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Operator Details

Number: 801639
P5 Status:
P5 Last Filed: 1970-08-19
SB369 Status: Yes
Financial Assurance: Most recent financial assurance is a bond, letter of credit, or cash deposit based on statutory tiers tied to number of wells operated

Operator Production Data

Year Month Oil Volume (BBL) Gas Volume (MCF) Condensate Volume (BBL) Casing Head Gas Volume (MCF)
1993 01 0 6482 50 0
1993 02 0 4824 40 0
1993 03 0 7096 34 0
1993 04 0 4535 144 0
1993 05 0 6063 8 0
1993 06 0 4682 5 0
1993 07 0 1720 4 0
1993 08 0 39 0 0
1993 09 0 3169 5 0
1993 10 0 8993 79 0
1993 11 0 8563 15 0
1993 12 0 164124 355 0
1994 01 17016 663417 5544 32671
1994 02 13963 651018 6049 22314
1994 03 15281 940108 7969 17405
1994 04 19189 1185678 10478 23442
1994 05 18077 1357803 11740 21574
1994 06 19258 1771417 13646 26588
1994 07 23839 1872199 12603 51115
1994 08 22698 1820616 11851 47727
1994 09 22423 2223142 16244 37664
1994 10 20986 2280644 16505 41449
1994 11 18099 2121686 16828 27055
1994 12 15493 2162083 21938 9960
1995 01 16163 2257934 25708 8551
1995 02 14473 2028166 19469 7468
1995 03 15743 2172454 19218 13957
1995 04 14724 2077625 16301 8637
1995 05 14376 2149530 15137 8481
1995 06 15532 1922491 13375 8210
1995 07 16156 1900380 12010 9406
1995 08 15213 1730923 10213 9102
1995 09 14218 1579846 9590 8120
1995 10 14845 1655010 10449 11239
1995 11 14021 1538586 10242 10298
1995 12 14261 1480389 9669 13055
1996 01 13847 1511956 10628 14655
1996 02 12708 1627391 12438 12947
1996 03 2829 1712609 13113 9922
1996 04 2265 1698417 10903 6380
1996 05 2760 1983212 12599 8159
1996 06 1900 2006944 15787 4777
1996 07 2062 2081363 14808 5602
1996 08 2563 2007187 12418 4903
1996 09 1945 1913870 13307 3301
1996 10 2052 2119875 15096 4333
1996 11 1890 1877423 12560 5347
1996 12 1518 1965996 12401 2152
1997 01 1119 1757014 11300 1045
1997 02 1124 1478896 9386 1133
1997 03 1599 1447284 8474 3404
1997 04 1681 1352472 8259 2160
1997 05 1425 1348655 8435 1810
1997 06 1017 1218148 6501 1728
1997 07 1246 1191436 5953 1274
1997 08 2108 1123090 5134 2865
1997 09 2534 1080556 4734 5241
1997 10 1700 1131947 4847 3024
1997 11 1786 1025595 5303 3826
1997 12 1965 1295277 8175 2727
1998 01 2178 1268686 7640 1344
1998 02 1961 1158292 7733 1729
1998 03 2267 1174278 7522 1630
1998 04 2093 1085487 5779 2230
1998 05 2197 1087676 5126 1940
1998 06 1963 1010382 4954 1090
1998 07 1838 1001227 4064 1469
1998 08 1802 901026 3528 1803
1998 09 1535 832481 3582 1768
1998 10 1772 778422 3732 1262
1998 11 0 517478 3265 0
1998 12 0 432270 3751 0
1999 01 0 396764 3351 0
1999 02 0 342099 2802 0
1999 03 0 507086 3877 0
1999 04 0 762851 6398 0
1999 05 0 703334 5339 0
1999 06 0 600950 4389 0
1999 07 0 554477 4225 0
1999 08 0 542125 4616 0
1999 09 0 631653 4939 0
1999 10 0 578706 4626 0
1999 11 0 528986 4123 0
1999 12 0 495132 4570 0

For data sources see[1]


  1. "RRC Oil and Gas Production Data". [1]. 2014-12-04. Retrieved 2015-07-24.