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Well ID: 0084240310002 | Loading map...
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Location: 00/10-03-008-24W4/2 | |
Location Alias: 00/10-03-08-24 W4M | |
Location Alias 2: 00/10-03-008-24 W4/02 | |
Province: Alberta | |
County/Municipality: Cardston County | |
Well Name: TAC KIPP 13-10-8-24 | |
Operator Name: Tamarack Acquisition Corp. | |
License Number: 0465767 | |
License Date: 2014-03-17 | |
License Status: Amended | |
Spud Date: 2014-08-06 | |
Final Drill Date: 2014-10-01 | |
Well Total Depth: 4620 m | |
Surface Hole Latitude: 49.639599 | |
Surface Hole Longitude: -113.18253 |
Start Date | Depth (m) | Reason |
2014-09-09 | 2107 | Horizontal |
For data sources see[3]
Perforation Date | Perforation Type | Interval Top (m) | Interval Base (m) | Number of Shots |
2014-10-28 | Perforation | 4556 | 4600 | 14 |
2014-10-28 | Acid Treatment | 4556 | 4600 | 0 |
2014-10-28 | Fracture | 4556 | 4600 | 0 |
2014-10-29 | Perforation | 4484 | 4528 | 14 |
2014-10-29 | Acid Treatment | 4484 | 4528 | 0 |
2014-10-29 | Fracture | 4499 | 4528 | 0 |
2014-10-29 | Perforation | 4412 | 4456 | 14 |
2014-10-29 | Acid Treatment | 4412 | 4456 | 0 |
2014-10-30 | Fracture | 4426.5 | 4456 | 0 |
2014-10-30 | Perforation | 4340 | 4384 | 14 |
2014-10-31 | Acid Treatment | 4340 | 4384 | 0 |
2014-10-31 | Fracture | 4340 | 4384 | 0 |
2014-10-31 | Perforation | 4268 | 4312 | 14 |
2014-10-31 | Acid Treatment | 4268 | 4312 | 0 |
2014-10-31 | Fracture | 4268 | 4312 | 0 |
2014-11-01 | Perforation | 4196 | 4240 | 14 |
2014-11-01 | Acid Treatment | 4196 | 4240 | 0 |
2014-11-01 | Fracture | 4196 | 4240 | 0 |
2014-11-01 | Perforation | 4124 | 4168 | 14 |
2014-11-02 | Acid Treatment | 4124 | 4168 | 0 |
2014-11-02 | Fracture | 4124 | 4168 | 0 |
2014-11-02 | Perforation | 4052 | 4096 | 14 |
2014-11-02 | Acid Treatment | 4052 | 4096 | 0 |
2014-11-03 | Fracture | 4052 | 4096 | 0 |
2014-11-03 | Perforation | 3980 | 4024 | 14 |
2014-11-03 | Acid Treatment | 3980 | 4024 | 0 |
2014-11-03 | Fracture | 3980 | 4024 | 0 |
2014-11-04 | Perforation | 3908 | 3952 | 14 |
2014-11-04 | Acid Treatment | 3908 | 3952 | 0 |
2014-11-04 | Fracture | 3908 | 3952 | 0 |
2014-11-04 | Perforation | 3836 | 3880 | 14 |
2014-11-05 | Acid Treatment | 3836 | 3880 | 0 |
2014-11-05 | Fracture | 3836 | 3880 | 0 |
2014-11-05 | Perforation | 3764 | 3808 | 14 |
2014-11-05 | Acid Treatment | 3764 | 3808 | 0 |
2014-11-05 | Fracture | 3764 | 3808 | 0 |
2014-11-06 | Perforation | 3692 | 3736 | 14 |
2014-11-06 | Acid Treatment | 3692 | 3736 | 0 |
2014-11-06 | Fracture | 3692 | 3736 | 0 |
2014-11-06 | Perforation | 3620 | 3664 | 14 |
2014-11-06 | Acid Treatment | 3620 | 3664 | 0 |
2014-11-07 | Fracture | 3620 | 3664 | 0 |
2014-11-07 | Perforation | 3548 | 3592 | 14 |
2014-11-07 | Acid Treatment | 3548 | 3592 | 0 |
2014-11-07 | Fracture | 3548 | 3592 | 0 |
2014-11-07 | Perforation | 3476 | 3520 | 14 |
2014-11-07 | Acid Treatment | 3476 | 3520 | 0 |
2014-11-08 | Fracture | 3476 | 3520 | 0 |
2014-11-09 | Perforation | 3404 | 3448 | 14 |
2014-11-09 | Acid Treatment | 3404 | 3448 | 0 |
2014-11-09 | Fracture | 3418.5 | 3448 | 0 |
2014-11-10 | Perforation | 3332 | 3376 | 14 |
2014-11-10 | Acid Treatment | 3332 | 3376 | 0 |
2014-11-11 | Fracture | 3332 | 3376 | 0 |
2014-11-11 | Perforation | 3260 | 3304 | 14 |
2014-11-11 | Acid Treatment | 3260 | 3304 | 0 |
2014-11-11 | Fracture | 3260 | 3304 | 0 |
2014-11-12 | Perforation | 3188 | 3232 | 14 |
