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Well Details

Well ID: 34-167-27323
Operator Name:
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date:

Production Data


Waste Data


Inspection Data

-1010801828 2005-09-02 ID's still not up, sign falling off. Water still in dike area but oil has settled out due to lime and straw. Area below dike had been reseeded, limed and strawed but still nothing growing. Need to plant more seed or removed contaminated dirt if nothing will grow. Annual production in computer due to landowner supplying information from 2000 on. Still don't have from 2000 back. 11/17/05 Talked to Doug Adams - he informed me ground seeded and mulched, ID's up. I told him if grass didn't grow, would have to remove soil - he finally admitted there may be tank leak - I said I agree!! And would not removed the NOV until new tank set. 3/30/2006 New tank in place, still a lot of water in dike area and not done!! Old tank sitting off to side and still dripping, land has been smoothed and dike rebuilt better, but more work - seed and mulch - before NOV cleared. 5/11/2006 Reinspect and still no change from last time. New tank in place with ID's, but very salty water still filling the dike area, old tank not removed, dike has been built up better but ground still needs seeded and mulched - may not grow anything and have to remove it. Have called repeatedly with no response. Sending for C. O's. 7/5/06 Location still not cleaned up and growing grass - tank still needs removed. 10/26/2006 Talked with operator - he is done, says he will reseed and add lime again in the spring if grass not growing - that was what I had been waiting for. Will continue to monitor. 9-9-05(A)10
-1010801828 2005-09-02 ID's still not up, sign falling off. Water still in dike area but oil has settled out due to lime and straw. Area below dike had been reseeded, limed and strawed but still nothing growing. Need to plant more seed or removed contaminated dirt if nothing will grow. Annual production in computer due to landowner supplying information from 2000 on. Still don't have from 2000 back. 11/17/05 Talked to Doug Adams - he informed me ground seeded and mulched, ID's up. I told him if grass didn't grow, would have to remove soil - he finally admitted there may be tank leak - I said I agree!! And would not removed the NOV until new tank set. 3/30/2006 New tank in place, still a lot of water in dike area and not done!! Old tank sitting off to side and still dripping, land has been smoothed and dike rebuilt better, but more work - seed and mulch - before NOV cleared. 5/11/2006 Reinspect and still no change from last time. New tank in place with ID's, but very salty water still filling the dike area, old tank not removed, dike has been built up better but ground still needs seeded and mulched - may not grow anything and have to remove it. Have called repeatedly with no response. Sending for C. O's. 7/5/06 Location still not cleaned up and growing grass - tank still needs removed. 10/26/2006 Talked with operator - he is done, says he will reseed and add lime again in the spring if grass not growing - that was what I had been waiting for. Will continue to monitor. NONE(B)
-1638983934 2005-11-09
-1725909568 2007-08-28 Re-inspect this day found well in production, good ID's and good dike. Dike still has some water in it - it's probably fresh but the ground is so salt-saturated that becomes slightly salty. Ground around tank where it was leaking still does not have real good grass growth - may take several years now that tank has been replaced and leak stopped. No new leaks and no saltwater dumping is detected, which was original reason for inspection.
-1814271892 2012-12-06 My inspection this day was to collect data and pictures for Chief's Orders. The landowner has cancelled the lease, recorded in Leases Vol 533, page 1124 at Washington County Courhouse and there is no option for Mr. Madden but to plug the well. Oily mess that has run out of spare tank still needs cleaned up, covering an area 20' x 5'. No identification on the tank and some valves are still open but landowner reports Doug Adams told them there was too many holes in the sales line to produce. Well has been idle since 2009.
-2076951021 2011-07-11 Inspection this day found well now producing, can hear gas running thru separator. No ID's, ground still very rough, old tank still on location. Cannot clear violation today until other requirements met.
-394379499 2005-08-17
-636032990 2012-11-27 The roads this day to bad so had to walk in. The oily mess around tank still not cleaned up, well still not in production, no identification. The landowners, the Duvalls, have called to say lease has been cancelled and want to know what will happen next. Told them Madden Ventures still responsible for the plugging and clean-up. I talked to Doug Adams today, who had pumped well and who's father was part owner and told him lease had been cancelled - that if he had any claim or desire for well, to contact Madden. Will check status of Madden Ventures other well which has violation, then process with legal process for C. O.'s. Doug said he would let me know by end of well if they had any plans to pursue further.
1143535275 2011-05-18
1162249605 2006-10-26 Inspection this day found still very little grass growing in the area outside the dike, but considering the number of years tank probably leaked, ground is still saturated with salt. Operator has limed it twice and will do again as needed, just really tough to get stuff to grow. And, as he pointed out, really didn't grow much before they drilled. I am passing with the stipulation that if no grass growing by spring, will have to treat the grow again. Will continue to monitor.
