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Well Details

Well ID: 34-031-22499
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Coshocton
Municipality: Newcastle Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: POPE HE AND ANNA
License Status: Producing
License Date: 1974-09-17
Spud Date: 1974-10-03
Spud Drilling Contractor: R & J DRILLING
Final Drill Date: 1974-10-26
Well Total Depth: 3116.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.350000
Longitude: -82.100000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
CO 1974-09-17 275 MIDWEST EXPLORATION INC GeoDate 9/17/74
Original Spud 1974-10-03
Completed 1974-10-26
Reached Total Depth 1974-10-26
Completion Report Received 1974-11-27
CO 1992-07-30 296 DERRICK PETROLEUM INC GeoDate 9/17/74
Change of Owner 1998-08-06 Operator changed from 296, DERRICK PETROLEUM INC to 56, BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO
Change of Owner 1999-01-15 Operator changed from 56, BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO to 882, DUGAN GUY E
Change of Owner 2015-07-29 Operator changed from 882, DUGAN GUY E to 9292, DUGAN OIL AND GAS LLC
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15

For data sources see[2]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 0 0

For data sources see[3]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1984 MIDWEST EXPLORATION INC 251.00 62.00 0
1985 MIDWEST EXPLORATION INC 0.00 798.00 0
1986 MIDWEST EXPLORATION INC 0.00 412.00 365
1987 MIDWEST EXPLORATION INC 0.00 533.00 365
1988 MIDWEST EXPLORATION INC 0.00 333.00 0
1989 MIDWEST EXPLORATION INC 0.00 268.00 365
1990 MIDWEST EXPLORATION INC 0.00 136.00 365
1993 DERRICK PETROLEUM INC 0.00 113.00 365
1994 DERRICK PETROLEUM INC 0.00 216.00 365
1995 DERRICK PETROLEUM INC 0.00 162.00 365
1996 DERRICK PETROLEUM INC 0.00 144.00 365
1997 DERRICK PETROLEUM INC 0.00 162.00 365
1998 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 0.00 0
1999 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 71.00 120
2000 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 14.00 100
2001 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 0.00 45
2002 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 29.00 250
2003 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 0.00 0
2004 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 20.00 90
2005 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 0.00 100
2006 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 24.00 60
2007 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 0.00 60
2008 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 0.00 60
2009 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 0.00 0
2010 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 0.00 0
2011 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 0.00 0
2012 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 0.00 104
2013 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 0.00 50
2014 DUGAN GUY E 0.00 0.00 0
2015 DUGAN OIL AND GAS LLC 0.00 24.00 260
2016 DUGAN OIL AND GAS LLC 0.00 44.00 156
2017 DUGAN OIL AND GAS LLC 0.00 0.00 260
2018 DUGAN OIL AND GAS LLC 0.00 0.00 260

For data sources see[4] [5]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1999 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 120
2000 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 100
2001 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 45
2002 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 250
2003 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 0
2004 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 90
2005 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 100
2006 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 60
2007 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 60
2008 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 60
2009 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 0
2010 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 0
2011 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 0
2012 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 104
2013 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 50
2014 DUGAN GUY E Brine 0 0
2015 DUGAN OIL AND GAS LLC Brine 0 260
2016 DUGAN OIL AND GAS LLC Brine 0 156
2017 DUGAN OIL AND GAS LLC Brine 0 260
2018 DUGAN OIL AND GAS LLC Brine 0 260

