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Line 15: Line 15:
| Well Pad ID: [[000748]]
| Well Pad ID: [[US-OH-000748]]
| Farm/Lease Name: POLAND-CLL2
| Farm/Lease Name: POLAND-CLL2
Line 21: Line 21:
| License Status: Producing
| License Status: Producing
| License Date: 2014-08-15
| License Date: 2013-07-17
| Spud Date: 2013-08-14
| Spud Date: 2013-08-14

Revision as of 08:03, 30 July 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-099-23197
Loading map...
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Mahoning
Municipality: Poland Township
Well Pad ID: US-OH-000748
Farm/Lease Name: POLAND-CLL2
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2013-07-17
Spud Date: 2013-08-14
Spud Drilling Contractor: FALCON DRLG
Final Drill Date: 2014-01-01
Well Total Depth: 14390 ft
Configuration: Horizontal
Latitude: 41.013637028
Longitude: -80.53634475

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2013-07-17 Proposed Formations:POINT PLEASANT, Issued Date:7/17/2013, Expired Date:7/17/2015 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:2417.17, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:EDPW
Reached Total Depth 2014-01-01
Construction Permit Expires 2014-07-17
Completion Report Received 2016-06-15
Record Last Modified 2017-10-23

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2014-06-26 12110 14270 330

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
2014-03-08 H2O 8 9535 Bbl 505500 Universal Well Services Inc. STAGE 6


2014-03-08 H2O 8 9623 Bbl 502900 Universal Well Services Inc. STAGE 5


2014-03-07 H2O 8 9554 Bbl 496000 Universal Well Services Inc. STAGE 3


2014-03-10 H2O 8 9543 Bbl 505100 Universal Well Services Inc. STAGE 11


2014-03-09 H2O 8 6705 Bbl 505800 Universal Well Services Inc. STAGE 8


2014-03-09 H2O 8 9621 Bbl 500200 Universal Well Services Inc. STAGE 10


2014-03-09 H2O 8 9628 Bbl 500300 Universal Well Services Inc. STAGE 9


2014-03-07 H2O 8 9600 Bbl 503100 Universal Well Services Inc. STAGE 4


2014-03-07 H2O 8 9898 Bbl 500300 Universal Well Services Inc. STAGE 2


2014-03-08 H2O 8 9556 Bbl 497400 Universal Well Services Inc. STAGE 7


2014-03-06 H2O 8 10480 Bbl 499800 Universal Well Services Inc. STAGE 1


For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2014 HILCORP ENERGY COMPANY 633808 0 205
2015 HILCORP ENERGY COMPANY 602577 0 330
2016 HILCORP ENERGY COMPANY 364315 0 351
2017 HILCORP ENERGY COMPANY 249249 0 363
2018 HILCORP ENERGY COMPANY 146833 0 358

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2014 HILCORP ENERGY COMPANY Brine 14240 205
2015 HILCORP ENERGY COMPANY Brine 29409 330
2016 HILCORP ENERGY COMPANY Brine 12965 351
2017 HILCORP ENERGY COMPANY Brine 4693 363
2018 HILCORP ENERGY COMPANY Brine 2893 358

