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Well Details

Well ID: 34-175-20315
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County: Wyandot
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date: 1995-05-15
Unconventional: No
Configuration: Vertical
Well Status: Producing
Violations: 0
Latitude: 40.90143345
Longitude: -83.12475461

Production Data

1995-0 0.0 2404.0
1996-0 0.0 2062.0
1997-0 0.0 2005.0
1998-0 0.0 2485.0
1999-0 0.0 1252.0
2000-0 0.0 537.0
2001-0 0.0 777.0
2002-0 0.0 619.0
2003-0 0.0 258.0
2004-0 0.0 1010.0
2006-0 0.0 719.0
2007-0 0.0 793.0
2008-0 0.0 728.0
2009-0 0.0 876.0
2010-0 0.0 876.0
2011-0 0.0 715.0
2012-0 0.0 574.0
2013-0 0.0 733.0
2014-0 0.0 300.0 726.0 300.0

For data sources see[1]

Inspection Data

1021693039 2008-07-28 Operator finishing service on well and put back into production. Compliance Notice
1021693039 2008-07-28 Operator finishing service on well and put back into production. Compliance Notice
1021693039 2008-07-28 Operator finishing service on well and put back into production. Compliance Notice
1021693039 2008-07-28 Operator finishing service on well and put back into production. Compliance Notice
1021693039 2008-07-28 Operator finishing service on well and put back into production. Phone Call
1021693039 2008-07-28 Operator finishing service on well and put back into production. Phone Call
1021693039 2008-07-28 Operator finishing service on well and put back into production. Compliance Notice
1031318628 2002-09-06 Oil still in dike from preveous spill. A pump and a plastic line have been installed on the water tank. Most likely for transporting brine to the injection well. The storage site is in need of further clean up.
1065457337 2001-12-11 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1210i29 Oil spill happened on Saturday 12/08 . Heater tube in steel 210 Bbl. Tank rusted out allowing apprx. 20 to 30 Bbl. of crude oil to escape onto the ground surface. Tank battery has no dike. Oil traveled west in an open field ap
-1081459827 2002-10-16 Inspect Tank battery. Accumulation of oil released inside the diked field. Used and discarded Oil Absorbent pads present on top of dike. Trash and plastic containers thrown in diked area. Overall sloppy site.
-1096348694 2014-09-16 Location Information for the Wood #2 (#315). ENTRANCE: Lat. 40.89883 Long. -83.13163 / WELL HEAD: Lat. 40.90137 Long. -83.12444 / CENTER-OF-STORAGE: Lat. 40.89893 Long. -83.131117.
-1131870684 2002-02-05 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1210i77 Well has pump jack and is capable. Storage tanks have existing violation to be diked as a result of a recent spill. Dike goes 3/4 way around tanks and is not of good soil only sand. Dike needs finished and other material brought in. Mike Murnane is aware

Close NOV, New ownership.

