted by Eric Shonebrarger who is the contractor building a new house on this land. While his guys were digging the footers for this house they hit an 8 inch casing about 8 foot down. After doing the initial inspection Brandon contacted me so I could come out to the location. I met Eric Shonebrarger out at the location so he could show me what was going on. The 8 inch casing is about 30 feet off of the road. This well is located in a new housing development up by Buckeye Lake in Heron Bay. The contractors are wanting to continue on building the house but I asked them to wait until we can find out more about this well. The well was permitted in 1917 but that is all the information that is in the RBDMS on it. The contractors did run there tape measure down to 25 feet and did not hit any plugging material. They did have a show of oil on the tape measure when they pulled it back out.
| 1503423894
| 2017-08-22
| Orphan
| No Violations
| Orphan well investigation, Accompanied by OWP Manager Gene Chini: Met on location with homebuilding contractor Mr. Eric Shonebarger to inspect this well, which was discovered during excavation of a trench for sanitary sewer installation for a new home being constructed on this lot. The well is located 8 feet below grade level and is situated 11 feet north of the concrete footers of the new homes foundation. The well consists of 8 inch diameter casing which is open to the atmosphere. There is no other casing, tubing, or production equipment present, aside from a sucker rod which is protruding out of the trench above the well, which was presumably used as a marker for well after it was abandoned. There is crude oil level with the top of the casing which smells pungent and fresh. A weighted line was run down the well on a line counting fishing reel and the weight sat down at 338 feet. Gene Chini and I will develop a mitigation or plugging strategy for this well in the coming days. An oil sample will be taken from this well and a nearby Clinton Sandstone well to try to determine which formation the oil inside the casing is being produced from. Photos were taken of the location.
| 1518188280
| 2018-02-09
| Orphan
| No Violations
| I stopped by this well today to see how operations are going on getting the well plugged. The rig crew is working on getting the rig rigged up today. They are having problems with their airlines freezing. They are planning on getting the rig setup today and be ready for Monday.
| 1519317348
| 2018-01-31
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Inspector on location at 1:15 pm to witness beginning stages of mobilization by Hydrocarbon Well Services, Inc. to this orphan well plugging location. The rig crew is working with a Deere 75G excavator to level off a working area within the construction working limits. The crew is also setting 4 wooden posts and framing for a retractable tarp system to be used while drilling and plugging to keep dust and debris off of the newly constructed home on the property. Contractor and Inspector off location at 4:45 pm.
| 1519917514
| 2018-02-01
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Contractor on location at 8:30 am, Inspector on location at 8:40 am. Tailgate safety meeting held at 8:50 am. Materials for extending the 8.63 diameter casing to a suitable working height were delivered to location today as well as timber mats and plastic containment liner. The rig crew excavated a trench around the temporary casing riser down to an approximate depth of 9 below grade. The well casing was exposed by 2:00 pm. The 4 sewer line running into the house beside the well casing was struck with the excavator and broken. The Contractor will repair the sewer line before backfilled and compacting the trench. A dressing collar and 10 long joint of 8.63 diameter casing was installed by 4:05 pm. Timber mats were placed over the trench overnight to prevent access. Contractor and Inspector off location at 4:45 pm.
| 1526315811
| 2018-04-13
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Inspector on location at 8:00 am to witness excavation of trench around well casing and vault casting installation. Steve Jones and a rig hand of Hydrocarbon Well Services on location with trench excavation underway.  DOGRM Survey Tech. Lucas Smith on location at 8:45 am to shoot in the elevation of the top of the vault casting in relation to the rough grade of the front lawn. A 6 thick 304/crusher run gravel base was installed in the bottom of the trench to serve as a bed for the vault casting. The vault casting was lowered into the trench around the well casing and leveled with the excavator by 11:00 am. Mr. Jones began backfilling and compacting around the vault casting at 11:00 am and finished backfilling by 11:30 am. Mr. Jones will rough grade the front lawn around the work area and leave location around 12:00 pm. Inspector off location at 11:30 am. Photos taken of work items completed.