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0143660252 2013-10-15 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. H&P Rig 225 is drilling out from under the 9.625 casing to their kick off point.
0167105584 2016-09-09 Production Wells No Violations Northeast Region Supervisor Tom Hill and my self met with Hilcorps Production personnel to discuss the annuals pressure 600 psi on this well. They removed the gage and bled the pressure off. There was no noticeable pressure coming out of the needle valve They installed a new gage and will monitor the pressures.
0198518075 2015-09-28 Production Wells No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. Upon my inspection the well is shut in all values are shut the GPU has no pressure. At the central facility compressors are shut down. No noted violations at this time.
0256627924 2013-08-24 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I received a phone call from Tex the consultant for Hilcorp Energy that Falcone Drilling Rig #18 tripped out of the hole to change out there 12.250 hammer bit. Once out of the hole they discovered that the bottom and some of the inside of the bit was still in the well bore. Hilcorp engineers decision was to place a two hundred ( 200 ) foot plug on top of bit debris through drill pipe. Wait 8 hours and go back and side track the plug. I called Deputy Chief Bob Worstall and talked with him he gave me the go head. There will be a plug back report on file.
0258726695 2016-01-20 Production Wells No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. The well is in production. It is a constant flow system. It equipped with a GPU unit. ID signs are posted at the well head. All safety areas are marked and emergency shut downs are marked. No noted violations at this time. There is one central oil/water collection system with twelve 400 barrels tanks. There is also 2 compressors and various fluid knock out systems on this pad. At this point the gas enters into a midstream pipeline system.
0278929259 2013-09-20 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Falcone Drilling Rig #18 drilled a 12.25 well bore to a total depth of 2584 and ran 2584 of 9.625 36# CSG J-55 intermediate casing. Baker Hughes pumped 237 barrels ahead followed by 35 barrels of Bentonit Pill w/Flake & Fed Seal and 10 barrels of fresh water spacer that was followed by 872 sacks of PNE-1+.05% Static Free + 1% cacl2 + .5% BA-10A cement. There was good circulation through out the job. There was 24 barrels of cement returned to surface. Plug bumped floats held. Shut cement head in.
0347065818 2014-01-31 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Northeast Region Supervisor Tom Hill and myself performed a status check on the above location. They are preparing the location and wellhead for fracing. There has been a 2 welded steel flow line installed and is caped with a blind flanged. No noted violations were noted at this time.
0491205845 2013-07-20 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Express Energy Service is on location drilling a 30 conductor hole to a depth of 90 and ran 90 of 20 94# conductor casing. They cemented with 172 sacks of class A cement. They had 13 barrels of cement returned to surface. . Permits are posted. There has been safety meeting. No violations at this time. Kevin Perry covered this job.
0499619948 2015-11-02 Production Wells No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. This well is back in production. Compressors are running at the central facility. ID signs are posted. No noted violations at this time.
0634661428 2017-01-13 Production Wells No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. The well is in production. It is a constant flow system. It equipped with a GPU unit. ID signs are posted at the well head. All safety areas are marked and emergency shut downs are marked. No noted violations at this time. There is one central oil/water collection system with twelve 500 barrels tanks. There is also 1 compressors and various fluid knock out systems on this pad. At this point the gas enters into a midstream pipeline system. There was no pressure on the annuals at this time.
0753980958 2014-06-09 Production Wells No Violations On 6/9/2014. After receiving the approval to produce dated 6/6/2014. Hilcop Energy started turning the above well into production. I was on location to observe this operation. There were various Hilcorp personal on location. Turn on was completed with out incident. Equipment is set up with various safety shut downs.
0799047177 2013-07-20 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location for the cementing of the conductor pipe. The 20 casing was set at 90. Express Energy was the company on location for drilling the conductor and cementing it. Circulation was established and Class A cement with 2 % calcium and 8 oz. of flake was used. The cement scaled at approximatly 15.6 ppg. 173 sacks of cement was used at approximatly 50% excess. I witnessed cement return to surface and the casing was shut in for the cement to set.
1123097856 2016-10-14 Production Wells No Violations I performed a follow up inspection. Hilcorp has installed the gage and also installed 3/8 tubing on the 13-3/8 annuals into the flowline at present there is 50 psi. ID signs are posted no noted violation at this time.
1203133780 2013-10-17 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to perform a status check. Bill Mitchell Drilling Consultaion for Hilcorp explained what they were doing. On 8/24/2013 Falcone Rig 18 was drilling with there 12.25 with a air hammer bit when they tripped out of the hole they discovered that the bottom of the bit and some parts were still in the well bore. There was two cement plugs set in the well bore. H&P 225 drilling rig was drilling the offset to go around the fish but the cement was too soft. They had to drill out the plug and set a new cement plug through drill pipe.
1377631042 2013-08-26 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to check the status of drilling the wells on this pad location. Currently a top hole rig is on location drilling the surface holes for the wells so that the completions rig can come onto location. Currently the rig is around 4200 feet and sidetracking the well due to the fact that an air hammer was lost down hole. A plug was set and the rig is going to drill out the plug.
1379959507 2013-08-26 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Falcone Rig #18 ran back in the hole to tag there 200 cement plug at 4070 but tagged at 4280 the plug had dropped. The decision was made by Hilcorp Energy to set a new plug through drill pipe from 4280 to 3580 ( 700 plug ) and wait 4 hours and set another plug from 3580 to 2900 ( 680 plug ). Cap well until the horizontal rig moves on location to drill the off set.
