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Well Details

Well ID: 34-151-23420
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Operator Name:
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date: 1981-04-07
Producing: No
Violations: 9
Latitude: 40.9503096244
Longitude: -81.2486806563

Production Data


Waste Data


Inspection Data

-1050265656 2005-09-26 Concrete loading pad has been removed.
-1192097677 2005-08-22 Facility is being cleaned up. A pit to the east of the pump house has been dug and lined with plastic for use as pit sludge storage and for holding brine contaminated soils. Talked with Ed (water truck driver) at the site.
-1204689767 2005-04-20 The system was not running at the time of the inspection. NO VIOLATIONS.
-1308912369 2008-09-24 The injection system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits. I was unable to put a gauge on the annulus. I talked with Roger and discussed replacing the needle valve. Also, Roger stated that he would be resoiling and reseeding the brine kill areas this fall. The flow line leak N.O.V. from 8-21-2008 has been RESOLVED.
-1325282022 2007-06-25 The system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead. There was evidence (oil stained soil and peat sorb) that the upper brine pit had overflowed at some time and that an attempt was made to absorb up the oil. I called Denny Chase (330-388-0884) at Arvilla and told him to dig up the stained soil and replace it with clean topsoil, then grade and seed it. 9-3-04(A)
-1396180598 2006-04-25 Inspected the seeded and mulched areas on the H&H property. The recent rains have created some erosion. Arvilla will repair.
-1474088874 2012-11-26 My inspection was accompanied by Ryan Channell. We inspected the surface facility and injection well and found no violations. Pressure on the annulus was not gauged.
-1526420773 2006-04-19 Arvilla has spread topsoil; seeded and mulched the H&H property. I met with Marty Hustead. He said that he would like to have alfalfa planted in the field after some initial growth has been established.
-1697957990 2006-05-11 The erosion gullies have not been repaired on the H & H property. Denny Chase is aware of the situation and will repair the erosion.
-172921169 2006-03-22 Met with Ed and Bill on location. System was running. No Violations.
-1818445102 2013-02-12 I took a water sample (SJO-111) from a truck (truck number 11388), owned by Shortfuse. The truck was unloading production water from COP C pad #18H in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania.
-1852735319 2008-08-21 I met with R.C. Pander and Roger and inspected the brine release area. R.C. was trenching for a new flow line and will be excavating the line leak. 9-3-04(A)
-1852735319 2008-08-21 I met with R.C. Pander and Roger and inspected the brine release area. R.C. was trenching for a new flow line and will be excavating the line leak. 9-3-07(H)
-1860976969 2009-11-06 The injection system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits. The auxiliary clean out pit is intact and is fenced off with orange plastic safety fence.
-1916451604 2006-01-10 Met with Denny Chase (Arvilla). Dug 2 test holes to a depth of approximately 8'; 1 on south side of concrete pits and 1 on north side of concrete pits. No evidence of soil contamination was observed. Arvilla has complied with all items on their list of corrections. The injection system is ready for start-up. An injection test was conducted; injection pressure was 900 PSI. The system is approved for operation. Additional clean up of the brine contaminated soil in the release area will be conducted.
-1975614818 2005-08-17 On site at 6:30 am to meet with the backhoe at 6:45-7:00am . Region Supervisor Simmers arrived on site and we had to wait on the backhoe and roustabout crew . The small trac hoe arrived and they started digging along the east wall of the cement storage pits . The hoe dug down to the suction line that comes out of the pit wall and they hit brine water (tested with the quantab ) . Not sure if the line is leaking or the leak is coming under the cement wall of the storage pit . Had to leave and go to the Uniontown office for HB278 meeting . Later in the afternoon , accompanied by Reg. Sup. Simmers and Dis. Sup. Schalk , it was determined that the leak was coming under the wall of the cement storage pit . We advised that they needed to finish pumping the pit contents ASAP and come up with a remedial plan for the repair of the storage pit . We also advised them to finish cleaning up the pollution and contamination along the storage pit walls and on the concrete unloading pad . 9-3-04(A)
-1984307510 2011-05-05 I met with Allen Goodrich (330-727-1836) at the site and inspected the leak area and the new temporary flow line. The leak is contained and will be remediated. The old flow line has been flushed with fresh water and will be dug up and removed at a later date. A new temporary flow line consisting of 2-3/8 dia EUE was laid aboveground and pressure tested to 1500 psi. The temporary flow line will be buried on Monday 5-9-11. The injection pump will be moved up to and adjacent to the pit area. A new construction plan will be submitted to Tom Tomastik in Columbus.
