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Well Details

Well ID: 34-155-23584
Loading map...
County: Trumbull
Operator Name: D & L ENERGY INC
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date: 1995-03-22
Unconventional: No
Configuration: Vertical
Well Status: Well Drilled
Violations: 0
Latitude: 41.22811743
Longitude: -80.87650118

Production Data

1995-0 0.0 0.0
1996-0 0.0 0.0
1997-0 0.0 0.0
1998-0 0.0 0.0
1999-0 0.0 0.0
2000-0 0.0 0.0
2011-0 0.0 0.0

For data sources see[1]

Inspection Data

-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Field Visit or Inspection
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Other Notification
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Other Notification
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Phone Call
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Field Visit or Inspection
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Phone Call
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Other Notification
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Other Notification
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Other Notification
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Field Visit or Inspection
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Phone Call
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Compliance Notice
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Phone Call
-1020567325 2004-06-21 Other Notification
-1020567325 2004-06-21
-1020567325 2004-06-21
-1020567325 2004-06-21
-1020567325 2004-06-21
-1041695790 2003-12-22 The last inspection was 10-16-2003. The well was operating this date.
104477716 2002-10-29 Meets requirements. Inspected at the request of OEPA for H2S leak. Negative. This well remains in violation for packer failure and is shut in. Case pends.
1045058736 2003-02-10 Arrived on site this date for M.I.T. Learned that the sand pump had trouble at approximately 150'. Ran packer on six joints hid solid. Pulled out and ran open end tubing into the casing to 1500'. Flushed out the blockage which was a semi-solid black material commonly referred to as inner face between the oil and water. Ran a wire line to ensure that the casing was open to the bottom. Hit an obstruction at 2932'. Was then informed that the packer was pulled apart when it was removed and that the rubber and slips were still n the casing. The company will come back tomorrow and run in with a drill stem and jars to try to push the obstruction to the bottom. Tentatively scheduled for 08:00 AM Friday to try again. Case ponds.
1045586075 2003-02-14 New packer and tubing in the hole. MIT test passed. 1080psi held for fifteen minutes with no loss in pressure. The pressure was not released prior to departure. Will check the pressures again next week when normal SWIW inspections are conducted. Recommend case be resolved.
1062161317 2003-08-28 Inspection this date revealed that the pressure remains above the maixmum allowable. The well is not operating at this time.
1063196081 2003-08-22 Last inspection 06/09/2003. The allowable pressures have been increased.
1075283785 2013-01-04 My inspection of the injection facility and well found no violations.
1077642807 2004-02-20
1079549846 2004-03-15
1086198 2004-04-14
1087928303 2004-06-17 Follow up to Rick Simmers initial response. Observed the pumping of the pond and removal of all contaminationin and around the pond area. Removal of the buried tank outside the tank battery dike. Stockpiled and solidified the soils. Chief's Order 2004-56 Issued to cease all injection operations.
1088514020 2004-06-28
1100522780 2004-11-12 Arrived on site and checked the wellhead and annulus pressures and found them to be equal. Contacted Tom Tomastik to issue a chief's order. Met on site with company representatives
1100781781 2004-11-15 The dike at the wellhead has been opened in preparation for the removal of the packer. Case pends.
1125665822 2005-08-29 Arrived on site and found that the dike around the pump house and wellhead had been breeched allowing salt water to escape to the north. The area affected is 285 feet to the north then 393 feet to the northwest. The width is from 3 feet to 75 feet. The un
1127747599 2005-09-23 Arrived on site this date and found that the company had started to remove the contamination from inside the dike. Case pends.
1127825851 2005-09-26 The contamination has been removed from inside the dike and to the north of the dike to the woods line. The company must obtain permission to go onto the property to the west before cleanup can take place. The inside of the dike is to be redone next. The
1128516260 2005-10-04 Arrived on site and found that the dike has been replaced. Contaminated material is under cover and awaiting removal. A quantab titrator in a puddle at the woods to the north indicated 4042 ppm cl. Will contact Dave Rice and have more material removed.
1130520556 2005-10-28 Arrived on site this date to check on cleanup progress. The stockpile of contaminated soil is not covered. The stockpiled contaminated gravel is not covered. Quantab titrators indicated: that the water area 60 yards north of the pump building is 413 ppm cl.
-1148943786 2007-05-01 Check UIC facility .
1149328841 2004-06-25
115883708 2006-08-31 check uic facility .
-119261113 2008-09-04 Tok photos of tank battery .
1210180770 2008-12-10 check uic facility .
1216i939 2002-10-07 Non-compliance. The well remains shut in. No MIT test. One pile of contaminated soil removed. Two more are covered with plastic awaiting removal. Buril of vault not done. Checked annulus pressure on the 8 5/8 regarding the Smith water well complaint. Pressure is 80 psi.
1216i961 2002-10-17 All contaminated material has been removed. The MIT test has not been done. Last onspection 10-07-2002. Case pends.
-126742416 2011-07-21 Land owner claimed that the company was pumping waste water into the concrete dike at the injection facility. At the time of inspection, company workers were found pumping from a frac tank into a 210 bbl. tank . There was no water inside the dike. No violations found at the time.
1292614935 2006-04-26 Check UIC facility .
1309459461 2011-05-12 There were no violations at the time of inspection.
1313436981 2011-08-15 The frac tank was removed from the well site. The oil clean up was completed. Inside the concrete dike and the unloading pad were steam cleaned.

