I conducted an inspection on this site to determine if annular disposal was in use. The well head is equipped with a pumping unit and connects to a tank battery that consists of one 210 barrel stock tank, a concrete underground brine storage tank, and a separator. The thief hatch was closed and there was a bull plug installed in the draw valve. The dike was free of vegetation and debris. The tank battery is shared with permit 2508. Proper identification was posted. I found no leaks or spills at the well head or the tank battery. I took new GPS coordinates of the well head and tank battery. Annular disposal is not in use at this well. No violations at this time.
I performed a random well inspection. GPS'd both the well and the tank battery. ID sign posted. Tank battery was in good shape. There were no violations at this time.
I conducted an inspection on the above well site to determine if the annual disposal was in use. The well is equipped with a pumping unit and an electric motor. The tank battery has one 210 barrel tank, one in-ground concrete brine tank and one horizontal separator. No annual disposal in use at this time. Identification signs are posted. No violations noted at this time.
The tank battery is shared with permit 2508 and consists of 1-210 bbl storage tank, 1-separator and a dike.