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Well ID: 47-091-01293 | Loading map...
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County: Taylor | |
Municipality: | |
Operator Name: Triana Energy, LLC | |
Well Pad ID: | |
Farm/Lease Name: Dunham | |
First Permit Date: | |
Last Permit Date: 2014-02-26 | |
Spud Date: | |
Unconventional: No | |
Configuration: Vertical | |
Well Status: | |
Violations: 0 | |
Latitude: 39.336485 | |
Longitude: -80.129586 |
HF Fluid Concentration | Ingredient | Additive Concentration | Trade Name | Purpose | CAS number | Supplier |
6.10549e-06 | Formaldehyde | 1.0 | Unihib G | Acid Inhibitor | 50-00-0 | Universal Well Services |
6.10549e-06 | Thiourea | 1.0 | Unihib G | Acid Inhibitor | 62-56-6 | Universal Well Services |
0.000218577 | Ethoxylated Alcohol | 35.0 | Unihib G | Acid Inhibitor | 68002-97-1 | Universal Well Services |
3.17486e-05 | Methanol | 5.0 | Unihib G | Acid Inhibitor | 67-56-1 | Universal Well Services |
6.10549e-06 | Acetophenone | 1.0 | Unihib G | Acid Inhibitor | 98-86-2 | Universal Well Services |
0.000374877 | Short Chained Glycol Ether | 60.0 | Unihib G | Acid Inhibitor | 112-34-5 | Universal Well Services |
88.3087 | Water | 100.0 | Water | Carrier/Base Fluid | 7732-18-5 | Triana Energy |
0.0524449 | Hydrochloric Acid | 7.5 | Hydrochloric Acid (7.5%) | Acidizing | 7647-01-0 | Universal Well Services |
0.646819 | Other - (non-hazardous) | 92.5 | Hydrochloric Acid (7.5%) | Acidizing | NA | Universal Well Services |
0.0402669 | Other - (non-hazardous) | 70.0 | Unislick ST-50 | Friction Reducer | NA | Universal Well Services |
30.0 | Petroleum Distillates | 64742.0 | Unislick ST-50 | Friction Reducer | Hydrotreated Light | Universal Well Services |
0.00282318 | Sodium Polyacrylate | 30.0 | TS-30 | Scale Inhibitor | 9003-04-7 | XChem |
0.00142502 | Ethanol | 4.0 | B-84 | Biocide | 64-17-5 | XChem |
0.00285004 | Didecyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride | 8.0 | B-84 | Biocide | 7173-51-5 | XChem |
0.00962103 | Glutaraldehyde | 27.0 | B-84 | Biocide | 111-30-8 | XChem |
0.00195986 | n-Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride | 5.5 | B-84 | Biocide | 68424-85-1 | XChem |
For data sources see[1]