A company representative was instructed to remove rain water from the unloading pad.

1313588847 2011-08-16 There were no frac tanks at the facility and clean-up of the area was completed. The unloading pad was clear and the drain and sump were empty.
1315504114 2011-08-08 My inspection found oil coating the ground outside the dike where trucks were unloading into a frac tank. I instructed the company representative to clean-up the oil and remove the frac tank.
1340990139 2012-06-28 DNR Inspector Tom Hill and I took water samples from a brine truck that arrived at the injection facility. The truck (truck number 1821), operated by Liquid Luggers (Underground Injection Control number 25453), was hauling flow-back from a well (American Petroleum Institute number 34-013-2-0660-00-00) in Belmont County, Ohio. The samples were sent to the Cambridge laboratory for analysis.
1357584711 2004-08-12 The last inspection was 06/28/2004.
1360002881 2013-02-02 The front gate was locked. There was no activity on location. The pump was operating, while the pressures were gauged. My inspection of the injection facility and well found no violations.
1364342464 2013-02-23 The front gate was locked and the pump was shut down. There was no signs of activity.
1366030824 2004-06-24
-1396403183 2014-09-10 There was no sign of recent activity. There was approximately three feet of water inside the tank battery dike. Dave Rice was instructed to have the water hauled to a permitted injection facility.
1413287615 2011-10-05 Company representative was told to cease operation immediately.
-1476213930 2012-02-01 The measured pressure on the tubing was 1,330 PSI, which is over the maximum allowable injection pressure. The well was shut down.
-1501219609 2008-03-06 no violations .
-1534310279 2010-08-13 check uic facility.
1542608333 2002-12-04 Order no. 2002-51 Suspension order remains in effect pending a M.I.T. Well remains shut in. Case pends. Last inspection date 10/17/2002.
1550067097 2008-06-06 check uic facility .
1571394300 2012-11-20 My inspection of the injection facility and well found no violations.
-1579418342 2012-08-20 My inspection of the well site and injection facility was accompanied by another inspector, Tom Hill.

There were no violations at the time of inspection.

