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Well Details

Well ID: 34-119-27350
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Operator Name:
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date: 1985-12-05
Producing: No
Violations: 4
Latitude: 39.9469802232
Longitude: -82.0532906054

Production Data


Waste Data


Inspection Data

-1035029159 2012-01-03 On day of inspection performed a mini test on annulus.Pressured up to 200 psi for 30 min.Test passed. Left 100 psi on annulus. No violation noted at facility.
-1118533573 2004-10-06 Looks okay
-1166683701 2001-11-14 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1210i19 Accompanied by Tom Tomastik, and Dave Hodges. Need well head permit number remarked. Oil stains around well head from leak was not properly cleaned up.Some soil shoveled on it.Main dike area has overflowed causing an oil build 9-3-04(A)
-120960835 2011-09-22 No violations noted. Well in production on day of inspection. Talked with Dave Mell.
-1214142170 2012-03-22 On day of inspection well was pumping. No violations at well head. Tanks have been cleaned around and there is a transfer pump dripping within dike.
-1313045289 2004-01-13
-1467840395 2013-03-26 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation during my inspection and it was noted that driveway to tank facility is in need of stone.
-1486588931 2007-12-26 Well in operation. No problems noted. New ID on well. New 1/4" valve on wellhead as requested last inspection.
-1619468580 2013-02-25 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation today and it appeared that well owner was preparing to ship a load of oil he had heat on oil tank .

Note: Driveway to pump house is in need of stone.

-1622279508 2010-09-15 Well was in operation when inspected. No problems noted.
-166318085 2014-05-02 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation today and it was noted that two Dow Cameron vacuum trucks were unloading at facility during my inspection.
-1682613739 2013-09-23 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation during my inspection and it was noted that two Dow Cameron vacuum trucks were unloading at facility during my inspection.
-184823194 2012-11-26 Inspection revealed that injection pump was not in operation today due to fact that owner is in process of having storage tanks cleaned out by Jordan Services and it was noted that owner is currently rebuilding injection pump also.
-1920060057 2014-05-27 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation during my inspection and it was noted that two Dow Cameron vacuum trucks were unloading at facility on this day of my inspection.
-28419741 2010-06-22 Well okay, no problems noted. Oily mess at well head has been cleaned up. Oil tank inside dike at tank battery has overflowed and needs cleaned up. No other problems noted. Well was not in operation at time of inspection.
-550446205 2008-03-21
-758852958 2003-07-25 Facility okay but for trash needing removed
-892399924 2003-03-27
1049808703 2003-04-08 Not injecting at time of inspection. No place to access injection pressure.
1091808240 2011-11-18 No violations noted. I called owner to meet on next inspection and do annular test. Well pumping on day of inspection.
1119543081 2005-06-23 Tanks being scraped and painted. New oil tank being installed.
1131635065 2005-11-10
1143475839 2006-03-27 Looks okay. Well in operation. No one around. Replaced needle valve as requested.
1151583834 2006-06-29 Serious erosion of lease Road. Road bars need repired.
1161692085 2006-10-24 Okay, road to well repaired as requested.
1175008499 2007-03-27 Tee on well head assembly is leaking. Need ID at well head. Sump over flowed making mess needs cleaned up. Oil tank oveerflowed and was cleaned up with Gator which needs airiated and fertilizer so bugs will eat oil. Talked to Dave Mel and he will take care of all problems. Inspected log of UIC hauler 19. Driver Paul McCully. Log was Okay.
1182872237 2007-06-26 Lat Qtr's NOV satsfied.
1190389385 2007-09-21 No problems noted. Well was not in operation.
1210i1954498 2001-11-14 Accompanied by Tom Tomastik, and Dave Hodges. Need well head permit number remarked. Oil stains around well head from leak was not properly cleaned up.Some soil shoveled on it.Main dike area has overflowed causing an oil build up inside of the dike.(Dave Mell is currently cleaning this up). All areas with oil staining, spills not diked need to be addressed and taken care of. Dikes need to be kept reasonably free of oil field wastes and fluids and kept pumped out to permit maximum dike capacity. . Checked UIC 199 Lic PAJ4725,driver John. Checked UIC 154 Lic. PBC 9872,driver John. Both trucks and logs ok. Well ID 1501:9-3-06 (H). Copy of report mailed.
1214418083 2008-06-25
1222177164 2008-09-23 Well: ID okay no problems noted. Road repaired and with road bars. Tank Facility: ID okay. Dike area okay. Sump okay. Unloading area okay.
1228760441 2008-12-08 Injecting. Tubing 820 psig. Annulus on slight vacuum. No problems noted. Pump pumping from back tanks to front is leaking, also a union. Talked to Dave Mehl and he will handle it.
1238044829 2013-04-16 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation during my inspection and it was noted that a Dow Cameron vacuum truck was unloading at site during my inspection.
1239032455 2009-03-26 Injecting. No problems noted.
1244651468 2009-06-10 Well was in operation. Tubing pressure 710 psig, annulus pressure 10 psig. IDs okay, pad okay, impoundment okay, two trucks unloading.
1261145484 2009-12-18 Well was not in operation when inspected. Well ID in good condition. No problems noted at location.
1270758960 2010-03-31 Well was not in operation at time of inspection. Tubing pressure is at 250 PSI and the annulus pressure is at 10 PSI. There is a small oil spill at well head from changing out a check valve. The affected area is approximately 2' X 2'. Spoke to the operator in person and he will clean it up immediatedly. No other problems noted. 9-3-04(A)
1296417515 2011-03-28 Tubing 140 psig. Annulus 30 psig. Well not in opereation at time of inspection. No problems noted.
1329920970 2012-02-22 Well was pumping on day of inspection.New Gravel has been placed from hard road to the tank pad.Company has been cleaning up site.
1337028481 2012-05-14 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation during my inspection and it was noted that operator has placed stone on driveway to unloading facility.
1346969884 2012-09-06 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation during my inspection and pump house was locked so I could not inspect pump, walked to wellhead and inspected flow line going to well to check area for any potential leaks none were found today.
1358460378 2013-01-17 Inspection on this day revealed that injection pump was not in operation during my inspection,I.D. posted at unloading pad and dike was clear of any fluids and pump house was neat and clean on this day.
1361634365 2013-02-23 On day of inspection well was not pumping. The tubing pressure was at 20 psi and the annular pressure at 180 psi. There is a electric lines in the dike exposed that should be encased and wired by an electrician. There is a rear dike with tanks that has a closed overflow. When the vault of fresh water fills up it is pumped to the front of the facility and dispersed outside of the facility. There are tanks around the site with no identification or MSDS on what is in container in case there is a spill. There is trash and pipe laying around site that need picked up. I talked to Dave Mell on matter. He just arrived at the site. Mell would take care of issues.
1365116835 2013-04-04 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation and it was noted that one Dow Cameron vacuum truck was unloading at facility during my inspection.

