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Well Details

Well ID: 34-045-21230
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County: Fairfield
Operator Name: GEOPETRO LLC
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date: 1998-09-10
Unconventional: No
Configuration: Vertical
Well Status: Producing
Violations: 0
Latitude: 39.72156536
Longitude: -82.50210999

Production Data

1998-0 3613.0 8815.0
1999-0 8536.0 16224.0
2000-0 5046.0 15562.0
2001-0 6003.0 10579.0
2002-0 1919.0 7465.0
2003-0 999.0 5185.0
2004-0 951.0 5484.0
2005-0 591.0 4277.0
2006-0 166.0 3067.0
2007-0 4298.0 2836.0
2008-0 5940.0 2700.0
2009-0 2721.0 1620.0
2010-0 3545.0 2357.0
2011-0 3139.0 2175.0
2012-0 3147.0 2132.0
2013-0 2095.0 1811.0
2014-0 1509.0 365.0 1522.0 365.0

For data sources see[1]

Inspection Data

1043865332 2003-01-29 Inspection revealed no violations noted this date. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Cloudy 3 snow cover and 30 degrees. Field Visit or Inspection
1043865332 2003-01-29 Inspection revealed no violations noted this date. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Cloudy 3 snow cover and 30 degrees.
1043865332 2003-01-29 Inspection revealed no violations noted this date. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Cloudy 3 snow cover and 30 degrees.
1043865332 2003-01-29 Inspection revealed no violations noted this date. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Cloudy 3 snow cover and 30 degrees. Field Visit or Inspection
1104859672 2005-01-03 Complaint ID 922 of oil blow out, and bubbling into dike. Inspection revealed gas and crude oil leaking from natural gas transportation line. Oil has flowed down grade and entered a wet weather pond. Less than a barrel of oil was lost and clean up operations are under way. OEPA (Chris Bonner) was on site but oil did not involved in the clean up operations. Complainant notified by phone at 3:17 P.M. that clean up operations are under way. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Light rain and 55 degrees.
1105719360 2005-01-14 Follow-up revealed most of the free oil has been removed. There are oil booms along the west edge of the pond to contain any oil that might seep in from the ground surface up grade. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Mostly cloudy, windy, muddy, and 32 degrees.
1357569425 2013-01-07 Production well inspection, this well has 3- 210 barrel tanks, a gas separator and a pumping unit, no violations were noted.
1410436889 2005-01-07 Follow-up revealed all oil on the ground surface has been removed. Oil in the pond has been contained with oil booms and absorbent pads. I called the pumper and he advised me that with the flooding no work was performed yesterday but a crew will be working on it to day and depending on the weather the work should be completed the middle of next week.
15974085 2002-01-16 No violations noted this date. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Cloudy 27 degrees.
529599773 2005-05-25 Follow-up revealed all absorbent pads and booms nave been removed. Owner still needs to grade seed and mulch disturbed area to prevent erosion and sedimentation. WEATHER AND GROUND CONDITIONS: Partly sunny, soft ground conditions and 65 degrees.
-684668149 2005-01-03 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1104859672 Complaint ID 922 of oil blow out, and bubbling into dike. Inspection revealed gas and crude oil leaking from natural gas transportation line. Oil has flowed down grade and entered a wet weather pond. Less than a barrel of oil was lost and clean up operat
724346428 2005-09-29 All free oil and materials used to clean-up oil has been removed. No other violations noted this date.
-912096225 2015-03-05 I received a inspection request from landowner Theresa Bear. Mrs. Bear was concerned about a production line that running under her driveway. I have contacted Geopetro to have the line located.
920725665 2006-09-06 - On site for inspection, pump unit not operating while on site.

- ID on tanks, Dike free of water.

iDIAN000813 1999-02-08

For data sources see[2]


  1. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [1]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20. 
  2. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [2]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20.