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| County: [[Harrison_County,_Ohio|Harrison]]
| County: [[Harrison_County,_Ohio|Harrison]]
| Municipality: [[Franklin_Township,_Harrison_County,_Ohio|Franklin Township]]
| Municipality: [[Franklin Township,_Harrison_County,_Ohio|Franklin Township]]
| Operator Name: [[RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL]]
| Operator Name: [[RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL]]

Revision as of 04:31, 13 August 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-067-20696
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Harrison
Municipality: Franklin Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: BIRNEY MARV
License Status: Producing
License Date: 1984-12-11
Spud Date: 1984-12-18
Spud Drilling Contractor: CUBBY DRLG
Final Drill Date: 1985-01-04
Well Total Depth: 6221 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.310461096
Longitude: -81.20026045

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Oil and Gas 1984-12-11 Issued Date 12/11/84 Expired Date 6/9/85 Acres 0067150 Tool Type RTA Proposed Formation CLINTON Proposed Depth 06221 Proposed Drill Depth 06221
Original Spud 1984-12-18 PERMIT EXPIRED.
Completed 1985-01-04 PERMIT EXPIRED.
Reached Total Depth 1985-01-04 PERMIT EXPIRED.
CO 1985-05-08 168 RED HILL DEVELOPMENT GeoDate 12/11/84
Construction Permit Expires 1985-06-09 PERMIT EXPIRED.
Completion Report Received 1987-06-24 PERMIT EXPIRED.
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15 PERMIT EXPIRED.

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2006-09-11 6056 6119 9

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 79800 Gal 0

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1985 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 4434 0 238
1986 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 8628 125 365
1987 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 7324 122 365
1988 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 7237 130 365
1989 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 6128 0 365
1990 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 5038 112 365
1991 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 3565 0 365
1992 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 2638 0 365
1993 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 2161 0 365
1994 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1586 0 365
1995 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1704 0 365
1996 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1456 55 365
1997 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1355 0 365
1998 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1266 39 365
1999 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1310 0 365
2000 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 976 0 365
2001 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1047 0 365
2002 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 965 41 365
2003 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 764 0 365
2004 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 950 0 365
2005 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 858 28 365
2006 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 783 0 365
2007 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 831 0 365
2008 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 764 0 365
2009 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 871 0 365
2010 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 429 0 365
2011 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 383 0 365
2012 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 441 35 366
2013 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 427 0 365
2014 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 208 50 365
2015 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 485 0 365
2016 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 569 0 365
2017 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 237 35 365
2018 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 250 0 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1985 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 490 238
1986 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1987 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 295 365
1988 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 235 365
1989 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 215 365
1990 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 30 365
1991 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1992 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1993 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 40 365
1994 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 10 365
1995 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 50 365
1996 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 135 365
1997 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 70 365
1998 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 105 365
1999 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 140 365
2000 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 168 365
2001 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 81 365
2002 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2003 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2004 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2005 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 94 365
2006 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2007 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2008 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2009 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2010 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 44 365
2011 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 36 365
2012 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 34 366
2013 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 50 365
2014 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 311 365
2015 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 120 365
2016 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 85 365
2017 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 69 365
2018 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 91 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0942147704 2014-03-25 Production Wells No Violations Check on 2 inch valve which was leaking on last inspection and found that it is not leaking at this inspection. I did notice H2S near the well head and there may be another leak. I tried to check with my meter to make sure it was H2S and it went on alarm with the O2 sensor and malfunctioned again.
1333765885 2006-04-13 Production Wells No Violations Routine inspection revealed no violations at this time . The tank battery consists of one 100 bbl fiberglass oil storage tank and the SPCC dike meets requirements . There is a slight H2S gas odor at the wellhead at this time .
1400087599 2014-05-05 Production Wells No Violations RHD has its service rig over the well today to repair the leaks in the casing coming from the Newburg and containing some amout of H2S. They have a log truck on site today to perf the 4-1/2 inch diameter casing string at 4400 ft and then circulate cement to surface as part of the repair.
1402392473 2017-10-03 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found this plunger lift well equipped with 4.5 inch diameter casing, 2.375 inch diameter tubing, and a motor valve. Production equipment includes a horizontal seperator, meter box with .75 inch diameter sales line orfice, domestic gas meter, and a 140 barrel steel tank, all contained in an earthen dike. Production records are current and chart indicates well is producing. Tank is labeled.
1445879260 2015-01-08 Production Wells No Violations The repairs to the well have been made and there are no leaks at or around the well during this inspection. The well had been leaking H2S gas . The annulus from the Newburg to surface has been cemented and there is no H2S leaking at this time.
1501134311 2014-07-09 Production Wells No Violations This well has been cemented from the Newburg to surface to repair a casing problem caused by H2S gas. The repairs have been completed but today I found a leak on the casing head bowl which appears to be a crack. I contacted Chris Kimble and advised.
1770199647 2014-03-18 Production Wells No Violations I am on site today to check wells in the area near a water well complaint. The well has proper identification and all of the equipment is in place to produce the well.

For data sources see[9]

