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Well Details

Well ID: 34-167-62520
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County: Washington
Operator Name: YODER DARRELL dba DOUBLE "D"
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date:
Unconventional: No
Configuration: Vertical
Well Status: Producing
Violations: 0
Latitude: 39.48309531
Longitude: -81.17443521

Production Data

2009-0 290.0 42.0
2010-0 247.0 44.0
2011-0 153.0 57.0
2012-0 0.0 50.0
2013-0 0.0 42.0

For data sources see[1]

Inspection Data

114954461 2014-09-03 Upon inspection, it was observed that this well is capable of production and is producing. A new tank battery location has been established and new flow lines have been run from the well to the tank, and from the well to the production meter. Legible and correct ID information has been posted at the tank and at the well. The previously contaminated area has been cleaned up, but the area has yet to be seeded/mulched. Mr. John Thompson of Double D Gas and Oil stated that the area around the well head as well as the new tank battery will be seeded/mulched next week. Compliance Notice
114954461 2014-09-03 Upon inspection, it was observed that this well is capable of production and is producing. A new tank battery location has been established and new flow lines have been run from the well to the tank, and from the well to the production meter. Legible and correct ID information has been posted at the tank and at the well. The previously contaminated area has been cleaned up, but the area has yet to be seeded/mulched. Mr. John Thompson of Double D Gas and Oil stated that the area around the well head as well as the new tank battery will be seeded/mulched next week. Compliance Notice
114954461 2014-09-03 Upon inspection, it was observed that this well is capable of production and is producing. A new tank battery location has been established and new flow lines have been run from the well to the tank, and from the well to the production meter. Legible and correct ID information has been posted at the tank and at the well. The previously contaminated area has been cleaned up, but the area has yet to be seeded/mulched. Mr. John Thompson of Double D Gas and Oil stated that the area around the well head as well as the new tank battery will be seeded/mulched next week. Compliance Notice
114954461 2014-09-03 Upon inspection, it was observed that this well is capable of production and is producing. A new tank battery location has been established and new flow lines have been run from the well to the tank, and from the well to the production meter. Legible and correct ID information has been posted at the tank and at the well. The previously contaminated area has been cleaned up, but the area has yet to be seeded/mulched. Mr. John Thompson of Double D Gas and Oil stated that the area around the well head as well as the new tank battery will be seeded/mulched next week. Compliance Notice
1406902152 2014-07-31 Performed an inspection on this well in response to a landowner complaint. Upon inspection, it was observed that this well is equipped for production, but is currently shut-in. The well consists of a pumping unit with an electric motor standing over 7 surface casing with a gas escape packer and 2 production tubing with rods. The production tank for this well was not located. There is a leak in the 2 tubing that has allowed oil to contaminate the well head area as well as the area downhill from the well leading to a drainage in the ravine below. An unsuccessful attempt has been made to fix the leak with a clamp. There is a prominent vegetation kill area approximately 3' wide by 50' long leading into the drainage. An oily sheen was observed in the drainage water where the contamination enters. Photos were taken of the location to verify these issues. The contaminated area needs to be remediated immediately to prevent further ecological damage. The operator will have 14 days upon receipt of this notice to reach compliance.
-1414481659 2012-08-23 I received complaint from OEPA that landowner, Mr. Ross, had reported deep erosion on the lease road and oil running downhill below the pumping unit. I found the well located on the edge of a sharp, steep hollow with oil saturated ground 6 square around the well and oily path downhill below the well, at least 50' and possibly 100' downhill. I discussed the problem with Jason, the pumper, and he said he would get it cleaned up - said the tubing was leaking but also looked like sales/flow line was leaking. This will be difficult to clean up but oil satured dirt should be removed, hillside seeded with grass and mulched and the leak at the well corrected. Well also needs identification. Erosion on the lease road also must be fixed and deep ruts removed. Tank is a good distance north along road and have asked them to move it as it was only 10' from road. Tank is being moved back and diked, as it also had oily, barren brine kill patch going downhill from the tank. Several serious problems with contamination and brine dumping that must be taken care of soon.
1415540560 2004-04-20 Inspection this day found well capable of producing with jack, have not turned in production for years and operator does not know if this well producing or not . JOE - update lat/long - not on map. 12/8/2004 - well now producing.
1656504974 2012-08-23 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # -1414481659 I received complaint from OEPA that landowner, Mr. Ross, had reported deep erosion on the lease road and oil running downhill below the pumping unit. I found the well located on the edge of a sharp, steep hollow with oil saturated ground 6 square around the well and oily path downhill below the well, at least 50' and possibly 100' downhill. I discussed the problem with Jason, the pumper, and he said he would get it cleaned up - said the tubing was leaking but also looked like sales/flow line was leaking. This will be difficult to clean up but oil satured dirt should be removed, hillside seeded with grass and mulched and the leak at the well corrected. Well also needs identification. Erosion on the lease road also must be fixed and deep ruts removed. Tank is a good distance north along road and have asked them to move it as it was only 10' from road. Tank is being moved back and diked, as it also had oily, barren brine kill patch going downhill from the tank. Several serious problems with contamination and brine dumping that must be taken care of soon.
-2102917842 2015-01-15 Upon inspection, it was observed that the location has been graded, seeded, and mulched. The well is in production and all contamination has been removed from the location. The compliance notice dated 8/1/2014 can be closed.
-307204611 2014-12-29 Upon inspection, it was observed that the location is still void of vegetation, but it appears that dirt work is being performed in preparation for a house to be built near CR-9, which is near the lease road for the well. I will contact Mr. John Thompson of Double D Gas and Oil and inquire about the status of this location.
-51895316 2014-10-07 Mr. John Thompson of Double D Gas & Oil returned my call at 4:01 pm and stated that he will have the tank battery and well head area seeded and mulched by the beginning of next week.
592099791 2014-08-14 Met with Double D Gas and Oil Well Tender Mr. John Thompson to inspect cleanup efforts at this location. Upon inspection, it was observed that the contamanated soil has been removed and the well location has been entirely re-graded. In addition, the leaking stuffing box and leaking tubing joint have been replaced. The well is shut in, but will be back in production next week after the new tank is installed at the new tank battery location by County Road 9. The entire location will be seeded and mulched next week. I will continue to monitor the progress of this location until it is fully compliant.
604891393 2014-08-12 Spoke with Mr. John Thompson of Double D Oil and Gas at 10:09 am and he stated that corrective action has been taken to put this well back into compliance. Mr. Thompson stated that the kill area has been cleaned up and seeded/mulched, a new tank has been brought in and will be hooked up/diked this week, and the leaking tubing, stuffing box, and lines have all been repaired/replaced. I will be meeting with Mr. Thompson at this location this week to verify his claims and recommend any further action that may need to be taken.
-960112265 2014-10-07 Upon inspection, it was observed that this location is still not seeded/mulched around the well head area or the tank battery. I called Mr. John Thompson of Double D at 3:27 pm and left a message for him to call me about this location.

For data sources see[2]


  1. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [1]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20. 
  2. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [2]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20.