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Operator Details

Number: 353099
P5 Status:
P5 Last Filed: 1970-08-20
SB369 Status: Yes
Financial Assurance: Most recent financial assurance is a bond, letter of credit, or cash deposit based on statutory tiers tied to number of wells operated

Operator Production Data

Year Month Oil Volume (BBL) Gas Volume (MCF) Condensate Volume (BBL) Casing Head Gas Volume (MCF)
1993 01 9876 263915 2223 73148
1993 02 8852 226805 1935 58560
1993 03 9612 260797 2049 60819
1993 04 8853 243963 2038 59583
1993 05 8372 250570 1808 50338
1993 06 8513 242810 2076 58513
1993 07 8420 228437 1825 57786
1993 08 7795 236558 1620 56981
1993 09 7696 223583 1589 55976
1993 10 9591 234501 2009 55926
1993 11 8246 227718 1946 46281
1993 12 7672 222031 2204 51407
1994 01 8622 213653 2419 50343
1994 02 9101 194779 1993 52672
1994 03 9959 232829 2213 59040
1994 04 9104 209043 2440 57224
1994 05 9158 209079 5793 59067
1994 06 8671 179991 1846 55417
1994 07 8785 182528 1645 58275
1994 08 9888 198490 1444 57996
1994 09 9280 148400 1501 54450
1994 10 13761 164976 1774 60348
1994 11 14016 153212 1730 55937
1994 12 14033 152471 2179 51879
1995 01 12937 134506 1834 55704
1995 02 12213 100801 1346 52229
1995 03 14361 190837 2401 65629
1995 04 14470 109351 1855 64761
1995 05 14327 100854 1699 58387
1995 06 8588 114306 755 49169
1995 07 8452 125274 375 54223
1995 08 9188 111942 423 52586
1995 09 7418 116419 560 48677
1995 10 7666 105305 473 46769
1995 11 6735 94773 320 39148
1995 12 8216 97082 352 46471
1996 01 7920 82610 311 38834
1996 02 7863 131042 291 44696
1996 03 9056 159581 289 45948

For data sources see[1]


  1. "RRC Oil and Gas Production Data". [1]. 2014-12-04. Retrieved 2015-07-24.