| 1529070690
| 2018-05-18
| Final Restoration
| No Violations
| Orphan well final restoration inspection: Upon inspection, it is observed that all plugging activities for this well are complete and all equipment and materials have been removed from the location. The home builder has constructed a poured concrete front porch on the front of the newly constructed home, the front of which falls within 2 inches of the vault casting surrounding the plugged well. The plugging contractor, Hydrocarbon Well Services, has regraded the lawn area surrounding the new house to approximate rough grade and ensured that the existing perimeter silt fencing is repaired and functioning. As per the Orphan Well Program plugging contract specifications, this location will not be revegetated by the plugging contractor. The location meets the requirements of 1509.072 Duty to restore disturbed land surface. Final restoration passed. Photos taken of location.
| 1535382671
| 2018-08-27
| Final Restoration
| No Violations
| The final restoration meets 1509.072(B) requirements.
| 1544977672
| 2018-02-05
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Contractor on location at 1:30 pm, Inspector on location at 1:40 pm. An 8.63 to 2 diameter swage with a 2 diameter ball valve has been installed on the well casing and the well is now shut-in. The rig crew installed 7 additional road mats on the location, bringing the total to 1896 sq ft. Field Order #1 has been initiated for the additional road mats. After installing mats, the rig crew laid down plastic containment liner on the east end of the location for under the service rig. The service rig arrived on location at 3:10 pm and was spotted on the lined road mats by 3:30 pm. After spotting the service rig, the half-round tank was delivered to the location and spotted beside the service rig on the lined mats by 5:15 pm. Contractor and Inspector off location at 5:30 pm.
| 1626891585
| 2018-02-12
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Inspector on location at 9:20 am. DOGRM safety section staff Trisha Cartmell and Nate Lane on location at 10:45 am. Contractor is running late due to snowy roads in West Virginia. Contractor on location at 11:40 am. Rig crew held safety meeting with Inspector and DOGRM safety section staff from 12:00-12:50 pm. The rig crew spent the afternoon scoping up the service rig and performing various equipment preparations. Inspector off location at 1:45 pm, Contractor off location at 4:30 pm.
| 1759061718
| 2017-10-05
| Orphan
| No Violations
| Orphan well field work: Accompanied by DOGRM Engineer Jason Simmerman and Eric Shonebarger of Shonebarger Construction. The home being built on this location is now standing and the lot is at rough grade. The well has been protected by and marked with a 12 inch diameter corrugated plastic pipe with a plastic bucket screwed to it as a temporary cap. The trench that was dug when the well was first discovered is now backfilled. The location of the vault and vent lines as well as the estimated timeline of the plugging project were discussed with Mr. Shonebarger. Mr. Shonebarger agreed to have the landowner sign a Plugging Application and Right of Entry form and send it to the Division. Photos were taken of the location.
| 1805122429
| 2018-02-02
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Contractor on location at 8:00 am, Inspector on location at 10:25 am. The 4 diameter SC-40 sewer line was repaired with new pipe and Fernco couplings, photos were taken of the repair. The crew began backfilling the trench at 10:40 am. A plate compactor was used to compact the soil in 3 lifts of 1.5 feet each. The top 4 fee were compacted with the excavator bucket only, as this soil will need to be re-disturbed in order to install the vault and vent after the well is plugged. After backfilling the trench, the crew installed 17 road mats, totaling 1536 sq ft, on the well location and driveway areas. More road mats are needed in the well area to stabilize the location and allow enough room for all needed equipment. The rig crew installed a temporary chain link safety fence around the front perimeter of the location. Contractor and Inspector off location at 2:30 pm.
| 1903159395
| 2017-09-05
| Orphan
| No Violations
| Orphan well field work: Accompanied by DOGRM Geologist Jake Glascock and Emergency Operations Coordinator Nate Lane. The purpose of this field work is to collect a sample of the crude oil present at the surface in this well for comparative analysis with crude oil from a nearby Clinton Sandstone production well in an attempt to determine which formation the oil from this orphan well is producing from. In addition, Nate Lane performed his site safety assessment for this orphan well plugging project.