1610103910 2011-11-03 The pump was not in operation. There were no violations at the time of inspection.
-1623789924 2007-08-06 check uic facility .
-1650128200 2013-02-23 My inspection of the injection well and surface facility was accompanied by Stephen Tompkins. The gate was locked. The well was not in operation. The water level in the sump was about 10 inches from the top. There was no activity on site.
1650443934 2012-07-09 My inspection of the well site found no violations at the time.
-1671237801 2012-05-31 My inspection of this well site found no violations at the time.
-1718060982 2003-04-09 Last inspection date 02/21/2003.
-1730975866 2009-10-16 check uic facility .
1745666813 2008-09-25 check uic facility , violations have been corrected . Case resolved .
1808556178 2005-11-18 The piles of contaminated gravel and earth have been removed. Water puddles 60 yards northeast of the wellhead dike, (Q-1 indicateds 2.4 = 542 ppm chlorides), 90 yards north of the wellhead dike, (Q-2 indicated 4 = 1283 ppm chlorides) and the end of the run to the northwest of the property, (Q-3 indicated 2.4 = 542 ppm chlorides.
-1852868780 2012-11-01 My inspection of the injection facility and well found no violations. The pump was operating, while the pressures were gauged.
-191905519 2013-05-14 The well is not permitted. The gate was locked. There were no signs of recent activity. There were three to four inches of rainwater inside the tank battery dike.

My inspection of the well and surface facility found no additional problems.

1933742369 2013-06-11 The permit was revoked on 2/6/13.

The gate was locked. There was nobody onsite. No evidence of recent activity. Two to three inches of rainwater were inside the tank battery dike.

My inspection found no additional problems.