Note: Plumbing on tubing head needs to be replaced and positive pressure applied to annulus of tubing, contact inspector prior to applying pressure he want to be present to witness required testing.

1367527201 2013-05-02 On site to witness MIT testing of annulus of tubing, Sweeny Well Services pumped 14 gal of inhibitor laden fluid to backside of tubing and reached a test of 1350 psi and we monitored pressure for 15 min with no decline in pressure.

Note: Well owner Dave Meel and myself witnessed job, once test was completed we bled pressure back to 500 psi and closed valves to annulus.

1370787455 2003-06-16 Oily mess in front of pad, gator applied but needs cleaned up. Pictures. 9-3-04(A)
1372897638 2013-07-03 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation during my inspection and it was noted that two Dow Cameron vacuum trucks were unloading at facility during my inspection.
1383561598 2011-08-15 No violations noted.
1384283262 2013-11-12 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation and owner has installed a second pump at facility for backup purposes.
1389704458 2011-07-06 Checked facility and well head pressures. No violations noted.
1391219560 2014-01-29 Inspection revealed that injection pump was not in operation during my inspection and it appears that well is not being used much at this time due to extreme cold weather conditions.
1394889269 2014-03-13 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation today and it was noted that two Dow Cameron vacuum trucks were unloading at facility during my inspection.
1407455625 2014-08-06 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation during my inspection and I contacted owner and requested that they have positive pressure applied to annulus of tubing as it is a requirement by law.
1425938366 2013-08-14 Inspection revealed that injection pump has been changed since my last inspection and it appears that owner is making upgrades to pump house and storage facility.
1554876279 2010-12-08 The well was in operation. Tubing 790 psig, annulus 10psig. No problems noted at time of inspection.
1595836115 2013-12-05 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation today and it was noted that three Dow Cameron vacuum trucks were on site during my inspection.
193449507 2005-03-04 Dripping union needs tightened, sump full and needs emptied
2145467512 2012-01-25 On day of inspection well is pumping and there are no violations.There started to be a house cleaning issue and met with company man and he will resolve the issue.
341957456 2013-06-03 Injection pump not in operation during my inspection and it was noted that three Dow Cameron vacuum trucks were on site during my inspection.
349511977 2003-10-21 9-3-05(A)6
364519925 2014-04-03 Inspection revealed that injection pump was not in operation during my inspection and it was noted that two Dow Cameron vacuum trucks were unloading at facility during my inspection.
365468437 2012-07-23 Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation today and it was noted that area on east side of storage tanks needs to be reclaimed and seed and mulch added to area.
632412635 2004-07-29 No problems noted
641418483 2011-10-11 No violations on day of inspection.
686156561 2009-09-02 Annulus on vacuum, tubing pressure at 680 psig. No problems noted.
957580785 2003-05-21
PL8001 Preliminary Restoration done information from Data Point
UIC484 1988-03-01 1501:9-3-05 (A)(3)
UIC485 1988-03-01 1501:9-3-05 (B)(7)