| 2026671090
| 2017-09-07
| Orphan
| No Violations
| I took Dan Goins, Eric Conrad and Joe Hoerst out to this well today so they could see where it was located for training.
| 2118724201
| 2018-02-06
| Plug / Plug Back
| No Violations
| Contractor on location at 8:00 am, Inspector on location at 10:10 am. Oil absorbent pads, booms, and peat-zorb unloaded and on location. Rig crew installing plastic liner material on top of mats on west end of location. A truck arrived with the pipe tub at 12:45 pm and was unloaded onto plastic lined mats by 2:00 pm. The mud pump will be delivered on a roll-back truck later this week. Inspector off location at 3:15 pm, Contractor off location at 3:30 pm.
== References ==
<!--==== Violations Commited ====
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="95%"
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Inspection ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation ID
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation Date
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation Code
!scope="col" style="text-align: center"| Violation Comments
For data sources see<ref>{{cite web
| title = Risk Based Data Management System - tblInspection, tblInspFail and tblinspFlDesc Tables
|publisher = [[Ohio Department of Natural Resources]]
| date =  2019-05-07
| url = http://wellwiki.org/wiki/Ohio_Oil_and_Gas_Data_Sources
| accessdate = 2019-05-21 }}</ref>
[[Category:Ohio Wells]]

Revision as of 18:15, 30 July 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-127-64141
Loading map...
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Perry
Municipality: Thorn Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: BOPE JONATHAN
License Status: Final Restoration
License Date:
Spud Date:
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date:
Well Total Depth:
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.919998703
Longitude: -82.42145210

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Plugged/Abandoned 2018-02-20 UPDATE COORDINATES PER DOGRM SURVEYOR-ALE 12/13/17.
Record Last Modified 2018-08-31 UPDATE COORDINATES PER DOGRM SURVEYOR-ALE 12/13/17.

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0031601260 2018-03-13 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Contractor on location with partial rig crew at 8:35 am, Inspector on location at 8:40 am. Hydrocarbon Company Man Steve Jones is sick today and crew will not begin drilling. Partial rig crew will be performing maintainence on rig, pumps, etc. No major work items being completed. Inspector off location at 9:30 am.
0078910611 2018-02-23 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspector on location at 8:50 am to check on contractor de-mobilization status at this orphan well plugging project. The pipe tub and power swivel unit have been removed from the location. Heavy rain falling at time of inspection, silt fence working to prevent sediment from leaving the location. Hydrocarbon Well Services has left for the weekend and will resume de-mobilization next week.
0219145467 2018-02-14 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Contractor on location at 8:00 am, Inspector on location at 8:40 am. Rig crew ran 1.5 diameter tools into wellbore and sat down at 349. Rig crew then picked up bit sub and 7.88 diameter bit and ran into hole and sat down hard at 331. Company Man Steve Jones believes there is 7 casing in the hole at a depth of 331. No impression blocks are on location, Steve Jones left location at 10:30 am to get impression blocks. Rig Crew picked up a 5 diameter bailer at 12:22 pm and began bailing the wellbore down. After multiple bailer trips, the wellbore would not bail down below a depth of 40. Water bailed from the wellbore was tested for chloride content and measured less than 30 ppm chlorides with a Low Range Quantab test strip. Bailing efforts ceased at 3:15 pm and the wellbore began steadily recharging. Jason Blocker of DOGRM Safety Section will be on location tomorrow at 7:30 am to run downhole camera to try and assess obstruction. A 1200 sq ft area of the driveway was measured out for #3 & #4 stone which is needed to reduce sediment tracking to the roadway. Stone will be addressed in Field Order #2 and Change order #1. Impression blocks will also be run tomorrow. Inspector off location at 3:30 pm, Contractor off location at 3:45 pm.
