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Difference between revisions of "148012"

Line 43: Line 43:
| [[37-059-25421]]
| [[37-059-25421]]
| 08/31/2011
| 2011-08-31
| 3/24/2010
| 2010-03-24
| Y
| Y
| Horizontal Well
| Horizontal Well
Line 50: Line 50:
| [[37-059-25422]]
| [[37-059-25422]]
| 08/31/2011
| 2011-08-31
| 4/5/2010
| 2010-04-05
| Y
| Y
| Horizontal Well
| Horizontal Well
Line 57: Line 57:
| [[37-059-25423]]
| [[37-059-25423]]
| 11/10/2011
| 2011-11-10
| 4/5/2010
| 2010-04-05
| Y
| Y
| Horizontal Well
| Horizontal Well
Line 64: Line 64:
| [[37-059-25424]]
| [[37-059-25424]]
| 11/10/2011
| 2011-11-10
| 4/5/2010
| 2010-04-05
| Y
| Y
| Horizontal Well
| Horizontal Well
Line 71: Line 71:
| [[37-059-25616]]
| [[37-059-25616]]
| 11/10/2011
| 2011-11-10
| 12/8/2010
| 2010-12-08
| Y
| Y
| Horizontal Well
| Horizontal Well
Line 78: Line 78:
| [[37-059-25636]]
| [[37-059-25636]]
| 08/31/2011
| 2011-08-31
| 12/20/2010
| 2010-12-20
| Y
| Y
| Horizontal Well
| Horizontal Well

Revision as of 07:47, 26 July 2019

Well Pad Details

Well Pad ID: 148012
Loading map...
Well Pad Name: MOR10SH
Operator Name: CNX GAS CO LLC
Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Greene
Municipality: Morris Township
Street Address: 554 BOOTH SCHOOL ROAD,
City: Graysville
Zip Code: 15337
Latitude: 39.974436
Longitude: -80.369008

For data sources see[1]

Permitted Well Data

Well ID Spud Date Permit Date Unconventional Configuration Well Status
37-059-25421 2011-08-31 2010-03-24 Y Horizontal Well Active
37-059-25422 2011-08-31 2010-04-05 Y Horizontal Well Active
37-059-25423 2011-11-10 2010-04-05 Y Horizontal Well Active
37-059-25424 2011-11-10 2010-04-05 Y Horizontal Well Active
37-059-25616 2011-11-10 2010-12-08 Y Horizontal Well Active
37-059-25636 2011-08-31 2010-12-20 Y Horizontal Well Active

For data sources see[2][3][4]