1380718930 2013-08-16 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Falcone Drilling Rig #18 drilled a 17.5 hole to a total depth of 950 and ran 950 of 13- 3/8 61# J-55 casing. Baker Hughes pumped 140 barrels ahead and 35 barrels of Gel with Fed Seal and Cello flake followed by 10 barrels of fresh water spacer. They pumped 821 sacks of PRE-NE-1+.05S-FREE=2CACL2 cement. There was good circulation through out the job. Dropped plug displaced with 138 barrels of water, plug held with 605 psi. shut cement head in. There was 15 barrels of cement returned to surface.
1419877793 2014-12-26 Production Wells No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. The well is in production. ID signs are posted at the well head. All safety areas are marked and emergency shut downs are marked. A motor value was sand cut and released sand and some stain on the gravel between the GPU units. I contacted Hilcorps Operations Manager, Tom Havanek and spoke to him about the clean up of the stained gravel, there were no noted fluids on the gravel. He stated that they would be a crew there on Tuesday 12/30/2014 to vacuume it up.
1438358983 2017-06-08 Production Wells No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. The well is in production. It is a constant flow system. It equipped with a GPU unit. ID signs are posted at the well head. All safety areas are marked and emergency shut downs are marked. No noted violations at this time. There is one central oil/water collection system with twelve 500 barrels tanks. There is also One compressor and various fluid knock out systems on this pad. At this point the gas enters into a midstream pipeline system. There was no pressure on the annuals at this time.
1477064393 2016-09-30 Production Wells No Violations I performed a follow up inspection to check the pressure between the annuls 13-3/8 and the 9-5/8 casing there was 660 psi. I called Tom Havanek and instructed him to install a relieve valve or to plumb the annuals into the flowline (50 psi). He instructed that he would have his contractor to perform the job.
1586171175 2015-08-21 Production Wells No Violations I meet with Dave there Production Manager to check for pressure between the 13 5/8 surface casing and the 9 5/8 intermediate casing at this time there is no noted pressure. I requested that they notify me if there is pressure at any time.. The well is in production. ID signs are posted at the well head. All safety areas are marked and emergency shut downs are marked. No noted violations at this time.
1612717525 2014-03-05 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Universal Well Service is fracing the above location. All equipment is setting inside of containment. Safety lanes are marked. All annuals are monitored. No noted violations noted at this time.
1629604409 2014-04-16 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. At this time there is no drilling or stimulations active at this location. There is various clean up operations on gone, removing containment, flowback equipment and tanks. Well is shut-in.
1700577609 2018-11-06 Production Wells No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. The well is in production. It is a constant flow system. It equipped with a GPU unit. ID signs are posted at the well head. All safety areas are marked and emergency shut downs are marked. No noted violations at this time. There is one central oil/water collection system with twelve 500 barrels tanks. There is also One compressor and various fluid knock out systems on this pad. At this point the gas enters into a midstream pipeline system. There was no pressure on the annuals at this time.
1786922027 2014-06-11 Administrative Inspection No Violations I was on location with Geologist Mike McCormac and Geologist Teresa McQuade from the ODNR Columbus Office and also Adam Mullet a production personal from Hilcorp. Adam was explaining how the Gas Production Units ( GPU ) measured the gas and fluids before it went to the central production facility. The production facility is where the gas enters the sales point and the water and oil/condensate is collected.
1841720970 2015-06-17 Preliminary Restoration No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. The well is in production. It is a constant flow system. It equipped with a GPU unit. ID signs are posted at the well head. All safety areas are marked and emergency shut downs are marked. No noted violations at this time. There is one central oil/water collection system with twelve 400 barrels tanks. There is also 2 compressors and various fluid knock out systems on this pad. At this point the gas enters into a midstream pipeline system.
1893303000 2013-08-15 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. At present Falcone Drilling Rig 18 is drilling at a depth of 630. Area is clean of debri and spills. Permits are posted. No noted violations noted at this time.
1904753787 2016-08-08 Production Wells No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. The well is in production. It is a constant flow system. It equipped with a GPU unit. ID signs are posted at the well head. All safety areas are marked and emergency shut downs are marked. I noticed that the annuals had 800 psi between the 13-3/8 and the 9-5/8. I called Tom Havanek Operation Manager and told him about the pressure. He set up a meeting for 9/9/2016 at 1:00 PM with his production personnel. No noted violations at this time. There is one central oil/water collection system with twelve 500 barrels tanks. There are also 2 compressors and various fluid knock out systems on this pad. At this point the gas enters into a midstream pipeline system.
1911300154 2014-05-06 Production Wells No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. The well is equipped with one GPU production unit. The well is equipped with 2 7/8 tubing. ID signs are posted. No noted violations were noted at this time. Preliminary Restoration can not be passed at this time.
1927381017 2014-12-30 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Northeast Region Supervisor Tom Hill and my self were at the location to witness the clean up of a 10x15 area of gravel that was stained. This was caused from a motor value at the separator sand cut which allowed the release of sand and causing the stain. There was no pools of oil/condensate were notice on the location. IPC Energy Services was the contractor on cleaning the location. The material that was removed will be disposed of at an approved facility. Job was completed.
2044642078 2018-06-27 Production Wells No Violations I performed a status check on the above location. The well is in production. It is a constant flow system. It equipped with a GPU unit. ID signs are posted at the well head. All safety areas are marked and emergency shut downs are marked. No noted violations at this time. There is one central oil/water collection system with twelve 500 barrels tanks. There is also One compressor and various fluid knock out systems on this pad. At this point the gas enters into a midstream pipeline system.

For data sources see[9]
