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Well Details

Well ID: 0084240310002
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Location: 00/10-03-008-24W4/2
Location Alias: 00/10-03-08-24 W4M
Location Alias 2: 00/10-03-008-24 W4/02
Province: Alberta
County/Municipality: Cardston County
Well Name: TAC KIPP 13-10-8-24
Operator Name: Tamarack Acquisition Corp.
License Number: 0465767
License Date: 2014-03-17
License Status: Amended
Spud Date: 2014-08-06
Final Drill Date: 2014-10-01
Well Total Depth: 4620 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 49.639599
Surface Hole Longitude: -113.18253

For data sources see[1][2]

Directional Drilling

Start Date Depth (m) Reason
2014-09-09 2107 Horizontal

For data sources see[3]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
2014-10-28 Perforation 4556 4600 14
2014-10-28 Acid Treatment 4556 4600 0
2014-10-28 Fracture 4556 4600 0
2014-10-29 Perforation 4484 4528 14
2014-10-29 Acid Treatment 4484 4528 0
2014-10-29 Fracture 4499 4528 0
2014-10-29 Perforation 4412 4456 14
2014-10-29 Acid Treatment 4412 4456 0
2014-10-30 Fracture 4426.5 4456 0
2014-10-30 Perforation 4340 4384 14
2014-10-31 Acid Treatment 4340 4384 0
2014-10-31 Fracture 4340 4384 0
2014-10-31 Perforation 4268 4312 14
2014-10-31 Acid Treatment 4268 4312 0
2014-10-31 Fracture 4268 4312 0
2014-11-01 Perforation 4196 4240 14
2014-11-01 Acid Treatment 4196 4240 0
2014-11-01 Fracture 4196 4240 0
2014-11-01 Perforation 4124 4168 14
2014-11-02 Acid Treatment 4124 4168 0
2014-11-02 Fracture 4124 4168 0
2014-11-02 Perforation 4052 4096 14
2014-11-02 Acid Treatment 4052 4096 0
2014-11-03 Fracture 4052 4096 0
2014-11-03 Perforation 3980 4024 14
2014-11-03 Acid Treatment 3980 4024 0
2014-11-03 Fracture 3980 4024 0
2014-11-04 Perforation 3908 3952 14
2014-11-04 Acid Treatment 3908 3952 0
2014-11-04 Fracture 3908 3952 0
2014-11-04 Perforation 3836 3880 14
2014-11-05 Acid Treatment 3836 3880 0
2014-11-05 Fracture 3836 3880 0
2014-11-05 Perforation 3764 3808 14
2014-11-05 Acid Treatment 3764 3808 0
2014-11-05 Fracture 3764 3808 0
2014-11-06 Perforation 3692 3736 14
2014-11-06 Acid Treatment 3692 3736 0
2014-11-06 Fracture 3692 3736 0
2014-11-06 Perforation 3620 3664 14
2014-11-06 Acid Treatment 3620 3664 0
2014-11-07 Fracture 3620 3664 0
2014-11-07 Perforation 3548 3592 14
2014-11-07 Acid Treatment 3548 3592 0
2014-11-07 Fracture 3548 3592 0
2014-11-07 Perforation 3476 3520 14
2014-11-07 Acid Treatment 3476 3520 0
2014-11-08 Fracture 3476 3520 0
2014-11-09 Perforation 3404 3448 14
2014-11-09 Acid Treatment 3404 3448 0
2014-11-09 Fracture 3418.5 3448 0
2014-11-10 Perforation 3332 3376 14
2014-11-10 Acid Treatment 3332 3376 0
2014-11-11 Fracture 3332 3376 0
2014-11-11 Perforation 3260 3304 14
2014-11-11 Acid Treatment 3260 3304 0
2014-11-11 Fracture 3260 3304 0
2014-11-12 Perforation 3188 3232 14
2014-11-12 Acid Treatment 3188 3232 0
2014-11-12 Fracture 3188 3232 0
2014-11-12 Perforation 3116 3160 14
2014-11-12 Acid Treatment 3116 3160 0
2014-11-13 Fracture 3116 3160 0
2014-11-13 Perforation 3044 3088 14
2014-11-13 Acid Treatment 3044 3088 0
2014-11-13 Fracture 3044 3088 0
2014-11-14 Perforation 2972 3016 14
2014-11-14 Acid Treatment 2972 3016 0
2014-11-14 Fracture 2972 3016 0
2014-11-14 Perforation 2900 2944 14
2014-11-14 Acid Treatment 2900 2944 0
2014-11-15 Fracture 2900 2944 0
2014-11-15 Perforation 2828 2872 14
2014-11-15 Acid Treatment 2828 2872 0
2014-11-15 Fracture 2828 2872 0
2014-11-16 Perforation 2756 2800 14
2014-11-16 Acid Treatment 2756 2800 0
2014-11-16 Fracture 2756 2800 0
2014-11-16 Perforation 2684 2728 14
2014-11-16 Acid Treatment 2684 2728 0
2014-11-16 Fracture 2684 2728 0
2014-11-17 Perforation 2612 2656 14
2014-11-17 Acid Treatment 2612 2656 0
2014-11-17 Fracture 2612 2656 0
2014-11-17 Perforation 2540 2584 14
2014-11-17 Acid Treatment 2540 2584 0
2014-11-18 Fracture 2540 2584 0
2014-11-18 Perforation 2468 2512 14
2014-11-18 Acid Treatment 2468 2512 0
2014-11-18 Fracture 2468 2512 0