0240665097 2018-04-18 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspector on location at 8:50 am to witness trench excavation and vent line installation on east side of residential lawn. Hydrocarbon Well Services (HWS) on location at 8:00 am with trench exvavation underway. Entire trench excavated around rear of house to the foundation by 12:30 pm. HWS plumbed in the rest of the steel vent line up to the perlin of the roofline by 2:05 pm. HWS took measurements for the vent turndown and insect/rodent screen to be installed above the gutter. HWS began backfilling and compacting the trench and rough grading the disturbed areas at 3:10 pm left location at 4:30 pm. Inspector off location at 3:30 pm. Photos taken of work items completed.
0434654826 2018-04-19 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspector on location at 9:00 am to witness replacement of damaged culvert, completion of vent line installation, and installation of monument plate on well casing. Hydrocarbon Well Services (HWS) on location at 8:30 am and installing vent line turndown and insect/rodent screen. HWS installed the remaining vent line pieces by 9:30 am. HWS removed the damaged culvert and replaced it with a new 30 section of 15 diameter double-wall plastic culvert. The culvert was backfilled with a mixture of 304 and crusher run gravel. Upon opening the cault casting, it was found to be full of water from heavy rains over the weekend. HWS sent a rig hand to get a submersible pump to dewater the vault casting. The vault casting was dewaterted by 3:05 pm and HWS topped off the well with an 80 lb sack of concrete mix then installed the steel monument plate on top of the casing. Inspector off location at 3:30 pm. HWS left location at 4:30 pm after rough grading the location. Photos were taken of work items completed.
0602124246 2018-02-21 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspector on location at 9:40 am to check cement top inside of this well after plugging. A weighted line was lowered into the well from a line-counting reel which showed a cement top of 7 down inside the 4.5 diameter casing and 11 down the 4.5-8.63 annulus. The cement level will be topped off by Hydrocarbon Well Services (HWS) when the casings are cut off below grade. No major work items are being performed today. HWS crew is cleaning up equipment and plans on leaving for the weekend. Some equipment will be removed from the location over the next 2 days.
0622521271 2018-02-27 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspector on location at 2:45 pm to check the status of this orphan well plugging project location. Hydrocarbon Well Services (HWS) has completed their de-mobilization and the location has been rough-graded and temporarily mulched with straw. The 8.63 and 4.5 diameter casings have been left standing 3-4 above grade to mark the wells location. I placed pink flags in the ground around the well to roughly mark the proposed location of the concrete vault casting which is to be installed in the coming weeks. Photos were taken of the location.
0725926430 2018-02-15 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspector, DOGRM Safety Section Staff Jason Blocker, and Contractor on location at 7:30 am. Jason Blocker began setting up downhole camera and started it into the well casing at 8:05 am. Poor visibility below 145 downhole rendered the camera trip unsuccessful in determining the nature of the obstruction at 331. The camera centralizer sat down at 331. After running the downhole camera, the rig crew began prepping a 6.88 diameter impression block to run into the hole to assess the obstruction. The impression block was run into the hole at 9:30 am and sat down at 331 inside of what appeared to be a 7 casing collar. After running impression block, the decision was made to run a logging suite of the well from 320 to surface to attempt to identify the bottom of the 8.63 casing, the bond behind the casing, the diameter of the wellbore, and any temperature anomalies. Timco Wireline Services arrived on location at 11:50 am and was rigged up to start logging at 12:15 pm. Timco ran CCL/Gamma Ray, VDL/Bond, Caliper, and Temperature logs of the wellbore from 320 to surface. It was determined that there is 288 of 8.63 casing in the wellbore and that the casing is degraded in areas and has very little to no bond behind the casing. No temperature anomalies were noted. The well has remained static since the beginning of the project, not making any oil, gas, or brine. Using the information gained from logging, the decision was made by the Division to have the Contractor run 4.5 diameter casing to 335 (inside the 7 casing at 331) and cement it on its annulus as well as inside the casing to surface to plug the well. The Contractor will order the 4.5 casing and will likely plug the well early next week. Inspector off location at 3:00 pm, Contractor off location at 3:30 pm.
0755166395 2018-02-16 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspector and Contractor on location at 7:30 am. OWP Manager Gene Chini and ODNR Legislative Reps on location at 8:15 am. A tour of the location was given to ODNR Legislative Reps. Inspector off location at 9:00 am. Rig crew will be dressing 20 tons of #3 &#4 stone on the driveway this morning to reduce sediment tracking from vehicles off of the location to the roadway. Contractor off location at 12:30 pm.
