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Well Details

Well ID: 42-317-38964
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Map displayed above is an approximation of the well location based on well county.

County: Martin
District: 08
Well Type: Oil
Well Number: 2115
Lease Number: 406912
Wellbore Shutin Date:
Well Shutin Date:
Subject to Rule 14(B)(2): No
14(B)(2) Status: Not subject for extension
Location: Land

For data sources see[1]

For data sources see[2]

Chemical Data

HF Fluid Concentration Ingredient Additive Concentration Trade Name Purpose CAS number Supplier
0.00618038 Ammonium persulfate 100.0 OPTIFLO-III DELAYED RELEASE BREAKER Breaker 7727-54-0 Halliburton
0.00200166 Silica gel 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) 112926-00-8 N/A
0.0 1 2634.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) 2-Benzisothiazolin-3 N/A
0.0 Bentonite 121888.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) benzyl(hydrogenated N/A
2.0998e-05 Amine salts 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) Confidential N/A
0.200166 Guar gum 100.0 WG-36 GELLING AGENT Gelling Agent 9000-30-0 Halliburton
0.365919 Hydrochloric acid 30.0 HYDROCHLORIC ACID 10-30% Solvent 7647-01-0 Halliburton
0.011309 Hexamethylenetetramine 2.0 SAND-CRC PREMIUM-30/50 Halliburton 100-97-0 BULK (101357961)
0.0282724 Phenol / formaldehyde resin 5.0 SAND-CRC PREMIUM-30/50 Halliburton 9003-35-4 BULK (101357961)
9.3015e-06 Hydrogen peroxide 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) 7722-84-1 N/A
9.3015e-06 Sodium bicarbonate 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) 144-55-8 N/A
0.000773727 Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) 9004-32-4 N/A
1.66533e-05 Olefins 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) Confidential N/A
0.0125988 Ammonium salt 60.0 Cla-Web Additive Confidential Halliburton
68527.0 Reaction product of acetophenone 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) formaldehyde N/A
8.32666e-05 Olefins 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) Confidential N/A
87.7687 Fresh Water 100.0 Fresh Water Base Fluid 7732-18-5 Operator
0.0084849 Sodium hydroxide 30.0 MO-67 pH Control Additive 1310-73-2 Halliburton
0.0 Nitrotriacetic acid 5064.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) trisodium salt mono N/A
0.00185411 Cured acrylic resin 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) Confidential N/A
0.000166533 Propargyl alcohol 10.0 HAI-OS ACID INHIBITOR Corrosion Inhibitor 107-19-7 Halliburton
0.000999199 Methanol 60.0 HAI-OS ACID INHIBITOR Corrosion Inhibitor 67-56-1 Halliburton
61827.0 Poly(oxy-1 0.0 LoSurf-360W Surfactant 2-ethanediyl) Halliburton
0.00930149 Glycerine 10.0 LoSurf-360W Surfactant 56-81-5 Halliburton
0.00093015 Alkane 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) Confidential N/A
0.00199826 Tributyl tetradecyl phosphonium chloride 10.0 BE-9 Biocide 81741-28-8 Halliburton
0.0101134 Glassy calcium magnesium phosphate 100.0 Scalechek Scale Preventer 65997-17-3 Halliburton
0.0242361 Hexamethylenetetramine 2.0 CRC SAND Proppant 100-97-0 Halliburton
0.0605902 Phenol / formaldehyde resin 5.0 CRC SAND Proppant 9003-35-4 Halliburton
0.000586709 Sodium chloride 30.0 HpH BREAKER Breaker 7647-14-5 Halliburton
0.0 Fatty acids 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) tall oil N/A
0.00211242 Hydrochloric Acid 32.0 Hydrochloric Acid 3rd Party Biocide 7647-01-0 Sabre
2.0998e-05 Quaternary amine 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) Confidential N/A
0.000783029 Sodium glycollate 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) 2836-32-0 N/A
0.00286525 Sodium Chlorite 25.0 Sodium Chlorite 3rd Party Biocide 7758-19-2 Sabre
1.9557e-05 Enzyme 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) Confidential N/A
68951.0 Alcohols 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) C14-C15 N/A
0.00215769 Potassium hydroxide 5.0 CL-31 CROSSLINKER Crosslinker 1310-58-3 Halliburton
0.0258923 Potassium metaborate 60.0 CL-31 CROSSLINKER Crosslinker 13709-94-9 Halliburton
0.00200166 Surfactant mixture 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) Confidential N/A
9.3015e-06 Sodium hydroxide 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) 1310-73-2 N/A
0.0 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 64.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) tetrasodium salt N/A
0.000773727 Acrylate polymer 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) Confidential N/A
0.00210646 Sodium chloride 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) 7647-14-5 N/A
0.000775302 Sodium Chloride 10.0 Sodium Hypochlorite 3rd Party Biocide 007647-14-5 Sabre
0.000157308 Sodium hydroxide 2.0 Sodium Hypochlorite 3rd Party Biocide 01310-73-2 Sabre
0.00101126 Sodium Hypochlorite 13.0 Sodium Hypochlorite 3rd Party Biocide 007681-52-9 Sabre
0.0464236 Potassium formate 60.0 CL-22 UC Crosslinker 590-29-4 Halliburton
1.4277 Water 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) 7732-18-5 N/A
0.00020998 Quaternary amine 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) Confidential N/A
0.0010499 Quaternary amine 0.0 N/A Other Ingredient(s) Confidential N/A

For data sources see[3]


  1. "RRC Oil and Gas Production Data". [1]. 2014-12-04. Retrieved 2015-07-24. 
  2. "RRC Oil and Gas Production Data". [2]. 2014-12-04. Retrieved 2015-07-24. 
  3. "FracFocus Chemical Disclosure Registry". [3]. 2015-08-10. Retrieved 2015-08-10.