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Difference between revisions of "34-009-21546"

Line 21: Line 21:
| License Status: Producing
| License Status: Producing
| License Date: 2006-09-12
| License Date: 1965-07-30
| Spud Date:  
| Spud Date:  

Revision as of 07:01, 30 July 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-009-21546
Loading map...
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Athens
Municipality: Canaan Township
Operator Name: STRIGHT ROGER
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: LUCAS LL
License Status: Producing
License Date: 1965-07-30
Spud Date:
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date:
Well Total Depth:
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.340844737
Longitude: -81.95026214

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Change of Owner 1999-08-20 Operator changed from 9999, UNKNOWN to 6174, MOUSAOGLI JULIEN
Change of Owner 2000-04-04 Operator changed from 6174, MOUSAOGLI JULIEN to 2848, MOUSAOGHLI J
Change of Owner 2001-05-09 Operator changed from 2848, MOUSAOGHLI J to 1386, STRIGHT ROGER
Record Last Modified 2013-10-03

For data sources see[2]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 900 Bbl 26000 ALL INFO IN NSR.

For data sources see[3]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1984 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 104 0
1987 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 132 365
1988 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 94 365
1989 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 89 365
1990 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 68 365
1991 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 34 365
1992 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 41 365
1993 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 52 365
1994 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 27 365
1996 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 16 365
1997 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 25 365
1998 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 0 365
2000 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO 0 0 365
2001 STRIGHT ROGER 0 240 50
2002 STRIGHT ROGER 0 152 365
2003 STRIGHT ROGER 0 96 365
2004 STRIGHT ROGER 0 110 365
2005 STRIGHT ROGER 0 0 365
2006 STRIGHT ROGER 0 150 365
2007 STRIGHT ROGER 0 112 365
2008 STRIGHT ROGER 0 75 305
2009 STRIGHT ROGER 0 150 52
2010 STRIGHT ROGER 0 105 365
2011 STRIGHT ROGER 0 70 365
2012 STRIGHT ROGER 0 105 335
2013 STRIGHT ROGER 0 210 365
2015 STRIGHT ROGER 0 70 52
2016 STRIGHT ROGER 0 72 120

For data sources see[4] [5]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1984 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 0 0
1987 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 0 365
1988 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 0 365
1989 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 0 365
1990 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 60 365
1991 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 50 365
1992 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 64 365
1993 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 38 365
1994 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 20 365
1996 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 0 365
1997 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 1 365
1998 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 0 365
2000 BEARDMORE OIL & GAS CO Brine 0 365
2001 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 210 50
2002 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 293 365
2003 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 138 365
2004 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 120 365
2005 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 105 365
2006 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 195 365
2007 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 150 365
2008 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 150 305
2009 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 80 52
2010 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 75 365
2011 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 80 365
2012 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 40 335
2013 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 75 365
2015 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 70 52
2016 STRIGHT ROGER Brine 60 120

For data sources see[6] [7]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0087563097 2014-02-21 Production Wells No Violations Follow up to -704947287. Ground around well head dug up and work has been done. The back flow preventor is still leaking.
0095647606 2014-03-31 Production Wells No Violations Follow up to -795571006. No clean up has taken place at the tank battery.
0305604878 2014-02-19 Production Wells No Violations Follow up to -704947287. Pumping unit has no power source and is overgrown with vegetation. Valves on tubing open and line is open to air with no plug. There is also a line that is plumbed into either the production or surface casing and is also open to air. Gas seen escaping from this line. Unable to tell which string of casing this line is tied into because most of well head is below ground. Spoke with Roger Stright issued a 2 day extension to get a plug in the back flow preventor.
0704947287 2013-11-22 Production Wells Violations Noted The landowner asked to meet me at the well to discuss concerns of his. Well equipped with a pumping unit with no powersource. No identification at the well. The tubing was plumbed into a 2 sales line. The line was equipped with a T fitting near the wellhead. One section of line was reduced to a 1 nipple with a partially open gate valve. No sign of contamination, but there was a smell of gas. The other section of line had a 2 gate valve in the closed position.
0716271123 2013-07-25 Production Wells No Violations Follow up to -795571006. No clean up.
0795571006 2013-06-19 Production Wells Violations Noted The landowner had concerns about the well and apparent lack of maintenance. The well was equipped with a pumping unit with no power source. Tank battery consists of one 100 Barrel (Bbl) steel tank, one 80 Bbl steel tank and one 2600 gallon poly tank. There is a scalded are inside the dike roughly 20 x 20 that registered 280ppm Chlorides when field tested. Contaminated soils shall be removed and disposed of properly. Any affected areas shall be reseeded and mulched and steps shall be taken to encourage vegetative cover. I spoke with the producer at the well site.
1385562353 2013-11-27 Production Wells No Violations Follow up to -795571006. No clean up.
1395754133 2014-03-25 Production Wells No Violations Follow up to -795571006. The lines at the wellhead are no longer leaking, the backflow preventor has been replaced with a plug. There has been no clean up at the contaminated area around the tank battery.
1403271650 2014-06-20 Production Wells No Violations Follow up to -795571006. The contaminated soils have been removed, the dike has been reconstructed, the new tank will be placed into the dike soon.
1949891169 2014-02-19 Production Wells No Violations Follow up to -795571006. There is still a scald area inside the dike and standing water at the lower side of the dike. Spoke with Roger Stright, issued a 4 week extension to restore vegetative cover due to weather.

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
0704947287 US-OH-127958 2014-06-26 Well insufficiently equipped to prevent escape of oil and gas
0704947287 US-OH-127959 2014-06-26 Failure to legibly identify well
0704947287 US-OH-127960 2014-06-26 Unlawful venting or flaring of gas
0795571006 US-OH-129056 2014-06-26 Well operation causing pollution and contamination

For data sources see[8]
