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Well Details

Well ID: 0054051401000
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Location: 00/01-14-005-05W4/0
Location Alias: 00/01-14-05-05 W4M
Location Alias 2: 00/01-14-005-05 W4/00
Province: Alberta
County/Municipality: County of Forty Mile No. 8
Well Name: LGX MANYB 1-14-5-5
Operator Name: LGX Oil + Gas Inc.
License Number: 0098826
License Date: 1982-11-15
License Status: Issued
Spud Date: 1982-11-15
Final Drill Date: 1982-11-20
Well Total Depth: 1170 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 49.379699
Surface Hole Longitude: -110.56971

For data sources see[1][2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
1982-12-10 Perforation 1141 1145 13
1997-02-22 Perforation 1135 1138 13

For data sources see[3]

Production Data

Period Total Production Hours Gas Quantity (m3) Oil Quantity (m3) Water Quantity (m3)
1982 96 0.0 0.0 0.0
1983 2830 33.1 0.0 23.1
1984 2885 54.8 0.0 20.6
1985 3372 96.2 0.0 34.0
1986 3972 119.1 0.0 25.1
1987 8325 513.1 0.0 16.4
1988 8466 784.5 0.0 3.3
1989 2054 178.1 0.0 0.8
1990 4107 166.5 0.0 2.6
1991 8667 416.0 0.0 3.6
1992 8671 379.8 0.0 3.7
1993 8552 330.0 0.0 16.0
1994 8553 341.5 0.0 480.1
1995 8651 297.7 0.0 4402.8
1996 8747 116.0 0.0 4500.0
1997 8421 416.1 0.0 9019.1
1998 8141 450.0 0.0 6067.9
1999 8115 208.8 0.0 5272.3
2000 8315 44.6 0.0 6709.6
2001 6324 39.5 0.0 6251.6
2004 486 1.3 0.0 719.0
2005 8436 48.3 0.0 12742.7
2006 8359 66.4 0.0 11552.4
2007 8492 31.9 0.0 11592.8
2008 8748 39.8 0.0 8160.4
2009 8265 59.1 0.0 6947.0
2010 8622 68.2 0.0 5807.7
2011 8642 51.6 0.0 7491.1
2012 8517 56.3 0.0 8775.8
2013 8216 61.1 0.0 7177.6
2014 8721 20.3 0.0 13623.4
2015 3740 8.1 0.0 8142.3
2016 1226 4.3 0.0 2869.4
2017 8720 144.8 0.0 12966.2
2018 8001 113.6 0.0 5289.6

For data sources see[4]


Occurence Date Occurence Type Occurence Depth (m) Occurence Control Depth (m)
1982-11-16 Lost Circulation 160.00 160.00

For data sources see[5]
