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Well Details

Well ID: 0304201303002
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Location: 00/03-13-030-20W4/2
Location Alias: 00/03-13-30-20 W4M
Location Alias 2: 00/03-13-030-20 W4/02
Province: Alberta
County/Municipality: Starland County
Well Name: 981384 DRUM 3-13-30-20
Operator Name:
License Number: 0321892
License Date: 2004-12-16
License Status: Suspension
Spud Date: 2004-12-20
Final Drill Date: 2004-12-30
Well Total Depth: 663 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 51.564418
Surface Hole Longitude: -112.694461

For data sources see[1][2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
2005-01-21 Perforation 571.5 574 14
2005-02-04 Perforation 544.5 545.5 14
2005-02-04 Perforation 540 541 14
2005-02-17 Perforation 481.3 484.3 7
2005-02-17 Perforation 477.8 480.2 7
2005-02-17 Perforation 475.2 476 7
2005-02-17 Perforation 471.4 474.2 7
2005-02-17 Perforation 469.7 470.7 7
2005-06-24 Perforation 319.9 320.3 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 305.3 306.6 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 266.9 267.3 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 252.7 253 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 246.1 246.9 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 190.4 190.7 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 149.9 150.4 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 143.4 144.8 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 141.7 143 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 136.1 136.8 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 134.8 135.1 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 132.7 133.9 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 129.9 130.8 13
2005-06-24 Perforation 125.5 126.9 13
2005-07-12 Fracture 571.5 574 0
2005-07-12 Fracture 469.7 545.5 0
2005-07-12 Fracture 125.5 320.3 0

For data sources see[3]


Occurence Date Occurence Type Occurence Depth (m) Occurence Control Depth (m)
2016-10-14 No Incident N/A N/A

For data sources see[4]