1146845801 2009-12-16 Inspect well. Well shut in. rods froze in hole.
1210i2954546 2001-12-11 Oil spill happened on Saturday 12/08 . Heater tube in steel 210 Bbl. Tank rusted out allowing apprx. 20 to 30 Bbl. of crude oil to escape onto the ground surface. Tank battery has no dike. Oil traveled west in an open field apprx. 100 ft. in length and 15 ft. wide at the widest point. Two man crew At this time cleaning up spots of free oil with pads. Cleanup needs to continue until all oil removed. Initial notification came thru the Health Dept. , and the Ohio EPA to the Bellefontaine office, I responded after notice from Bellefontaine. Inspector Faust on another spill. Mike Murnane left a message Saturday on Sam's recorder. Cleanup of all oil contaminated soils must be done and , the 210 Bbl. tank repaired or replaced. Immediate cleanup and TWO WEEKS from received date an earthen dike of sufficient size must be installed, and tank repairs made. Notice sent certified P 260 031 290.
1210i77 2002-02-05 Well has pump jack and is capable. Storage tanks have existing violation to be diked as a result of a recent spill. Dike goes 3/4 way around tanks and is not of good soil only sand. Dike needs finished and other material brought in. Mike Murnane is aware of this. Id has faded and not legible, needs remarked.
1229i218 Follow up on dike construction. Dirt has been brought in and put down over the sand.
1229i8849510 2000-11-16 On site due to a call from Mike Murnane. The tenant farmer was plowing and hit the flow line. Approx. 60 bbl of oil (fluid) leaked out on to the ground. The oil went into a field tile and under the road into a drainage ditch. A trench was dug across the ditch for the oil to run in to. The trench was lined w/a plastic liner. The flow line was repaired. No one on site at this time.
1229i9949314 2000-10-26 Chk on progress of oil spill clean up. Free oil has been picked up and fresh top soil has been put down. Talked to Mike Murnane on 10/25/00 and told him that the Id has faded out and needs to be redone. On 10/20/00 Mike Murnane called and reported that a truck delivering a new storage tank, hit a valve on the bottom of a 100 bbl storage tank, allowing approx. 35bbl of fluid to leak out on to the ground. A Vac-Truck happened to be on site and clean up was started immediately.
13273564 2001-12-19 Chk on clean up of oil spill. Crew on site working on cleaning up water way. Oil has travelled approx 300 yd to the north in a small water way. The crew from the IT Corp. is going to use a vac-truck to pick up the free oil and a trackhoe to remove the
13573566 2002-01-02 Chk on progress of spill clean up, looks good at this time. No one at the site.
-1361100327 2014-09-16 Inspected the Wood #1 (#315) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
1362414008 2013-03-04 Inspected the Wood #2 (#315) as part of a standard productive well status check. The well is pumping by a black USS oilwell electric powered pump jack and the well pad is clean and free of excess contamination. The complete storage consists of three tanks (#42381, #42382 and #42383) commingled with #299 and #266. The storage complex serves as storage for the disposal well (two plastic brine tanks) for the Goodman #2 (SWIW #2) and is completely surrounded by a 43'W x 66'L x 30D galvanized steel sided gravel lined dike. The tanks have recently been painted and the identification is not sufficient. Mr. Frantz has new labels and is waiting on weather to attach to the storage tanks.
-1465679463 2003-09-17 Inspect well. Pump jack. Well head covered in oil. ID posted at tanks. Two 100 bbl tanks.
1511544748 2015-04-29 Inspected the Wood #2 (#315) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: pump jack unhooked, out-of-service.
-1554875400 2006-01-18 Update records with Preliminary Restoration. Site ok.
1873462 2001-05-15 Spill clean up done. Excavations have been filled and field has been seeded w/agricultural crops.
2026178493 2007-07-19 Inspect well. Site ok. Well producing during inspection.
21873649 2004-11-03 Follow up on dike construction. Dirt has been brought in and put down over the sand.
23373652 2002-05-01 On site at 2:30 pm. Chk as the result of a complaint by Jeff Richey Wyandot Co Health Dept. It appears that a storage tank has run over. Oil has collected in the dike and has run out to the south of the tanks. Took photos and contacted Columbus Oil F
23473653 2002-05-09 Chk on the progress of oil spill clean up. Vac-Truck on site, no one around. Clean up started, needs more work. Sill has puddles of oil inside of dike and oil is leaching from the gravel around the south side of the tanks.
25973661 2002-06-06 Follow up on oil spill clean up. Still has oil in and around the dike that needs to be cleaned up.
-470776001 2001-12-11 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1210i29 Oil spill happened on Saturday 12/08 . Heater tube in steel 210 Bbl. Tank rusted out allowing apprx. 20 to 30 Bbl. of crude oil to escape onto the ground surface. Tank battery has no dike. Oil traveled west in an open field apprx. 100 ft. in length and 1
756270418 2005-06-14 Inspect well. Two 210 bbl tanks and a 1000 gallon steel tank. Well is producing.
876544612 2013-09-10 Inspected the Wood #2 (#315) as part of a standard productive well status check. Check well, storage and identification. No change from previous inspection except the operator has posted No Trespassing signs at the storage. Status: ok.

For data sources see[2]


  1. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [1]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20. 
  2. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [2]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20.