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Well ID: 37-121-42863 | Loading map...
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County: Venango | |
Municipality: Cornplanter Township | |
Operator Name: MARLEY IND CORP | |
Well Pad ID: | |
Farm/Lease Name: ROBERTS 301 | |
First Permit Date: 1990-05-24 | |
Last Permit Date: 1990-05-24 | |
Spud Date: 1990-06-13 | |
Unconventional: No | |
Horizontal: No | |
Well Status: | |
Violations: 32 | |
Latitude: 41.527179 | |
Longitude: -79.577531 |
For data sources see[1]
For data sources see[2]
753700 | 1990-06-13 | No Violations Noted | ||||
755419 | 1990-12-26 | Violation(s) Noted | 92628 | 201TAG - Failure to install, in a permanent manner, the permit number on a completed well | ||
755419 | 1990-12-26 | Violation(s) Noted | 92629 | 212BC - Failure to file well record/completion report w/in 30 days of end of drilling/completion | ||
755419 | 1990-12-26 | Violation(s) Noted | 92630 | 78.56.9101.4 - Impoundment not; permitted or approved, structurally sound, impermeable, third party protected, 2 ft freeboard, inadequate liner, subbase, slopes, capacity, surface water not diverted, w/in 20 inches of high ground water table | ||
755543 | 1991-01-18 | Violation(s) Noted | 305, 317, 205 | 92754 | 201TAG - Failure to install, in a permanent manner, the permit number on a completed well | |
755543 | 1991-01-18 | Violation(s) Noted | 305, 317, 205 | 92755 | 212BC - Failure to file well record/completion report w/in 30 days of end of drilling/completion | |
755543 | 1991-01-18 | Violation(s) Noted | 305, 317, 205 | 92756 | 78.56.9101.4 - Impoundment not; permitted or approved, structurally sound, impermeable, third party protected, 2 ft freeboard, inadequate liner, subbase, slopes, capacity, surface water not diverted, w/in 20 inches of high ground water table | |
756278 | 1991-03-15 | Violation(s) Noted | 93415 | 691.1 - Clean Streams Law-General. Used only when a specific CLS code cannot be used | ||
756278 | 1991-03-15 | Violation(s) Noted | 93416 | 78.56.9101.4 - Impoundment not; permitted or approved, structurally sound, impermeable, third party protected, 2 ft freeboard, inadequate liner, subbase, slopes, capacity, surface water not diverted, w/in 20 inches of high ground water table | ||
756462 | 1991-03-05 | Violation(s) Noted | 93654 | 102.4 - Failure to minimize accelerated erosion, implement E&S plan, maintain E&S controls. Failure to stabilize site until total site restoration under OGA Sec 206(c)(d) | ||
756462 | 1991-03-05 | Violation(s) Noted | 93655 | 691.1 - Clean Streams Law-General. Used only when a specific CLS code cannot be used | ||
756462 | 1991-03-05 | Violation(s) Noted | 93656 | 78.56.9101.4 - Impoundment not; permitted or approved, structurally sound, impermeable, third party protected, 2 ft freeboard, inadequate liner, subbase, slopes, capacity, surface water not diverted, w/in 20 inches of high ground water table | ||
756667 | 1991-04-09 | Violation(s) Noted | 93890 | 206D - Failure to restore site w/in 9 months of plugging well | ||
756667 | 1991-04-09 | Violation(s) Noted | 93891 | 691.1 - Clean Streams Law-General. Used only when a specific CLS code cannot be used | ||
756667 | 1991-04-09 | Violation(s) Noted | 93892 | 78.56.9101.4 - Impoundment not; permitted or approved, structurally sound, impermeable, third party protected, 2 ft freeboard, inadequate liner, subbase, slopes, capacity, surface water not diverted, w/in 20 inches of high ground water table | ||
757539 | 1991-08-28 | Violation(s) Noted | TANK BATTERY | 94810 | 201TAG - Failure to install, in a permanent manner, the permit number on a completed well | |
