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Well Details

Well ID: 34-059-24304
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County: Guernsey
Operator Name: PDC ENERGY INC
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name:
First Permit Date:
Last Permit Date:
Spud Date: 2013-09-28
Unconventional: No
Configuration: Vertical
Well Status: Producing
Violations: 0
Latitude: 39.99820732
Longitude: -81.43673427

Production Data

2013-12 22590.0 7130.0
2014-1 68071.0 90.0 20449.0 90.0
2014-2 47057.0 90.0 10862.0 90.0
2014-3 37497.0 92.0 7469.0 92.0
2015-1 23893.0 90.0 4466.0 90.0
2014-4 32018.0 92.0 5934.0 92.0

For data sources see[1]

Inspection Data

1380757482 2013-10-02 On the day of my inspection, I witnessed Universal Well Services break circulation with fresh water then displace one thousand four hundred twenty eight sacks of gas block cement with 2% cal,15% Cr-3,25 lb/sk flake, there is no pit on location, the rig is equipped with a closed loop system.
-1920042188 2014-07-15 On the day of my inspection I witnessed that production equipment included 8-400bbl storage tanks, 3-line heaters, a compressor unit and 3-separators. The well was equipped with Cameron casing and tubing wellheads and along with a Christmas tree valve assembly. Production records are current, well identification was present and the site passed preliminary restoration according ORC 1509.072A.

For data sources see[2]

Chemical Data

HF Fluid Concentration Ingredient Additive Concentration Trade Name Purpose CAS number Supplier
0.00062 Urea 0.00366 H015% WF120 57-13-6 Slickwater
0.00026 Methanol 0.00155 H015% WF120 67-56-1 Slickwater
68951.0 Alcohols 0.0 H015% WF120 C14-15 Slickwater
2.0 Ethanol 2.0 H015% WF120 2 Slickwater
82.963 Water (Including Mix Water Supplied by Client)* 0.0 H015% WF120 NA Slickwater
0.00114 Fatty acids 61790.0 H015% WF120 tall-oil Slickwater
0.00896 Ammonium sulfate 0.05256 H015% WF120 7783-20-2 Slickwater
0.00495 Potassium hydroxide 0.02907 H015% WF120 1310-58-3 Slickwater
0.0003 Vinylidene chloride/methylacrylate copolymer 0.00178 H015% WF120 25038-72-6 Slickwater
0.01472 Phenolic resin 0.08639 H015% WF120 9003-35-4 Slickwater
0.00041 Trisodium ortho phosphate 0.0024 H015% WF120 7601-54-9 Slickwater
0.00374 Diammonium peroxidisulphate 0.02194 H015% WF120 7727-54-0 Slickwater
0.00068 Ethane-1 107.0 H015% WF120 2-diol Slickwater
0.00033 Sodium erythorbate 0.00194 H015% WF120 6381-77-7 Slickwater
68131.0 Alcohols 0.0 H015% WF120 C12-15 linear Slickwater
0.00437 Glycerol 0.02565 H015% WF120 56-81-5 Slickwater
0.0912 Propane-1 57.0 H015% WF120 2-diol Slickwater
2e-05 Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate 0.00012 H015% WF120 64-02-8 Slickwater
0.0 Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane 0.0 H015% WF120 540-97-6 Slickwater
1e-05 Dimethyl siloxanes and silicones 5e-05 H015% WF120 63148-62-9 Slickwater
0.00019 Alkenes 64743.0 H015% WF120 C>10 a- Slickwater
38193.0 Acrylamide 0.0 H015% WF120 2-acrylamido-2-meth Slickwater
0.0 Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 1e-05 H015% WF120 556-67-2 Slickwater
0.07038 Hydrogen chloride 0.41313 H015% WF120 7647-01-0 Slickwater
5e-05 Prop-2-yn-1-ol 0.00029 H015% WF120 107-19-7 Slickwater
0.00034 Non-crystalline silica 0.00202 H015% WF120 7631-86-9 Slickwater
0.093 Guar gum 0.54589 H015% WF120 9000-30-0 Slickwater
0.0134 Potassium borate 0.07865 H015% WF120 1332-77-0 Slickwater
0.00102 Polymer of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium salt and methyl acrylate 0.00596 H015% WF120 136793-29-8 Slickwater
0.0 Decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane 0.0 H015% WF120 541-02-6 Slickwater
0.08085 2 112.0 H015% WF120 2`-(Ethylenedioxy)di Slickwater
0.00094 Thiourea 68527.0 H015% WF120 polymer with formal Slickwater
67762.0 Siloxanes and Silicones 0.0 H015% WF120 di-Me Slickwater
0.0 poly(tetrafluoroethylene) 2e-05 H015% WF120 9002-84-0 Slickwater
0.02273 Propan-2-ol 0.13341 H015% WF120 67-63-0 Slickwater
0.00387 Sodium sulfate 0.02272 H015% WF120 7757-82-6 Slickwater
0.0 Sodium hydroxide 1e-05 H015% WF120 1310-73-2 Slickwater
0.00598 Glutaraldehyde 0.03507 H015% WF120 111-30-8 Slickwater
8028.0 Orange 0.0 H015% WF120 sweet Slickwater
9e-05 Polypropylene glycol 0.00051 H015% WF120 25322-69-4 Slickwater
1e-05 Magnesium silicate hydrate (talc) 5e-05 H015% WF120 14807-96-6 Slickwater

For data sources see[3]


  1. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [1]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20. 
  2. "Ohio Department of Natural Resources RBDMS". [2]. 2015-06-19. Retrieved 2015-06-20. 
  3. "FracFocus Chemical Disclosure Registry". [3]. 2015-08-10. Retrieved 2015-08-10.