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Well Details

Well ID: 42-311-35686
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Map displayed above is an approximation of the well location based on well county.

County: Mcmullen
District: 01
Well Type: Oil
Well Number: C 2H
Lease Number: 15727C
Wellbore Shutin Date:
Well Shutin Date:
Subject to Rule 14(B)(2): No
14(B)(2) Status: Not subject for extension
Location: Land

For data sources see[1]

For data sources see[2]

Chemical Data

HF Fluid Concentration Ingredient Additive Concentration Trade Name Purpose CAS number Supplier
1.346 Water 85.0 PTLMP136 Acid 007732-18-5 PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.23753 Hydrochloric Acid 15.0 PTLMP136 Acid 007647-01-0 PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.08258 Ulexite (Borate Salt) 60.0 PTLCA325 Cross Linker 001319-33-1 PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.00688 Hydrated Aluminum-Magnesium Silicate (Palygorskite) 5.0 PTLCA325 Cross Linker 012174-11-7 PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.00138 Glutaraldehyde (Pentanediol) 1.0 PTLCA325 Cross Linker 000111-30-8 PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.0 No Hazardous Components 0.0 PTLFR106 Friction Reducer NA PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.00231 Phosphonic acid (1-hydroxyethylidene)bis-.sodium salt 25.0 Scale Guard D-FI Scale Inhibitor NA AEGIS CHEMICAL SOLUTIONS
0.01501 Proprietary Clay 5.0 PTLGL245 Gelling Agent TRADE SECRET PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.1501 Guar Gum 50.0 PTLGL245 Gelling Agent 009000-30-0 PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.16511 Petroleum Distillate Hydrotreated Light 55.0 PTLGL245 Gelling Agent 064742-47-8 PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.00211 Proprietary Oxyalkylated Alcohol 5.0 PTLNE353 Non-Emulsifier TRADE SECRET PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.01734 Sodium Hydroxide 30.0 PTLPH115 pH Adjusting Agent 001310-73-2 PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
82.8905 Water 100.0 Fresh Water Carrier/Base Fluid 007732-18-5 CHESAPEAKE ENERGY
0.04917 Proprietary Alkoxylated Amine 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
1e-05 Acrylamide 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 000079-06-1 PTLBW112
0.25929 Water 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 007732-18-5 PTLBW112
0.04917 Proprietary Alkylene Oxide Block Polymer 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.00162 Proprietary Polyacrylate 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.00059 Proprietary Polyglycol Ester 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.04917 Proprietary Alcohol 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.00809 Proprietary Inorganic Acid Salt 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.01772 Proprietary Anionic Polymer 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
9e-05 Proprietary Polyether 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.0492 Sodium Chloride 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 007647-14-5 PTLBW112
0.04917 Proprietary Polyglycol 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.0 Non-MSDS Components Not Provided by Supplier 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 NOT PROVIDED PTLBW112
0.00295 Proprietary Polyol Ester 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
1e-05 Methanol (Methyl Alcohol) 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 000067-56-1 PTLBW112
0.00189 Sodium Erythorbate 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 006381-77-7 PTLBW112
0.00016 Formic Acid 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 000064-18-6 PTLBW112
1e-05 Tetrasodium Ethylenediaminetetraacetate 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 000064-02-8 PTLBW112
0.00304 Proprietary Oxyalkylated Alcohol 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.04917 Proprietary Organic Sulfonic Acid 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.00366 Proprietary Vinyl Copolymer 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.04917 Proprietary Polyquaternary Amine 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.01772 Petroleum Distillate Hydrotreated Light 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 064742-47-8 PTLBW112
0.00268 Proprietary Fatty Amino Adduct 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.00162 Proprietary Polysaccharide 0.0 PTLAI161 PTLCA325 TRADE SECRET PTLBW112
0.00778 Ammonium Persulfate 100.0 PTLBW112 Breaker 007727-54-0 PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.0 No Hazardous Components 0.0 PTLIS347 Iron Control Agent NA PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
60.0 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol 67.0 PTLAI161 Corrosion Inhibitor Propan-2-ol) PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.00228 Proprietary Fatty Alcohol Ethoxylate 30.0 PTLAI161 Corrosion Inhibitor TRADE SECRET PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.00076 Proprietary Ethoxylated Alcohol Blend 10.0 PTLAI161 Corrosion Inhibitor TRADE SECRET PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.00076 Proprietary Aromatic Aldehyde 10.0 PTLAI161 Corrosion Inhibitor TRADE SECRET PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES
0.00038 Proprietary Alkyl Amine Surfactant 5.0 PTLAI161 Corrosion Inhibitor TRADE SECRET PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES

For data sources see[3]


  1. "RRC Oil and Gas Production Data". [1]. 2014-12-04. Retrieved 2015-07-24. 
  2. "RRC Oil and Gas Production Data". [2]. 2014-12-04. Retrieved 2015-07-24. 
  3. "FracFocus Chemical Disclosure Registry". [3]. 2015-08-10. Retrieved 2015-08-10.