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Line 11: Line 11:
| County: [[Ashtabula_County,_Ohio|Ashtabula]]
| County: [[Ashtabula_County,_Ohio|Ashtabula]]
| Municipality: [[Windsor_Township,_Ashtabula_County,_Ohio|Windsor Township]]
| Municipality: [[Windsor Township,_Ashtabula_County,_Ohio|Windsor Township]]
| Operator Name: [[B & B OILFIELD SER INC]]
| Operator Name: [[B & B OILFIELD SER INC]]

Revision as of 10:04, 14 August 2019

Well Details

Well ID: 34-007-23692
Loading map...
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Ashtabula
Municipality: Windsor Township
Operator Name: B & B OILFIELD SER INC
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: MILLER & CO (SWIW #32)
License Status: Active Injection
License Date: 2011-11-08
Spud Date: 1987-02-22
Spud Drilling Contractor: PEP DRLG
Final Drill Date: 1987-02-27
Well Total Depth: 3869 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 41.554060727
Longitude: -80.99029614

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Oil and Gas 1986-11-05 Issued Date 11/5/86 Expired Date 11/5/87 Acres 0000000 Tool Type RTF Proposed Formation CLINTON Proposed Depth 03869 Proposed Drill Depth 03869
Original Spud 1987-02-22 CONVERTED TO SWIW 11/10/2011 OTD: 3869' IN CLINTON
Completed 1987-02-27 CONVERTED TO SWIW 11/10/2011 OTD: 3869' IN CLINTON
Reached Total Depth 1987-02-27 CONVERTED TO SWIW 11/10/2011 OTD: 3869' IN CLINTON
CO 1987-06-05 28 CGAS EXPLORATION,INC GeoDate 11/5/86
Completion Report Received 1987-06-07 CONVERTED TO SWIW 11/10/2011 OTD: 3869' IN CLINTON
Change of Owner 2000-12-22 Operator changed from 28, CGAS EXPLORATION to 1966, PETROX INC
Change of Owner 2010-08-30 Operator changed from 1966, PETROX, INC to 3436, B & B OILFIELD SER INC
Plugged Back 2011-10-14 CONVERTED TO SWIW 11/10/2011 OTD: 3869' IN CLINTON
APP 2011-11-08 Proposed Formations:NEWBURG, Issued Date:11/8/2011, Expired Date:11/7/2013 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:20, Proposed Well Type:SWD, Proposed Well Class:SWIW
Last Compliance Report 2011-11-08 CONVERTED TO SWIW 11/10/2011 OTD: 3869' IN CLINTON
First Injection 2011-11-10 CONVERTED TO SWIW 11/10/2011 OTD: 3869' IN CLINTON
Construction Permit Expires 2013-11-07 CONVERTED TO SWIW 11/10/2011 OTD: 3869' IN CLINTON
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15 CONVERTED TO SWIW 11/10/2011 OTD: 3869' IN CLINTON

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2012-01-20 3460 3535 100
2011-11-08 3400 3500 0
2006-09-11 3707 3753 18
1997-06-29 3692 3816 0

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
Not Treated 0 1432 Bbl 70000 FRAC W/1432 BW & 700 SX SAND
ACID 15 1500 Gal 0 Superior Well Services STIM TREATMENT FOR SWIW

