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Well Details

Well ID: 34-035-60233
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County: Cuyahoga
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date:
Unconventional: No
Configuration: Vertical
Well Status: Plugged and Abandoned
Violations: 0
Latitude: 41.43681368
Longitude: -81.91441857

Inspection Data

1346863171 2012-08-30 Traveled to well site to investigate a foreign material causing blockage in the drainage pipe from the house into the city storm water drain. Material appears to possibly be of some type of cement. An abandoned well was plugged on the property on 06/09/2006. Idle and Orphan supervisor Gene Chini obtained a sample of the product and it will be sent for analysis. At that time it will be determined whether Idle and Orphan will deal with the issue.
1353948826 2012-11-14 On 08/30/2012 this well was inspected by ODGRM Inspectors Ray Wallace, Norburt Lowder and Idle and Orphan Well (I&O) Manager Gene Chini. The inspection was requested by Mary Lou Kassai, resident at 26423 Strawberry Lane, Westlake, Ohio and the City of Westlake, Ohio. An orphan well was plugged at this location on 05/09/2006. Post plugging and after several rain events Ms. Kassai noted water back up in her basement. She contacted the City of Westlake, who ran a camera in the sewer line from this residence to the street, from the sump pump, driveway and spouting drains into the sewer line. They discovered an obstruction in the line. They excavated and exposed the portion of the of the drain line in the Kassai front lawn from a point approximately 10' north of the Northwest corner of the residence (where a wooden stake was placed in the ground to show where the obstruction started) to the city storm sewer cleanout, located approximately 30' north of the residence. We were informed by the City of Westlake service department that the stake in the yard marked a point where the drain from the residence to the stake were clear of debris. City workers removed a portion of the obstruction from the line , which appeared to be loosely consolidated cement. I&O Manager Chini collected a sample of the obstruction for analysis. It was later determined that this cement was typical of an oilfield cement mixture and that it was possible that this was cement that was rinsed off of the equipment used to plug the orphan well. Because the company that plugged the orphan well was now defunct, the idle and orphan well program authorized the replacement of the drain pipe from the stake in the yard to the city storm sewer cleanout. This project was awarded to Siteworks (Kevin Blake, Owner). On 10/26/2012, I was onsite and found that the drain was installed and buried and that siteworks was completing the landscaping at that time. I notified DOGRM Inspector Lowder of the progress. On 11/14/2012 at approximately 3:00, I received a call from the DOGRM Uniontown Field Office, informing me that Ms. Kassai had called and requested a return call. I&O Manager Chini returned the call to Ms. Kassai approximately 3:30 PM. During this conversation she stated that the City of Westlake told her that the repairs to the sewer line made by Siteworks did not go back far enough toward the house and that there was still a crushed section of line that needed repaired. I called Siteworks and discussed this issue with Mr. Blake. He stated that he had flushed the floor drains, sump pump and spouting to the stake point prior to installing the new drain and all were clear to that point. He stated that he then began construction of the new drain and connected it to the city cleanout at the sidewalk. Once the new line was installed and before it was covered, Siteworks again ran water through all the lines to check for flow, The drain flowed fine. According to Mr. Blake, two city inspectors were present during the construction project and approved the work that was completed, before Siteworks backfilled the new line. I suggested Mr. Blake obtain the names of the Westlake inspectors and submit a written statement of his actions and conversations with me, which are attached to this report.
1354901012 2012-10-26 I received a call from Norburt Lowder requesting that I visit this well today to check on the restoration of this site following completion of the replacement of drain lines and landscaping to the property. I visited the location at approximately 1:30 PM where I met with Kevin Blake, owner of Site works. The drain lines were covered and the company was in the process of filling and grading with sifted top soil and seeding and placing straw the property. Kevin told me that he had informed the property owner that he would return in the spring to alleviate any issues with settling of the dirt. I informed Norburt that the job was completed and the contract could be released for payment.
1989166433 2006-06-09 on site to plug well 1008'two plugs
-282609256 2006-06-05 on site to check site after rig had moved on old well in driveway I&O plugging 85/8 cxasing set in well borecontrolhead to half tank running tubing with bit to 920' estamated lime to be approx 950'

addvised to run tubing to the 920' drill to get sample and also to see if plug will hole string weight.

376128699 2006-06-08 rigging up over well to plug.

For data sources see[1]


  1. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [1]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20.