122531094 2005-08-09 Inspection this day found pads put down in dike area, lime also scattered in attempt to clean up oil and water spilled. Was supposed to meet operator here - Doug Adams - but not here. Still need ID's on tank label, has scrattered grass and straw and told him if grass didn't grow, would have to remove soil.
1304972520 2011-05-06 Inspection this day found rabbit well still idle - no change. No ID's, valves shut on well, closed to tank. Good dike. Old tank with hole still on location, small brine kill around it when fluid still leaking out but tank is empty. Landowner had called to enquire what status was with violation. Talked to Rob Armstrong and he says his son Mike has made "a deal" with the Maddens and information is at the attorney's now,completing for the sale of the 2 wells to the Armstrongs. No annual production submitted since 2008.
1306929469 2011-05-31 Talked to Joe Madden - said he had received a letter from Mike/Rob Armstrong to buy the wells and would read it and get back with them and me. Did not hear any more as he promised but probably couldn't get ahold of them until evening. I am reluctant to sign the wells over to the Armstrongs as they have not got their current violations resolved and Rob has lost more than one lease to do not producing the wells. Send e-mail to Supervisor Stonerock asking for advice on the situation.
1309265236 2011-06-27 Inspection this day found service rig from WV on location - while there, rabbit had been recovered and well had kicked off, rigging down to move to another location. Doug Adams was on his way to continue to monitor. Slight whiff of H2S but using detector and not at dangerous levels - later was gone. Well should be back producing in next couple days.
1347282991 2012-09-10 I have talked with landowners and Joe Madden several times over the last 3 weeks. I have told Joe he must do something with the wells and do it soon. I gave him several suggestions for operators that might work on the well for him and others that might be interested in buying. Rob Armstrong had contacted him several months ago wanting to buy the 2 wells. I talked to Rob this morning and he said he had made an offering and it was less than what Joe was asking - he had also quoted a price for working on the well to evaluate. Doug Adams, owner of a small part of the well, no longer interested in pumping and maintaining well, according to Joe. Will continue to monitor but believe this needs a Chief's Order as soon as possible. This well and #7324 will both probably need plugged - both Clinton wells.
1357328610 2012-12-10 Doug Adams, part owner in the well, called today to say he and his dad were not interested in taking over/acquiring the well and putting back into production.
1783280453 2011-12-20 On this inspection I checked the gas meter. The chart is still from 9/3/11 and the marks on chart are registering zeros.
2093310931 2011-08-12 Inspection this day as follow-up to idle well violation. Found oily mess on ground coming from tank sitting off to side of lease road. Have call in to operator but looks like put fluids in this tank that leaked and had been removed - asked them to get this bad tank off location, also still needs ID's up. Looks like well is selling gas but can't resolve violation.
251031247 2004-09-02 Inspection this day found well in production, no ID's, tank area has water in dike, is briny but not really salty, this is Clinton well, still need to start turning production in, good dike
353383812 2012-08-02 My inspection this day due to picture sent by landowner of oily spot around old scraped tank still left on location. I have found that with hot weather, remaining oil bottom has ran out of bottom of tank and created oil spill about 5' x 5' below the tank. No identification found on well or tank, lease road very rutted and impassible. Most valves shut but one to the sales line is open. Last annual production reported for 2008 and that is the last year well produced. Will again call Mr. Madden to try and get some action on the violation. 8/3/12 - Talked to Mr. Madden and told him of recent spill from spare tank and that he needed to get it cleaned up immediately. He said he would get back with me on Wed (8/10).
441509955 2010-02-04 My inspection this day found the valves shut at the wellhead, no activity on the gas meter and no identification (ID) posted at the well or tank battery. I spoke with Doug Adams (pumper) who said this well does need work and he cannot get the owner to pay his bills. This well must be produced or plugged. Failure to comply may result in bond forfeiture. 5/18/2011 - I spoke with Joe Madden who said he would get back with me in a week with a plan for the wells. 6/10 - I received a message from Joe Madden that he is sending money to Doug Adams to get this well back into production. 1/20/12 - Landowner now interested in breaking lease. 9-9-05(A)10
441509955 2010-02-04 My inspection this day found the valves shut at the wellhead, no activity on the gas meter and no identification (ID) posted at the well or tank battery. I spoke with Doug Adams (pumper) who said this well does need work and he cannot get the owner to pay his bills. This well must be produced or plugged. Failure to comply may result in bond forfeiture. 5/18/2011 - I spoke with Joe Madden who said he would get back with me in a week with a plan for the wells. 6/10 - I received a message from Joe Madden that he is sending money to Doug Adams to get this well back into production. 1/20/12 - Landowner now interested in breaking lease. NONE