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Well Details

Well ID: 34-133-22736
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Operator Name:
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date: 1985-04-02
Producing: No
Violations: 25
Latitude: 41.2328903573
Longitude: -81.094022028

Production Data


Waste Data


Inspection Data

-1014109921 2008-08-19 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time. The well is operating below the maximum allowable injection pressure.
-1059931860 2012-09-13 I witnessed the installation of the packer. All conditions were acceptable.
-1106455754 2013-12-03 There were no violations at the time of inspection.
-1133467630 2013-09-27 My inspection of the well and injection facility found no violations.
-119129650 2007-09-05 The valves have been replaced as requested so that pressures could be taken. B&B Oilfield still needs to replace the two-pen recorder as required as an operating condition.
-1208970837 2005-11-30 Status check inspection of this salt water injection well. No violations at this time.
-1232315130 2008-11-20 Quarterly status check inspection found that the well injection pressure exceeded that maximum allowable by 270 psi. I called Dave Ballentine and told him to correct the problem. He said that the high pressure is related to recent large quantities of flowback water entering the system. He will have the pump rate reduced to lower the injection pressure. I will check the well again in the next few days.
-1240493841 2010-12-27 Quarterly status check inspection found that the system was operating. The lease road to the wellhead was drifted over so injection pressures were obtained in the pump house. No violations at this time.
-1304359619 2003-04-15 UIC Inspection - an unknown quantity of crude oil and/or brine was released into the secondary containment dike when the sump pump failed to shut off and a 210 bbl tank was overfilled. Oil had impacted the southern half of the containment dike and was floating on the water. According to the water truck driver on site, the spill occurred on or about 4/05. It appears that very little has happened since then to remediate the spill. The operator was given seven days to clean the retention dike. 9-3-04(A)
-1429731911 2013-03-07 My inspection of the injection well and surface facility found no violations.
-1455463822 2004-06-21 The impacted soil and vegetation has been tilled and reportedly limed. If seed does not germinate properly, then the impacted soil must be removed, disposed and replaced. The contamination around the loading area has not been addressed. The site will continue to be monitored regularly. 9-3-04(A)
-1455463822 2004-06-21 The impacted soil and vegetation has been tilled and reportedly limed. If seed does not germinate properly, then the impacted soil must be removed, disposed and replaced. The contamination around the loading area has not been addressed. The site will continue to be monitored regularly. 9-3-05(A)6
-1503128387 2012-09-13 I performed a mechanical integrity test on the well. A pressure of 1050 pounds per square inch (psi.) was placed on the tubing-casing annulus. A loss of 5 psi. was observed during a 15 minute period.

The well passed the test.

-1512155005 2004-11-15 Status check inspection - no violations at this time.
-155348148 2012-12-18 My inspection of the injection facility and well found no violations. The pump was off, while the pressures were gauged.
-1592405475 2012-08-20 My inspection of the injection facility was accompanied by another inspector, Tom Hill.

A layer of gravel was installed inside the facility dike area.

There were no violations at the time of inspection.

-1637227980 2010-03-18 Quarterly status check inspection found that the operator has again pumped water from inside the containment area with a sump pump. The discharged water contained sufficient chlorides to kill the grass. I called Dave Ballentine and told him to stop pumping the water in the containment area anywhere but into the disposal system and to reclaim the affected area from both this incident and the packer failure last year. I also advised him that they were injecting just above the maximum allowable pressure.
-1643630657 2009-07-24 Hagen Well Service was on site to run a rebuilt Halliburton R-4 packer into the well. The packer was set in tension at 3858'. Northeast Water Service mixed 80 bbl of fresh water with 5 gallons of inhibitor. Superior Well Service pumped the water/inhibitor mixture down the annulus and circulated up the tubing. The packer was set and the annulus was pressured up to 1030 psi. After 5 minutes the pressure was 1015 psi, after 10 minutes 1005 psi and after 15 minutes 995 psi. The total pressure loss was less than 5%. The well passed the MIT.

After passing the MIT, Superior treated the well with 500 gallons of 15% HCl acid. The acid was displaced pass the packer and into the formation.