-2015958585 2005-08-22 Meet with Denny Chase and Randy Iles ( Arvilla Supervisors) and discussed the different remedial actions that could be used to correct the leak under the wall of the cement storage pit . Note: the pits has been pumped out and cleaned (no fluids in the last section of the pit at this time ). All the electrical repairs have been made and most the pollution and contamination around the storage pit walls have been cleaned up . I also inspected the pit that they dug and lined for the solidification of the contaminated soils and sludge material from the bottom of the cement storage pit . Region Supervisor Simmers and I gave them permission to dig and line a pit for the disposal (solidification of the materials from the pit and the contaminated soils ). Arvilla Oilfield Services owns the ground where the pit was excavated . I advised to go ahead and solidify , fold the liner , and cover the pit . They advised that it would be a couple of days before they could get the solidification materials . 9-3-04(A)
-2080848847 2005-08-15 On site with Region Supervisor Simmers to try to see why the steel tank , near the pump house , has recently overflown two times causing a brine spill . The inspection revealed that there is a an area west of the pump house where the vegetation appears to have died out ( looks like a brine scald area ). The inspection also revealed several problems with the electrical wiring near the steel storage tank . There was pollution and contamination (brine/oil) along the walls of the cement storage pits . Denny Chase and Jim Hawkins arrived on site and we discussed the violations with them . We advised that it appears that the cement pits might be leaking (due to the scald area on the bank above the pump house) . They agreed to have a backhoe on site in the morning to excavate along the east wall of the cement storage pits . They also advised that they would clean-up the pollution and contamination along the walls and that they would contact an electrician to make the repairs to the electrical system . 9-3-04(A)
-285673378 2014-06-20 An inspection of the well and injection facility found no violations.
-311725130 2008-08-22 I met with Roger on the site. I observed the excavated flow line leak (40.95056, 81.24850). The flow line was buried 2 feet deep and the soil at depth was wet but not saturated. The sump near the drainage ditch was dry. The brine kill area on the surface was 15' wide by 30' long. The new flow line has been laid and pressure tested. I took photos of the site. The release area will be graded and seeded. The old flow line was disconnected and left in place. The injection pump will eventually be moved adjacent to the brine pits and will be within 30' of the injection well head.
-33116396 2006-05-24 The system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the steel lined concrete brine pits. The erosion on the H & H property was being repaired; reseeded, and remulched today. Met with Jim Hawkins and Bill Westphal.
-395468815 2013-08-21 There were no violations at the time of inspection.
-414444849 2007-03-12 The system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits. The restoration on the property located to the north has been disturbed by grading operations.
-43496558 2004-06-24 The system was running at the time of the inspection. NO VIOLATIONS.
-492564903 2006-03-03 The injection pump was running at the time of the inspection. No Violations at WH or at pits.
-519220948 2006-08-31 The system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the tank battery.
-552124187 2014-05-19 An inspection of the well and injection facility found no violations.
-557424321 2005-08-08 Received a call from Denny Chase (Arvilla) regarding a brine release. This release is a repeat of the brine release documented on 6-22-05. Observed the site and discussed the clean-up with Jim Hawkins (Arvilla). 9-3-04(A)
-577665079 2005-11-08 The facility is under repair and is currently not in use.
-578157687 2009-05-27 The injection system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits.
-594815987 2012-07-27 My inspection of the well site and injection facility found no violations. The pump was operating at the time.
-650548458 2002-10-16 Routine inspection revealed no violations at this time .
-667993354 2005-08-08 N.O.V. has been RESOLVED.
-676574536 2011-08-24 The injection system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pit.
-790561700 2013-06-28 There were no violations found at the time of inspection. Pressures were gauged with pump operating.
-798002364 2010-11-15 I met with Allen and Jr. this morning on the location. The service rig is moving in and will run their wire line into the well to check for any obstructions prior to running the tubing and packer. I inspected the rebuilt Baker 45-A4 packer that will be run into the well.
-802497261 2005-10-20 Met with Johnny Hawkins on the site. The new concrete unloading pad and the new pad for oil skimming have been poured. The 2-210 bbl stock tanks and associated brine vaults have been removed. The 100-bbl tank in the concrete vault has been removed. The upper pit is being fabricated with its steel liner; the welders were working on it this morning.
-85579621 2002-10-16 Routine inspection revealed no violations at this time .
-881317340 2002-07-26 Inspection revealed no violations at this time .
-898993575 2011-08-26 The auxiliary pit is being solidified today.
-947612657 2010-11-02 The facility is shut down for repairs. The injection well is flowing back into the concrete brine pit.