1939125872 2005-02-09 Last inspection was 11-12-2004. Arrived on site and found the annulus valve was leaking. Notified Fred and Dave. The valve was replaced this date. Recommend case be resolved.
1950456946 2009-07-27 check uic facility .
1955627375 2004-02-04 The last inspection was 12/22/2003. Found the wellhead leaking brine. Notified the company. The response was immediate and the problem was corrected in my presence.
1972796118 2013-08-01 The gate was locked. There was no activity on site. There were no additional concerns found.
1987806971 2008-07-24 Inspection of UIC facility showed there was exccesive parafin inside dike walls , also there was several three inch lines connecting storage tanks were dripping brine . Further inspection showed sump tanks outside tanks were full of fluid .
2053933879 2011-10-17 The pump was off at the time of my inspection. There were no violations noted.
2067176208 2004-11-19 Arrived on site and observed the running in of the tubing and packer. Conducted an MIT and the welll passed. Additional report submitted. Tested at 1300 psi after fifteen minutes the pressure was 1280. The company has now complied with the chief's order. Recommend case be resolved.
-2112499505 2011-09-08 There were no violations found at the time of my inspection.
2144516830 2005-11-30 The contamination has beeen removed. Quantab titrators,60 yards north of the wellhead dike indicated less than 253 ppm cl, 90 yards northof the wellhead dike indicated less than 253 ppm cl and the end of the run indicated less than 253 ppm cl. Recommend cased be resolved.
-219651471 2006-01-04 check uic facility .
228948217 2014-09-23 The unloading pad and dike, around the well and pump house, were dry. The water inside the tank battery dike was a foot from the top.
-238619688 2003-07-14 On 7-14 met with Jay Cheslock to go over the removal of contamination outside the dike and pump house. Case pends
254594286 2012-12-07 I completed a salt water injection well inspection with ODNR Inspector Steve Ochs. My inspection found the tubing had 1,160 psi and the 4.5 had 140 psi. The injection facility was in good operating condition with no water or oil surrounding the diked tanks.
26683127 2011-08-23 There were no violations found at the time of my inspection.
325223856 2013-08-23 There were no signs of activity on location. There were three inches of rainwater inside the tank battery dike. No additional issues were found.
337847982 2007-01-04 check UIC facility .
339235894 2011-06-28 No violations were found at the time of inspection.
370580892 2007-11-14 check uic facility .
376946631 2013-12-03 There were no changes to the well site or facility. No sign of recent activity.
400786580 2014-03-05 Permit was revoked. There was no sign of recent activity. The site appeared to be secure. No additional problems found.
-413666230 2012-07-27 My inspection of the well site and injection facility found no violations. The pump was operating at the time.
-422361732 2005-04-06 The last inspection date was 02-09-2005.
461849052 2011-02-24 check uic facility.
-46501312 2012-03-07 There were no violations at the time of inspection.
-472022639 2010-01-19 no violations .
-49484551 2003-07-15 Monitored the removal of contaminated material. Case pends.
-510352765 2014-10-07 Division has not received the Salt Water Injection Well Annual Report (Form 204) that was due on February 15th for 2012, and 2013.
550226073 2004-02-12 The last inspection was 02/04/2004. Found that the valve on the injection tubing is faulty and won't shut off. The plastic line inside the tank battery from the sump for the unloading pad is broken due to freezing and needs replaced. The receiving tank has been overfilled causing an oil spill that needs removed. There is not a cut off switch for over and under pressurization of the allowable pressures that resulted in the line freezing and breaking.
555720867 2002-08-22 Last inspection date 06/09/2003. The well was over pressure. Met on site with Well tender Fred. Well to remain shut in until pressure is below maximum allowable pressure. Fred stated too much pit water and flow back water. He will get more brine in to mix in.
583728740 2012-08-15 My inspection of the well site and injection facility found no violations. The pump was operating at the time.
605709124 2010-11-18 check uic facility.
630455672 2013-02-07 My inspection of well found well is not in operation at this time . No violations .
638295376 2004-11-10 Checked the well pressures and found them to be equalized. Called Mr. Ben Lupo to inform him of the violation. Will check again on Friday 11-12-04.
-654336002 2003-06-09 Last inspection date:04-09-03.
669232611 2012-02-03 The injection pressure was measured at 1160 PSI. The pump is to be replaced. The well is in compliance.
671632548 2005-09-20 Arrived on site and found a crew repairing the wellhead. Requested a meeting with Dave Rice to go over the cleanup. Explained what was expected. Case pends.
684735041 2003-02-21 Last inspection date 02/14/2003. Well remains shut in.
686141832 2014-06-18 An inspection of the well and injection facility found no sign of recent activity. The well remains shut-in. The tank battery dike was roughly half full of rainwater. There were no additional issues.
710107400 2012-04-20 My inspection of this well site found no violations at the time.
723295006 2008-09-03 On site to wittness steam cleaning of tank battery area .
-768915315 2013-04-01 The permit was revoked. The well was shut-in. The pump house and gate were both locked. About two inches of rainwater was inside the tank battery dike and on the unloading pad. The level inside the crock was approximately one foot from the top. There were no signs of activity.
806412113 2013-01-11 My inspection of the injection facility and well found no violations.
-814020191 2003-10-16 The last inspection date was 08/28/03.
820105350 2005-09-29 Contamination inside the dike has been removed. The dike is being removed and replaced simultaneously. The well is shut in at this time due to a pump break. Case pends.
824035996 2005-06-21 The last inspection was 04/06/2005.
864895762 2013-06-11 I responded to a call from landowner, Robert Bush, about a white tanker truck on location. My inspection found approximately 5 of rainwater inside the concrete dike. I spoke with ODNR Inspector Steve Ochs and found D & L was using Liquid Loggers to pump out the rain water.
-900187164 2014-12-30 This permit has been revoked. Over three quarters, of the tank battery dike, was full of rain water. There were no additional issues found.
90777642 2002-09-03 The pump house dike inside the building is full to overflowing. The dike outside the pump house has brine in it. Brine is outside the pump house dike and has traveled to the lease road approximately 200' to the southwest. The unloading pad vault is full a
945026884 2010-04-23 CHECK UIC FACILITY
949892276 2009-04-06 check uic facility .
954667031 2006-10-23 check uic facility .
963468742 2003-07-16 Monitored contamination removal and replacement material delivery. Case pends.
iTOMK000086 2000-11-09 ANNUAL REPORTS
iTOMK000124 2001-03-01
UIC1708 1997-11-13 1501: 9-3-06 (H) IDENTIFICATION
UIC1782 1999-06-22 1501: 9-03-07 (E) (F) ANNUAL REPORTS

For data sources see[2]


  1. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [1]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20. 
  2. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [2]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20.