-166478873 2008-05-21 Quarterly status check inspection found that the injection pressure exceeded the allowable by 20 psi. Dave Ballentine was notified and told to reduce the injection pressure. 9-3-07(D)
-1710978018 2004-10-06 Status check inspection. The facility is being painted and fresh stone has been placed inside of the containment dike.
-1747477994 2007-02-20 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time. The two pen chart recorder was half full of brine indicating some annular discharge. The pressure differential does not indicate that there has been a packer failure.
-181031116 2009-11-17 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time. The affected area near the wellhead still needs to be seeded and mulched.
-1827953441 2010-08-26 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time. The injection pressure was just above the allowable and I ordered the company representative to lower the pressure.
-1847595892 2003-11-25 UIC inspection - no violations at this time - injection pressure 0# annular pressure 150#.
-1904408087 2003-05-20 The pollution violation inside of the tank battery has been corrected. No violations at this time. 9-3-04(A)
-1930535466 2013-01-04 My inspection of the surface facility and injection well found no violations.
-2009705250 2005-02-22 Status check inspection of this salt water disposal well and storage system. No violations at this time.
-276093403 2006-02-23 Status check inspection - no violations at this time.
-289445625 2006-12-11 Quarterly status inspection found no violations at this time. The two pen recorder has been installed as requested. The chart indicates that as the pressure increases during injection, there is no increase in annular pressure.
-291155340 2008-02-25 Quarterly status check inspection of this salt water injection well found no violations at this time. The annulus has been plumbed back to the pumphouse with a pressure release valve.
-374435068 2009-07-23 Dave Ballentine reported suspected packer failure at this disposal well. The brine return line connected to the annular space between the 4-1/2" production casing and the 8-5/8" surface casing started to flow indicating communication from the tubing, to the production casing and the surface casing. Hagen Well Service was on site today to unseat and remove the tubing and the packer. Sutton Pump was scheduled to be on site later today to pressure test the tubing string.
-447751265 2013-08-01 There were no violations at the time of inspection.
-474408432 2007-05-08 Quarterly status check found that the required two pen meter has malfunctioned. I called Dave Ballentine who said that he has already contacted Midway Supply about repairing or replacing the meter.
-678122122 2007-08-31 On 8/24, attempted to complete the quarterly inspection for this brine disposal well. Instead I found the required two pen recorder was still missing, the needle valve on the annulus could not be opened or closed and there was a leak on the 8-5/8 casing valve. I called Dave Ballentine and requested that these issues be corrected by 8/31 so that the quarterly inspection could be completed. On 8/31, I found that none of the requested work was compelted. I called Dave Ballentine and told him that until this work was completed and the required inspection performed, the well was shut down and could not be used for brine disposal. 9-3-05(A)3
-678122122 2007-08-31 On 8/24, attempted to complete the quarterly inspection for this brine disposal well. Instead I found the required two pen recorder was still missing, the needle valve on the annulus could not be opened or closed and there was a leak on the 8-5/8 casing valve. I called Dave Ballentine and requested that these issues be corrected by 8/31 so that the quarterly inspection could be completed. On 8/31, I found that none of the requested work was compelted. I called Dave Ballentine and told him that until this work was completed and the required inspection performed, the well was shut down and could not be used for brine disposal. 9-3-07(H)
-72090206 2012-11-01 My inspection of the injection facility and well found no violations.
-721191558 2006-05-02 Status check inspection found a leak at the wellhead which caused a brine scald extending 50 feet from the well. The ID was missing from the brine storage area. I called Dave Ballentine and told him that the scald area needs to be reclaimed, the leak repaired and the ID replaced. 9-3-07(H)
-738576898 2013-05-14 My inspection of the well and surface facility found no violations.
-83384368 2004-06-28 The grass seed has started to germinate and will probably recover. The loading pad still needs to be cleaned and the debris properly disposed. 9-3-04(A)
-83384368 2004-06-28 The grass seed has started to germinate and will probably recover. The loading pad still needs to be cleaned and the debris properly disposed. 9-3-05(A)6
-857218815 2003-05-07 The spill remediation inside of the tank battery dike is continuing. Impacted vegetation still needs to be removed and impacted gravel from the southern half of the dike area needs to be either washed or removed.
-929208054 2014-01-31 No violations were found at the time of inspection.
-955456334 2009-07-14 Dave Ballentine with B&B Oilfield Service reported that the casing and tubing had equalized indicating a packer failure. I ordered B&B to cease operations and schedule a service rig to unseat and pull the packer. I notified Tom Tomastik of the problems.
1072515087 2012-03-13 No violatons were found at the time of my inspection of this well site.
1192819062 2007-10-12 During a status check inspection, I found that the packer and/or tubing had lost integrity. The injection pressure, tubing to 4-1/2 annular pressure and the 4-1/2 to 8-5/8" annular pressure were all equalized at 860 psi. The fact that the tubing to 4-1/2" casing annulus and the 4-1/2 to 8-5/8" annulus were equalized also indicates that there has been a mechanical failure of the 4-1/2" casing. I called Dave Ballentine with B&B and ordered him to cease injection operations at this well and waited until a driver arrived and shut the system down. I also called Tom Tomastik and advised him of the findings. 9-3-07(H)
1193168012 2007-10-17 On 10/16, Bub's Well Service was on site to unseat the packer and pull the tubing. On 10/17, Bub's ran a reconditioned Halliburton R-4 and a relatively new string of 2-3/8" upset tubing. The packer was set in tension at 3861'. Superior Well Service mixed 5 gallons of concentrated inhibitor in 70 bbl of fresh water. The inhibitor was pumped down the tubing and up the annulus between the tubing and the 4-1/2" casing. After circulating the inhibitor to surface, Superior pressured up on the annulus and completed the MIT. The initial shut in pressure was 1020 psi. After 5 minutes the pressure remained 1020 psi. After 10 minutes, the pressure dropped to 1015 psi. The final pressure after 15 minutes was 1015 psi. After passing the MIT the pressure was released by opening the valve on the 8-5/8" casing further proving that the 4-1/2" casing has failed and is communicating with the 8-5/8" surface casing. The failure is assumed to be near the surface since cement was circulated to surface when the 4-1/2 was completed. Dave Ballentine was on site to witness the job and understands the importance of having a properly functioning two pen pressure meter recording the injection pressure and the annular pressure. The charts will be available for review at B&B's office.
1193767440 2007-10-22 The two pen recorder is in place and appears to be functioning correctly. No violations at this time.
1199664868 2003-06-17 Status check inspection - no violations at this time. Notified the water truck driver of a small leak on the annular bull plug which he will correct.
1216i191 2002-01-25 Site visit this date indicated that the company has not yet removed the oil spill inside the tank battery dike. Check this date was to update status not yet due. Met with the company and reminded them of the due date. Pressures were not taken this date. Insection was to only update the cleanup progress. Last inspection date 01-04-2002. 9-3-04(A)
1216i2454282 2001-11-07 No violations notede this date. Las inspection: 09-12-2001. Well is in operation this date.
1231413483 2006-05-16 The brine scald at the injection well needs to be reclaimed. The scald was first detected during a routine inspection of the disposal system on May 2, 2006. Dave Ballentine requested permission to reclaim the area when he had equipment on site to repair the tubing leak which caused the scald. I told him that he had two weeks to reclaim the area. The May 16 inspection found that no work had been completed. I stopped at B&B's office and left a message for Dave Ballentine that the work needs to be done immediately.
124106806 2009-03-03 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time. The injection pressure (935 psi) was above the maximum allowable (890 psi) and I told the operator to reduce the injection pressure to at or below the allowable.
1250515992 2009-08-11 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time.
1298914819 2011-02-15 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time.
1306876540 2011-05-18 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time.
1360035684 2012-10-09 I performed a mechanical integrity test on the flow line between the well and the pump house. 1220 psi. of pressure was placed on the flow line and monitored for fifteen minutes. There was no pressure loss observed.
1396571974 2014-03-28 The were no violations at the time of inspection.
1401733532 2014-05-30 An inspection of the well and injection facility found no violations.
1457855282 2012-08-13 My inspection of the injection facility was accompanied by another inspector, Stephen Tompkins.