-960955894 2007-05-15 I did a random inspection to check on the revegetation project. Vegetation is well established and is in healthy condition on Arvilla's property and on H & H's property located to the north.
-996097040 2012-12-10 The well owner performed a mechanical integrity test on the well. My inspection of the injection well found no violations.
1104263177 2008-12-16 The injection system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits. I met with Roger at the site.
1119558760 2005-06-22 6-21-05 Received a brine kill complaint from Marty Husted at 3816 Edison St, Louisville, Ohio; (O) 330-935-0944, (C) 330-206-5283. 6-22-05 Inspected the site and observed a 450' long X 2'-8' wide area of dead vegetation. Met with Marty Husted and Paul Hall at H&H Quick Machine, Inc. I traced the kill area back to the pump house of Arvilla's salt water injection well. I tested the water in the nearby drainage ditch at 450 ppm for chlorides. Met with Bill Westphal (Arvilla) and discussed the brine release. The concrete dike containing the brine tanks overflowed into a drainage ditch last week during pump repairs. Arvilla reportedly flushed the ditch and localized rainfall assisted in dispersing the brine. The release was not reported. I discussed the release with Dennis Chase (Arvilla) and requested contaminated soil removal and disposal; topsoil replacement and seeding. Also discussed installing a drainage pipe under H&H's property instead of the open shallow ditch that exists. Issued the N.O.V. 06-23-05 Soil removal operation started. Will do Follow-up Inspections; discuss proper brine release remediation techniques and inspector notification with Dennis Chase. 9-3-04(A)
1125434011 2005-08-30 Meeting with Arvilla regarding facility clean-up and reconstruction. Simmers, Cheslock, Kell, and Tomastik from ODNR; and Hawkins and Chase from Arvilla. Also met with Marty Hustead (H&H Machine Shop); discussed water sample analyses; resampled WW.
1127485985 2005-09-21 The middle pit and west pit are empty. The temporary pit near the entrance gate will be solidified in a few days.
1133887952 2005-12-05 Starting to fill the upper pit with brine. Leak monitoring line from pits to drainage ditch has been installed.
1134676110 2005-12-15 The leak detection line has been buried. All pits are full and marked to test for leakage. A pad for the 210 bbl skim oil tank is being constructed. Met with Rick Simmers (ODNR); Jim Hawkins and Denny Chase (Arvilla); Paul Hall (H&H property owner); Marty and Tony (H&H); to discuss additional soil remediation, water sampling, and to set a deadline of May 1, 2006, for the completion of the remediation. All parties agreed. Discussed containing the discharge from the leak detection line into a buried 50 bbl plastic tank with Rick, Jim, and Denny. Sampled Marty Hustead's water well.
1136581594 2006-01-05 Met with Denny Chase on location. The facility is nearly ready to start up. Arvilla has completed 8 of the 10 items to be corrected. Next week test holes will be dug on the north and south sides of the pit area to check for evidence of any leaks.
1147876061 2006-05-16 The erosion gullies have not been repaired on the H & H property.
1152803308 2006-07-13 I checked on the reclamation to the north of the injection facility on the H & H property. The vegetation is in good condition. There are still some erosion areas that need to be repaired.
1193720400 2006-04-11 Arvilla has piled clean fill dirt on the remediated H&H property. Denny Chase took soil samples at 100', 200', and 300' from the Arvilla fence north along the cleaned up release area and will submit these samples for lab analysis. I talked to Paul Hall on the phone and met with Marty Hustead regarding the site.
1198160463 2007-12-19 The injection pump was not running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits.
1219428547 2008-08-20 I received a call from R.C. Pander (330-715-5381) reporting an injection flow line leak with an associated brine kill area. Sump holes were dug to contain any brine released. Surface water was not impacted.
1222250382 2004-03-18 The system was running at the time of the inspection. NO VIOLATIONS.
1238717245 2009-04-02 The injection system was not running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the brine pits. There was a 2 dia ball valve that was leaking on the annulus. I called Roger (Pander Trucking) regarding the leak. I met with Roger 3 hours later and he had repaired the leak.
1247592468 2009-07-13 The facility is shut down for pit cleaning.
1284400809 2010-09-13 I received a call from Allen (330-727-1836) with Pander Trucking. The annular pressure keeps building when the injection pump is running. The packer or tubing may be failing. The well is now shut down for evaluation and repairs.
1288907372 2010-11-04 Moore Well Service is pulling the 2-7/8 dia EUE tubing with the attached packer.
1288i269 2002-01-23 Injection  : 1050  ; Annulus  : 630  ; Last inspection on 10 / 04 / 01 . No violations at this time . Note : duration includes travel to the next activity .