757539 | 1991-08-28 | Violation(s) Noted | TANK BATTERY | 94811 | 78.56.9101.4 - Impoundment not; permitted or approved, structurally sound, impermeable, third party protected, 2 ft freeboard, inadequate liner, subbase, slopes, capacity, surface water not diverted, w/in 20 inches of high ground water table | |
757539 | 1991-08-28 | Violation(s) Noted | TANK BATTERY | 94812 | 691.1 - Clean Streams Law-General. Used only when a specific CLS code cannot be used | |
757540 | 1991-08-26 | Violation(s) Noted | TANK BATTERY | 94813 | 201TAG - Failure to install, in a permanent manner, the permit number on a completed well | |
757540 | 1991-08-26 | Violation(s) Noted | TANK BATTERY | 94814 | 78.56.9101.4 - Impoundment not; permitted or approved, structurally sound, impermeable, third party protected, 2 ft freeboard, inadequate liner, subbase, slopes, capacity, surface water not diverted, w/in 20 inches of high ground water table | |
757720 | 1991-09-25 | Violation(s) Noted | 94984 | 78.57 - Failure to post pit approval number | ||
757720 | 1991-09-25 | Violation(s) Noted | 94985 | 301307 - Unpermitted discharge of IW (brine, drill cuttings, & oil spills) | ||
757720 | 1991-09-25 | Violation(s) Noted | 94986 | 78.60 - Tophole water discharge does not meet standards | ||
757822 | 1991-10-11 | No Violations Noted | ||||
758911 | 1992-02-24 | No Violations Noted | ||||
759117 | 1992-03-19 | Violation(s) Noted | 96501 | 301307 - Unpermitted discharge of IW (brine, drill cuttings, & oil spills) | ||
759122 | 1992-03-18 | Violation(s) Noted | 96506 | 301307 - Unpermitted discharge of IW (brine, drill cuttings, & oil spills) | ||
759656 | 1992-05-19 | Violation(s) Noted | 97418 | 206REST - Failure to restore site w/in 9 months of completion of drilling or plugging | ||
759656 | 1992-05-19 | Violation(s) Noted | 97419 | 212301 - Failure to file annual production report on each well or gas storage maps & information | ||
759656 | 1992-05-19 | Violation(s) Noted | 97420 | 601.101 - O&G Act 223-General. Used only when a specific O&G Act code cannot be used | ||
759656 | 1992-05-19 | Violation(s) Noted | 97421 | 213201 - Failure to notify of well permit transfer to new owner or operator, change of agent | ||
759778 | 1992-06-03 | Violation(s) Noted | 97611 | 301307 - Unpermitted discharge of IW (brine, drill cuttings, & oil spills) | ||
760269 | 1992-08-24 | No Violations Noted | ||||
760527 | 1992-10-01 | No Violations Noted | ||||
760532 | 1992-10-21 | No Violations Noted | ||||
761032 | 1993-01-28 | No Violations Noted | ||||
761801 | 1993-05-26 | Violation(s) Noted | 100175 | 78.56.9101.4 - Impoundment not; permitted or approved, structurally sound, impermeable, third party protected, 2 ft freeboard, inadequate liner, subbase, slopes, capacity, surface water not diverted, w/in 20 inches of high ground water table | ||
762048 | 1993-06-02 | No Violations Noted | ||||
763204 | 1993-09-28 | No Violations Noted | ||||
768495 | 1995-10-24 | Violation(s) Noted | 105761 | 210A - Failure to adequately plug or schedule plugging of a well upon abandonment | ||
770006 | 1996-04-03 | Violation(s) Noted | 106779 | 206D - Failure to restore site w/in 9 months of plugging well | ||
771164 | 1996-08-07 | No Violations Noted | ||||
771442 | 1996-10-24 | No Violations Noted | ||||
772292 | 1997-02-21 | No Violations Noted | ||||
772719 | 1997-03-07 | No Violations Noted | ||||
772945 | 1997-04-01 | No Violations Noted | ||||
774016 | 1997-05-20 | No Violations Noted |
For data sources see[3]