A contractor was cutting up the tanks for disposal.

There were no violations at the time of inspection.

1585191837 2006-05-26 The top joint of tubing developed a leak. Bub's Well Service was on site to replace the bad joint and pull and replace the packer. A new Halliburton R-4 packer was set in tension. During the following MIT, the valve on the 8-5/8" wellhead started leaking and the test failed. The leaking valve was replaced and the 15 minute MIT passed. It appears that there is a problem with the 4-1/2" casing but the tubing and packer are properly set. 9-3-07(H)
1588283093 2004-06-10 During a status check inspection of this brine disposal well, a sump pump in the containment dike was found to be discharging water out of the dike and down the hillside. The result was a brine scald that affected an area 20 feet wide and 150 feet long. The scald is marked by dead vegetation. A representative of B&B was told to 1) remove and properly dispose of the dead vegetation and impacted soil; 2) lime, seed and mulch the affected area; 3) pump all water inside of the dike into the disposal system and 4) clean the loading pad area. Failure to comply will result in OEPA notification of illegal brine dumping with the recommendation for fines. 9-3-04(A)
1588283093 2004-06-10 During a status check inspection of this brine disposal well, a sump pump in the containment dike was found to be discharging water out of the dike and down the hillside. The result was a brine scald that affected an area 20 feet wide and 150 feet long. The scald is marked by dead vegetation. A representative of B&B was told to 1) remove and properly dispose of the dead vegetation and impacted soil; 2) lime, seed and mulch the affected area; 3) pump all water inside of the dike into the disposal system and 4) clean the loading pad area. Failure to comply will result in OEPA notification of illegal brine dumping with the recommendation for fines. 9-3-05(A)6
1599001365 2007-11-27 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time.
1708673295 2003-09-18 Status check inspection - no violations at this time.
1721862897 2012-07-27 The tanks were removed from the facility. A frac tank and three of the vertical tanks were on location.