For data sources see[6] [7]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1342170355 2016-11-1 0:00: PW No Violations 2.00
-328049564 2017-5-19 0:00: PW No Violations 1.00
-794337680 2016-10-28 0:00 PW No Violations 1.30
0328049564 2017-05-19 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that the last of the oily soil had been removed from the dike. The tank leak was fixed. The compliance notice for pollution and contamination is resolved. I also called Barry Dugan to let him know that he needed to light the flare stack.
0358430043 2017-04-10 Production Wells Violations Noted On the day of my inspection I found that there was a fluid leak at the base of the 100 barrel tank, just below the heater tube opening. The discoloration in the soil extended 3 - 4 feet from the tank and was 18 - 24 inches wide. The fluid had not migrated out of the containment yet. I called Barry Dugan to report what I found and to request that he get out here to get it cleaned up. He claimed that he doesnt pump those wells, but he would be out to take care of the problem.
0562288657 2016-10-05 Production Wells Violations Noted On the day of my inspection I was at the location with Emergency Response supervisor Trisha Cartmell to follow up on a prior spill clean-up. When we went up the hill to inspect the tank battery we found multiple violations. The tank battery consisted of two 100 barrel steel tanks and one vertical separator. There was no dike around the production equipment. There was also a separate 100 barrel steel tank in an earthen dike located downhill from the main battery that is used to collect brine from both the Pope and McGinnis leases. This tank battery is shared with the Pope 2. There was correct, legible identification posted on one of the tanks. I found a 2 inch plastic line connected to the drain valve on one of the tanks that ran between the tanks to the edge of a slope. There was a 2 to 3 foot wide bare path of dark stained, oil saturated soil and pools of standing oil leading from the open end of the line, down slope approximately 25 feet. There were also areas of oil soaked soil and pools of standing oil at the base of both tanks from where they had been run over. There was also a steady drip of brine water from a bull plug in the side of one of the tanks. The 100 barrel tank that was located downhill in a separate dike was covered in an oily residue from top to bottom on one side. The dike was filled with a mixture of crude oil and brine water. We found the depth to be at least 4 inches near the sides of the dike walls. There was no oil or brine found to be migrating off site, and there were no affected waterways found. The actions that must be taken to bring this tank battery site into compliance are as follows: (1) Excavate and remove all brine and crude oil impacted soil from around the bases of the tanks and down the slope below the tanks. (2) Repair leaking plug on side of tank. (3) Vacuum all standing crude oil and brine water from inside of the small dike. (4) Excavate and remove all brine and crude oil impacted soil from the small dike. (5) Clean crude o
0794337680 2016-10-28 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that the 100 barrel brine tank had been removed. The crude oil and impacted soil had also been removed. The dike had been rebuilt and a different 100 barrel steel tank had been set. I spoke with Guy Dugan about the disposal of the contaminated material. He said that they were scheduled to take it to the Kimble landfill. The two 100 barrel steel tanks and one vertical separator for the Pope lease had all been removed. The impacted soil around the tanks and down the slope had all been excavated and hauled away with the material from the brine tank. The tank battery site and slope were graded out and clean. One of the 100 barrel tanks had been set up by the McGinnis tanks in a small earthen dike.
1198893408 2017-04-21 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that the heater tube had been sealed with a welded plate. The affected soil had not been removed from around the tank. I called Barry Dugan and he said that he would take care of it.
1247647886 2016-10-25 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection Barry Dugan and Kevin Slaughter of Dugan Oil and Gas were at the site working on the clean-up. The water truck had been in to drain the two 100 barrel steel tanks at the tank battery. Dugan dragged both tanks and the separator out to the entrance to be hauled away. They intend to have one of the tanks turned to continue use.
1342170355 2016-11-01 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that Guy Dugan, Barry Dugan and Kevin Slaughter were at the site working to complete the clean-up. They brought in a 20 barrel poly tank to add to the common brine collection battery. The site where the main tank battery was and the slope where the tanks had been leaking and draining had all been seeded and covered in straw. The contaminated soil around the wellhead and under the gearbox had been cleaned up. Guy Dugan produced a manifest showing that 2.51 tons of material was delivered to the Kimble landfill. This compliance notice has been resolved.
1475767799 2016-10-06 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that the well was equipped with a natural gas powered pumping unit. The engine and drive belts were intact. The flow lines were connected and the valves were open. There was an area of oil stained soil around the wellhead from a stuffing box leak. There was also oil stained soil under the gear box and engine from a fluid leaks. There was identification posted at the wellhead. I verbally notified Guy Dugan of the issues that need to be addressed at the wellhead.
1505145778 2017-09-11 Production Wells No Violations The purpose of this inspection was to conduct a one year follow up on the restoration of the tank battery site from crude oil impact. I found that 90% of the remediated areas were covered with grass. There were a couple bare spots, but they were small and there were no erosion issues. The dikes for all of the tanks were free of fluid. The flare stack was not burning, and there was not any gas venting at the separator. There was some oil staining under the load valve on the 100 barrel tank, but no standing oil. There was a small puddle of oil in the gravel under the main load valve down at the parking area. There was also some minor oil staining in the soil at the head of the road side ditch, but nothing fresh and there was no staining in the actual ditch.
1505838753 2017-09-19 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I accompanied DOGRM Emergency Response Supervisor Trisha Cartmell to the site to do a one year follow up on the remediation. The vegetative growth was well established and there were no signs of residual oil contamination. Trish said that she was closing the case on this site.
1579845969 2018-01-10 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found that the pumping unit was in operation. There were no leaks from the wellhead components. Guy Dagan and Kevin Slaughter were at the production equipment site working on the under tank heaters. The flare stack was burning when I pulled up. The identification was still legible on the tanks. There were no leaks or spills around the production equipment.
2115323049 2018-07-09 Production Wells No Violations I visited this site with Trish Cartmell and Jason Blocker from the ERS team to follow up on the spill remediation. The site looked good. All of the remediated areas were growing with well established vegetation. There were no signs of any new leaking or releases from the tanks. The flare stack was not lit at the time of our inspection.
358430043 2017-4-10 0:00: PW No Violations 1.00
562288657 2016-10-5 0:00: PW No Violations 1.50
747993164 2019-10-24 0:00 PW No Violations 0.30

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
0358430043 US-OH-123770 2017-06-01 9-1-07 Well operation causing pollution and contamination
0562288657 US-OH-126319 2016-11-28 Well operation causing pollution and contamination
0562288657 US-OH-126320 2016-11-28 Failure to keep dike or pit free of brine or other wastes

For data sources see[8]