1010223734 2018-03-08 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Contractor on location at 9:00 am, Inspector on location at 9:15 am. Rig crew de-iced mats with rock salt. A truck carrying the mud pump arrived at 9:45 am and was unloaded on plastic lined mats by 10:05 am. The freshwater tank arrived at 11:11 am and was unloaded by 11:30 am. The rig crew spent the afternoon warming up the rig and mud pump motors. The air lines on the service rig were found to be frozen and fittings damaged. The rig crew will replace the lines tomorrow morning. Inspector off location at 2:50 pm, Contractor off location at 4:30 pm.
1245227224 2018-04-17 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspector on location at 10:00 am to witness vent line trenching and installation. Hydrocarbon Well Services (HWS) on location at 11:00 am. Steve Jones of HWS began excavating the trench for the vent line at 11:30 am. HWS hit the water supply line to the landowners house with the excavator bucket at 12:30 pm and the water was shut off at the meter by 12:40 pm. The line was put back together with two Shark-Bite couplers and a new section of 0.75 diameter PEX waterline. The repair was tested and no leaks were detected. HWS hand-excavated around the residential gas line and trenched under it with no issue. A mixture of 304 and crusher run limestone was installed in the trench to serve as a base for the vent line. The front lawn section of the vent line was installed and backfilling began by 4:00 pm. Inspector off location at 4:00 pm. HWS off location at 4:30 pm. Photos were taken of work items completed.
1351434630 2017-08-16 Orphan No Violations This inspection was conducted in regards to a phone call concerning an abandoned well that was found during construction of a new home. The well was observed within a ditch that was dug for a sewer line for the new home. The well had open casing and contained fluid. Construction workers informed me they had reached 25 feet in depth with a tape measure. The Perry County Inspector Justin Smith was called and advised of this inspection. Mr. Smith said he would conduct an inspection and refer the well to the orphan well program. Time of inspection: 8:00 AM.
1374920416 2018-02-20 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspector on location at 8:10 am, Contractor on location at 8:00 am. The load of 4.5 casing on location was not pressure tested or drifted. The Contractor was instructed to send the casing back to the supplier and get casing which has been properly tested. A load of pressure tested and drifted 4.5 casing was delivered to the location at 11:00 am and offloaded to the pipe tub by 11:30 am. Company Man Steve Jones ordered 140 sacks of type 1 cement which arrived on location at 12:30 pm. DOGRM OWP Engineers Jason Simmerman, Jason Jones, and Paul Logan arrived on location at 12:30 pm. Rig crew ran 9 joints (avg 33.5 per joint) of 4.5 casing into hole, packed off wellhead, hooked up mud pump, and attempted to circulate wellbore. The wellbore circulated easily after 2 minutes of pumping. Rig crew ran 1 more joint of 4.5 casing, making a total of 335, into the wellbore. Rig crew pumped 6 bbls of freshwater mixed with 2 sacks of bentonite gel prior to cementing to condition the wellbore. Rig crew then mixed 83 sacks of type 1 cement mixed at an average density of 14.2 ppg. Good cement returns were observed at the half round tank. The cement level did not drop in the wellbore after shutting down the pump. The well was shut in at the diverter head after cementing. The cement level will be checked tomorrow morning. Inspector off location at 3:45 pm. Contractor off location at 4:30 pm.
1502900162 2017-08-16 Orphan No Violations Inspector Brandon Mitchell was contacted by Eric Shonebrarger who is the contractor building a new house on this land. While his guys were digging the footers for this house they hit an 8 inch casing about 8 foot down. After doing the initial inspection Brandon contacted me so I could come out to the location. I met Eric Shonebrarger out at the location so he could show me what was going on. The 8 inch casing is about 30 feet off of the road. This well is located in a new housing development up by Buckeye Lake in Heron Bay. The contractors are wanting to continue on building the house but I asked them to wait until we can find out more about this well. The well was permitted in 1917 but that is all the information that is in the RBDMS on it. The contractors did run there tape measure down to 25 feet and did not hit any plugging material. They did have a show of oil on the tape measure when they pulled it back out.
