Pile of tubing gone, well is still not producing. Landowners calling me to say are not getting royalties since Jim Ray took over 2 years ago. Told them to hire lawyer. Time for C. O.'s
Inspection this day with logging truck - could only get down to 710', shows surface casing to 669'. Lanowner has taken wells away from Sunny Shores, still trying to get wells producing - this will have to be cleaned out and/or deepened.
Inspection this day with Supervisor Stonerock found well still not producing, no change from last inspection. No ID's, no tank, valves shut at well and no sales line attached to well. After 2 years of farmer working the ground, feel reclamation has been completed (by the farmer, not the operator) so will pass for PRD. NOV's remain for no ID's, idle well, no annual production, well not completed.
Talked with Bobby Anderson. He has made offer to Jim Ray of Sunny Shores to buy some of the pipeline, drill rig but gets on answer. Bobby says Jim Ray says he does not own wells - are not in his name - so can't sign them over or sell them (even to he did sign Form 7 with Columbus on the Marvin Hanger wells). Bobby says is trying to get things straightened out to move along sale or production of idle wells and will keep me posted.
Called Jim Ray and left a message for him to call me - consent agreement has not been met.
Call from well owner advising me that total depth was reached at 1244' and they will be logging the well this afternoon.
On location today to witness cementing off of bottom of hole. This procedure had been tried on 12/16/11. The operator had run 7 sacks of cement to seal off the bottom, circulated it off bottom and it did not hold This day, 2.875" tubing was run into the hole, 75' short from being on bottom. Circulated and washed down to 1215'. Mixed 9 sacks of Class A cement and placed cement on bottom. Appears to have stayed.
No change from last time I looked. Jim Ray had said these 3 wells were going to be the frist ones he started on but no indication of anyone working on wells, no ID's yet.
Well is in compliance. It is equipped for for production, identification in posted on the tank, production records are up to date and there is no pollution or contamination. There is one 100 barrel tank in the tank battery.
Inspection this day found well not in production - no change since last time I looked at it. Corn growing around but farmer could not get too close to well. Valves closed on well, no pressure on it, pile of wood and other debris from drilling laying along side it. At beginning of lease road, big pile of 2" tubing laying in field keeping farmer from using field. Asked them previously to get locations reclaimed, pipe and debris picked up but there is no change. Reportedly, Jim Ray in Arizona is owner and Pete M. is only pumper - Jim is not paying bills - compressor down often and landowners have not been paid royalties in 2 years - ever since Jim took over. He drilled 4 new wells in 12/06 and none have been completed. Have heard every excuse in the book. Verbally gave Pete 1 month to get wells producing and locations reclaimed. 11/3 - Pile of tubing gone, well still has valves shut, not producing. Plug or produce well. Post ID's. Clean up location by removing debris at well and removing tubing in field, smoothing ground so farmable. Gas lines are required to be buried in cultivated fields. Failure to comply may result in bond forfeiture. 10/7/2011 - No change - well is still not producing, Bobby has applied for permit to deepen. I using wrong permit no for this and Reed #1 - has them switched, probably sent in information for wrong well. 4/12/12 - RESOLVED, well now capable of producing, good dike, good identification.
Inspection this day found well not in production - no change since last time I looked at it. Corn growing around but farmer could not get too close to well. Valves closed on well, no pressure on it, pile of wood and other debris from drilling laying along side it. At beginning of lease road, big pile of 2" tubing laying in field keeping farmer from using field. Asked them previously to get locations reclaimed, pipe and debris picked up but there is no change. Reportedly, Jim Ray in Arizona is owner and Pete M. is only pumper - Jim is not paying bills - compressor down often and landowners have not been paid royalties in 2 years - ever since Jim took over. He drilled 4 new wells in 12/06 and none have been completed. Have heard every excuse in the book. Verbally gave Pete 1 month to get wells producing and locations reclaimed. 11/3 - Pile of tubing gone, well still has valves shut, not producing. Plug or produce well. Post ID's. Clean up location by removing debris at well and removing tubing in field, smoothing ground so farmable. Gas lines are required to be buried in cultivated fields. Failure to comply may result in bond forfeiture. 10/7/2011 - No change - well is still not producing, Bobby has applied for permit to deepen. I using wrong permit no for this and Reed #1 - has them switched, probably sent in information for wrong well. 4/12/12 - RESOLVED, well now capable of producing, good dike, good identification.