There were no violations.

1753451383 2012-09-05 Unloading pad
1782018499 2010-04-06 The brine scald remediation and pipeline reclamation has not been completed.
1870348343 2013-06-12 My inspection of the well and surface facility found no violations.
1875093336 2005-06-01 Status check inspection for this salt water disposal well. No violations at this time.
1885353325 2002-01-25 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1216i191 Site visit this date indicated that the company has not yet removed the oil spill inside the tank battery dike. Check this date was to update status not yet due. Met with the company and reminded them of the due date. Pressures were not taken this date. 9-3-04(A)
1912034201 2005-08-23 Bub's Well Service was on site to repair the top joint of tubing that had developed a pinhole leak. They had released the pressure, exposed the top joint of tubing approximately 8 inches below the collar and were welding a patch onto the tubing. Barton Well Service was on site to pressure up on the annulus after the wellhead was put back together. I asked for 200 psi. I will check the well again next week.
2037799654 2009-05-12 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time. The well continues to operate at maximum allowable injection pressures.
2135131768 2003-04-17 NOV followup with Supervisor Cheslock. B&B personnel were on site washing gravel in the dike area with water and a broom. Permission was given to continue washing and to arrange for hot water to be brought in as soon as possible to complete the washing.
2154i125 2002-04-24 Well was not running during inspection. Active clean-up of crude oil floating on water within the diked area. NO VIOLATIONS.
2154i246 2002-06-25 System not running. NO VIOLATIONS.
2154i398 2002-08-22 Rain water with oil scum in corner of tank battery dike. System was not running. NO VIOLATIONS.
236547283 2003-04-25 The spill cleanup inside of the dike is progressing. The impacted gravel is being washed and the oil and water vaccumed from the dike. An extension is granted to 05/15 to complete the spill remediation.
486701573 2004-07-07 The brine scald has been corrected. The loading pad still needs additional cleaning. 9-3-04(A)
486701573 2004-07-07 The brine scald has been corrected. The loading pad still needs additional cleaning. 9-3-05(A)6
488494298 2004-02-19 Status check inspectio - no violations at this time. 740# injection and 0# annulus.
566639822 2004-09-09 Barton Oilfield Service was contracted to steam clean the tank battery and the stone pad. The work was completed with satisfactory results. Water generated while cleaning was recovered by a Northeast water truck and disposed in the injection system. The violation has been corrected. 9-3-04(A)
567229873 2006-06-02 Met on site with Dave Ballentine to conduct a pump test on this well. This pump test was initiated by the results of the MIT completed on May 26. The ball valve located on the 8-5/8" casing head was opened and the pump was turned on. Injection pressure built to 700 psi with no fluid loss from the ball valve. It appears that there is no problem with either the packer or the tubing.
570320205 2011-08-04 I performed the quarterly UIC test on the annulus and the injection. The well was not running. There were no violations at this time.
655000901 2011-11-02 I performed the quarterly UIC test on the annulus and the injection. The well was not running. There were no violations at this time.
6679058 2002-02-28 Well was not running. Unable to check previous tank battery contamination due to excess snow cover. Violation is pending.
728432306 2004-08-12 Salt water disposal well - status check inspection. Free oil and brine was found inside of the containment dike. Sloppy operations and a malfunctioning pump are to blame. The gravel inside of the dike area needs to be either cleaned or removed and replaced. 9-3-04(A)
744188355 2010-05-11 Quarterly status check inspection found no violations at this time.
76505439 2008-06-04 Injection pressures are now less than the maximum pressure of 890 psi.
877984231 2013-01-08 I performed a mechanical integrity test on the well. 1020 psi. was place on the tubing/casing annulus and monitored for fifteen minutes. There was no pressure loss observed.
99379283 2006-08-30 Quarterly status check inspection. I spoke with Dave Ballentine about setting a two pen recorder on the injection and annular side of this well. As noted during the previous MIT, it appears that there has been a failure of the 4-1/2" casing. The two pen chart can track annular vs injection pressures and identify any packer failure. No violations at this time.
iGMM0000122 2000-05-26 23
iGMM0000122 2000-05-26 9-3-05(B)4
PL6339 Preliminary Restoration done information from Data Point
UIC1728 1997-04-10 1509.22 & 1501:9-3-07 (H) ANNULUS VALVE LEAK
UIC1794 1999-08-05 1509.03, 1501:9-3-07 (H) VALVE LEAKING 3
UIC1794 1999-08-05 1509.03, 1501:9-3-07 (H) VALVE LEAKING 9-3-07(H)