1503423894 2017-08-22 Orphan No Violations Orphan well investigation, Accompanied by OWP Manager Gene Chini: Met on location with homebuilding contractor Mr. Eric Shonebarger to inspect this well, which was discovered during excavation of a trench for sanitary sewer installation for a new home being constructed on this lot. The well is located 8 feet below grade level and is situated 11 feet north of the concrete footers of the new homes foundation. The well consists of 8 inch diameter casing which is open to the atmosphere. There is no other casing, tubing, or production equipment present, aside from a sucker rod which is protruding out of the trench above the well, which was presumably used as a marker for well after it was abandoned. There is crude oil level with the top of the casing which smells pungent and fresh. A weighted line was run down the well on a line counting fishing reel and the weight sat down at 338 feet. Gene Chini and I will develop a mitigation or plugging strategy for this well in the coming days. An oil sample will be taken from this well and a nearby Clinton Sandstone well to try to determine which formation the oil inside the casing is being produced from. Photos were taken of the location.
1518188280 2018-02-09 Orphan No Violations I stopped by this well today to see how operations are going on getting the well plugged. The rig crew is working on getting the rig rigged up today. They are having problems with their airlines freezing. They are planning on getting the rig setup today and be ready for Monday.
1519317348 2018-01-31 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspector on location at 1:15 pm to witness beginning stages of mobilization by Hydrocarbon Well Services, Inc. to this orphan well plugging location. The rig crew is working with a Deere 75G excavator to level off a working area within the construction working limits. The crew is also setting 4 wooden posts and framing for a retractable tarp system to be used while drilling and plugging to keep dust and debris off of the newly constructed home on the property. Contractor and Inspector off location at 4:45 pm.
1519917514 2018-02-01 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Contractor on location at 8:30 am, Inspector on location at 8:40 am. Tailgate safety meeting held at 8:50 am. Materials for extending the 8.63 diameter casing to a suitable working height were delivered to location today as well as timber mats and plastic containment liner. The rig crew excavated a trench around the temporary casing riser down to an approximate depth of 9 below grade. The well casing was exposed by 2:00 pm. The 4 sewer line running into the house beside the well casing was struck with the excavator and broken. The Contractor will repair the sewer line before backfilled and compacting the trench. A dressing collar and 10 long joint of 8.63 diameter casing was installed by 4:05 pm. Timber mats were placed over the trench overnight to prevent access. Contractor and Inspector off location at 4:45 pm.
1526315811 2018-04-13 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspector on location at 8:00 am to witness excavation of trench around well casing and vault casting installation. Steve Jones and a rig hand of Hydrocarbon Well Services on location with trench excavation underway. DOGRM Survey Tech. Lucas Smith on location at 8:45 am to shoot in the elevation of the top of the vault casting in relation to the rough grade of the front lawn. A 6 thick 304/crusher run gravel base was installed in the bottom of the trench to serve as a bed for the vault casting. The vault casting was lowered into the trench around the well casing and leveled with the excavator by 11:00 am. Mr. Jones began backfilling and compacting around the vault casting at 11:00 am and finished backfilling by 11:30 am. Mr. Jones will rough grade the front lawn around the work area and leave location around 12:00 pm. Inspector off location at 11:30 am. Photos taken of work items completed.
1529070690 2018-05-18 Final Restoration No Violations Orphan well final restoration inspection: Upon inspection, it is observed that all plugging activities for this well are complete and all equipment and materials have been removed from the location. The home builder has constructed a poured concrete front porch on the front of the newly constructed home, the front of which falls within 2 inches of the vault casting surrounding the plugged well. The plugging contractor, Hydrocarbon Well Services, has regraded the lawn area surrounding the new house to approximate rough grade and ensured that the existing perimeter silt fencing is repaired and functioning. As per the Orphan Well Program plugging contract specifications, this location will not be revegetated by the plugging contractor. The location meets the requirements of 1509.072 Duty to restore disturbed land surface. Final restoration passed. Photos taken of location.
