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Difference between revisions of "34-111-24828"

Line 15: Line 15:
| Well Pad ID: [[000563]]
| Well Pad ID: [[US-OH-000563]]
| Farm/Lease Name: EISENBARTH
| Farm/Lease Name: EISENBARTH
Line 21: Line 21:
| License Status: Well Drilled
| License Status: Well Drilled
| License Date: 2019-01-25
| License Date: 2018-03-14
| Spud Date: 2018-05-07
| Spud Date: 2018-05-07

Revision as of 01:01, 26 July 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-111-24828
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Monroe
Municipality: Ohio Township
Well Pad ID: US-OH-000563
Farm/Lease Name: EISENBARTH
License Status: Well Drilled
License Date: 2018-03-14
Spud Date: 2018-05-07
Spud Drilling Contractor: NABORS DRILLING
Final Drill Date: 2018-09-04
Well Total Depth: 22234 ft
Configuration: Horizontal
Latitude: 39.697508111
Longitude: -80.89898183

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2018-03-14 Proposed Formations:POINT PLEASANT, Issued Date:3/14/2018, Expired Date:3/13/2020 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:727.457, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Reached Total Depth 2018-09-04
Correction to Well 2019-01-25 UPDATE TARGET PER AS-DRILLED PLAT
Record Last Modified 2019-03-08
Construction Permit Expires 2020-03-13

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0188931239 2018-05-08 Casing String Witnessed No Violations Onsite inspection to witness the conductor casing cement job with Express Energy Services. On 05/07/2018 the rig drilled a 26-inch diameter borehole to a depth of 120 feet from ground level. Then, 120 feet of 20-inch diameter (I.D. = 19.124) weld connection casing was inserted into the borehole. Then, 5 barrels of fresh water were pumped ahead of cement. They cemented the casing with 48 barrels total volume of 230 sacks of Class A cement with a 1.18 yield, 2 percent calcium, 0.5 pound of poly-flake per sack, and displaced with 39 barrels of fresh water. Cement returns witnessed at surface.
0493814596 2019-05-15 Completion Testing No Violations On this day, I found the hydraulic fracturing process has been completed, and the crew is currently demobilizing and leaving the pad. I spoke with Equinor Company Man Tyler Sanregret during the inspection. He stated that Deep Well will be rigging up a standalone snubbing unit to drill out the frac plugs, commencing the week of 5/20/19.
0914272762 2019-02-05 Completion Testing No Violations On this day, I am conducting an inspection during the completion process, and found Halliburton Pressure Pumping Service onsite along with Allied Horizontal Wireline Service. All equipment is on plastic-lined containment. They are zipper fracing between permit numbers 4828 (SU3H) and 4829 (SU2H). I spoke with Equinor Company Man Cory Duheme during the inspection. They completed stage 1 of 53, with 40 shots per stage, separated into 5 clusters, and screened-out. The dissolvable plug is set at a measured depth of 21,977 feet. Cory stated that annular pressures for the 13.375 inch diameter casing and 9.625 inch diameter casing are monitored and logged daily. The wells that are currently being completed are monitored with the Halliburton trailer, and the existing wells are monitored manually.
0959483267 2018-09-04 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On this day, I found the Nabors X13 drilling rig had reached total depth of 22,193 feet for the 8.5 inch diameter production borehole. The rig is currently experiencing mechanical issues with draw-works system, while in the process of back-reaming out of the hole at a depth of 18,500 feet. I spoke with Company Man, Andy Olson, during the inspection and informed him to continue monitoring annular pressures of the wellbore. Once the rig has tripped out of the hole, 5.5 inch diameter production casing will be run and cemented. A pad inspection was conducted and found loads of new gravel being spread and smoothed across the surface of the pad.
1022993368 2018-07-26 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On this day, I found the Nabors X13 rig drilling on air in their 12.25 inch diameter borehole at a depth of 6,400 feet, with a projected total depth of 10,000 feet, for this section. The most recent survey taken had an azimuth of 8.5 degrees and an inclination of 8.06 degrees. I spoke with Company Man, Andy Olson during the inspection, and witnessed a connection from the doghouse.
1313148926 2018-07-23 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On this day, I am conducting a follow-up inspection to the 13.375 inch diameter surface casing cement job with Halliburton. The cement has stabilized and the Nabors X13 drilling rig is rigging up the BOP to pressure test the casing at 2,100 psi for 30 minutes. They will resume drilling in their 12.25 inch diameter borehole.
1532217680 2018-07-22 Casing String Witnessed No Violations On this day, I am onsite to witness the 13.375-inch diameter surface casing cement job with Halliburton Energy Services. The Nabors X13 rig drilled a 17.5-inch diameter borehole to a depth of 2,020 feet from a Kelly Bushing of 32 feet. Wyoming Casing inserted 1,972 feet of 13.375-inch diameter J-55 54.50 lb./ft. casing into the wellbore. A pre-

For data sources see[3]
