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Well Details

Well ID: 34-121-60982
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Noble
Municipality: Enoch Township
Well Pad ID:
License Status: Plugged and Abandoned
License Date:
Spud Date:
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date:
Well Total Depth: 687.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.690000
Longitude: -81.410000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Plugged/Abandoned 1948-11-24
Record Last Modified 2013-03-14

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1588591190 2014-11-24 0:00 PW No Violations 5.00
-2100811431 2015-2-5 0:00:0 PW No Violations 1.00
-582645580 2015-9-3 0:00:0 PW No Violations
0222986857 2012-04-16 Production Wells No Violations Follow up on status of well being put back into production and reclamation work needed done -producer stated they are waiting on contractor to reclaim site and set new production tanks.
0582645580 2015-09-03 Production Wells No Violations At 1:10 pm I left a voice mail message for Kevin Valentine to call me back and discuss his activities regarding registering the well with the Division.
1332722583 2012-03-23 Production Wells No Violations Inspection upon request of producer to identify permit numbers of 2 wells on lease, pumper claimed company bought wells but had no permit # . Inspection found older well being produced by means of a pumping unit with 5 casing and 2 tubing, producer stated well TD of 766 Macksburgh 500, A 10 barrel tank with a water knock out located between the 2 producing wells with the main 65 barrel shipping tank at the bottom of the hill, Inspector talked extensively with the producer about the laws of draining the production water out of tank and on the surface and reclaiming site area.
1588591190 2014-11-24 Production Wells No Violations My inspection finds the well is equipped to be produced by a pumping unit. The well produces into a water knockout tank and then flows over the hill into a pair of stock tanks. A small stream fifteen feet from the knockout tank has standing oil on it. The oil has been carried into Otterslide Run and then into Middle Fork Duck Creek. Oil has been found nearly 1.5 miles from the site. The owner Kevin Valentine was notified by telephone at 3:05 pm of the oil spill and the violations. Mr. Valentine was directed to remediate the spill with in fifteen days including removing contaminated soil under the tanks. Additionally, Mr. Valentine must register the well under his company and with in ninety days.
2100811431 2015-02-05 Production Wells No Violations My inspection today finds the contaminated soil has been removed and replaced. The ground is covered by an inch of snow at the time of inspection. There are several pieces of plastic pipe and an old plastic tank that still need to be removed. No oil was visible at the under flow damn. I will return when the snow has melted.
222986857 2012-4-16 0:00: PW No Violations

For data sources see[3]