1288i294 2002-02-21 Injection : 1000  ; Annulus : 1400  ; Last inspection : 01 / 23 / 02 . No violations at this time .
1288i93 2001-10-04 Injection : 1020 , Annulus : 640 , last inspection on 8/31/01.
1290557129 2010-11-16 Moore Well Service and Ray Pander Trucking were on site to set a new packer in this injection well and to complete the required MIT. The packer, a Baker 45A4 Lockset was started in the hole on 11/15 and was witnessed by Inspector Claus. On 11/16, prior to setting the packer, Pander mixed and circulated 8 gallons of inhibitor with 130 bbl of fresh water. The packer was set in compression on 2-7/8" upset tubing at a depth of 4332 which is 48 feet above the top perforation. The annulus was pressured to 1340 psi and after 15 minutes was still at 1340 psi. The MIT passed.
1304714812 2011-05-05 The injection system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits. The auxiliary clean out pit is intact and is fenced off with orange plastic safety fence.
1320882609 2011-11-08 Allen Goodrich called me this morning for a Mechanical Integrity Test (MIT). When I arrived at the site, the Baker 45-A packer had been unseated, moved up the hole 2' to 4330' and reset with 16,000 pounds compression. 7.5 gallons of annular inhibitor was mixed with 137 barrels of water and circulated in the annulus. The annulus was pressured up to 1420 PSI. The test was started at 1420 PSI and ended at 1400 PSI after 18 minutes. The MIT PASSED. On 11-9-11, I received a call from Allen Goodrich stating that the injection tubing pressure and the annulus pressure had equalized overnight. The facility is shut down. The tubing and packer will be pulled. The tubing will be pressure tested and the packer will be rebuilt.
1322274698 2011-11-23 Allen Goodrich called me this afternoon for a Mechanical Integrity Test (MIT). When I arrived at the site, the rebuilt Baker 45 A-3 packer had been set at 4283.30' with 17,000 pounds compression. 100 barrels of packer inhibitor was circulated in the annulus. The annulus was pressured up to 1360 PSI. The test was started at 1360 PSI and ended at 1340 PSI after 20 minutes. The MIT PASSED. On 11-25-11, I received a call from Allen Goodrich stating that the injection tubing pressure and the annulus pressure were equalizing. The facility is shut down. The tubing and packer will be pulled. A new packer will be placed in the well.
1323698424 2011-12-08 Allen Goodrich called me this morning for a Mechanical Integrity Test (MIT). When I arrived at the site, the new Baker 45 A-4 packer had been set at 4160.80' with 17,000 pounds compression. 100 barrels of packer inhibitor was circulated in the annulus. The annulus was pressured up to 1340 PSI. The test was started at 1340 PSI and ended at 1340 PSI after 21 minutes. The MIT PASSED. A verbal approval was given by Tom Tomastik and David Claus to set the packer 219' above the top perforation. Ray Pander Trucking will submit a waiver letter regarding the packer setting depth to Tom Tomastik at the Columbus office.
1339713136 2012-04-11 I witnessed the testing of the flow line using 1300 psi. for 20 minutes. There was no pressure loss - test passed.
1345822133 2012-07-25 My inspection found the well operating 30 psi. over the maximum allowable injection pressure. The pump was operating at the time.

The well owner was instructed to shut down the pump and release the pressure on the tubing.

1347298074 2012-09-17 I took water samples from the facility after the filter. The samples were sent to the Cambridge Lab for analysis.
1361832052 2013-02-23 I inspected this Saltwater Injection Well on 2/23/2013 with Thomas Hill. I was on location at various times from 0645 Hrs. to 1230 Hrs. Four Brine Haulers ( UIC 486 & UIC 528 ) discharged their tanker loads into the facilities pits. I observed the Brine to weight approximately 10.0 Lbs. /gal. The Brine Haulers UIC numbers and manifests were inspected and found to be valid. The Injection pump was operating and the Injection pressure was 1100 p.s.i.. The Annular pressure was inspected and was 1400 p.s.i.. I did not find any violations during this inspection.
1363110620 2013-02-28 My inspection today found the injection well idle. No trucks were being off loaded at the time of my inspection.
1394472911 2014-03-07 No violations were found at the time of inspection.
1401508514 2013-12-04 There were no violations at the time of inspection.
1414324114 2006-04-27 Erosion in the mulched area on the H & H property has not been repaired.
1441100181 2009-09-02 The injection system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits. The auxiliary clean out pit is intact and is fenced off with orange plastic safety fence.
1485114006 2010-12-20 The injection system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits. The auxiliary clean out pit is intact and is fenced off with orange plastic safety fence.