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1987 CGAS EXPLORATION 5335 185 365
1988 CGAS EXPLORATION 9595 221 365
1989 CGAS EXPLORATION 5323 112 365
1990 CGAS EXPLORATION 3933 104 365
1991 CGAS EXPLORATION 2979 72 365
1992 CGAS EXPLORATION 2692 55 366
1993 CGAS EXPLORATION 2428 61 366
1994 CGAS EXPLORATION 2148 72 365
1995 CGAS EXPLORATION 2217 37 365
1996 CGAS EXPLORATION 2304 38 365
1997 CGAS EXPLORATION 2048 34 365
1998 CGAS EXPLORATION 1782 34 365
1999 CGAS EXPLORATION 1636 35 365
2000 PETROX, INC 1155 0 90
2001 PETROX, INC 1496 30 365
2002 PETROX, INC 1600 29 364
2003 PETROX, INC 1508 33 365
2004 PETROX, INC 1693 23 365
2005 PETROX, INC 1557 35 365
2006 PETROX, INC 1446 32 365
2007 PETROX, INC 944 24 365
2008 PETROX, INC 994 0 365
2009 PETROX, INC 902 26 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1987 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 310 365
1988 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 401 365
1989 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 155 365
1990 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 107 365
1991 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 92 365
1992 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 95 366
1993 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 92 366
1994 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 68 365
1995 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 65 365
1996 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 100 365
1997 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 59 365
1998 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 88 365
1999 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 62 365
2000 CGAS EXPLORATION Brine 37 365
2001 PETROX, INC Brine 39 365
2002 PETROX, INC Brine 39 364
2003 PETROX, INC Brine 73 365
2004 PETROX, INC Brine 20 365
2005 PETROX, INC Brine 35 365
2006 PETROX, INC Brine 69 365
2007 PETROX, INC Brine 365
2008 PETROX, INC Brine 58 365
2009 PETROX, INC Brine 32 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
001250i140 2002-02-01 Production Wells No Violations NO VIOLATIONS.
0158652679 2015-03-06 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection of the storage facility and the well pressures found no compliance issues.
0209627937 2012-02-24 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations check uic facility .
0213006296 2017-04-10 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection of the storage facility and the well pressure found no compliance issues.
0238681003 2018-02-14 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations I was on location to inspect the UIC well and facility. I found the well not operating on the day of my inspection. A facility operator was on location. I found no spills or leaks. The proper identification sign is posted at the facility and well. There are no violations at this time.
0257795510 2012-12-07 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection of injection well pressures and storage facility found no violations .
0260768190 2014-05-09 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection of the well pressures and the storage facility found no violations .
0293640125 2015-05-07 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection of the well pressures and the storage facility found no compliance issues.
0351340948 2012-06-14 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection of injection well pressures and the storage facility found no violations.
0384100038 2011-11-16 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Have not started injection process yet.
0443995500 2016-11-08 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection of the storage facility and the well pressures found no compliance issues.
0484676437 2018-04-02 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations I was on location to witness Don Kreager and Pyramid Treating add pressure to the annulus. The annulus was pressured up to 810 psi with two (2) gallons of diesel fluid and held static for 15 minutes. Next, the pressure was reduced to 460 psi and held static. I observed no spills or leaks. There are no violations at this time.
0561792891 2017-06-28 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations I performed an inspection on this SWIW site. The well and tanks are in compliance. No noted violations at this time
0661290749 2016-03-30 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection of the well pressures and the storage facility found no compliance issues with this well.
0668840387 2013-07-16 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection of injection well pressures and storage facility found no violations .
1038901134 2017-11-17 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations I found the UIC facility and injection well in good repair on the day of my inspection. I observed no leaks or spills. There was a facility operator on location. The proper identification is posted at the well and facility. There is a dike surrounding the storage tanks. There are no violations at this time.
1168730150 2018-11-07 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations I found the injection well not operating on the day of my inspection. The well and tank battery are in good repair. I observed no leaks or spills. Identification signs are posted.
1216243441 2016-06-22 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection of the well pressures and the storage facility found no compliance issues.
1254879868 2014-11-26 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection of the well pressures and the storage facility found no compliance issues.
1403873862 2014-02-24 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection of the well pressures and the storage facility I found no violations .
1434279180 2014-08-29 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection of the well pressures and the storage facility found no violations.
1458759098 2016-02-02 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations I inspected this well in response to Complaint# 5244, Mardy Townsend. Upon arrival I found there was no open pits with oilfield waste being stored in them. I did find a hole filled with fresh water about 40 in diameter. There was 6-8 of ice covering the hole. I tested the water flowing from the north-west corner of the pond with 1176 quantab strip to find 0 chloride levels. I also took 1176 quantab reading from another hole where water had collected located 60 south of permit# 4355 to find 0 chloride levels. A further investigation will be performed when the ice on the holes has melted. There was no compliance issues found at this time.
1581548732 2013-10-10 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection of the well pressures and the storage facility found no violations .
1801915321 2007-11-16 Production Wells No Violations no violations .
1846475430 2013-04-24 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection of injection well pressures and storage facility found no violations .
1850482831 2018-03-29 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations I was on location to inspect the injection well and facility. I found no change from the last inspection. I observed no leaks or spills. I received a call from Don Kreger on 3/28/2018. Mr. Kreger has tentatively scheduled adding pressure to the annulus on 4/2/2018.
1853730050 2015-12-31 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection of the well pressures and the storage facility found no compliance issues with this well.
1943083882 2012-08-22 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection of the well site and injection facility found no violations.
1956031331 2018-08-13 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations I found the injection well not in operation on the day of my inspection. The gate valve is open on the injection tubing. There is a facility operator on location. The diked tank battery is in good repair. I observed no leaks or spills. Identification signs are posted.
1990775924 2015-08-25 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations A mechanical integrity test (MIT) was performed on the well. The tubing-casing annulus was pressured up to 980 psi., using diesel fuel. There was pressure of 280 psi. on the tubing. Both pressures remained constant for fifteen minutes. The test demonstrated mechanical integrity.
2031422724 2018-06-25 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations I found the injection well not in operation. An identification sign is posted. I observed no leaks or spills. There are no violations at this time.
2137179404 2012-09-21 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection of injection well pressures and the storage facility found no violations .

For data sources see[9]
