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Well Details

Well ID: 42-283-33486
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Map displayed above is an approximation of the well location based on well county.

County: La Salle
District: 01
Well Type: Oil
Well Number: B 1H
Lease Number: 15839B
Wellbore Shutin Date:
Well Shutin Date:
Subject to Rule 14(B)(2): No
14(B)(2) Status: Not subject for extension
Location: Land

For data sources see[1]

For data sources see[2]

Chemical Data

HF Fluid Concentration Ingredient Additive Concentration Trade Name Purpose CAS number Supplier
1.02376 Crystalline silica: Quartz (SiO2) 100.0 100 Mesh Trican 14808-60-7 Bulk (over 20K lbs)*
0.00607714 Acetic acid 60.0 FEAC-30 Iron Control 64-19-7 Trican
0.000306998 Sodium perBorate tetrahydrate 98.0 GBO-1 (Breaker) Breaker 10486-00-7 Trican
0.0115065 Polyethylene glycol 70.0 Bio Clear 5000 (Biocide) Biocide 25322-68-3 Trican
10.0 2 10222.0 Bio Clear 5000 (Biocide) Biocide 2-dibromo-3-nitrilop Trican
0.00046786 ammonium persulfate 100.0 WBO-1 (Oxidizer Breaker) Breaker 7727-54-0 Trican
0.00882098 Acetic acid 60.0 PH-2 pH Buffer 64-19-7 Trican
10.0704 Crystalline silica: Quartz (SiO2) 100.0 White 30/50 Proppant 14808-60-7 Trican
0.00928805 Sodium bromate 100.0 WBO-8 (Oxidizer Breaker) Breaker 7789-38-0 Trican
8.18528 Crystalline silica: Quartz (SiO2) 100.0 White 20/40 Proppant 14808-60-7 Trican
0.00442728 Mineral oil/ light hydrotreated pet. distillate 60.0 FR-12 (Anionic Acrylamide) Friction Reducer 64742-47-8 Trican
0.000147576 Ammonium Chloride 2.0 FR-12 (Anionic Acrylamide) Friction Reducer 12125-02-9 Trican
0.143589 Hydrochloric acid 15.0 15% HCL Carrier 7647-01-0 Trican
79.1945 Water 100.0 Water Carrier 7732-18-5 Customer
0.0 Silica 112926.0 Other Chemicals Amorphous
0.0 2-butoxyethanol 0.0 Other Chemicals 111-76-2
0.0 Trade Secret Ingredient 0.0 Other Chemicals Proprietary
0.0 propylene carbonate 0.0 Other Chemicals 108-32-7
0.0 modified amidoamine 0.0 Other Chemicals 68990-47-6
0.0 Fatty acids 0.0 Other Chemicals 61790-12-3
0.0 Sorbitan monooleate 0.0 Other Chemicals 1338-43-8
0.0 Water 0.0 Other Chemicals 7732-18-5
0.0 guar gum 0.0 Other Chemicals 9000-30-0
0.0 Tallow alkyldimethylammonium chloride/bentonite complex 0.0 Other Chemicals 71011-25-1
0.0 polydimethylsiloxane 0.0 Other Chemicals 63148-62-9
0.0 methylcellulose 0.0 Other Chemicals 9004-67-5
0.0 ethoxylated alcohol 78330.0 Other Chemicals C11-14-iso
0.0 Ulexite 0.0 Other Chemicals 1319-33-1
0.0792034 Petroleum distillate blend 47.72 WXB-15 (Borate Crosslinker) Crosslinker 64742-96-7 Trican
0.0185855 Sodium hydroxide 25.0 pH-14L (pH Control) pH Buffer 1310-73-2 Trican
0.000317282 Prop-2-yn-1-ol 10.0 AI-9 (Acid Inhibitor) Acid Inhibitor 107-19-7 Trican
0.000951845 modified thiourea polymer 30.0 AI-9 (Acid Inhibitor) Acid Inhibitor 68527-49-1 Trican
0.000158641 olefin 5.0 AI-9 (Acid Inhibitor) Acid Inhibitor 64743-02-8 Trican
0.00190369 Methanol 60.0 AI-9 (Acid Inhibitor) Acid Inhibitor 67-56-1 Trican
0.000951845 Polyoxyalkylenes 30.0 AI-9 (Acid Inhibitor) Acid Inhibitor 68951-67-7 Trican

For data sources see[3]


  1. "RRC Oil and Gas Production Data". [1]. 2014-12-04. Retrieved 2015-07-24. 
  2. "RRC Oil and Gas Production Data". [2]. 2014-12-04. Retrieved 2015-07-24. 
  3. "FracFocus Chemical Disclosure Registry". [3]. 2015-08-10. Retrieved 2015-08-10.