2014-11-12 | Acid Treatment | 3188 | 3232 | 0 |
2014-11-12 | Fracture | 3188 | 3232 | 0 |
2014-11-12 | Perforation | 3116 | 3160 | 14 |
2014-11-12 | Acid Treatment | 3116 | 3160 | 0 |
2014-11-13 | Fracture | 3116 | 3160 | 0 |
2014-11-13 | Perforation | 3044 | 3088 | 14 |
2014-11-13 | Acid Treatment | 3044 | 3088 | 0 |
2014-11-13 | Fracture | 3044 | 3088 | 0 |
2014-11-14 | Perforation | 2972 | 3016 | 14 |
2014-11-14 | Acid Treatment | 2972 | 3016 | 0 |
2014-11-14 | Fracture | 2972 | 3016 | 0 |
2014-11-14 | Perforation | 2900 | 2944 | 14 |
2014-11-14 | Acid Treatment | 2900 | 2944 | 0 |
2014-11-15 | Fracture | 2900 | 2944 | 0 |
2014-11-15 | Perforation | 2828 | 2872 | 14 |
2014-11-15 | Acid Treatment | 2828 | 2872 | 0 |
2014-11-15 | Fracture | 2828 | 2872 | 0 |
2014-11-16 | Perforation | 2756 | 2800 | 14 |
2014-11-16 | Acid Treatment | 2756 | 2800 | 0 |
2014-11-16 | Fracture | 2756 | 2800 | 0 |
2014-11-16 | Perforation | 2684 | 2728 | 14 |
2014-11-16 | Acid Treatment | 2684 | 2728 | 0 |
2014-11-16 | Fracture | 2684 | 2728 | 0 |
2014-11-17 | Perforation | 2612 | 2656 | 14 |
2014-11-17 | Acid Treatment | 2612 | 2656 | 0 |
2014-11-17 | Fracture | 2612 | 2656 | 0 |
2014-11-17 | Perforation | 2540 | 2584 | 14 |
2014-11-17 | Acid Treatment | 2540 | 2584 | 0 |
2014-11-18 | Fracture | 2540 | 2584 | 0 |
2014-11-18 | Perforation | 2468 | 2512 | 14 |
2014-11-18 | Acid Treatment | 2468 | 2512 | 0 |
2014-11-18 | Fracture | 2468 | 2512 | 0 |
For data sources see[4]
Start Date | End Date | Chemical Name | CAS Number | Purpose | Job Percentage | Supplier |
10/28/2014 | 11/18/2014 | Crystalline silica quartz | 14808-60-7 | Breaker | 0.3712 | Baker Hughes |
Potassium Persulfate | 7727-21-1 | Breaker | 0.3712 | Baker Hughes | ||
Silica Crystalline-Cristobalite | 14464-46-1 | 17.6507 | Baker Hughes | |||
Silicon Dioxide. amorphous as glass | 7631-86-9 | 17.6507 | Baker Hughes | |||
Non-hazardous | Not Available | Clay Control | 0.2683 | Baker Hughes | ||
Glycerin | 56-81-5 | Crosslinker | 0.172 | Baker Hughes | ||
Non-hazardous | Not Available | Crosslinker | 0.172 | Baker Hughes | ||
Sodium tetraborate | 1303-96-4 | Crosslinker | 0.172 | Baker Hughes | ||
Guar gum | 9000-30-0 | Gelling Agent | 0.5536 | Baker Hughes | ||
Low toxicity base oils - Non-WHMIS Controlled | Not Available | Gelling Agent | 0.5536 | Baker Hughes | ||
11/13/2014 | 11/17/2014 | Ammonium persulphate | 7727-54-0 | Breaker | 0.4004 | Baker Hughes |
Silica Crystalline-Cristobalite | 14464-46-1 | 5.8469 | Baker Hughes | |||
Silicon Dioxide. amorphous as glass | 7631-86-9 | 5.8469 | Baker Hughes | |||
11/17/2014 | 11/17/2014 | ethylene glycol | 107-21-1 | Breaker | 0.0011 | Baker Hughes |
Hemicellulase enzyme concentrate | 9025-56-3 | Breaker | 0.0011 | Baker Hughes | ||
Sucrose | 57-50-1 | Breaker | 0.0011 | Baker Hughes |
For data sources see[5]
Period | Total Production Hours | Gas Quantity (m3) | Oil Quantity (m3) | Water Quantity (m3) |
2014 | 644 | 125.8 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
2015 | 7986 | 482.7 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
2016 | 8541 | 241.5 | 0.0 | 67.2 |
2017 | 7816 | 202.3 | 0.0 | 912.7 |
2018 | 8194 | 231.3 | 0.0 | 483.3 |
2019 | 2159 | 40.6 | 0.0 | 170.4 |
For data sources see[6]
Occurence Date | Occurence Type | Occurence Depth (m) | Occurence Control Depth (m) |
2014-08-06 | No Incident | N/A | N/A |
2014-11-21 | No Incident | N/A | N/A |
For data sources see[7]