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Well ID: 34-013-20823 | Loading map...
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County: Belmont | |
Municipality: | |
Well Pad ID: | |
Farm/Lease Name: | |
First Permit Date: | |
Last Permit Date: | |
Spud Date: 2014-08-05 | |
Unconventional: No | |
Configuration: Vertical | |
Well Status: Well Drilled | |
Violations: 0 | |
Latitude: 39.90485538 | |
Longitude: -81.20321417 |
-1027933599 | 2014-10-03 | On the day of my inspection the 18.625 surface casing was ran and cemented. See cement ticket for details. No violations noted. | ||||
1412346744 | 2014-09-30 | Arrived onsite to witness the cementing of a surface casing. Rig cannot get passed a depth of 250' in the hole. Operator is going to pull casing and try to ream the hole. Will return when job is going to occur. | ||||
1415191279 | 2014-11-03 | I visited the McLaughlin 3-A well in response to a spill incident that took place 11/01/2014. Dave Ball was first responder on the day of the incident. There was an estimated amount of 75 bbl of SOBM dispersed onto the location. A majority of the dispersal was on the rig. There was a portion of the pad area that was affected as well as an area off the pad that had a light mist of SOBM that needed remediation as well. The well pressure was 270 # at the time of my inspection and killing operations were commencing. We developed a plan of remediation while I was on site and I will continue to monitor the process as it progresses. | ||||
1415223910 | 2014-11-02 | Inspection revealed that drilling rig lost approximately 75 bbl of oil based drilling fluid after well unloaded fluid during fishing operation with wash over pipe. The driller estimated they have recovered approximately 35 bbl of fluid so far and it was noted that there was evidence that material left site as a mist and it had traveled approximately 100' south of the drill pad and I told company rep to remove all contaminated material from site and the county inspector would need run tickets from them stating where material was properly disposed of. | ||||
1415224954 | 2014-11-03 | Follow up inspection with county inspector Andrew Corder to go over clean up plan with operator and check on well control issues they have mixed 1000 bbl of 16#fluid and presently the pressure is 270 psi and they are mixing more fluid too attempt to kill well so they can go in to the well and retrieve lost wash over pipe . | ||||
-1424938738 | 2014-10-19 | On the day of my inspection the 13.375 intermediate casing was ran and cemented. See casing ticket for details. No violations noted. | ||||
-1770088206 | 2014-09-30 | On the day my inspection the surface hole was being drilled and casing will be set soon. No violations noted. | ||||
1798367905 | 2014-12-19 | The rig will attempt to retrieve the last section of drill pipe from the curve section of this hole. They will then circulate two bottoms up and set a 600' cement plug on top of the fish to 100' inside the 9.625 casing. Following a wait time of 24 hours the rig will dress off the top of the cement and rig up a directional motor to start the new curve and lateral. No violations noted | ||||
415856132 | 2014-11-04 | I performed a follow up inspection on the McLaughlin well to evaluate the remediation process and ensure that the approved plan was being properly executed. During my inspection I noted that the remediation efforts showed a progression of approximately 80%. The contaminated rock on location was being loaded and hauled off. The soil outside the pad was being removed and hauled off as well. I advised the company to keep all documentation from | ||||
-45982972 | 2014-08-06 | On the date of inspection I accompanied ODNR Inspector Andrew Corder to witness the cementing of the conductor string. Refer to Andrew Corder's report for further details. | ||||
516866016 | 2014-08-06 | On the day of my inspection the 30 conductor casing was ran and cemented. See casing ticket for details. No violations noted. | ||||
853072160 | 2014-12-17 | Company plans to fish drill pipe out of the hole to approx. 20 degrees into the lateral and set a cement plug. Then they will kick off and sidetrack around the previous drilled hole where the drill string remains. No violations noted. |
For data sources see[1]