1535382671 2018-08-27 Final Restoration No Violations The final restoration meets 1509.072(B) requirements.
1544977672 2018-02-05 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Contractor on location at 1:30 pm, Inspector on location at 1:40 pm. An 8.63 to 2 diameter swage with a 2 diameter ball valve has been installed on the well casing and the well is now shut-in. The rig crew installed 7 additional road mats on the location, bringing the total to 1896 sq ft. Field Order #1 has been initiated for the additional road mats. After installing mats, the rig crew laid down plastic containment liner on the east end of the location for under the service rig. The service rig arrived on location at 3:10 pm and was spotted on the lined road mats by 3:30 pm. After spotting the service rig, the half-round tank was delivered to the location and spotted beside the service rig on the lined mats by 5:15 pm. Contractor and Inspector off location at 5:30 pm.
1626891585 2018-02-12 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Inspector on location at 9:20 am. DOGRM safety section staff Trisha Cartmell and Nate Lane on location at 10:45 am. Contractor is running late due to snowy roads in West Virginia. Contractor on location at 11:40 am. Rig crew held safety meeting with Inspector and DOGRM safety section staff from 12:00-12:50 pm. The rig crew spent the afternoon scoping up the service rig and performing various equipment preparations. Inspector off location at 1:45 pm, Contractor off location at 4:30 pm.
1759061718 2017-10-05 Orphan No Violations Orphan well field work: Accompanied by DOGRM Engineer Jason Simmerman and Eric Shonebarger of Shonebarger Construction. The home being built on this location is now standing and the lot is at rough grade. The well has been protected by and marked with a 12 inch diameter corrugated plastic pipe with a plastic bucket screwed to it as a temporary cap. The trench that was dug when the well was first discovered is now backfilled. The location of the vault and vent lines as well as the estimated timeline of the plugging project were discussed with Mr. Shonebarger. Mr. Shonebarger agreed to have the landowner sign a Plugging Application and Right of Entry form and send it to the Division. Photos were taken of the location.
1805122429 2018-02-02 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Contractor on location at 8:00 am, Inspector on location at 10:25 am. The 4 diameter SC-40 sewer line was repaired with new pipe and Fernco couplings, photos were taken of the repair. The crew began backfilling the trench at 10:40 am. A plate compactor was used to compact the soil in 3 lifts of 1.5 feet each. The top 4 fee were compacted with the excavator bucket only, as this soil will need to be re-disturbed in order to install the vault and vent after the well is plugged. After backfilling the trench, the crew installed 17 road mats, totaling 1536 sq ft, on the well location and driveway areas. More road mats are needed in the well area to stabilize the location and allow enough room for all needed equipment. The rig crew installed a temporary chain link safety fence around the front perimeter of the location. Contractor and Inspector off location at 2:30 pm.
1903159395 2017-09-05 Orphan No Violations Orphan well field work: Accompanied by DOGRM Geologist Jake Glascock and Emergency Operations Coordinator Nate Lane. The purpose of this field work is to collect a sample of the crude oil present at the surface in this well for comparative analysis with crude oil from a nearby Clinton Sandstone production well in an attempt to determine which formation the oil from this orphan well is producing from. In addition, Nate Lane performed his site safety assessment for this orphan well plugging project.
2026671090 2017-09-07 Orphan No Violations I took Dan Goins, Eric Conrad and Joe Hoerst out to this well today so they could see where it was located for training.
2118724201 2018-02-06 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Contractor on location at 8:00 am, Inspector on location at 10:10 am. Oil absorbent pads, booms, and peat-zorb unloaded and on location. Rig crew installing plastic liner material on top of mats on west end of location. A truck arrived with the pipe tub at 12:45 pm and was unloaded onto plastic lined mats by 2:00 pm. The mud pump will be delivered on a roll-back truck later this week. Inspector off location at 3:15 pm, Contractor off location at 3:30 pm.

For data sources see[3]
