My inspection found the well in production. The well was equipped with a plunger lift unit. The tank battery consisted of three, 100 barrel production tanks, two, 100 barrel, a 50 barrel and a 30 barrel brine tanks, and four, vertical separators. The dike was slightly weathered; however, it meets containment requirements. Bull plugs were properly installed on the load lines. An identification sign was posted, however, there were no permit numbers. There was a 7 day production chart on the flow line at the separator. The lease road was in stable condition. The tank battery location was shared with permit numbers 2-2983, 2-3097 and 2-3095. The well was placed into production prior to House Bill 278. I called Cedar Valley and instructed the supervisor to place the correct permit numbers onto the identification sign. The supervisor stated the identification sign would be corrected.