156311646 2008-06-11 The injection system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits. I met with Roger at the facility and discussed replacing a needle valve.
1631119712 2007-07-09 The pollution and contamination around the upper brine pit has been cleaned up. The N.O.V. has been RESOLVED.
1746275777 2010-06-17 The injection system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits. The auxiliary clean out pit is intact and is fenced off with orange plastic safety fence.
1758190541 2006-10-18 Vegetation is in very good condition. I met with Denny Chase at the site and discussed the drainage channel to the north of Arvilla's property.
1829598306 2009-07-14 A pit is being dug to the southwest of the green metal shed for the steel pit clean out. I met with Roger on the site.
1870727731 2004-09-22 NO VIOLATIONS. The system was running at the time of the inspection.
1876346556 2005-12-01 Steel pits finished. Injection pump moved into the concrete diked area. Arvilla is planning to run line from the pit area to the diked area.
1906024157 2011-11-01 Allen Goodrich reported that mechanical integrity was lost on the injection well. A service rig will move in to unseat the packer and pull the injection tubing.
1933925556 2005-11-23 All welding of the steel pit liners should be finished today. Liners will be coated next week.
2005883838 2012-11-26 I inspected the Belden & Blake Corp {SWIW#5} No. 2-1050 (34151234200000) injection well on November 26, 2012; I was accompanied by Steve Ochs. The valve on the 4.5 inch annulus is extremely tight and we did not check at the time of inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine tanks.
2031179392 2007-09-25 The injection pump was not running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits. I met with Dennis Chase (Arvilla) at the site. Denny said that all of Arvilla's saltwater injection wells are now up for sale.
2039967812 2005-10-27 Met with Jim Hawkins and Denny Chase. The lower pit is currently being fitted with the steel plate liner.
2066643085 2011-05-02 I received a call from Roger at Pander Trucking reporting a flow line leak. They will repair the line and call me for an injection line test.
236219249 2002-07-26 Inspection revealed no violations at this time .
290320152 2006-02-07 All lines have been buried; earthen dike is finished; entire repaired location has been rough graded.
350770473 2012-11-06 My inspection of the injection facility and well found no violations. The pump was operating, while the pressures were gauged.
372572126 2005-09-07 Met with John Herstine on the location. The fluid in the upper pit has been lowered by a few feet since the last inspection. No activity on the site.
392828836 2010-03-29 The injection system was not running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits. The quick connect needle valve on the annulus is not working properly. I called Roger at Pander Trucking and he will replace the valve. The auxiliary clean out pit is intact and is fenced off with orange plastic safety fence.
394951282 2003-12-16 System was not running today. NO VIOLATIONS.
403574273 2010-09-02 The injection system was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits. The auxiliary clean out pit is intact and is fenced off with orange plastic safety fence. I called Roger (Pander Trucking) regarding the high annulus pressure. He will blow down the pressure.
417993006 2005-06-27 See Complaint # 05-008. The brine contaminated soil and vegetation has been removed from the H&H Quick Machine, Inc., property at 3816 Edison St.
469048507 2008-03-20 The injection pump was running at the time of the inspection. There were no violations at the wellhead or at the brine pits.
566190173 2011-05-10 The 2-3/8 EUE tubing temporary flow line has been covered with 3 feet of clay.
630474957 2007-04-06 All aspects of the N.O.V. issued for the brine release that occurred on 8-8-2005 have been resolved. Vegetation is established on Arvilla's property and on H & H's property located to the north.
684969637 2005-06-09 NO VIOLATIONS. The disposal facility was not running at the time of the inspection.
706778108 2005-08-10 Check on release clean up. The ditch at RT. 619 has been flushed.
974251260 2006-09-15 Random inspection. I checked on the vegetative growth on the site and north of the site. All the vegetation was is very good condition. I tested the discharge water in the drainage ditch coming from the earthen dike located east of the injection pump. The chlorides were non-detect.
996693975 2005-02-02 The system was not running at the time of the inspection. NO VIOLATIONS.
UIC1053 1991-02-21 1501:9-3-05 (A)(6) CONSTRUCTION
UIC1054 1991-02-21 1501:9-3-04 (A) POLLUTION
UIC1055 1991-02-21 1509.22 (A)(2) STORAGE & DISPOSAL
UIC683 1989-05-01 1509.22 (A)(2) Storage & disposal
UIC684 1989-05-01 1501:9-3-04 (A) prevent contam.&poll
UIC685 1989-05-01 1501:9-3-05 (B)(7) const. & conversion
UIC686 1989-05-01 1509.226 (A) surface app.of brine