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Operator Details

Number: 552500
P5 Status:
P5 Last Filed: 1970-08-19
SB369 Status: Yes
Financial Assurance:

Operator Production Data

Year Month Oil Volume (BBL) Gas Volume (MCF) Condensate Volume (BBL) Casing Head Gas Volume (MCF)
1993 01 722 27462 34 2523
1993 02 783 24888 15 1721
1993 03 745 28299 13 1660
1993 04 771 26769 43 836
1993 05 591 30128 13 973
1993 06 764 26992 9 922
1993 07 696 27013 11 1329
1993 08 744 26100 64 1298
1993 09 617 23342 49 1021
1993 10 670 24486 102 1077
1993 11 558 22650 45 1035
1993 12 732 23464 33 1072
1994 01 647 24171 64 1002
1994 02 717 21097 56 918
1994 03 731 23669 46 1085
1994 04 662 21326 55 1022
1994 05 735 22573 48 940
1994 06 608 19639 45 978
1994 07 646 20846 39 801
1994 08 630 21152 42 866
1994 09 646 18646 23 999
1994 10 686 17300 18 951
1994 11 712 20169 78 834
1994 12 779 21759 53 1151
1995 01 516 21325 54 1121
1995 02 605 19091 23 1055
1995 03 562 20792 36 1019
1995 04 761 20934 34 1050
1995 05 687 18428 47 1130
1995 06 645 19471 51 1114
1995 07 664 19521 33 1111
1995 08 621 19169 120 1153
1995 09 629 17837 121 981
1995 10 518 17558 89 1018
1995 11 570 17596 36 912
1995 12 633 16551 59 1028
1996 01 721 15272 26 1235
1996 02 599 12263 26 1080
1996 03 0 0 0 0

For data sources see[1]


  1. "RRC Oil and Gas Production Data". [1]. 2014-12-04. Retrieved 2015-07-24.