For data sources see[4]

Fracking Activities

Start Date End Date Chemical Name CAS Number Purpose Job Percentage Supplier
10/28/2014 11/18/2014 Crystalline silica quartz 14808-60-7 Breaker 0.3712 Baker Hughes
Potassium Persulfate 7727-21-1 Breaker 0.3712 Baker Hughes
Silica Crystalline-Cristobalite 14464-46-1 17.6507 Baker Hughes
Silicon Dioxide. amorphous as glass 7631-86-9 17.6507 Baker Hughes
Non-hazardous Not Available Clay Control 0.2683 Baker Hughes
Glycerin 56-81-5 Crosslinker 0.172 Baker Hughes
Non-hazardous Not Available Crosslinker 0.172 Baker Hughes
Sodium tetraborate 1303-96-4 Crosslinker 0.172 Baker Hughes
Guar gum 9000-30-0 Gelling Agent 0.5536 Baker Hughes
Low toxicity base oils - Non-WHMIS Controlled Not Available Gelling Agent 0.5536 Baker Hughes
11/13/2014 11/17/2014 Ammonium persulphate 7727-54-0 Breaker 0.4004 Baker Hughes
Silica Crystalline-Cristobalite 14464-46-1 5.8469 Baker Hughes
Silicon Dioxide. amorphous as glass 7631-86-9 5.8469 Baker Hughes
11/17/2014 11/17/2014 ethylene glycol 107-21-1 Breaker 0.0011 Baker Hughes
Hemicellulase enzyme concentrate 9025-56-3 Breaker 0.0011 Baker Hughes
Sucrose 57-50-1 Breaker 0.0011 Baker Hughes

For data sources see[5]

Production Data

Period Total Production Hours Gas Quantity (m3) Oil Quantity (m3) Water Quantity (m3)
2014 644 125.8 0.0 0.0
2015 7986 482.7 0.0 0.0
2016 8541 241.5 0.0 67.2
2017 7816 202.3 0.0 912.7
2018 8194 231.3 0.0 483.3
2019 2159 40.6 0.0 170.4

For data sources see[6]


Occurence Date Occurence Type Occurence Depth (m) Occurence Control Depth (m)
2014-08-06 No Incident N/A N/A
2014-11-21 No Incident N/A N/A

For data sources see[7]
